
Some good news from my former denomination: Talk Grows of Liberal Exodus from UMC.  Alternate title: “Non-Christians threaten to leave church.”  And people think this is a bad thing . . . why?  It would be the best thing to happen to the Methodists in 100 years.

Since last spring’s General Conference, there has been an unprecedented mushrooming of talk of liberal exodus from the United Methodist Church.  For all of the surrounding frustration, that landmark event in Tampa, Florida was an apparent turning point in the struggle for the soul of our global denomination.

Delegates affirmed the denomination’s official teaching that sex is “only” for marriage and that homosexual practice is “incompatible with Christian teaching” (¶161F of the Book of Discipline) by a significantly larger margin than the previous General Conference. For the first time, activists opposed to biblical teaching ultimately gave up on even contesting UMC policies aligning required behavior of clergy and denominational officials with this stand.

More good news: There’s hope for civilization:

You have to look outside the Beltway, of course, but occasionally there’s a glimmer.

Pat Wesner is a mother of four, with one grown, disabled son in her care and another serving in Afghanistan. On Tuesday, she stumbled on the perfect crime when $11,000 fell off a Brinks truck with no one around to see it.

But she returned the money, because it didn’t belong to her.  What a concept!

Now, meet 18-year-old Indiana man Jhaqueil Reagan, who walked 10 miles in the snow for a job interview at Dairy Queen to support his brothers and sisters, and was well rewarded for his efforts . . .

Liberal thinking hasn’t poisoned everyone!

The Magical Word “Women” – A great lesson in politics and how Republicans are stupid when dealing with the Democrats’ games.  The Dems just throw in a word like “women” then add all sorts of awful things to a bill then shame Republicans into voting for it.  How hard would it be to distribute talking points to all Republicans along these lines?

  • You don’t need Federal laws against spousal abuse (or any kind of abuse).  State and local government have those covered.
  • “It expands the definition of domestic violence to include causing “emotional distress” or using “unpleasant speech.”” – this makes it overly broad and open to all sorts of (ironically enough) abuse.
  • “It ostensibly nullifies the legal presumption of innocence until proven guilty.”
  • The bill also expands the law’s reach to give tribal Indian authorities jurisdiction over non-Indians accused of abusing Indian women.
  • “It would grant more visas to illegal immigrants who are victims of domestic abuse.”  So we are going to take on everyone in the planet who lodges an accusation of abuse?   And we’ll do this when we don’t even take people suffering from religious persecution?

Don’t let Leftists and fake Christians play out their equivalent of the shrill Helen Lovejoy “won’t someone please think of the children/women” falsehood.

Once again, see how non-Christians/non-Catholics/fake Christians think they have a say in the selection of the next Pope.

There is much that good people of faith can disagree with Pope Benedict on: his attacks on the rights of women and gays and lesbians, and the failures of the RCC under his leadership to deal with the child abuse scandal.


  • “Attacks on the rights of women” = opposing the crushing and dismembering of innocent but unwanted human beings.  Oh, and nearly all gender-selection abortions kill females for the sole reason that they are female.  Still not sure how that qualifies as pro-women.  Shame on the “churches” who insist that it is a human right  to be able to kill babies.
  • “attacks on the rights of gays and lesbians” = believes what God says in the Bible and opposes oxymoronic “same-sex marriage.”
  • “child abuse scandal” – you mean the one perpetrated and covered up by the huge homosexual underground in the Church?  Yes, we oppose that, too.

Why Are We Not Talking About America’s $123 Trillion In Unfunded Liabilities? – another example of Republicans being stupid at politics.  It isn’t just the National Debt, it is the off-balance sheet liabilities that must be dealt before we destroy this great country.

US Unfunded Liabilities

Another sad story of how deadly political correctness can be.  Note that when they are discussing criminal acts, “Asian” = Muslim

For all the phony hype about bullying, here’s a real bullying story that doesn’t seem to be getting much traction in the media. I wonder why:

The devastated family of a nine-year-old boy who hanged himself say he took his life after racist taunts by Asian bullies.

Former top IVF doc: I was ‘absolutely horrified’ when I realized what I was doing – be very cautious when considering in vitro fertilization.

Caruso noted that such “objectification of children” is of a piece with the IVF mentality, where aborting inconvenient children is both routine and encouraged.

Breaking: Obama campaign caught in major NC vote fraud scheme – anyone surprised?

North Carolina’s Civitas Institute has revealed that the North Carolina State Board of Elections and the Obama campaign conspired to register at least 11,000 people via the internet in violation of state law. This has been confirmed through records requests filed with all of North Carolina’s 100 counties. The counting is not yet complete.

North Carolina does not allow online voting, but according to Civitas, SBE staff authorized an Obama campaign website,, to use a web-based registration program. The SBE’s chief lawyer responded to the charge with a plainly disingenuous 1984-newspeak answer:

Wright repeatedly denied that the SBE allowed online voter registration, insisting that it was “web-based voter registration” instead, as if there could be a “web-based” process that wasn’t online.

My biggest concern is that their successful voter fraud will, as with other criminals, embolden them to do larger and larger frauds.

Even more good news: How privatization turned the worst-performing NHS hospital around – Capitalism works.  Socialism and Communism do not.  History has spoken, but people are too ignorant of it and of basic human nature.


Unlikely common ground

One of the few things that nearly everyone agrees upon — conservatives and liberals alike — is that the sex-slave trade is immoral and should be stopped.  There are a few liberal extremists that try to argue that prostitution is somehow empowering for women, but even most of them agree that kidnapping people or tricking them into slavery is wrong.

So what should be done?  Here are some ideas:

Reduce the supply

1. Institute the death penalty for slave traders.  Hey, it was good enough for the Israelite theocracy!

Exodus 21:16 “Whoever steals a man and sells him, and anyone found in possession of him, shall be put to death.”

Seriously, there needs to be some serious consequences for something so evil.  Put a few of them to death and that would save countless people from becoming slaves.  Or at least make it life without parole.

2. Increase education for at-risk groups, so they know the scams the traders use (i.e., offering jobs as nannies in other countries, then taking their passports).

3. Expose and de-fund Planned Parenthood, because they systematically hide statutory rape and sex trafficking.

Reduce the demand

1. Publicize the names and pictures of the customers and punish them.

2. Reduce access to pornography, which certainly fuels the demand for these girls.

Retirement ministry ideas

Hey all you Christian apologists, here’s something you can work in your schedule when you retire: Take college philosophy or science classes where the professors have an agenda to bully Christian students and spread their false views.  You could be good ambassadors for Christ by graciously exposing their impure motives and errors.

We know from the movie Expelled! and countless other examples how many professors aggressively work their false, anti-Christian worldviews into their classes.  A family friend was taking a philosophy class at a local junior college and the teacher launched into an anti-God tirade the first day.

So wouldn’t it be enjoyable and productive to be in those classes and destroy their arguments?  It sounds almost biblical:

2 Corinthians 10:5 We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ

Seriously, apologists could go in and be polite but firm in refuting what the professors say.  It wouldn’t take long for them to go back to teaching the actual subject material — you know, the thing they are paid to do.  And who knows, if you go in as good ambassadors it might just change the professors’ minds.

Christians never retire.  Whatever you do after you stop working for a paycheck, strive to advance the kingdom. (Of course you should serve in many ways while you are working, but you probably don’t have the flexibility to take daytime college classes.)


Biblical faith isn’t blind faith, it is trusting in what reason has assessed (paraphrase of a Stand to Reason Podcast).

There Are Twenty Enjoyable Things I Could Be Doing Right Now. Why Not Do The Cheapest One?

It’s not so much that I regret spending the money on something that I enjoy. It’s that I know I could have enjoyed myself almost as much without spending that money, and now the opportunities afforded by that money are wasted.

Your tax dollars at work: Planned Parenthood brings sexualizing message to 11-year-olds

At a very tender age, this child has already been taught that babies are her enemy and that sex is fine as long as condoms and contraceptives are employed.

And if your daughters get pregnant by a 20-something male then Planned Parenthood will be glad to hide the crime and kill your grandchild.

More of your tax dollars at work.  The Democrats have increased “food stamp” (i.e., cash) recipients by over 50% in a successful vote-buying scheme.  Please remember that all of this money is being borrowed so that your grandchildren can pay it back.  Or, more likely, so they can live in a third-world country.


False Teachings About Hearing Audible Words From God Taking Even Deeper Root in Today’s Church – this “sloppy God talk” is wrong, counterproductive and dangerous.  If you want to hear from God, read the Bible.  If you want to hear from God audibly, then read the Bible out loud.  Those claiming special revelation have the burden of proof to convince you that whatever they are about to say is on a par with scripture.

At the Passion 2012 conference, Beth Moore, John Piper, Louie Giglio and company taught/led an entire sports arena (45,000 college aged students) in (attempting to ‘hear’ God’s voice). My son’s friends in attendance of this conference told of a young girl standing outside the arena crying her eyes out because she had not heard the audible voice of God as they had instructed. Others tried to comfort her but were also distraught at not hearing a thing.

Woman raped at gunpoint in “gun free zone” on university campus – the logical consequence of “gun free zones.”

Muslim Beheads Christians In NJ, Mainstream Media Silent – It is hard to believe that this isn’t national news.  The real Islamaphobes are those too fearful to criticize their atrocities. 

Dad behind viral ‘I am the 10%’ Down syndrome image speaks out – The pro-life reaction to Down syndrome people: “Love them.”  The pro-abortion reaction: “Kill them.  I mean, just kill them in the womb.  For now . . .”


The two best ways to love your family and save a ton of money

1. Keep yourself fit.

2. Work on your marriage.

Seriously.  There are a lot of great money management ideas out there, but those two will make the most difference.

If you keep yourself fit — and I don’t mean tri-athlete fit, just moderate exercise/eat fairly well/don’t abuse alcohol and drugs type fit — you will save massive amounts of money on health care.  If you haven’t already figured it out, Obamacare will be a disaster for this country, with higher costs and worse care.  You can’t avoid some illnesses, but you’d be surprised how many things you can prevent.  Just do some kind of exercise/activities you enjoy and eat decently (eat a little less, eat a little healthier).

And you won’t just save money, you’ll be loving your family.  And you’ll feel better and work better.  Who would want to unnecessarily burden their spouse and kids with their health problems?

And if you work on your marriage you’ll prevent a divorce, which would cost you dearly. I was teaching a Sunday School class on the Fireproof movie once and asked how many couple have so much extra money that they could afford a second household.  No hands were raised.

And this isn’t just for young couples.  I have seen far too many couples divorce who had been married 20+ years.  If you get complacent things could unravel.  Plan ahead for empty nests and ensure that you still have common interests.  Ballroom dancing has been great for us, but it doesn’t matter if it is motor cycling, bowling, or whatever.  Just do something together regularly that you both enjoy.

So spend some time on your marriage and save big.  More importantly, that is the best thing you can do to show love to your spouse and your kids.


Dem Pol Explains Why Women Should Not Be Allowed to Defend Themselves From Rapists – Now that’s a war on women.  If a Republican would have said those things he would have been appropriately skewered.  Yet this guy is getting a pass.  Do they think women are capable of defending themselves and making choices or not?

How China Plans to Wipe Out House Churches – persecution appears to be getting even worse there.

From the I am not making this up category: Massachusetts Education Policy Mandates Allowing Boys in Girls’ Restrooms.  Yep, this is what “same-sex marriage” and political correctness will get you.  You wish the quotes in the article were part of some overdone parody, but they are real.

The Massachusetts Commissioner of Education has released an outline of its new school policy regarding gender equality, mandating that boys be allowed to use girls restrooms and locker rooms — and vice versa — if they contend that they prefer to identify with the opposite gender.

The 11-page document, written by Mitchell Chester, is stated to be in response to a gender identity law that was passed last July in the state.

“This guidance is intended to help school and district administrators take steps to create a culture in which transgender and gender nonconforming students feel safe, supported, and fully included, and to meet each school’s obligation to provide equal educational opportunities for all students, in compliance with G.L. c. 76, §5 and the state regulations,” it states.

As part of the outline, entitled Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Gender Identity, Chester explains that students need to be permitted to use whichever bathroom or locker room they wish. He states that as long as the child asserts that they would rather identify with the  opposite gender, they should have the access that they desire.

“The responsibility for determining a student’s gender identity rests with the student,” Chester states. “A school should accept a student’s assertion of his or her gender identity when there is … ‘evidence that the gender-related identity is sincerely held as part of a person’s core identity.’”

Hat tip: The Bumbling Genius

Christian Arrested for Speaking Against Homosexuality – coming soon to a country near you.  What is even more ridiculous is that the debate hinges on whether he said something loudly or not, or in his sermon or not.  Sadly, that means they already lost the major battle.  It shouldn’t matter legally if he yelled it or not.  Speech is free or not.


A Christian man preaching in the street in Cumbria, England, was arrested by a homosexual police officer after he listed homosexuality among a number of sins referred to in the Bible. He was locked up for seven hours and charged with causing “harassment, alarm or distress,” according to The Examiner.

Dale McAlpine, 42, said he has been preaching in his hometown of Cumbria for years. On April 20, he was handing out leaflets when a woman engaged him in a private debate. During the conversation, McAlpine said he believed homosexuality went against the Word of God. After the conversation, a police support community officer, who identified himself as the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender liaison officer for Cumbria police, told McAlpine he could be arrested for using homophobic language.

After the conversation, McAlpine got on a stepladder and preached a 20-minute sermon, in which he says he did not mention homosexuality. However, after the sermon, a number of police gathered and arrested him for using abusive or insulting language, contrary to the Public Order Act, which was originally created to deal with soccer hooligans.

Officers claimed McAlpine was speaking in a voice loud enough to be overheard by others during his conversation with the woman. McAlpine said he used a quiet voice.

Teen lost parts of both legs after failed abortion: pursues wrestling dream anyway – great story!

Poll Worker Melowese Richardson Apparently Cast Six Votes for Obama

“Yes, I voted twice,” Richardson told WCPO-TV. “I, after registering thousands of people, certainly wanted my vote to count, so I voted. I voted at the polls.”

Authorities also are investigating if she voted in the names of four other people, too, for a total of six votes in the 2012 presidential election.

For every Obamunist who publicly admits to voter fraud, there are tens of thousands either not quite dumb enough or too busy watching the massive, extravagantly expensive televisions favored by welfare recipients.

As Obama voters were casting multiple ballots, Romney voters had theirs thrown out. In the opposite corner of the state, 21 Cleveland districts recorded not a single vote for Romney.

That’s how elections work in a country that has been “fundamentally transformed” into a second-rate banana republic. Happy now, libs?

How Do We Break the Cycle of Higher Tuition and More Debt?Subsidies for college funding make it more expensive, not less.  Too many people drop out who should have never been there to begin with.  We’d be much better off without the “everyone should go to college” mantra.  There is nothing wrong – and many things right – about more focus on trade schools.

When “same-sex marriage” becomes the law

    • Religious liberty and freedom of conscience (i.e., the freedom to oppose homosexuality) will be repressed by the state in the name of “gay rights”; Illinois has already experienced this under our “Civil Unions” law [see the case of the Walders’ bed-and-breakfast in Paxton, IL].  Despite the current bill being amended to protect churches and religious institutions, business owners — even devout Christians — who cater to weddings (such as banquet hall owners and photographers) could be forced to use their facilities or expertise to celebrate homosexual “marriages”;
    • Liberal teachers, especially in public schools, will be emboldened to promote homosexual relationships to students in the classroom; homosexual teachers will be given a platform to discuss their “marriag
      es” and to model homosexuality as normal, natural and good to students. Parents will have a harder time stopping the promotion of homosexuality in schools;

    • Homosexual “sex ed” will gain ground in Illinois schools. Under the radical egalitarian idea that all relationships are morally “equal” and worthy of marriage, “safer gay sex” will be taught non-judgmentally alongside (normal) heterosexual sex. “Abstinence until marriage” (which regrettably is not the norm but only the ideal for most Illinois health classrooms) would apply to homosexual- and bisexual- as well as “straight” students — despite the reality that all homosexual sex is inherently immoral.  High-risk and unnatural practices like anal sex will be mainstreamed in our schools. (Could teaching the truth that sex between men is linked disproportionately to HIV and various sexually-transmitted diseases lead to charges of “anti-gay discrimination”?) And deviant lesbian sex will be taught for girls who in the future might “marry” a woman.
    • Businessmen will be forced to recognize and subsidize their employees’ immoral same-sex “marriages”; a form of this is already happening under Illinois’ “Civil Unions” law;
    • Society will be corrupted as unequal things are treated as equal; children will be further confused as the law (which is a teacher, as the saying goes) creates a Brave New Morality that officially “weds” sinful, unnatural and changeable behavior to the noble and life-sustaining institution of marriage;
    • Homosexual activists will be energized to use the homosexual “marriage” law to pressure citizens to approve of their lifestyle and step up their crusade to stigmatize, demonize and discredit pro-family Christians and moral opponents of homosexuality.  Groups like AFTAH that embrace wholesome, godly morality will be vilified as “hateful and bigoted.” And, as we have witnessed in Massachusetts, the push for ever more extreme “LGBT rights” would be propelled by enactment of “same-sex marriage” — including “transgender” activism in schools.
    • Legalized homosexual “marriage” will help “normalize” homosexual adoption, thus consigning greater numbers of innocent children to be raised in households that are motherless or fatherless by design.

The President of the United States, in some of his rare votes in the Illinois Senate, voted against the Born Alive Infant Protection Act three times. He knew what it was about, and he spoke out against it.  This is who was elected as our President. 

Newtown Shooter Picked School As It Was The “Easiest Target” – all the laws being proposed will take away guns from law-abiding citizens, leave them in the hands of criminals, and do nothing to prevent deaths like those in Newtown.

Is opposing “same-sex marriage” like opposing interracial marriage?

Not at all.  It is remarkably simple to refute the argument in the title by accurately noting that skin color is morally neutral while sexual behavior is not.

But there is another interesting argument that goes even further, and it highlights how the pro-same-sex marriage crowd is actually the one similar to the racists who opposed interracial marriage.

Here’s why: The Left is (successfully) lobbying for coercive government force to change the meaning of marriage. The racists changed it to mean “only same-race couples” instead of just a union of one man and one woman, and the Left is now using it to change it to mean, “not just the union of a man and a woman.”

Marriage is what God defined it to be.  It describes a thing — a union of a man and a woman.  The term didn’t pre-date the institution, such that we get to define it any way we like.

If anyone is behaving like those that opposed interracial marriage it is the Left.  They are the ones abusing the original and obvious definition.

“But they might be poor!”

There are lots of bad pro-abortion arguments, but one of the worst is that the unborn might end up poor.  Here are a few things wrong with that.

1. Even if that would be justification to kill an innocent but unwanted human being, that uses the wrong definition of poor.  There are very, very few truly poor people in this country.  Most of the poor (who, as Roxanne notes, are only poor because someone has to be on the left side of the Bell curve) live better than even royalty did 200 years ago.  Some people are so “poor” that they can’t afford to work because they’d be taking a pay cut from their benefits.

That definition of poor would mean that 90% of the world should have been aborted.  Ask anyone using that argument how many Third World countries they have visited.

2. Even if they really would be poor their entire lives and even if that would be justification to kill an innocent but unwanted human being, note the word “might.”  It is the sadly pessimistic but false view of Liberals that once your family is poor that you always stay that way.  But people often move between economic classes.  Hey, just graduate high school and don’t have sex out of wedlock and you are very unlikely to be poor, even by the U.S. definition.

Killing them because something “might” happen sounds like Dr. Nick Riviera from The Simpsons (“Just to be on the safe side, we better pull the plug.”)

3. As with nearly all pro-abortion arguments, it ignores the right to life of the unborn.

4. Using that logic we could do poor people a favor by killing them outside the womb, too.  After all, the size, location, level of development and degree of dependency have no bearing on the value of a human being.  The world just rationalizes it so they can kill unwanted human beings.

Sadly, many of those using this argument claim the name of Christ.  A woman in a Bible study once used that as her justification to be “pro-choice,” even though she had been in church her entire life.  The notion that the author of life (Acts 3:15) would be pro-abortion is ridiculous.

If you want to help poor people, that’s great.  But killing them is a dubious way of going about it.

Pro-abortion = anti-Christian

False teacher Chuck “Jesus is not the only way” Currie took a break from taking little girls to gay pride parades to do his best to increase the destruction of innocent human beings.  Via Pray For Kansas – And Faithful Choices:

In Kansas, where Dr. George Tiller was assassinated at his church by a “pro-life” advocate, a former colleague of his is trying to re-open his clinic.  People of faith should pray that Julie Burkhart is successful.  Women should have the right to make their own reproductive health care decisions.

It takes a real anti-science, anti-Christ person to make a statement like that. You don’t need a Phd in Embryology to know that it is a scientific fact (and basic common sense) that a new human being is created at fertilization.  Therefore, 100% of abortions kill innocent but unwanted human beings after they have been reproduced.  Therefore, the idea that abortion is a “reproductive health care decision” is false at its foundation.

And there is always Chuck’s nebulous “people of faith” term, whereby he violates scripture by denying that Jesus the only way to salvation and pretends that he and people of other religions pray to the real God.

Domestic terrorists should not have the final world.

The General Synod of the United Church of Christ has long maintained that:

Whereas, women and men must make decisions about unplanned or unwanted pregnancies that involve their physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being;

That ignores the well-being of the babies Chuck sentences to death.

and …Whereas, abortion is a social justice issue,

Yes, it is a social justice issue.  Being crushed and dismembered because you are unwanted is the epitome of social injustice.  Yet all those peddling the false “social gospel” like Chuck and Jim “the Gospel is all about wealth redistribution” Wallis are living examples of those Paul said are accursed (Galatians 1) because they are teaching a different Gospel.

both for parents dealing with pregnancy and parenting under highly stressed circumstances, as well as for our society as a whole; …

Uh, wouldn’t that justify child abuse as well?  The UCC pro-abortion rhetoric proves too much.

Therefore, be it resolved, that the Sixteenth General Synod:

affirms the sacredness of all life, and the need to protect and defend human life in particular;

Only Satan-inspired fakes could pretend to “protect and defend human life in particular” while advocating for unrestricted and taxpayer-funded abortions.

There are those that would like the public to believe that opposition to abortion is the only Christian position but the United Church of Christ is joined by the United Methodist Church, Episcopal Church USA, Presbyterian USA and other faithful Christian denominations in supporting choice.  

Choice to do what?  To kill innocent but unwanted human beings.

The Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice is an interfaith organization many of our churches belong to.

In the end, we should all work toward to goal of reducing the number of abortions.

But why, if they don’t kill innocent but unwanted human beings?  And Chuck is lying again. He and the rest of the Democrats want to increase abortions by requiring taxpayers to fund them.  That makes Obama and anyone supporting the Democrat’s platform the extremists: ”

The Democratic Party strongly and unequivocally supports Roe v. Wade and a woman’s right to make decisions regarding her pregnancy, including a safe and legal abortion, regardless of ability to pay. We oppose any and all efforts to weaken or undermine that right.”

It is interesting that Chuck hasn’t commented on how one of his other late-term abortionist heroes killed another mother as well recently.  Looks like Chuck is part of the Liberal media cover-up.

I also don’t remember him commenting on the pro-lifer killed a few years ago by a pro-abort fueled by the hate speech of people like Chuck.

And Chuck loves the Southern Poverty Law Center hate group that inspired a man to try and kill people at the Family Research Council.  I don’t recall Chuck commenting on that one, either.

If you think Chuck Currie et al are Christians, you are part of the problem.


“If you like this, you’ll love Obamacare!”

The title is what I should have announced to the crowd as I left the Department of Motor Vehicles when getting my licensed renewed (we have to do that in person every few years). As you might expect, the lines were very long (2+ hour wait for a very simple process) and there wasn’t enough parking or seats.

And keep in mind that while most businesses have to work hard to predict how many customers will come in on a given day, the DMV has it pretty easy. What could be more predictable than renewals? And these are the same government organizations that charge you extra to pay online, even though that saves time, money and fossil fuels for all involved.

So the question for anyone in favor of Obamacare is, “What makes you think that your healthcare service will improve?” There will be no incentives for them to perform any better. Who cares if you don’t like your service? Where else will you go? And it won’t just be your time, it will be your health. They’ll give you what they want to, when they want to, and any complaints you have will be far removed from anyone with the power to do anything about it.

And if you don’t know that Obamacare will necessarily lead to “death panels” and forced abortions (“either abort or pay for 100% of the costs yourselves, in cash”) then you don’t know how these people work.

Friendly tip for the guy wearing the “Drunk as sh!t” t-shirt: Maybe you should pick out something else when you are coming to get your license.