Tag Archives: planned parenthood

Planned Parenthood vs. Planned Parenthood

Marc T. Newman, Ph.D., President of MovieMinistry.com, gave a terrific presentation at a CareNet Pregnancy Center fundraiser years ago. One of the most intriguing things he mentioned was a Planned Parenthood advertisement published in 1964 to promote birth control (click the link or go to the end of this post).  Read the whole thing, then consider this from the Q&A section:

Is it [birth control] an abortion?

Definitely not.  An abortion kills the life of a baby after it has begun.  It is dangerous to your life and health.  It may make you sterile so that when you want a child you cannot have it.  Birth control merely postpones the meaning of life.

There you have it!  Straight from the experts at Planned Parenthood.  Read that again and try not to drown in the irony.

So Planned Parenthood used to teach that abortion kills a baby and poses medical risks to the mother.  As Dr.  Newman asked, what did Planned Parenthood learn since the early 1960’s that caused them to change their stance on what abortion really does?  carenet-walk-05-55.jpg

Could it be the sonograms and 4-D ultrasounds?  No, those do more than anything to promote the pro-life view.  Technology is the enemy of pro-legalized-abortionists, and it always will be.  They might have gotten away with the “blob of tissue” argument in the 60’s, but not today.  The scientific fact is that life begins at conception.

Could it be the studies showing the impact of abortion on women?  No.  Despite major political pressure, more studies continue to show the adverse impact abortion has on women – both physically and emotionally.

Or could it be the megabucks they make from abortions that caused them to change their minds?!  money.jpg

Folks, always remember that when it comes to abortion, Planned Parenthood had it right the first time:

An abortion kills the life of a baby after it has begun.  It is dangerous to your life and health.

Be sure to quote them on that whenever you can, especially when talking to Christian(?!) pastors who support Planned Parenthood.

More on Planned Parenthood here — just your basic well-documented serial felonies of covering up statutory rape.  Your tax dollars at work.PPPlanYourFamily63

The Hippocratic Oath and Planned Parenthood used to be explicitly anti-abortion

So what happened?

Science is clear that life begins at conception.  Just go read any secular embryology textbook.  Or use basic logic: What else would two human beings create other than a new human being? The pro-abortion forces have had to shift to poorly conceived philosophical arguments to justify the killing of unborn human beings. The alleged pro-science crowd lies and says they don’t know when life begins or what a female is.

But what did doctors and other reproductive professionals such as Planned Parenthood think about abortion before recent scientific discoveries?  Did they think the unborn were just blobs of tissue and that abortion was morally benign?  Let’s see.

First, a look at the original Hippocratic Oath.  The removal of the prohibitions against abortion in the latest revisions of the oath was done in our more “enlightened” scientific days.

The Hippocratic Oath is an oath traditionally taken by physicians pertaining to the ethical practice of medicine. It is widely believed that the oath was written by Hippocrates, the father of medicine, in the 4th century BC, or by one of his students. It is thus usually included in the Hippocratic Corpus. Classical scholar Ludwig Edelstein proposed that the oath was written by Pythagoreans, a theory that has been questioned due to the lack of evidence for a school of Pythagorean medicine. Although mostly of historical and traditional value, the oath is considered a rite of passage for practitioners of medicine, although it is not obligatory and no longer taken up by all physicians.

The original oath:

I swear by Apollo, Asclepius, Hygieia, and Panacea, and I take to witness all the gods, all the goddesses, to keep according to my ability and my judgment, the following Oath.
To consider dear to me, as my parents, him who taught me this art; to live in common with him and, if necessary, to share my goods with him; To look upon his children as my own brothers, to teach them this art.

I will prescribe regimens for the good of my patients according to my ability and my judgment and never do harm to anyone.

If I keep this oath faithfully, may I enjoy my life and practice my art, respected by all men and in all times; but if I swerve from it or violate it, may the reverse be my lot.

To please no one will I prescribe a deadly drug nor give advice which may cause his death.

Nor will I give a woman a pessary to procure abortion.

But I will preserve the purity of my life and my arts.

I will not cut for stone, even for patients in whom the disease is manifest; I will leave this operation to be performed by practitioners, specialists in this art.

In every house where I come I will enter only for the good of my patients, keeping myself far from all intentional ill-doing and all seduction and especially from the pleasures of love with women or with men, be they free or slaves.

All that may come to my knowledge in the exercise of my profession or in daily commerce with men, which ought not to be spread abroad, I will keep secret and will never reveal.

Also, consider that at late as 1964 even Planned Parenthood was publicly pro-life:

Is it [birth control] an abortion?

Definitely not. An abortion kills the life of a baby after it has begun. It is dangerous to your life and health. It may make you sterile so that when you want a child you cannot have it. Birth control merely postpones the meaning of life.

There you have it! Straight from the experts at Planned Parenthood. Read that again and try not to drown in the morbid irony.

So Planned Parenthood used to teach that abortion kills a baby and poses medical risks to the mother, and the “unenlightened” doctors viewed abortion as immoral for a couple thousand years.

What did Planned Parenthood and other medical practitioners learn since the early 1960s that caused them to change their stance on what abortion really does?  What do they know that Hippocrates et al didn’t know 2,000 years earlier?

Could it be scientific advancements such as sonograms and 4-D ultrasounds? No, those do more than anything to promote the pro-life view. Technology is the enemy of pro-legalized-abortionists and it always will be. They might have gotten away with the “blob of tissue” argument in the 60’s, or 400 years B.C., but not today. No, wait, even back then the experts knew better than to believe that silly lie! It took a couple thousand years to convince people to believe the unbelievable.

Could it be the studies showing the impact of abortion on women? No. Despite major political pressure, more studies continue to show the adverse impact abortion has on women – both physically and emotionally.

No, even non-Jewish and non-Christian types like Hippocrates and Planned Parenthood used to know that abortion was wrong.  It takes a lot of effort and deliberate ignorance of scientific facts to rationalize otherwise.

Faux-lifers and loving your neighbor

One of the easiest ways to out faux-lifers (that is, pro-abortion people who pretend to be pro-life) is to keep them talking.  They often claim the name of Christ and that they love their neighbors.  They ever-so-briefly concede the humanity of the child and say how they would never have an abortion and wish they didn’t have to happen.

But they quickly forget about their neighbor in the womb and launch into tortured rationalizations about why they vote for politicians and support groups like Planned Parenthood that fight for unrestricted abortions to the child’s first breath.  They use every sound bite that the professional pro-aborts use.

So just ask them this: If you were in the womb, would you want someone to protect you from being crushed and dismembered?  And if you were going to be destroyed that way, would you at least want to be given anesthetic first?  After all, the faux-lifers fight to keep abortion legal to the child’s first breath and without anesthetic (they know that laws requiring anesthetics would remind people that the children do suffer when being killed, and they must prop up the lie that the children aren’t “really” living until their first breath).

The pro-aborts will squirm and go through all sorts of mental gymnastics to rationalize their inconsistency.  They’ll realize their reasoning is poor, so they’ll resort to attacking you instead. But just keep pointing back to their neighbor in the womb.  If they truly love their neighbors, how can they not try to protect their lives?

I also keep this jpg file handy to share with those who repeat the pro-abortion canard that pro-lifers don’t care about children after they are born.  I find that to be the pro-abortion argument on the Internet.  It lets the pro-aborts pretend to kinda-sorta oppose abortion while attacking the character of pro-lifers.  There are nine things wrong with their sound bite.  Actually more, but the font was getting too small.  Feel free to use without attribution!

Free and valuable advice to any business: Stay out of the culture wars and don’t give into Leftist bullies

And yet another foolish business gets involved in the culture wars and supports Planned Parenthood. This time it was Chili’s — though I heard they stopped the promotion (after the damage was already done).  I left this note at their site:

Hi — I’ve always enjoyed Chili’s but now every time I see one I will think of how you support the largest child-killers in the country, and perhaps the world: Planned Parenthood. They kill children, sell their body parts, protect rapists & sex traffickers, lie about doing prenatal care, and so much more. You used bad judgment.

I realize you can’t boycott everything or you’d starve, but I do avoid business that are more in-your-face with their radical Leftism, such as Target (Motto: “We hate you Christians because you are intolerant bigots who know the difference between men and women, so please spend lots of money here!”).

Another company, which I won’t mention because I don’t want to give them free advertising, thought it would be smart to brag about their support for Planned Parenthood.  They sell cosmetics to women and assumed that the post-#womensmarch timing would be great.  But it turns out that many loyal customers, including Mrs. Eternity Matters, said, “Buh-bye!”  Most of their Facebook comments were negative, and the business got caught having employees pretending to be customers and offering positive support.  They tried to backtrack and say that they’d planned to rotate the giving to other organizations in the future, but the original post made no mention of that.  And as they doubled-down with one defensive comment after another the opportunity for grace was gone.

The cost of losing customers for life is enormous.  My advice to any Board of Directors and senior management is to never give in to the LGBTQX, Planned Parenthood or other Leftist bullies.  Remember PP’s scorched earth campaign against Komen – a breast cancer charity! – when they tried to part ways. Do not pick up those snakes.  Just tell them you stay out of the culture wars and move on. They may threaten you, but don’t give in.  If your competitors give in and you don’t then you may reap the benefits!

As if you needed more reasons to distrust the media . . .

Katie Couric’s gun-grabbing propaganda: Highly edited.

Videos exposing Planned Parenthood selling parts of aborted children for profit: Not highly edited.

Katie Couric and her film-making partners have been completely busted for their lack of integrity and anti-gun bias.  These Leftists just happened to have been caught this time because someone recorded the entire interview on audio, but you have to know that this has been going on 24×7 for decades with the media (The Daily Show, anyone?).  Here’s more:

Remember last summer when every media person with a fax machine recited the narrative that David Daleiden’s undercover videos exposing Planned Parenthood were “deceptively edited?” Uh huh. Well guess what? Katie Couric has a new “documentary,” Under the Gun, intended to push the anti-gun agenda and drumroll please… SHE DECEPTIVELY EDITED THE VIDEO. This is what some in the industry call a “smoking gun.”

Here’s the clip that made the final cut:

Couric wants to show how stupid, careless and uniformed gun-owners are. Her edited segment tries to paint pro-gun people as having no answers to the typical leftist talking points.

Except in the actual interview? The one that happened, in real life, before being cut by bleeding heart leftists intent on pushing a narrative, the narrative being “gun-owners are heartless cretins” and “guns are, like, super bad things, you guys”? Right, that interview paints a much different story. Spoiler-alert: Couric is a lying liar who lies. The gun supporters? Turns out, pretty informed. With the benefit of being right. Also protected by the Second Amendment.

The sad thing is how many people get their news solely from the mainstream media — and that includes the disgusting FOX channel these days — so they believed the lies about the Planned Parenthood baby-part-selling videos being “highly edited.”  Yeah, highly edited in the sense that they didn’t follow people into the bathrooms and record them there, but not highly edited in the sense of capturing their uncut conversations.

Couric’s video, on the other hand, was deceptively edited.  And they are trying to say we misunderstood!  Nice try.  That just adds another insult to the pile.  Just one more reason not to trust the gun-grabbing, child-killing, perverted, coveting Leftist media, education, religious and entertainment institutions.

Slaughtering children isn’t enough: Planned Parenthood encourages intercourse, oral sex, anal sex, gay/lesbian sex and more — to 11 yr. olds

And next year it will be 10 yr. old children.  Because they care.  Your tax dollars at work, via Reason 89: Because The Education System Is A Sick Monster | 365 Reasons To Homeschool:

One sex education guide getting the thumbs up from the state is titled, “Get Real: Comprehensive Sex Education That Works,” published by Planned Parenthood. Here are a few examples of its lessons:One explains that a dental dam is “placed over the vulva or anus during oral sex. It says people can also use non-microwavable saran wrap.”Another describes a scenario where “Brittany’s girlfriend wants to have oral sex with her. Brittany really likes her girlfriend, and her friends say that having oral sex will bring them closer together.”There doesn’t seem to be much of an emphasis on saying “no.” That’s because, according to many experts, “comprehensive sex education” is built on the presumption that all teens will have sex, and there is nothing morally objectionable about it.

True confession: I’ve heard the term dental dam but never looked it up until today.  If the topic weren’t so serious I would have just laughed at the thought of someone suggesting using something like that for oral sex.  Do they seriously think that kids — including the 11 yr. old children they are talking about — would actually use such a thing?  Yeah, because teens in general, and teens having sex in particular, are such precise rule-followers.  “Advice” like that lets them pretend to have given proper guidance to the kids (à la “I told them to wear a set belt!”), while they know the odds of the kids listening are approaching zero.

Their mainstreaming of anal sex puts them in partnership with the porn industry.  Right-minded people reflexively avoid the smell of feces, let alone deliberately coming into contact with it.  That’s one of the obvious reasons that gay behavior is a pathology.  Yet the porn industry and Planned Parenthood think it is business as usual for sex partners.

And note the double subliminal wickedness of this Planned Parenthood teaching: “Brittany really likes her girlfriend, and her friends say that having oral sex will bring them closer together.”  PP pretends that out of wedlock sex of any kind will bring people closer together — even as lesbians — while ignoring the consequences of such behavior and whether the premise is even true.  Sex out of wedlock is a barrier to true closeness.  And the partner is unlikely to stay “close” when the inevitable diseases, pregnancy and abortion arise from out-of-wedlock sex.  How many of these PP-inspired teen sexual unions result in lifetime commitments?  Yep, roughly zero.

Even if Planned Parenthood employees didn’t kill the most children in the country, they should still be jailed for teaching this to children — as should the educators who make it happen.

It is no accident that the “Christian” Left is 100% supportive of Planned Parenthood.  Those Molech-worshiping, God-mocking ghouls would never miss an opportunity to have children literally killed or, absent that, destroy their minds, bodies and lives with all manner of out-of-wedlock sex.

John 10:10 The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.

P.S. And did I forget to mention that they systematically protect rapists and sex traffickers to prop up their abortion profits?

They broke my irony meter

UPDATE: I wrote this well before the Colorado shootings, but could have  said the same things about how PP is trying to raise funds off of it.

Child-killing ghouls like Planned Parenthood and “Christian” Leftist Hillary Clinton have no shame. While cycling your tax dollars between themselves*, they tweet things like this:
Every child deserves the opportunity to live up to their God given potential. @HillaryClinton #blacklivesmatter
— Planned Parenthood (@PPact) November 15, 2015

Yet PP is the child-killer in the United States. Second place isn’t even close.


And Hillary & PP & the “Christian” Left have latched onto the “Black Lives Matter” radicalism while promoting the abortions that kill black lives at a rate five times that of whites.
*Hillary & Co. send your tax money to Planned Parenthood, who sends some to Hillary & Co., and so on.

Every video anyone shows is edited. Don’t let the pro-aborts change the subject.

As shown below, one of the most consistent double deceptions used by the child killers/sellers at Planned Parenthood and their supporters is that the videos uncovering their deeds were “highly edited” or “selectively edited.”  One deception that is the easiest to show is that the full videos are online as well.  Every journalist and pro-lifer should simply note that and ask whether they knew of the full videos or not. Either way they lose: If they didn’t know, why not?  If they did know, why are they deceiving others?

The other deception is pretending that every video you see isn’t edited.  Every news story is edited, even in the sense that they showed you one story (Cecil the lion) and not another story (Cecile Richards, Planned Parenthood CEO and chief liar and baby killer/seller).  Every documentary is edited, or no one would have time to watch them.  And so on.

But just because videos are edited doesn’t mean they are misleading.  If Planned Parenthood and their defenders want to make that claim they need to back it up.  Are they claiming that those weren’t real PP employees?

So never let the “Christian” Left or other Molech-worshiping ghouls get away with dismissing the videos as being edited.  Just ask a simple question: “Have you watched them?”  Then add, “Either way, let’s watch them together and you can highlight where you think they were deceptively edited.”

Via Democrats Blocking Bill to De-fund Planned Parenthood Admit They Haven’t Seen Shocking Videos | LifeNews.com.

But multiple democrats admitted they have not even seen the videos that caused the stir leading to Senate Republicans putting forward the bill to de-fund Planned Parenthood.

After the vote, Senate Jeanne Shaheen of New Hampshire, who voted against the bill, released a statement through her federal office in Washington, D.C. In her quote, Shaheen said the videos were “highly edited.”

However, John McCormack at the Weekly Standard caught up with Senator Jeanne Shaheen and directly asked her about the Planned Parenthood video tapes. “I have not seen them,” Senator Jeanne Shaheen of New Hampshire told McCormack after the vote.

Shaheen is not the only senator voting against de-funding Planned Parenthood who admittedly hasn’t watched the videos. As McCormack reports:

“I have not seen them, no,” Senator Bob Casey of Pennsylvania told me last week.

“I’m sorry, what’s your name?” asked Senator Brian Schatz of Hawaii in response to a simple yes-or-no question. “Can you call my comms director?”

As New York senator Chuck Schumer stepped into a senators-only elevator, I asked him the same yes-or-no question. “Shut the door,” Schumer told an aide.

Only one Democratic senator, Claire McCaskill of Missouri, told me that she had seen any of the videos. McCaskill agreed that the videos were disturbing, but she added that “that’s not the point. The point is to prevent abortions by making sure that women can get birth control.”


“Don’t have sex, because you will get pregnant and die.”

The title is a memorable line from the movie Mean Girls, where the gym coach is teaching sex education (see the video below).  Whether by design or not, it demonstrated the ineffectiveness of both extremes of teaching kids about an extremely important topic.

Don’t have sex, because you will get pregnant and die.  Don’t have sex in the missionary position, don’t have sex standing up . . . Just don’t do it, promise?  OK, everybody take some rubbers.

I like how it skewered both ends of the spectrum.  Repeating the Nike hybrid of  Just (Don’t) Do It won’t be effective without some guidelines on avoiding temptation and more, and passing out condoms like that is an implicit and explicit message that you expect kids to have sex outside of marriage (in addition to giving them a false sense of security).

Of course I endorse chastity and the abstinence of any sex acts outside of marriage as the ideal for everyone.  It is the only proven way to avoid pregnancy, disease, and emotional damage (and, if you are one of those religious types, the only way to obey God).

Ephesians 5:3 But among you there must not be even a hint of sexual immorality, or of any kind of impurity, or of greed, because these are improper for God’s holy people.

They should also emphasize the most recent statistics demonstrating that those who finish high school and don’t have sex outside of marriage are extremely unlikely to end up poor, whereas if you do the opposite you are very likely to be poor.

They should teach girls the lines that guys often use and how to respond to them, for example:

  • Male: If you loved me you’d have sex with me.
  • Female: If you loved me you wouldn’t pressure me to have sex with you.

They should teach guys the lines girls use as well.  I know of one young man whose girlfriend recently broke up with him because he wouldn’t have sex with her.

But the abstinence / chastity message should include simple but effective ways to avoid temptation.  Too many people have good intentions but put themselves in situations that inevitably lead to compromise.

They should also coach you on how much your actions regarding sex are influenced by:

  • What you view
  • What you think about
  • Who you spend alone time with

Contrary to stereotypes, I have no issue with schools teaching a balanced sex education program, provided it is thorough and fact-based.  Birth control options are real and it is acceptable to discuss them, provided the whole story is told and the schools don’t distribute the condoms or other birth control themselves and don’t facilitate the abortion process.

For example, truly comprehensive sex education should teach the following regarding birth control pills:

  • They are X% effective at preventing pregnancies (but the data must be given for different demographic groups, because discipline and effectiveness tends to be lower for younger and poorer women).
  • They offer zero protection against STDs
  • They offer zero protection against emotional issues
  • There are possible side effects

More considerations and possible elements of a truly comprehensive sex education program:

  • Surveys demonstrate that married couples have the most satisfying sex lives.
  • It is absolutely ridiculous for schools to dispense birth control.  It sends the implicit and explicit message that you expect kids to have sex and that the adults say you should use birth control.  Guess which message they will listen to and which one they will ignore?
  • Hey parents, how about supervising your kids?  Giving kids unrestricted time alone with the opposite sex is virtually guaranteed to turn out badly.
  • Teach the truth about the “hookup” culture, where kids barely know each other and have sex.  Girls participating in “hookups” are basically acting like free prostitutes.  They have all the risks of pregnancy, disease, crushed self esteem, etc., but they aren’t making any money!  Somehow they convinced themselves that they are proving their equality by acting like guys do.  And of course there is the associated drug and alcohol abuse required to numb their minds to what they are doing.  Sad.
  • How Sex is Like Duct Tape (great illustration about chemicals, bonding and the pain of out-of-wedlock sex)

And of course, Christians can teach their children about God’s plan for sex and how great it is when used as designed.

The primary problem isn’t what one class teaches in one part of its curriculum in high school.  Whether  you use the falsely titled “comprehensive” Planned Parenthood type curriculum or that of the abstinence groups, the whole thing is doomed to fail if kids aren’t supervised, aren’t equipped to say no, aren’t given support by parents and just wallow in the sewer of our sex-obsessed culture. 

All of the evils of Planned Parenthood-style sex education are brought to you by the “Christian” Left, mocking God and his word since their inception.  Churchgoers who support “same-sex marriage” have nearly identical views to the world. It shows who their real father is.

1 John 2:15-16 Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world—the desires of the flesh and the desires of the eyes and pride of life—is not from the Father but is from the world.

Jude 4 For certain people have crept in unnoticed who long ago were designated for this condemnation, ungodly people, who pervert the grace of our God into sensuality and deny our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ.

When I pointed out problems of sex ed on one post I got this answer in reply:

The problem is that people screw.

My reply to him:

How Zen-like ;-).

Yes, and people steal.  And lie.  And don’t study in school.  And do drugs.  And drink alcohol and drive.

So do we give up educating them that abstaining from these and other behaviors would be wise?

Do we let them escape from consequences when they do the behaviors?

Do we just focus on making is safer to do these things?  “If you are going to drink and drive, be sure to have an air bag in the car.”

Fortunately, one commenter saw the light:

I think his point was that no matter the sex ed, the rest of culture undoes it.

That sums it up nicely.

Should you believe the Wintry Knight or Planned Parenthood on whether to have out-of-wedlock sex?

Go with WK, of course.  See How premarital sex damages a woman’s ability to be in a relationship.  Better yet, just see what the Bible has to say and then don’t be surprised when the logical consequences of fornication are destructive beyond measure.

Then again, via Planned Parenthood Tells Teens Nothing Wrong With Multiple Sex Partners:

Alex the “expert,” pronounced through Planned Parenthood’s Tumblr: “Since the number of sexual partners you’ve had doesn’t say anything about your character, your morals, or your personality – or about anything at all really– there’s nothing bad or unhealthy about having a big number of sexual partners.”

And you can totally trust Planned Parenthood.  I mean, just because they kill babies for a living, systematically hide rape, incest and sex trafficking, encourage kids to have all sorts of out-of-wedlock sex and pretend that it can be done without risks, would rather destroy a breast cancer charity than part ways amicably, commit Medicaid fraud, teach kids the joys of BDSM, and so much more, they are still worthy of receiving hundreds of millions of $ in taxpayer funds, right?