
Your Wife & Daughter May Become Eligible for the Draft — He makes all the right points about why women shouldn’t be in combat, but misses the obvious: If feminism is right, then of course they should be forced to register and eligible to be drafted.  And when pressed, women will admit that they don’t want to be drafted!  So keep pushing the issue with everyone that if feminism is true, women should be required to register.  When they inevitably protest, then explain why they just undermined their entire worldview.  And then share that link.  They want to crash the party on their terms, but that isn’t how it should work.

Yep.  The government is the problem, not capitalism.  When the government gets involved and can pick winners and losers then corruption is inevitable.


Feminism is satanic poison, but it is being kept alive by feminist men.  If those guys would vote against it things would change.

I just heard of a big church where the pastor took a 50% pay cut and they had lots of layoffs (and I’ve heard many similar stories).  First, they should have saved more.  When I was on the board of a non-profit we didn’t want to have an excessive amount saved, but we had a target of at least 3-6 months of expenses saved in case of downturns.  That’s just wise living.  You aren’t trying to have an endowment situation like these ridiculous colleges with hundreds of millions saved while you gouge students, but you also don’t want to spend your ministry time constantly living on the edge.

But I really hope that the only reductions in giving are because people lost jobs or had pay cuts.  If they are just withholding donations because they couldn’t worship in person (“Hey, let’s save money by not going to church!!”) or because they are nervous, then that’s a pretty lousy faith.  Don’t be thrifty with Jesus.  This is a great time to put God first.

NYC idiots attend “corona potluck parties” — Just one example of many.  Yet this is obviously Trump’s fault.  Blood on his hands!!!  Or something.

WHO accused of ‘carrying China’s water’ after official refuses to acknowledge Taiwan during bizarre interview — WHO is a China-controlled joke.

British Scientific Advisors: China Covering Up Full Extent Of Coronavirus; Could Be 40 Times Worse Than Reported — And yet Leftist media and politicians gleefully parrot the Chinese party line because Orange Man Bad.

Is it too soon?  The Simpsons predicted Trump as President, this epidemic and much more.


NYU Students Request Refund, Dean Dances No — another good lesson for college kids.  These universities do not have your best interests at heart.  They are there to profit off of you and to brainwash you.

Madonna: “Quarantine Diaries” Illustrate Her Ignorance — By the grace of God we raised two conservative, hard-working, faithful millenials who defy all the stereotypes. One told me that she’s seen tons of millennials dunk on these pretentious celebrities, so there is hope for that generation!

The curious paucity of MSM coverage of Biden’s #MeToo accuser — Not curious at all, knowing their bias.  But just contrast the Kavanaugh circus, when he was going to be one of nine justices, with this much more credible accusation against the Democratic front runner for President.  And they are just as silent as he decades of corruption.

Those plastic bag bans aren’t looking so good right now — Green ideas are often overrated, part #978.

Trump to cruise lines: If you want American coronavirus relief, try being American companies first — Good for him!  Hopefully this is something everyone (except the cruise lines and their employees) can agree on.

French Official Says Quarantine Should Not be Enforced in Migrant Areas to Avoid Riots — Good thing they’ve been importing millions of them. Because diversity is our strength!  Or something.

Best of the Bee

Family Takes Weekend Vacation To Guest Room | The Babylon Bee

China: ‘We’ve Completely Cured Coronavirus And Everything Is Fine Here And No One Is Allowed In To Check’ | The Babylon Bee

We’re gonna need a lot of millstones to clean this up . . .

Snapchat Encourages Sexting During COVID-19 While Teens Are At Home


Great thoughts from a long-time employee awaiting a fairly serious surgery (he is a very committed Christian): “I have no worries about health or money, I just focus on pleasing God.”

I love how it says it is a throne of grace (not judgment): Hebrews 4:16 Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.

Not the Babylon Bee

Coronavirus: Mexicans demand crackdown on Americans crossing the border — They are so racist!!!

Details of Joe Biden Sexual Assault Allegation — The Leftists, including their wholly owned media, will ignore this, despite their “believe all women” rhetoric.  Watch for their tortured hypocrisy and always ask why they aren’t pursuing it with the same vigor they have when it was a Republican being accused.  These three distinctions are important.

There are no direct witnesses to the assault, but she is at least more credible than Christine Blasey Ford, for several reasons: (1) the allegations are not wildly out of character, like those made against Brett Kavanaugh; (2) Reade told people about the incident at the time; and (3) Reade has no political motive, being strongly opposed to Trump’s reelection.

More here:

Reade has not spent much time revealing what she claims Biden did to her — at least until now. For instance, last April she told The Union that Biden constantly touched her inappropriately. He also made comments about her shapely legs and and when she refused his advances her career in his office was harmed, she said.

“My life was hell,” Reade told the paper last year. “This was about power and control. I couldn’t get a job on the Hill.” She left Biden’s office in August of ’93.

Profs Fear Public Will Learn What They Have Been Teaching — They should be afraid.  I’m glad that parents may see what nonsense they’ve been paying for.

Massachusetts governor bans reusable shopping bags, lifts restrictions on plastic bags – Wow, some good news out of all this.  Hardest hit: Smug Greens.

‘Look at the cute little fascists’! Seattle-area NPR station refusing to air WH COVID19 pressers live ‘due to a pattern of false and misleading information’ — What a coincidence – right when Trump’s poll numbers went up!  Why on earth does NPR get taxpayer funding?!  And the major networks just “happened” to come to all the same conclusion at the same time about limiting Trump’s exposure when his approval ratings were shown to be high.

Harvard not looking very woke in dealing with pandemic – They “only” have a $40 billion endowment but are sticking it to the little guys.  Remember these smug, insufferable people when this is over.

Pennsylvania supreme court approves mandatory closure of all gun stores in state — Gun and ammo sales will go up a lot once this crisis is over.  You can be sure the government will shut down sales when you really need them.

Best of the Bee

PR Disaster: President Xi Forgets To Remove ‘Made In China’ Tags From Coronavirus | The Babylon Bee

Joel Osteen Tests Negative For Christianity | The Babylon Bee



Our pastor highlighted this at the end of his sermon on Sunday: Romans 16:20 The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.  I love the juxtaposition of how the God of peace will crush Satan (i.e., Satan won’t think He is peaceful!).  Then  we are reminded of the grace of Jesus being with us.

Friendly reminder: If you aren’t reading the Bible regularly (or listening to it), it is because you have decided not to.

Apparently the SJWs have been wildly overreacting about everything they preach about (who knew?!) and are now having a major case of the sads because of the real issues of the Chinese virus, as they aren’t getting their normal attention.   It turns out, for example, that rushing through a “trans” surgery isn’t quite the emergency people were saying it was.  And maybe all those gender-neutral bathrooms weren’t as important as they said.  Same thing for all of their other phony and/or self-inflicted problems, such as equal pay for women (which was already equal for the same jobs and skills).

This may be one of the good things coming out of this crisis.  Just ignore those silly narcissists and focus on what is truly important.  Going into debt for Womyn’s Studies (or any other degree ending in “Studies”) was always stupid.  It was only the results of living in a magnificently blessed first world culture that people could even make up silly issues like the SJWs did.

But they should be really happy about their “safe spaces,” since no one should be within 6 ft. of them now.

It’s not just CNN: Media outlets keep leaving out that the Arizona man died after eating fish tank cleaner — Fools ingest fish tank cleaner and die.  Media leaves that part out to try to harm Trump.  But you can totally trust them on everything else.  Even Fox “forgot” to mention that in the title of the article.

And of course Biden knowingly lies (OK, he’s clueless, but his team knowingly lied) to foster more fear in the midst of a pandemic just to harm Trump.  These people are sick. WaPo: Four Pinocchios for Team Biden’s “Trump silenced CDC official!” accusation

Wuhan Virus Encroaches on Gay Lifestyle — Gross, but important to share, because gays do these disgusting things so reflexively that the government spends your tax money having to tell them not to.

As the bureaucrats warn,  “Rimming (mouth on anus) might spread COVID-19. Virus in feces may enter your mouth.”

Seems like getting the Wuhon Virus would be preferable to whatever that behavior could do to you.

Democrats are letting prisoners out because of the virus and police won’t respond to some crimes.  Oh, and the Dems still don’t want you to own guns.  What could go wrong?

In China, critics of the government’s handling of the coronavirus crisis simply disappear — Just like in the U.S.!  Except not at all like the U.S.  If only the Leftists would acknowledge how much freedom of speech they have and would quit repeating Chinese propaganda.

New York Health Officials Told Residents to Congregate in Huge Crowds in “Defiance” of Coronavirus — Political correctness and virtue signaling are deadly, chapter 897.  But but but it is all Trump’s fault!

ChiComs Are Culpable; Media/Democrats Side With Them — The America-hating Left is setting us up for the next virus as well.  If we can’t acknowledge the root cause and corrective actions of this one it will just happen again.

Chinese wet markets, where exotic animals are butchered and sold under unhygienic conditions, caused SARS and now the Wuhan virus. The government is totalitarian, yet has permitted these breeding grounds for viruses, even while cracking down on trivial thought crimes. The communist rulers helped the virus spread by suppressing information, lying that it could not be transmitted between humans, and destroying samples and research that confirmed the seriousness of the disease. Those who tried to raise the alarm in the early stages were silenced by the police state. This cost the rest of the world 2 months, which could have been used to avert the massive crisis that is currently unfolding.

The Democrats held up the recovery bill to add things like abortions, corporate board diversity, airline emissions and $10,000 payoffs of college debt.   Because taxpayers need to pay to kill more children and to subsidize the debauchery and bad financial decisions of others.  The Republican ads write themselves.

Dems: Trump is Hitler!

Dems: Trump is incompetent!

Also Dems: Let Trump nationalize the supply chain and control it all!

They obviously just want that precedent set in case they ever take power again.

NYT visualization: How the Chinese government enabled the spread of coronavirus — Glad to see the NYT told the truth (albeit with a wimpy headline).  China is the cause of the great financial and deadly catastrophe in history, yet they and the Democrats are working 24×7 to blame Trump.  Sickening.


Still a great day to be a Christian!  Hope you are all well.  What are you doing to stay busy?  Gorgeous day yesterday – was able to sit on the porch, play a little guitar, talk to passing neighbors without getting too close, read, etc.  Trying to keep a normal routine of Bible reading, Bible verse memorization, working out, etc.  We were able to go to our ballroom dance studio to practice, which was nice (group lessons are canceled and we stopped private lessons for now, but we had the entire upstairs floor to ourselves — 100x safer than the grocery store!).

Hopefully your church is streaming your services, but if not, you can join us here at 10:45 AM or 6:00 PM (EST) —

Aaaaaaand . . . political correctness and virtue signaling are still deadly.  Yet that’s what the Dems are doing here.

Ohio halts “nonessential” abortions during COVID-19 crisis — Sort of.  The Molech-worshiping ghouls of Planned Parenthood et al will continue to find loopholes to kill children.  After all, they say that child-murder is essential – especially when we are trying to save lives from this virus, or something.

Biden plans to come out and second guess Trump every day.  Hopefully people will recognize that for the shameless attention getting politics that it is, and it will backfire like most of the other Trump-hating strategies of these deranged people.

Regulations kills jobs.  The real minimum wage is always zero.  California killed freelance.  The Leftists keep telling themselves that they are helping workers, but they always make things worse.   They do it because they are controlled by unions.


Madness: Teachers Accuse NYC Schools of Covering Up Chinese Coronavirus Threat — Yikes.  And yet another reason to get out of government schools.  You can see how much they care about the students.  Oh, and they are all Democrats, all the time.

The information freeze started March 10, when Carranza, in an email obtained by The Post, told administrators not to alert city health officials about COVID-19 cases among students or staff.
“At the moment, there is no reason for any school to call [the Health Department] to report potential or confirmed cases,” Carranza wrote, repeating the statement later in the same email. . . .
At several campuses and DOE offices citywide, multiple staffers have tested positive but affected buildings remained open while workers, students and parents were kept in the dark, whistleblowers said.
At the Grand Street campus in Williamsburg, which houses three high schools, a teacher returned from a trip to China over the February break. Despite reports of the outbreak, the teacher did not self-quarantine, but returned to teach kids in all three schools Feb. 26 through Feb. 29, a staffer said.
The teacher then became sick and stopped working. The school was not closed, and employees were not notified, insiders said.
Up to four other staffers have since become sick, they said.

This is sheer madness. Why would a teacher travel to China at a time when this dangerous virus outbreak was going on there? I mean, Trump shut off incoming flights from China on Feb. 3, and yet this Brooklyn teacher went to China nearly three weeks later, and taught for four days before falling ill? And then — to add insult to injury — the city’s department of education suppressed the information about this COVID-19 case? This is criminal negligence. Hell, it’s nearly manslaughter!

Eugene Gu: a history of abuse behind the social justice personality — So the Trump-hating “doctor” (no longer licensed) is just a creepy fraud?  No wonder the Left quotes him so reflexively.  Among other things, he Tweeted from a fake female account to attack others and make himself look more prominent.  What a pathetic SJW.

Before I spoke to Allison, I had noticed unsettling tweets from Mary Laury’s profile, too. I was writing a profile on Gu, and I’d been trying to get in touch with some of his critics. Though I agreed with Gu’s left-leaning political views, it was clear most media coverage of him was very one-sided: they only told Gu’s story, the one that made him out to be a victim and hero. I tweeted at an especially ardent critic, the (now deleted) @NefariousMD, asking for his perspective on Gu. @NefariousMD often posted screenshots of an unsettling piece of Gu’s past: a series of arrest citations, including filed restraining orders and allegations of domestic violence. I’d come across the allegations early in my research, and asked Gu about it in our interviews. . . .

Allison had told me that she hadn’t wanted to go public with what happened between her and Gu: he was supporting good causes, and she didn’t want to take anything away from that. But discovering the Mary Laury account pushed her over the edge. In July 2017, she tweeted: “I’m freaking out now knowing my ex boyfriend was tormenting me with a fake female account. Sending me DMs obsessing over him, asking intimate details about my sex life, and then trying to convince me they slept together. I’m going to be sick.” She described a man obsessed with his Twitter following, a date that turned into something resembling sexual assault: “He is on top of me, groping me, trying to kiss me as I keep trying to get up and telling him no. Moving my face away from his kisses. He kept saying he wanted to have unprotected sex so he could get me pregnant so I could never leave him. I continued to fight him off until eventually he tired himself out and passed out.”

Calling it the Wuhon or Chinese Coronavirus wasn’t racist or xenophobic at all, until Trump said it.


I had to check to see if this was from the Babylon Bee.  Nope.  He really said it.  If only we had thought of that . . . 500 years ago!











‘Speaks VOLUMES!’ Chinese ambassador praises Hillary Clinton for standing up for China against Trump criticism — Yep.   China is a totalitarian state that represses their people and free speech.  Hillary and Biden love China.

Can’t believe YouTube hasn’t taken this down!


Good prayer I came across . . .

Prayer for a Pandemic

May we who are merely inconvenienced remember those whose lives are at stake.

May we who have no risk factors remember those most vulnerable.

May we who have the luxury of working from home remember those who must choose between preserving their health or making their rent.

May we who have the flexibility to care for our children when their schools close remember those who have no options.

May we who have to cancel our trips remember those who have no safe place to go.

May we who are losing our margin money in the tumult of the economic market remember those who have no margin at all.

May we who settle in for a quarantine at home remember those who have no home.

As fear grips our country, let us choose love.

During this time when we cannot physically wrap our arms around each other, let us yet find ways to be loving embrace of God to our neighbors.


The ending of the book of Job is in the Bible for a reason

And the rest of the Bible is also there for a reason.

People often have legitimate questions about suffering or big-picture questions about God, such as why He did or didn’t do this or that. Sometimes, the questions are natural and from reasonable motives, but they are often smokescreens. Never forget Romans 1. People know there is a God, but they suppress the truth in unrighteousness. I know; I used to be one of them!

Romans 1:18–21 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who by their unrighteousness suppress the truth. For what can be known about God is plain to them, because God has shown it to them. For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse. For although they knew God, they did not honor him as God or give thanks to him, but they became futile in their thinking, and their foolish hearts were darkened.

I once talked to a few skeptical Kairos prison ministry participants who had lots of questions like that. They were looking for reasons not to believe. My strategy in situations like that is to give a quick answer and then point to greater truths.

Example: One asked, “What if Adam hadn’t sinned?”  I could tell from the conversation that it wasn’t from faith or genuine concern but skepticism. You could waste a lot of time on that sort of hypothetical, so I just smiled and said, “If Adam hadn’t sinned and ruined everything, then I would have.”  They got the joke, allowing me to segue into the gospel.

Back to Job: As you probably know, Job wanted to know lots of things from God, but when God showed up and asked questions, Job got quiet very quickly. He didn’t get the answers he wanted, just like we often don’t get the answers we want. It is important to acknowledge that to people without apology.

Job 38:1–7 Then the Lord answered Job out of the whirlwind and said: “Who is this that darkens counsel by words without knowledge? Dress for action like a man; I will question you, and you make it known to me. “Where were you when I laid the foundation of the earth? Tell me, if you have understanding. Who determined its measurements—surely you know! Or who stretched the line upon it? On what were its bases sunk, or who laid its cornerstone, when the morning stars sang together and all the sons of God shouted for joy?

And it goes on from there.

But as I like to say, the end of the book of Job is in the Bible for a reason: We don’t get to know everything.  Job was more devout than any of us, but he didn’t get answers (at least at that time).

But the rest of the Bible is there for a reason as well: God reveals countless profound things about himself to us that we do need to know, including his remarkably gracious terms for saving our wretched souls.  Of course, we can’t know everything about God, but we can know a lot.  So point people to what we do know and don’t get caught up in what we may never know (at least not in this life).

I also like this passage.  It reminds me that when there are things I don’t or can’t know, I should just follow Jesus:

John 21:22 Jesus said to him, “If it is my will that he remain until I come, what is that to you? You follow me!”

And this is a classic.  People forget that our default destination is Hell.   They think the default is Heaven and that you only go to Hell if you are “really” bad.

Romans 9:18–20 So then he has mercy on whomever he wills, and he hardens whomever he wills. You will say to me then, “Why does he still find fault? For who can resist his will?” But who are you, O man, to answer back to God? Will what is molded say to its molder, “Why have you made me like this?”

We just can’t fully comprehend his greatness!

Romans 11:33 Oh, the depth of the riches and wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are his judgments and how inscrutable his ways!

Instead of apologizing for God when bad things happen, as some “Christian” Leftists do when pretending that God isn’t completely sovereign, we should switch the narrative.  When people ask where God is, include something like this: “God is where He has always been: Ready and willing to forgive repentant sinners.  He is also still withholding his wrath from those who completely deserve it right now: People who have killed their own children, who have sex out of wedlock with impunity, who mock his created order with every sort of perversion – including pretending they are a different gender, who are greedy, who are unkind, who are liars, and on and on.  Namely, everyone, including me!  So repent now and accept his gracious forgiveness.”

God is not soft on evil.  The cross was simultaneously the great act of evil ever (fallen man killing God in the flesh) and the greatest act of good (saving those who couldn’t save themselves).

More about knowing God:

1 Corinthians 2:11 For who knows a person’s thoughts except the spirit of that person, which is in him? So also no one comprehends the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God.

Isaiah 55:8–11 For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts. “For as the rain and the snow come down from heaven and do not return there but water the earth, making it bring forth and sprout, giving seed to the sower and bread to the eater, so shall my word be that goes out from my mouth; it shall not return to me empty, but it shall accomplish that which I purpose, and shall succeed in the thing for which I sent it.

P.S. I liked this comment from the Bible Knowledge Commentary:

Like a deaf critic of Bach or a blind critic of Raphael is the unregenerate critic of God’s Word.



Teens Cough on Produce, Post Video — And Dems want them to vote.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Tucker Carlson both call on Sen. Richard Burr to resign over stock dump; Sen. Kelly Loeffler too — This is the tip of the iceberg.  If journalists did their jobs they’d investigate all  those politicians who got miraculously rich while working as “public servants.”  Start with Pelosi.  These people have traded off insider information for decades.  Yet somehow congress exempted themselves!

9 ways Christians can respond differently to Coronavirus – We respond differently because we have hope.

Baltimore mayor pleads: Stop shooting each other so we can save hospital beds for coronavirus patients — A little late in the game now that the citizens were turned against the police so that they became timid and the lawlessness increased.

Why Media Does Not Call It “Wuhan Virus” — Because they hate Trump and America.

First, the Wuhan Coronavirus originated in Wuhan, China. Second, the Chinese Communist Party not only ignored but completely covered up the disease for as long as they could, allowing it to not only spread among its own people but to countries around the world. Third, diseases are regularly named after the area (like Ebola), city (like Lyme Disease), or region/nation (like Middle East Respiratory Syndrome) of their origin.

However, No American who has ever heard of West Nile Virus, German Measles, Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever, St. Louis Encephalitis, or Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever believes the phrase “Chinese Virus” is racist or xenophobic. The World Health Organization even acknowledged the reason they came up with the clunky, manufactured name “COVID-19” was to prevent the stigma from touching China.

Bonus: The media called it the Chinese/Wuhon virus before
Trump did.  Because consistency.

Also this: ‘Not as long as I’m president’: Trump tells reporter pursuing ‘racism’ angle why he refers to COVID19 as the ‘Chinese virus’.  I love it.

Oh, and this: SCREENSHOTS: Chinese state media used to call it ‘Wuhan virus’ but now that’s racist?  Those racist Chinese, always being racist against the Chinese!

Great video on the Left’s perversion of the world tolerance.  You can only tolerate what you disagree with.  We should tolerate people, not ideas.  They do neither.  They immediately go to name-calling and “canceling” other people (e.g., trying to destroy their reputations and/or take their jobs away).

Remember that Andrew Gillum was nearly governor of Florida and he was being considered as a VP pick for Biden.  Married father of three, rising Democrat star, caught in meth-fueled orgy with gay escort in a hotel room.  You think the media would have ignored this it he was a white Republican?

Best of the Bee

Congress Assures Nation They’re Working Tirelessly To Figure Out How To Take Advantage Of This Crisis | The Babylon Bee

Bernie Trying To Decide Which House To Quarantine Himself In | The Babylon Bee

Not the Babylon Bee

New Marvel Comic Introduces ‘Non-binary’ Heroes Called ‘Snowflake’ and ‘Safespace’

WaPo: Biden wasn’t “lying.” He just “described his stance inaccurately.”

A Washington Post fact-checker ruled Thursday that Joe Biden hadn’t lied when he said he supported a fracking ban during Sunday’s Democratic presidential debate. Rather, Biden had simply “described his fracking stance inaccurately.”

The Post gave Biden “Zero Pinocchios” for saying during the most recent Democratic debate that he opposed fracking entirely. Instead, the paper pointed to the Biden campaign’s explanation that the candidate had “misspoken” and that “his position was the same as ever,” opposing fracking only on public lands.Meanwhile, the Post criticized those who quoted Biden’s remarks verbatim.

What a sad little snowflake.  He actually called the police because the polite Prager U people were sharing ideas that “terrorized” him.  Yet he couldn’t name one thing wrong with the ideas.  Too many years of Leftist indoctrination for that kid!


Various lessons from the Chinese virus crisis

The past few weeks have been like a bad movie made by 2nd graders, but you are chained to the chair and can’t stop watching.

As I like to say on good days and bad, it is a great day to be a Christian.  But it is especially great during a personal or societal crisis.  We know that our Redeemer lives.  Our problem in life – being rebellious sinners against an omnipotent and perfectly holy God — was solved by our Savior.  If we focus on him we can continue to live with joy.

Empty shelves and hoarding were newsworthy because they were such an anomaly in our great capitalistic country. But that’s daily life with socialism and communism.

Will people learn to save more for emergencies or will the government “giving” them money reinforce the fiction that all your big problems will be solved by them?

Leftists think Trump is Hitler 2.0 and they criticize him 24×7 in the most vicious terms while the real despots are in Socialist / Communist countries: Chinese tycoon vanishes after calling Xi a ‘clown,’ slamming government’s handling of COVID-19.  Short of making death threats, no one has been arrested in the U.S. for hating on Trump.

Predictably, the Left has exploited the virus to harm Trump, but all you need to know is that Biden criticized Trump for banning travel from China.  That foolish move alone shows that he is incompetent and malicious.  The same goes for anyone else on the Left: If they ever accused Trump of overreacting with the China travel ban or anything else, they need to shut up.

We must be less reliant on other countries for our basic needs. Why would you source over 90% of key medicines from a sworn enemy?

We must protect our borders, and anyone who still opposes that Is doing it from malice. Before it might have been from ignorance, but no longer.

I don’t mind the government making suggestions, but I don’t like the fact that they can mandate against our right to free assembly. That’s a bad habit to get into.  I appreciate churches erring on the side of safety, but I don’t want the government telling me I can’t assemble however I like.  Just say no to more government power in this pandemic:

Let’s not give the government more power to dictate our lives, even during a pandemic. Common sense isn’t a government-forced lockdown of life. It is reducing regulations so companies can get a vaccine out quicker to the general populace and not telling private labs to stop testing if they have found a way to detect the virus.

We don’t need to embrace socialism or a top-heavy approach to fighting a pandemic, temporary or not. ‘Temporary’ tends to become long-term in the hands of the government.

And does anyone think these government leaders shared in the suffering for any shortages?

Oh, then there’s this: Illinois Mayor Grants Herself Power to Ban Guns During Coronavirus Pandemic.  Leftists would never abuse that, would they?

Hopefully people find some new and long-lasting habits.  Maybe they’ll realize that they don’t need to spend so much time tracking the exploits of athletes and celebrities and watching various sportsball events.  Hopefully they’ll use the time to exercise themselves.  Or that time with their kids can be fun and helpful to them.

I had to go on Facebook to watch our church’s live streaming (I borrow my wife’s account) and noticed many people sharing links to their church’s streaming services.  Hopefully some people who don’t otherwise attend church will check them out.  My Mom is a very committed Bible believer but is in a denomination that has drifted, so I was encouraged when she really enjoyed a link to our church’s site (45 minutes of outstanding expository preaching!).  Downside: More people probably watched Joel Osteen and the like [shudders].

I really hope people don’t cut back on their giving just because they aren’t attending in person.  This is not the time to shortchange God!

Hopefully more people will consider getting out of government schools!  Parents Worried They’ll Have To Raise Their Own Children As Government Schools Shut Down | The Babylon Bee

And maybe it will make more people reconsider traditional colleges.  Who needs wildly expensive campus experiences, where there is more debauchery than learning?  Just go online for a fraction of the cost.  The “greens” should be wild about online textbooks instead of paper, and they should be less expensive.  They can use recorded videos for most things and save lots of $$.

The company I work for had all non assembly/shipping/sales people work from home for now.  I’ve been working from home for years, so this wasn’t much of a change for me.  Half my team travels a lot and half is at our corporate offices, so the latter are getting used to working from home for a stretch.  Saving the time and stress of commuting is great!  I challenged them all with a simple mission: Be safe, innovative and productive.  So far, so good.

If the Leftist “green” movement was not hypocritical and haters of humanity, wouldn’t they be pushing aggressively for more work-at-home and home schooling options?  Look how much less traffic there is!  Home schoolers don’t sit outside schools with their engines idling mornings and afternoons dropping off and waiting for kids.  The Left should be thrilled with this, but they aren’t.   Because hypocrisy.

Yes, the Leftist / Deep State really are cheering this.

View image on Twitter

Finally, just remember that extended family time worked out great in The Shining.  Our kids are out of the house and Mrs. Eternity Matters is used to me working at home.  But here are some ideas if you have young ones: Activities While Being “Stuck” at Home

Whether good times or bad, always make the best of everything.  Enjoy the time.  Read the Bible and pray more.  Memorize Bible verses.  Exercise.  Make new good habits.

Be blessed!


This is an outstanding video about Christian apologetics.  It shows how evidential arguments can be helpful, but that they have significant limits.  The non-believers have lots of “rescue devices,” but there is a line of arguments they can’t refute but only sidestep.  Don’t follow the “neutral ground” space where you abandon the Bible.  Sadly, many apologists do that.  There is no neutral ground.   And both sides have presuppositions they should acknowledge.  But if God’s word is infallible – and it is! — then why would we ever give that up?! The laws of logic, the uniformity of the world and universal moral laws can’t be grounded by atheism, but only by biblical Christianity.

Hat tip: The Domain for Truth.

This is golden.  Watch and share.

Biden Promises to Halt All US Oil Production — Insanity.  This would have been stupid at any time, but can’t they see that being less dependent on other countries is a huge advantage?!

James MacDonald Announces Return to Pulpit with 8-Part Series at Calvary Chapel South Bay — Predictable but disappointing.  What a lack of discernment by this church!

MacDonald then addressed the crowd, telling them that he had pastored a “wonderful church in Chicago,” but adding: “God has seen it to be fit to allow us to be separated from the church that we loved for our whole lifetime. And it has been a real crucible of suffering for us.

”Neither MacDonald nor Gill told the congregation that MacDonald’s former church, Harvest Bible Chapel, had disqualified MacDonald from public ministry for a “substantial pattern of sinful behavior.” They also did not mention that an audit conducted by Harvest found that MacDonald had misused millions in church funds “for improper financial benefit.”

‘Our media is broken’: NYT firefighters team up to feed bogus narrative deliberately mischaracterizing Donald Trump’s COVID19 response — Just another reason to never trust the media – especially the NT times.  They tweeted the part of Trump’s comments in bold and left out the rest.  Why?  To make Trump look mean and evil.  So he was just giving practical advice, and the deliberately made it look like he was being flippant and callous.  So we are in the middle of a national emergency / pandemic and their first priority is to make him look back by omitting the context of his words?!  Such fake news.

“Respirators, ventilators, all of the equipment — try getting it yourselves,”

“We will be backing you, but try getting it yourselves. Point of sales, much better, much more direct if you can get it yourself.”

One upside of the virus thing: People will learn they can live without watching sportsball events many hours a week and might actually do some exercise themselves.

Best of the Bee

Op-Ed: The Feds Really Botched This Whole Coronavirus Thing, So We Should Give Them More Power | The Babylon Bee — That sums it up.

Also this: CAROL MOORE REPORT: "Violence to prove manhood" rides again

Responding to the phony “wage gap” argument

First, here are the facts about that mythical wage gap that Leftists maliciously and/or ignorantly use to appeal to low-information voters:

1. There is no real wage gap when you factor in experience and skills.
2. There are already laws in place, so if there was a real gap you would have recourse.
3. A massive government bureaucracy to fine-tune the mythical gap would be incredibly costly, inefficient and prone to corruption.
4. Ever notice how feminists ignore the male “domination” of trash collectors, lawn care workers, construction workers, miners and other dangerous and/or more demanding jobs?
5. If there really was a gap then the market would correct for it. Oh, you don’t want to pay qualified women or minorities market wages? Great, I’ll hire them all and kick your butt in the marketplace! As always, you are welcome to start your own business and “fix” the problem. Oh, but that’s hard work . . . never mind.

So don’t be a sucker. There is no wage gap.

Better yet, whenever people bring up the phony wage gap, just play dumb and say, “You’re right, the safety gap is a very serious issue. So many men are injured and killed because they have more dangerous jobs than women. We need to do something about it!”

Or pick one of these topics to make the same point, or rattle off a bunch of them, to show that the real victims are usually men.  Play out the conversation as they squirm.  Ask why the media doesn’t report on that, why people don’t protest to help these men, where are the social media memes, etc.

  • Paternity fraud
  • Selective service
  • War deaths
  • Workplace deaths
  • Suicides
  • False rape allegations
  • Failure to launch
  • Homelessness
  • Sentencing disparity
  • Life expectancy
  • Child support
  • Child custody
  • Criminal court bias
  • Veterans’ issues
  • Resources for male victims of domestic violence
  • Lack of “choice” once a child is conceived (of course I don’t want them to have the option to abort, I’m just pointing out Leftist hypocrisy)


Just finished reading The Splendid and the Vile by Erik Larson, which covered Churchill’s first year as Prime Minister.  Great book!  And a good lesson: Those people learned to live with the risks of being bombed day after day.  Of course they didn’t like it, but they adapted to their new risks.  Our problem today is that we live with countless risks but let the media and others tell us when to freak out over new ones.

British woman sues medical center for allowing her to “transition” her gender — I hope that many sue these ghouls into oblivion for destroying their lives when they were foolish children.  They should sue their parents as well if they were complicit.  Maybe a few bankruptcies would cut down on this wicked virtue-signaling.

Would YOU go on a sex strike? Meet the four women who use bedroom bans to make their husbands clean up and be better fathers to their children — What a satanic article.  It will encourage women to destroy their families.  Gee, trading sex for something you want . . . just like prostitution!  My wife has known women like that.  No wonder more and more men have no interest in marriage.

That should be grounds for divorce, as the marriage was entered into under false pretenses and the wife is abandoning the relationship.

I’ll wait for the article showing all the great things that happen when men withhold finances, protection, yard work, etc. in exchange for sex.

There are no guarantees, of course, but if I was single I’d mention that article to see how a woman reacts.  If she didn’t explicitly condemn it I’d run away.

Presuppositional Apologetics Believes in Evidence: Yet Five Ways its Different than Evidentialism — Excellent overview and great points.  I really like this strategy for evangelism and defending the faith.

Fear and Loathing in South Beach: Florida Democrat ‘Rising Star’ Found in Hotel Room With Meth and Gay Escort — Nothing to see here, folks.  Just a guy who was nearly governor of Florida and now working for CNN getting caught with meth in a hotel room with a gay sex escort and whose alibi was refuted by one of the others in the room.   I’m sure CNN will get to the bottom of this.

Chinese state media warns it could cut America’s pharmaceutical drug supply — Great reminder from this ridiculous overly hyped and politicized issue: You can’t trust China.  Even if it costs more we need to control more of the production of medicines and more.

MSNBC’s Joy Reid tweets about reports coronavirus spending bill included Hyde Amendment loophole | Fox News

Republicans: Let’s fund a bill to help combat this virus.

Democrats: OK, but only if we can force people to pay to have unwanted children killed!

Closed borders work.  The virus is a big deal in a sense – i.e., more than the flu — but it has been totally overblown.

I noted on a Lakers blog that border control is crucial, and loads of dim-witted Leftists tried to mock me by saying the virus came through planes and boats.  Apparently they didn’t realize that we have land AND water borders.   And they are so wedded to their open borders vote-buying insanity that they have to pretend that letting people pour in from Mexico doesn’t risk our health at all.


Best of the Bee

Opinion: If Americans Aren’t Sexist, Then How Come They Refuse To Elect The Most Unlikable Women On The Planet? | The Babylon Bee