Remember that the men of Sodom persisted even after being blinded

If you were in the middle of doing something and were literally blinded, do you think you just might at least pause for a moment?  Not so for the men of Sodom.  They were too busy trying to fulfill their homosexual lusts:

Genesis 19:11 And they struck with blindness the men who were at the entrance of the house, both small and great, so that they wore themselves out groping for the door.

They were blinded but didn’t stop.  They “wore themselves out groping for the door.”  That’s commitment!

So don’t be surprised when today’s LGBTQX lobbyists — which include the “Christian” Left as committed members — don’t ever give up.  Make no mistake: Even the “thought crime” of thinking that males shouldn’t be able to shower with females is too much for these perverts.

Here’s a recent example: Gay rights fascists bully man who donated against transgender agenda.  All he did was donate to a campaign for bathroom privacy and the 2016 version of the blinded men of Sodom had to destroy him.  They cannot tolerate any dissent.

Remember when they lied and said that government recognition of same-sex unions wouldn’t impact you?  Yeah, me too.

Do you have an opinion on whether men should be allowed to go into women’s showers and women’s change rooms? If you do, and you either speak it under your own name, or make a donation under your own name, then you should expect the gay activists to go after you and stop you from working. They’ve done it before with florists, bakers, photographers, bed and breakfast owners, and now even a chef.

Remember that the “Christian” Left will be back shortly to tell you how the Bible “really” says that incest, pedophilia, bestiality and more OK and that you’ve just been misunderstanding things.  They are indistinguishable from the world and its god and are enemies of the real God..

1 John 2:15-16 Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world—the desires of the flesh and the desires of the eyes and pride of life—is not from the Father but is from the world.

James 4:4 You adulterous people! Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Therefore whoever wishes to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God.

This would be a good time for you to decide if you are really committed to this Christianity thing.  If not, get out now.  Because the men (and women) of Sodom are as persistent as ever.

Reading the Bible in Context

One of my all-time favorite lessons to teach, now in video form.  I just narrated over the PowerPoint slides I use.

God tells us to read his word carefully: 2 Timothy 2:15 Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth.

This lesson is very important, but it is also simple to follow. You don’t need a PhD in theology or to be fluent in the original languages to understand most Bible passages. Yet so many passages are misunderstood because people don’t read the verses that come before or after them. This lesson teaches simple ways to read the Bible in context, some commonly misunderstood passages, barriers to reading in context and how to overcome them, and more.

Reading the Bible in Context from Eternity Matters on Vimeo.

Leftists increase the misery of those they claim to want to help

Never confuse productive Biblical giving with wasteful, counterproductive “Christian” Leftist confiscation and redistribution.

I could go on at length about how the Left — including the “Christian” Left —  actually hurt people financially when trying to help them*, but even if their impact was financially neutral they do them a great disservice by fueling their natural covetousness.  Some do this out of ignorance and others out of selfish cynicism — i.e., those who promote minimum wage laws to gain votes even though they know the laws will reduce jobs and benefits.

Their constituents have material blessings that dwarf what royalty had a century or two ago. But they can’t enjoy them, because their Leftist overlords keep them in perpetual bitterness and ungratefulness!  Telling people that they are entitled to what others have nearly eliminates the possibility of them feeling any gratitude.  That is a miserable way to go through life, and the predictable outcome is seen in generation after generation.

The Kenya church and hospital that we support and have visited many times offers a great contrast.  They don’t just throw food at the poor, they teach life skills to aids orphans that let them be independent and to help themselves and others.  And the poor didn’t get EBT cards to spend on junk or sell for cash, they got real food.

We got to witness a monthly food distribution for those who care for children in the AIDS orphan program. These ladies were incredible. They literally sang and danced with such joy after receiving a 30-40 lb. bag of grain, then they put it on their backs to carry it several miles back to their homes. What incredible gratitude!

And this all ignores the indescribable carnage of the Left’s pro-abortion extremism. The Leftists actually rationalize that it is better that you be crushed and dismembered in the womb than that you might live a life of relative poverty.

*Leftists literally fail at basic economics.  My dog did better on an economics test than Leftists.  Seriously.  Sort of.

Still not “born that way”

The Leftists — including the “Christian” Leftist — are busy trying to discredit and/or ignore this important study about sexuality, but they can lie all the like and it won’t change the truth.  Please be sure to remind them how anti-science they are.  This is only news in the sense that the study is recent.  Many of us have known all along that the “born that way” portion of the LGBTQX agenda was not only self-refuting (uh, wouldn’t that discredit “trans” people who were obviously born with the genetics they are trying to deny?!) but thoroughly false.  But this lie is so valuable to Leftists because it is their ultimate Trojan Horse.  With it they get to sneak in and pervert every element of society, including schools and families.

Via Scientific Take on Sexuality and Gender:

The thought police aren’t going to like this. A major report has come out on sexuality and gender, in which two highly accomplished scientists lay waste to the leftist dogma underlying the current homosexual/transsexual cultural Marxist blitzkrieg. A few highlights from the Executive Summary:

● The understanding of sexual orientation as an innate, biologically fixed property of human beings — the idea that people are “born that way” — is not supported by scientific evidence.

● Longitudinal studies of adolescents suggest that sexual orientation may be quite fluid over the life course for some people, with one study estimating that as many as 80% of male adolescents who report same-sex attractions no longer do so as adults.

● Compared to heterosexuals, non-heterosexuals are about two to three times as likely to have experienced childhood sexual abuse.

● Compared to the general population, non-heterosexual subpopulations are at an elevated risk for a variety of adverse health and mental health outcomes.

● Members of the transgender population are also at higher risk of a variety of mental health problems compared to members of the non-transgender population.

● The hypothesis that gender identity is an innate, fixed property of human beings that is independent of biological sex — that a person might be “a man trapped in a woman’s body” or “a woman trapped in a man’s body” — is not supported by scientific evidence.

● Compared to the general population, adults who have undergone sex-reassignment surgery continue to have a higher risk of experiencing poor mental health outcomes.

● Only a minority of children who experience cross-gender identification will continue to do so into adolescence or adulthood.

Every one of those bullets makes a huge statement.  And note how much more often those wrestling with perversions have been abused.  Yet the “loving” Left wants to make things worse for them, telling them that rebelling against God will solve their problems.  Even many secular pro-gay people have conceded this issue.  I’ve seen lots of evidence that many people are gay because of sexual abuse and/or relationship issues. I agree that anecdotes don’t make a full case, but I’m talking about a lot of anecdotes from people who come across hundreds or even thousands of gays. I’ve read of many counselors who said that virtually all of their gay patients had been abused or had serious relationship issues. And here’s a quote from gay activist / journalist Tammy Bruce from The Death of Right and Wrong:

Almost without exception, the gay men I know (and that’s too many to count) have a story of some kind of sexual trauma or abuse in their childhood – molestation by a parent or an authority figure, or seduction as an adolescent at the hands of an adult. The gay community must face the truth and see the sexual molestation of an adolescent for the abuse it is, instead of the “coming-of-age” experience many regard it as being. Until then, the Gay Elite will continue to promote a culture of alcohol and drug abuse, sexual promiscuity, and suicide by AIDS.

And nearly all the lesbians I know were abused by their fathers or husbands. It is tragic that their “solution” just makes things worse.

And if most kids with “trans” desire will eventually change their minds, why subject them to hormones and such?  That is child abuse!

Make no mistake: This society is crumbling faster than ever.  The Charlotte school district is trotting out a perverse “Gender Unicorn” to tell little boys that they may not be boys, and more.  If they could take your kids away from you for teaching them what Jesus says about human sexuality* they would.  And they may have that power soon.

Keep sharing the truth in love: Yes, we were all “born that way” as sinners, but there is hope in Jesus — but only in Jesus.  If you can’t agree with that and can’t agree with Jesus on sexuality then Christianity may not be your forte’.  I encourage you to get out now, for the sake of the real Christians.

*Mark 10:6-9 But from the beginning of creation, ‘God made them male and female.’ ‘Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.’ So they are no longer two but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together, let not man separate.

Our culture and the “Christian” Left: Begging Jesus to leave

Just like the people freaked out by Jesus’ driving evil spirits into the pigs in Mark 5, our culture and even those posing as Christians (e.g., the “Christian” Left, that teaches the opposite of Christianity) have been begging the real Jesus to go away for a long time.  Note this chilling verse:

Mark 5:17 And they began to beg Jesus to depart from their region.

He is the only way to salvation.  Begging him to leave is an eternally bad idea.

Fortunately, He is sovereign and will go where He wishes — any time, any place!  But those who wanted to drive him out will have no excuses (not that they had any to begin with . . .).

Romans 1:18–20 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who by their unrighteousness suppress the truth. For what can be known about God is plain to them, because God has shown it to them. For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse.

We’ve never met, but my all-time favorite athlete thinks I’m a racist. Because I’m white.

Hopefully you are already catching on to who the real racist is.

I have so many great memories of watching Kareem Abdul-Jabbar play basketball.  What he did to Boston in 1985 is possibly my favorite sports memory (and I have a lot of fond  memories, considering I’ve been a Lakers & Steelers fan since the 70’s).  He was such an amazing athlete to watch — so thoroughly gifted and disciplined and a great player in the clutch.  I was the little white boy working on his “sky hook” in the driveway over and over.

Unfortunately, too many stars ignore the “shut up and sing/dance/act/play” advice and tell us what they really think.  And in Kareem’s case, it is that he hates me because I’m white.

To Kareem’s credit, he did see some awful racism in his youth.  But he never got past projecting the actions of a few onto everyone who is white.  Using his logic, we should look at how black-on-white crimes absolutely dwarf the reverse and conclude that all blacks are criminals.  Fortunately, most of us can see past that and just judge individuals for their actions.

It is sad how unbelievably tone-deaf he is to his hypocrisy.  He was with his agent and a New York Times reporter doing a phony fluff-piece showing how fun and whimsical he is, and in the midst of this he is unspeakably rude to a father and his child (the dad was telling the kid how great Kareem was).  So while strenuously pretending to be a fun-loving guy who cares about his fans he shows his utter contempt for them.  You know, the ones who cheered for him and made him rich.  If that isn’t hypocrisy then nothing is.

And note how racist he is when accusing others of racism:

‘‘I understood why people liked him [Magic Johnson],’’ Abdul-Jabbar told me. ‘‘He had that great smile, so white people thought his life was O.K. They thought that racism had not affected him. They were wrong, of course. But that’s what they saw when they saw him. Magic made white people feel comfortable. With themselves.’’

Uh, no.  Not at all.  I wasn’t racist when Kareem became my favorite player, and I wasn’t racist for watching Magic Johnson enjoy his craft so much.  But Kareem attributes it solely to the racism of all white people.  He can’t see that he’s the real racist.  How sad.  This guy has been given such great gifts and opportunities yet he is still miserable.

The good news is that this has further cemented my belief that watching and following sports is — for me — generally a grand waste of time.  I only watch them now if it is a group setting sort of thing such as the Super Bowl.  If others find it to be a good stress relief or source of entertainment, then good for them.  But I refuse to let my weekend be ruined because a bunch of 18-22 yr. old “student athletes” — who couldn’t care less about me — didn’t win a game.  Same thing for the pros.  I cut way back on sports in the 90’s when my kids were young and didn’t miss a thing.  One of the downsides to the Internet is that today you can learn literally 100 times more about the worst team in the league more than you could have about the best team in the 70’s.  There is nonstop coverage on sports sites, blogs, etc.  I have recommitted to avoiding all of those and it is saving me a lot of time.

And the NBA is dead to me with their pathetically hypocritical actions in North Carolina.  Let’s see, they grandstand and move the All-Star game from Charlotte because NC isn’t forcing organizations to go along with the “trans” bathroom portion of the perverted LGBTQX agenda — yet they have an entire league just for women!  There is no way I’d spend hundreds of dollars to take a family to just one game of this or any other sports league.

The less you know about what your favorite players think and how they act, the better.

Communism and Socialism are super-awesome! Just ask the “Christian” Left!

The “Christian” Left insists that Jesus taught Socialism and that Communism would be great if we would just try it again and get it “right.”  And they get every important thing wrong about Christianity, so they are due to be right about something.

But whatever you do, don’t visit the Socialist paradise of Venezuela.  It might burst your bubble.


And definitely don’t read the Gulag Archipelago, which showed how great Communism is — that is, as soon as you jail, torture or kill everyone who opposes you.  Or might oppose you in the future.  Or knows someone who opposed you.  Or who is a random innocent person needed as a sacrifice to keep everyone in fear.  Or who fought for you in the war and got captured.  Or who visited a foreign country and saw how much better Capitalism is than Communism.

With false teacher Rachel Held Evans as the author you can judge a book by its cover

Note: An update after her death on 5/4/2019 is at the bottom.

fake3Faux evangelical Rachel Held Evans wrote A Year of Biblical Womanhood: How a Liberated Woman Found Herself Sitting on Her Roof, Covering Her Head, and Calling Her Husband “Master” and in this case you can judge a book by its cover.  Evans sets out to mock the word of God that she claims to believe, and she succeeds before you even open the book. This is why the “Christian” Left loves her and why she gets so much Leftist media attention.

Exhibit A: The picture and subtitle of Evans on the roof relates to Proverbs 21:9 (and repeated in Proverbs 25:4) “It is better to live in a corner of the housetop than in a house shared with a quarrelsome wife.”

You don’t need a PhD in theology to see how badly — and deliberately? — she misapplied the verse.

  1. It isn’t a literal command to anyone. It is a colorful illustration teaching the wisdom of not marrying someone who is quarrelsome. It isn’t immoral to marry such a person, but it also isn’t particularly wise.  It wouldn’t be pleasant to live on the corner of your roof (they had flat roofs), but it would be more unpleasant to have a quarrelsome wife.
  2. The biblical illustration doesn’t have the quarrelsome person on the roof, it has her suffering spouse there.
  3. It was not a punishment, it was a metaphorical escape.

Evans didn’t let those pesky and obvious details got in the way of mocking the word of God.  She accomplished exactly what she wanted to in this book.  Her message is basically this: “Hey people, I am totally a Christian, but let me show you how silly the Bible can be.  If you find something there you think you like then that’s great, but you shouldn’t take it seriously.”

So before you even open the book you can know that she is a false teacher and enemy of the real God (as are her editors and publishers who approved it).  The only way to miss it is to not read the verses (false teachers thrive on the biblical ignorance of their followers) or to share her view that the Bible is a foolish, man-made book.

But it gets worse as Evans continues to sit in judgment of the word of God.  Referring to her parents, she said:

they seemed to know instinctively that rules that left people guilt-ridden, exhausted, and confused were not really from God.

Uh, sure.  Anything you don’t like or understand isn’t from God.  That’s Creating a God in Your Own Image 101.

Then there is this:

as a woman I have been nursing a secret grudge against the apostle Paul for about eight years.

Note how she tips her hand about her belief that the writings of Paul weren’t inspired by the Holy Spirit.  The Apostle Peter had her number 2,000 years ago:

2 Peter 3:15–16 And count the patience of our Lord as salvation, just as our beloved brother Paul also wrote to you according to the wisdom given him, as he does in all his letters when he speaks in them of these matters. There are some things in them that are hard to understand, which the ignorant and unstable twist to their own destruction, as they do the other Scriptures.

And like all “Christian” Left feminists, she falsely targets Paul and she ignores that Jesus only selected men as apostles.  Does she think Jesus was a misogynist, or that even though He was the creator of the universe that He was afraid to upset the Pharisees’ sensibilities?

Worse yet, she accuses the authors of the Bible of being blasphemous liars, allegedly speaking for God in literally hundreds of passages when it was “really” what they wanted.  She quoted this with her approval:

God never told the Israelites to kill the Canaanites. The Israelites believed that God told them to kill the Canaanites.

So Evans also disagrees with Jesus, who affirmed the Old Testament down to its smallest details, and insists – without evidence — that massive sections of the Bible are lies.  Or could it be that Evans is believing what she wants God to be and that she is the liar?  I suppose she thinks that the command against making a God in your own image is just another one of those passages that the writers made up.  Anyone who has actually read the Old Testament would know that passage after passage refers to the Israelites taking over the Promised Land.  Evans insists that all of those are not only lies, but blasphemous lies.  What else would it be if you falsely blamed God for what would have been unjustified mass murder and land-stealing?

Evans told people that voting for Hillary Clinton is “pro-life.”  You have to be a true Molech-worshiping ghoul to hold that view.  Hillary is inseparable from Planned Parenthood and the rest of the pro-choice extremists — including the “Christian” Left – who not only insist on legal abortions up to to child’s first breath but want more abortions via taxpayer-funding.  Yet for Evans that was the only “Christian” option.  Indeed.

Evans posted countless pictures and gushing commentary over the #womensmarch but was nearly silent for the — and even then she only criticized it. “Christian” Leftists really tip their hands that way, claiming to be pro-life while being the true pro-abortion extremists. If they really believed what they said they’d be opening up pregnancy centers all over. Instead, they reflexively support anything Planned Parenthood does.

And you’d think that Mrs. “Oh noes, the patriarchy!!” would find some way to criticize Islam, which has treated women inhumanely for 1,500 years.  But she was silent.

While she was quick to play the fallacious race card against Christians, don’t miss where Racist Held Evans goes on a hypocritical rant lamenting how if Roe v Wade is overturned then less minority children will be killed.  She also accused pro-lifers of being racist and not knowing that we save mostly minority lives.  Who knew?  She deleted the Tweets when people outed her but I saved them as a public service.  It was epic.

I’ll buy a Christian book by someone whose primary self-descriptor is “doubt-filled” right after I buy one from a mathematician who doubts that 2+2=4.  Having some matters you haven’t completely studied is one thing. For example, I hadn’t delved deeply into continuation/cessation particulars until recently, so I didn’t blog about it. But if you are so doubt-filled that it defines your faith, maybe you should read instead of write.

Also note how she has no doubts about abortion being legal to the child’s first breath, that you can change your gender, that LGBTQX behaviors are not sins, that women should be pastors, etc.  Oddly enough, when her views line up with the world’s she has no doubts at all.

You can also know Evans is a false teacher by those she promotes and partners with.  She works directly with Nadia Bolz-Weber, who, among other things, says there is “no shame in ethically sourced porn,” that “the Bible’s not clear about [s%#^]!” and so much more  (Just as Evans claims that “It [the Bible] fails massively at getting to the point”). This isn’t some loose pairing, either.  They co-host a freak show called Why Christian each year and endorse each other’s work..

Also check out Jes Kast, whom Evans adores, and see if her theology is biblical, or Glennon Doyle Melton, the “super mom” who left her husband to be with a lesbian.

Evans is a typical Leftist hypocrite, believing ridiculous phonies like Kristine Blasey Ford (Brett Kavanaugh’s accuser) but dismissing credible stories of abuse by the wife of prominent “Christian” Left pastor Tony Jones – who just “happens” to help with her conferences. Go figure.

As bad as the self-avowed “Christian” Leftists are, at least they own their label (sans the scare quotes).  Evans masquerades as an Evangelical while holding “Christian” Leftist views, which makes her even worse than them.

She’s been really cranky since Trump won.  She completely ignores all the sex scandals and cover-ups from Leftist politicians, celebrities and journalists and completely fixates on Donald Trump.  She won’t admit it, but I think it is pretty obvious that she planned to have a role with Caesar – er, uh, Hillary — just like she did with Obama.  Trump has false teacher Paula White, Obama had – and Hillary probably would have had – Mrs. Evans.

And her latest book is just more blasphemy, where she titled it Inspired but obviously believes it isn’t.  Typical disingenuous behavior on her part.

Run, don’t walk, from faux evangelicals like Evans. In her own words and deeds she shows how much she loves the world and not Jesus.

Update: Truly sad that she died, especially having young kids.  But I have to be candid: When I read the comments of those who supported her and were affirmed by her, I am reminded at how wicked her “ministry” was. These were typical:

Be mad at God. Be mad at the Universe. Be mad. Be mad. Be mad.

4 hours ago   I had permission to explore LGBTQ+ affirming theology & eventually come out as bisexual. She was one of the first affirming Christians I encountered in my research, & her loud support is directly tied to who I am today.

37 minutes ago The door she opened for me by saying it’s okay to be angry at the church and it’s okay to leave, led to a thousand other open doors and new pathways that created who I am now: a queer Christian woman who no longer fears the white cisheteropatriarchy.

3 hours ago   I first started exploring Side A theology, which has led to me being in a wonderful, loving, gay relationship. I’m able to be myself and live my best life because of her opening my eyes.

4 hours ago  I’m an openly queer woman serving as an elder in my church . I never could have reconciled feminism and Christianity all those years ago without her.

If that’s what she encouraged people to do then it is a tragic legacy.

Someone wrote this in response to a blog post noting Evans’ bad theology:

Rude. Heartless. So inappropriate. Can you picture Christ responding like this – calling someone an apostate immediately after their untimely death? I don’t think so. I don’t know what god you guys are serving, but it doesn’t reflect the God that I know.

The commenter was tone-deaf to the fact that that’s exactly how Jesus will respond when someone dies — either with judgment or with “well done, good and faithful servant.” Someone rightly pointed out what Jesus said about untimely deaths:

Luke 13:1–5 There were some present at that very time who told him about the Galileans whose blood Pilate had mingled with their sacrifices. And he answered them, “Do you think that these Galileans were worse sinners than all the other Galileans, because they suffered in this way? No, I tell you; but unless you repent, you will all likewise perish. Or those eighteen on whom the tower in Siloam fell and killed them: do you think that they were worse offenders than all the others who lived in Jerusalem? No, I tell you; but unless you repent, you will all likewise perish.”

Not surprisingly, Evan’s fans reject what Jesus said.

Use to save more on Amazon

Prices fluctuate more on Amazon than you might think. (odd name, great site) tracks prices for most products on  It has two primary benefits:

  1. It shows the price history for products so you can see if they are likely to reduce in price.  I’ve seen prices drop 25% or more and then jump back up.
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You can paste in Amazon URLs at the Camel site, or you can use a Google Chrome extension that will put a camel icon in your address bar.  Just click it when you are on an Amazon page and it will show you the price history and give you other options, such as setting the price alert.

This is a great tool to use to stock up on commodities when prices are at their low points.  Here’s an example of a simple product that has surprising variability in its price: Speed Stick Deodorant.  Over a short time frame a six-pack ranges from $12 to $20, with a lot of ups and downs.


And I just saved $$ on a toner cartridge.  I had a price alert for $46 and it went from $47 to $41 in one day.

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Note: I receive nothing by posting about Amazon or Camel.  I just like to save money and time.