
A beautiful example of God’s sovereignty and man’s responsibility joined together in two clear verses.  You: Obey and work out your salvation.  God: Works in you for his will. Paul and the Holy Spirit weren’t being incoherent when they wrote that. They understood the tension and spelled it out clearly. Just enjoy the truth!

Philippians 2:12–13 Therefore, my beloved, as you have always obeyed, so now, not only as in my presence but much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who works in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure.


Op-Ed: Is What the SBC Exec. Committee Apologized for Really ‘Nonconsensual Sexual Abuse’? C’mon, man, she was 26 when it started and carried it on until she was 38. Twelve years of “nonconsensual abuse,” even though she spent a lot of time with his family? And did I mention that this went on until she was 38? How old do women have to be before they take any responsibility for anything?! Yes, he was a creep who leveraged his position to sleep with her, but it seems feminists would be outraged that no one ever expects women to have any accountability.

Op-Ed: A Reminder, No Charismatic Prophets Prophecied Russia Invading Ukraine in February — Yep. They are all frauds, and those who follow them are devoid of discernment.

New 80-Page Report! Ravi Zacharias and RZIM Spent $1,000,000 Suing Abuse Victim — Good for outfits like Protestia and Pulpit & Pen. They get a lot of flack but are typically way ahead on calling out abuses and frauds.

New study: 1 in 8 divorces is caused by student loan debt — I’d quibble and say “influenced” instead of “caused,” but the point stands. The student loan process is a ridiculous racket that needs to be drastically overhauled. It has caused massive inflation in college costs because the colleges realized that they could keep increasing prices and kids would just borrow more. Remarkably few people question the economics of whether the loans would pay back. They borrow to go to big-name schools when the state schools and junior colleges get to use the same textbooks as the Ivy League schools (not to brag, but I went to a state school and outperformed nearly every Ivy League graduate on the CPA exam). Lenders and schools target people who have the least business savvy of all. And they lobbied the government to prevent the debts from being discharged via bankruptcy. That meant the lenders had no incentive to test the applicants as to whether they were likely to be able to pay off $100,000 of debt for their Lesbian Astrology degrees. So these people were suckered into starting off life in a deep financial hole. Worse yet, the colleges raised prices so they could offer a ridiculously high standard of living that most people can’t sustain when they get out. Other than that, it is a great system.

America is BACK: Brandon’s Big Plan for Stopping Russia From Invading Was to BEG CHINA TO PRESSURE RUSSIA; Instead of Helping Brandon, China Betrayed Him and Told Russia All About His Undignified Groveling — The only thing that makes this clown show worse is that the Left – and especially NeverTrump Inc. — are trying to pin all this on Trump.

The U.S. Left: Citizens of other countries need arms, but you don’t. Because we’d never confiscate your property just for disagreeing with us.

But but but Trump is a Russian agent . . .

Biden warned me that if I voted for Trump that terrible things could happen in Ukraine, and he was right.

Just in time for the State of the Union speech! What a coincidence.

Oh, and nothing like confiscating people’s bank accounts to prompt bank runs. Leftists never think 15 minutes into the future.

The buffoonish, hypocritical left is beyond parody.

Pro tip to single guys: Run away from women with an insatiable need for validation.


When you are bold for the truth, it encourages boldness in others.  The haters will hate you no matter what, so you might as well be bold. 

Philippians 1:13–14 so that it has become known throughout the whole imperial guard and to all the rest that my imprisonment is for Christ. And most of the brothers, having become confident in the Lord by my imprisonment, are much more bold to speak the word without fear.


Christian Rocker John Cooper of Skillet Declares ‘War’ On ‘Deconstruction’- ‘They Need to Shut Up” — Great stuff. We need a lot more of this. The “Christian” Left and so many Contemporary “Christian” Artists are slaves to sin and want others to be enslaved as well.


Watch, then cry. Then laugh. Then share. Then save for future reference. These evil people lied over and over and defamed people for asking obvious questions. They claimed that scientists and the intelligence community were sure the virus did not come from the lab, even saying that it “could not be man-made.” They strong-armed many to agree with them. Fauci knew all along that it was from the lab. And now they will shamelessly pretend that they didn’t do any of that. Never trust them. They are narrative checkers, not fact-checkers. They should be in jail.


Rite Aid - CEOs.JPG


One of the many amazing things about the Apostle Paul was his laser focus on getting the real Gospel out.  If you preached the truth, even at his expense, he was fine with that.  But if you distorted the Gospel, he would whale on you at length (see Galatians).  We should be just as focused on getting the Gospel right at all times, regardless of the cost. 

Philippians 1:15–18 Some indeed preach Christ from envy and rivalry, but others from good will. The latter do it out of love, knowing that I am put here for the defense of the gospel. The former proclaim Christ out of selfish ambition, not sincerely but thinking to afflict me in my imprisonment. What then? Only that in every way, whether in pretense or in truth, Christ is proclaimed, and in that I rejoice. Yes, and I will rejoice . . .


Jory Micah Arrested for DWI, Resisting Arrest — Yikes, what a freak show she is. But she’s totally a Christian because of her MA in Biblical Studies, which she reminds you of in every Tweet. She’s gone so extreme that hopefully some of her low-information and poor critical thinking skills followers will recognize her for what she is. Because according to the lady who put her neighbors’ lives at risk with her DUI, 100% of police in every city are bad. Therefore, she needed to resist arrest and spit in their faces. Apparently, the “submit to authorities” passages are additional parts of the Bible she chooses to ignore. But guess who she’ll call if she’s being robbed? What a wolf. No surprise that so many “Christian” Leftists follow her and that she adores Joyce Meyer, Jen Hatmaker, Rachel Held Evans, and Beth Moore. Oh, and she writes things like this: Wives, Lead Your Husbands. Spoiler alert: Jory and her husband are now getting divorced.


There is so much one could say about the frauds and evil acts that have been perpetrated on the world over the last couple of years, but this really sums it up.
