
Can recreational sex turn a selfish, irresponsible man into a marriage-minded provider?  Sadly, for far too many that isn’t a rhetorical question.  The entire piece should be required reading in any “comprehensive” sex education class and a copy given out with every service Planned Parenthood provides.  Here’s an excerpt.

Evidently, the liberal woman is capable of the most severe form of psychological denial known to humankind.  Certain that one of the men with whom she has copulated without strings will suddenly morph into a faithfully monogamous creature the minute she can convince one of them to say “I do” in front of a few witnesses, the liberal woman marches blindly down the aisle towards near-certain, adulterous doom.  Yet, no amount of honest reason can dissuade liberal women from this self-destructive, moral myopia.

What other term but “morally schizoid” could possibly describe this blatantly contradictory tendency among liberal women?

Having spent their youth casually throwing their own sexual morality to the winds of fairytale “liberation,” these liberal women still steadfastly cling to the faithfully monogamous ideal for that sometime-later moment when they actually do desire all the traditional things — the husband, the kids, the white picket fence — those pesky female-nature embedded longings, which coincidentally ensure the continuation of the human race.

But these liberal women somehow — in perfect schizoid manner — convince themselves that once married, they will be the gratuitous beneficiaries of the monogamous respect they still desire, but have never once demanded or deserved.

Good lessons here: Why You Can’t See Your Biggest Flaws

… the 18th-century pastor John Newton, who showed us that most Christians live with obvious character flaws that ruin both their joy and also their Christian witness. But why do so many Christians live this way?

Our natural virtues, which come from inborn temperament and family nurture—such as our talents, aptitudes, and strengths—are good things. But each has a “dark side.” . . .

Pay close attention to how the Left and the squishy Right already hate and fear Texas Senator Ted Cruz.  That is a good sign that he is a great leader.  If you don’t support people with the guts to stand up for what is right, then don’t be surprised with what you get.  Also see Ted Cruz at Hillsdale: “Economic freedom and the prosperity it generates reduces poverty like nothing else”

This is sad: Even a conservative school like Texas A&M makes professors sign a climate orthodoxy loyalty oath on faculty in its climate science department.  See Science, free speech and climate change.

Putting asunder what God has joined — A good list of church responsibilities with respect to divorce.

What is the responsibility of the church? The church’s responsibility is (1) to train its youth according to the Biblical teaching regarding sexuality and marriage; (2) to do everything possible to strengthen the marriages of its members; (3) to uphold Biblical standards regarding the grounds for divorce; (4) to approach every troubled couple with love, understanding, and help with the goal of restoring the relationship; (5) to support the party who does not cause the divorce*; (6) to minister to the needs of children for whom divorce is almost always destructive; (7) to seek pastorally, with humility and showing grace, to help the erring party to repent and find forgiveness, according to his/her profession; and (8) as a last resort to use the Bible’s disciplinary process (Matthew 18:15-20; 1 Corinthians 5:1-13; Galatians 6:1) to uphold the honor of Christ, to protect the purity of the church, and to reclaim the person who (it is be hoped) had temporarily gone astray.

After Gosnell: Proposed law would allow federal gov’t to regulate speech of… pregnancy resource centers — That’s right, because another abortionist was caught killing babies after birth the pro-aborts need to attack the non-profit groups that help women for free.

C.S. Lewis had a lot to offer, but I agree with this article noting Lewis’ errors on substitutionary atonement and inclusivism.

Ridiculous toy/pretend gun overreaction of the week: 6 Year Old Given Detention And Forced To Apologize After “Traumatizing” Other Kids With Gun.  A toy gun, that is.  The size of a quarter.  The Liberals causing this real trauma to the 6 yr. old boy are the same ones who are radically pro-abortion.  Think about it.

This is what happens when weak leaders make unnecessary compromises on core issues just because they are bullied by politically correct nonsense.  Why give an inch to the groups that want to destroy you?

The face — and body — of unions.  Seriously.

Union Boss Sleeping On The Job

IRS leader visited Obama 157 times, but they never discussed targeting Conservatives? Sure.

Yeah, it is only 157 times more than the previous Commissioner visited with President Bush in his last 4 years.  And of course Obama learned about the targeting from the media.

Seriously, if you don’t see the problem then you are part of the problem.  Even if this was the only scandal in the Obama administration it would be worthy of impeachment.

But again, remember that the biggest issues we should emphasize here aren’t Obama’s incompetence, maliciousness, lying and law-breaking.  The issues to emphasize are the dangers of expecting government to solve all of our problems and trusting it to be better than the free market to choose winners and losers.  Point to the doctrine of original sin and how giving unchecked power to anyone is a bad idea.

Via Politics: Former IRS head visited Obama White House a staggering 157 times.

Even though we know at least two Senators pushed the IRS to target the left’s political enemies, and despite the fact that White House council knew about it weeks – maybe months – before it appeared in the papers, the official line is that Obama learned of the IRS scandal only when it appeared in the media.  He’s a busy guy and, since the agents involved were just “low-level rogues,” it was impossible for the President to hear about the targeted auditing of Tea Party groups.

It’s not like he’s being directly briefed by the head of the IRS on a regular basis.  He has no time for that.

Except, for some reason, former IRS Commissioner Douglas Shulman was spending a staggering amount of time at the White House. According to a Daily Caller analysis of public records, he visited at least a whopping 157 times.

To put that in perspective, he enjoyed more White House visits that Secretaries of State Clinton and Kerry combined.  He was there three times as often as Kathleen Sebelius, the HHS secretary who’s been instrumental in the Obamacare fiasco.  Heck, it’s more than twice the number of appearances made by our resident gun-runner, Eric Holder.


Former IRS head visited Obama White House a staggering 157 times

Less tornadoes. Less hurricanes. Less droughts. No increase in warming.

So why do the media, Leftist politicians and education establishments keep insisting that we need to give the government unprecedented, unlimited and permanent power over our lives because of global warming global climate change?  See Another failed prediction for global warming: fewer extreme weather events.  The facts are in — and they have been for a long time for anyone who wanted the truth.  Even if carbon output affected the climate the way the warmists claim, given the reduction in extreme weather events you’d think they’d be asking for increased carbon output.

What they call “climate change” is really just weather.  And even if the changes were real they didn’t prove that they were caused by man.  And even if they were real and were caused by man it doesn’t mean the changes would be all bad.  And even if they were real, caused by man and all bad it doesn’t mean we could prevent them now. (Go ahead, make China stop using fossil fuels.  While you are at it, stop them from spying on our military, piracy, currency manipulation, human rights abuses, infanticide, etc.  I’ll wait here.)

Just as with Darwinian evolution, belief in and advocacy for the falsehood of global warming global climate change became a litmus test to maintain credibility, tenure and employment in Leftist establishments.  The hypocrisy and falsehoods of profiteers like Al Gore are well documented, yet aren’t communicated widely.

Please educate your friends and neighbors!

Where are the false teachers who pretended to care about Gosnell?

When the outcry over the media and false teacher silence on Kermit Gosnell got to be too much, they trotted out a few crocodile tears to pretend they cared about him killing babies 30 seconds too late.  But they know — or should know — how many other abortionists are just like him.  People who kill babies for a living aren’t great at following the baby-killing rules.  The silence of the fakes on these cases just adds to their guilt and hypocricy.

Via Nurses describe ‘unsafe’ conditions at Delaware abortion clinic.

Mitchell-Werbrich said she worked a total of 27 days at Planned Parenthood’s Wilmington and Dover sites before she resigned in August 2012. “I feared that a patient was going to end up being harmed and that I would lose my nursing license.”

She said she witnessed “meat-market-style, assembly-line abortions,” with patients “rushed in and out the door.”

Subtle, Facebook. Very subtle.

It was my youngest daughter’s 20th birthday recently.  The Facebook birthday reminder (not that I needed one — I’m pretty good at remembering things like that) noted the following:

[Your daughter’s] 20th birthday is today.

Give her Jamba Juice

[Your daughter] likes Jamba Juice

Well, she does like Jamba Juice.  Who doesn’t?  I have fond memories of stopping by there to pick up a bunch of Smoothies at their ballet studio on Saturdays when they were rehearsing for shows like the Nutcracker.  So I sent her a note that said, “Maybe you should get a Jamba juice? That suggestion had no effect on me whatsoever.”

The next day Facebook had this message in the birthday reminder section:


[Your daughter’s] 20th birthday was yesterday.

Give her Jamba Juice for her birthday

[Your daughter] likes Jamba Juice.

So I sent another note that said, “LOL – and they are still reminding me today!  OK, OK, I’ll buy you a Jamba Juice!  Tomorrow they’ll probably have one that says “[Your daughter’s] 20th birthday was two days ago . . .”

You know where this is going, right?

Yep.  The message on the next day:

[Your daughter’s] 20th birthday was 2 days ago.

Give her Jamba Juice for her birthday

[Your daughter] likes Jamba Juice.

I’m pretty sure that tomorrow’s message will say, “[Your daughter’s] birthday was 3 days ago and you still haven’t given her a Jamba Juice.  What are you, a deadbeat dad?  Now give her a Jamba Juice like we told you!” Or possibly, “[Your daughter’s] birthday is 362 days from now.  Give her a Jamba Juice.”

I’ll let you know if/when this ends.

P.S. To Facebook: I like Jamba Juice, too.  Please remind people of that on my next birthday.


Bonus section: Speaking of smoothies, I’m sure you are all interested in my latest recipe.  I decided to add beets.  Well, not multiple beets, or even a whole beet.  Just part of a beet (a whole one had a little too much flavor).

  • Milk or green tea
  • Carrots
  • Spinach
  • Beet
  • Banana
  • 2 types of frozen fruit (apples, blueberries, peaches, etc.)
  • Protein powder
  • Oatmeal

I drink half in the afternoon as a snack and half for First Breakfast each morning.

Wrong on multiple levels

This is a touching video of a couple who chose not to abort their child despite recommendations from “health care” providers.

There are a couple lessons from this that our morally schizophrenic and overly litigious society needs to learn.

1. Don’t kill human beings because they might have something wrong with them.

2. Don’t kill human beings even if they do have something wrong with them.

I’ve come across many people who were told by their doctors that they should abort, yet they have healthy kids today.  Who knows how many have been killed who were perfectly healthy?  And even if they weren’t healthy, they shouldn’t have been killed.  We don’t do that to human beings outside the womb, so we shouldn’t do it inside the womb.

We didn’t bother with the amniocentesis with our daughters because there is no way we would have aborted and there was nothing that would have helped with our preparations for them if they had been diagnosed with Down Syndrome.

Hat tip: The Bumbling Genius (who is much more genius than bumbler).

Pro-abortion false teachers & Planned Parenthood

I’ve yet to find a theologically Liberal false teacher who didn’t support the evils of Planned Parenthood.  The “social justice” crowd either ignores abortion (and thus implicitly supports it) or explicitly supports it by supporting Planned Parenthood, taxpayer-funded abortions and more.

The endless shamelessness of these baby-killers/statutory rape-hiders is evident in their new ads.

Planned Parenthood ad, baby

Uh, your baby will thank you for what — having her crushed and dismembered because you didn’t want her?!   It is right up there with the deadly cynicism of their “Care. No Matter what.” slogan.  Gee, that sounds like a bit more like a pro-life slogan, not a pro-abortion slogan.  I mean, if you really cared, wouldn’t you have the baby instead of killing her?

Update: Leftist fake Christian ghouls use Trayvon Martin death for their political agenda

I came across this picture and it reminded me of the post below.  He does look like Obama’s son!  And Obama looks (OK, thinks) like Kermit Gosnell’s twin.

This is such a perfect example of media bias.  They worked overtime with false teachers and other useful idiots to generate the St. Skittles meme.

The Trayvon Martin shooting is a tragedy.  What makes it even more sickening is that fakes like Chuck Currie are using it to fuel their politics-disguised-as-religion goals.  See Christians Honor Trayvon Martin With Hoodie Photos #TrayvonMartin #WeAreTheChristianLeft @United Church.  

Christian Left = oxymoron.  They deny Jesus’ divinity, his exclusivity, the authority of the Bible and so much more.  In other words, they aren’t Christians.  Normally I don’t poke fun at spelling errors because we can all make those, but Chuck didn’t even spell Christian correctly!

Chuck looks even more idiotic than usual in his hoodie stunt. Yeah, that’ll improve race relations . . . how?  What will this do to help stop [apparently] overly aggressive Hispanic community watchmen from shooting someone?

Chuck is wearing the moronic “,” symbol of the UCC, where they love to say “God is still speaking,” even though they ignored what He said the first time and are just using that as excuse to make up new things and blame it on God (i.e., pro-abortion, pro-“same-sex marriage,” etc.).

Keep in mind that Chuck the other moral freaks on the “Christian Left” are not only pro-legalized abortion but pro-taxpayer funded abortions.  If Trayvon Martin was in the womb today Chuck would want the government to take your money by threat of force to pay Trayvon’s mom to have him killed.  This would increase the rate of abortions in the black community to even higher than the current rate of 3x that of whites.  That’s the real racism.

Will the fakes like Chuck speak out against the New Black Panthers’ “Dead or alive” incentives to kill the Hispanic gunman?

Do Chuck & the other fakes speak out against black-on-black violence?

I haven’t noticed the fakes lamenting the black-on-white hate crime where a 13 year old boy was set on fire because he was white.

Why not?  Because they are hypocritical frauds and false teachers.


Stephen Meyer’s Signature in the Cell is only $2.99?!  You can’t afford not to buy it!

Get your teenage girls to read it by telling them it is a new book by Stephen(ie) Meyer, author of the Twilight series.  They’ll thank you later.

The Amnesty bill is a farce and one of the single most destructive pieces of legislation ever, even though — or because —  Leftists are drooling over it.  Just the rumors of it have greatly increased the number of illegal immigrants pouring into the U.S. It is the same old vested interests: Republican businessmen who can’t see 15 minutes into the future and think the low wage employees will help them, coupled with Democratic politicians who see decades of committed Democrat voters. You get more of what you reward. In this case, we are rewarding those who broke the law and punishing those who followed it.

If we just enforced the current laws requiring employers to validate citizenship/immigration status then we would solve much of the problem.

Jesus wants you to help others with your money, not the money of others. Lavishing benefits on illegal immigrants (which goes far beyond what Matthew 25 referred to) and ONLY on those who break the law to get into the country is taking money from other people (via taxes or lost jobs) and giving it to others — all the while telling yourself how nice you are!

We don’t have enough jobs for the people who are here, thanks to Obama’s successful execution of the Cloward-Piven strategy. How will we have jobs for these new people and the money to pay for their schools, welfare, medical care, etc. Has anyone noticed our $16T+ national debt and tens of trillions of unfunded liabilities? How will borrowing more money from China help anyone in the long-term?

A good post-Memorial Day reminder about a way to truly honor those who died for our freedoms: Fight to keep those freedoms alive.

I don’t know if that scene actually happened or if it was the creation of some Hollywood screenwriter, but I think there is some wisdom in Captain Miller’s message. “Earn this!” His statement to Private Ryan was simple – don’t let my sacrifice, my death on this bridge, my dying at the hands of the German army we’re fighting – don’t let that be in vain. He was telling the private to lead a worthwhile life after the war, one which would be worthy of the sacrifice of brave men who fought and died. At least that’s what *I* got out of that scene.

What does that mean to us today – not letting the sacrifice of fallen warriors be in vain? I think it means not only to exercise the freedoms they bought and secured for us, but also to be vigilant against anyone who’d try to take them. “Suspect everyone who approaches that jewel,” warned Patrick Henry. Yeah, the “give me liberty or give me death” guy.

Don’t miss this piece on The Politics of Thought Control.  It analyzes the mindset behind this true story:

Two girls grew up together and were the best of friends. Each married fine young men. One moved far away to another state. Now women, they began to drift apart in other ways, including the way they viewed the world. One became quite liberal; the other quite conservative.

On a visit home, the conservative asked the liberal about her husband’s contracting business. The liberal was comfortable admitting her husband wasn’t paying his taxes. The conservative expressed her shock. The liberal responded, “oh, don’t worry, we’re going to make a contribution to the Democratic Party.”

And it has a great summary of how, by any measure, conservatives are far more generous than Liberals.  And it isn’t just in giving to their churches, as the Liberal defenders like to claim.

• Liberals make more money than conservatives.

• Despite this income gap, conservatives give 30 percent more to charity than liberals.

• Religious conservatives give an average of $2367 per year to charity compared to $1347 for the rest of the country.

• Religious conservatives give more to secular charities than everyone else.

• Conservatives donate more blood, sweat, and tears than everyone else as measured by blood given to blood banks and personal time devoted to directly helping others.

• Brooks looked at attitudes of folks concerning distribution of income and religion. Folks who do not believe in income redistribution schemes and attend church services give away a hundred times more than folks who do believe in income redistribution schemes and don’t attend religious services.

• Secular liberals are the “whitest” and richest of the four groups Mr. Brooks identified. Nonetheless, they give 19% less to charity than religious conservatives.

Additions to the blogroll: Blog Mommas and Stretching My Faith.

Fourteen Ways Your Life Improves When You Get Your Personal Finances Under Control — some good encouragement if you aren’t there yet!

If the LGBTQX lobby really cares about equality, then why not equality for lesbians guilty of statutory rape?  Instead, they reflexively line up to support anyone who holds to their perverted sexual views.

The endless shamelessness of the baby-killers/statutory rape-hiders at Planned Parenthood.  Uh, your baby will thank you for what — having her crushed and dismembered because you didn’t want her?!   It is right up there with the deadly cynicism of their “Care. No Matter what.” slogan.  Gee, that sounds like a bit more like a pro-life slogan, not a pro-abortion slogan.  I mean, if you really cared, wouldn’t you have the baby instead of killing her?

Planned Parenthood ad, baby

Have you heard about this?  Stretched by riots, Swedish police call reinforcements.  The article is part of the problem: These are Muslims who came to their country and are soaking up all sorts of welfare benefits and demanding to be appeased at every turn.  It is rampant in Europe and creeping in the U.S.  But the article just describes them as “youths.”  Not one mention of their origin or religion.  Unlike leaders in the West, the Muslims actually think into the future and they are executing a brilliant but evil plan.  Will we wake up in the U.S., or continue to follow the useful idiots who feed others to the crocodile hoping it will eat them last? — The need for executive leadership in the White House — Obama didn’t have it, and it shows.  He is obviously behind the scandals we know about (and have you wondered about all the things we don’t know about?) — AP, Benghazi, IRS, Fox News, etc.  If he wasn’t then he’d be firing people in all these cases for their lawlessness and for not informing him. But he obviously did know about and approve the illegal actions, and he knows that if he fired them that they might not be silent about his roles. Having said that, the problem still isn’t just Obama.  It is government that is too big.  We need to make the issues about simplifying tax laws, reducing the power of the IRS, etc.


The NY Times has come a long way — the wrong way.

Sorry, couldn’t resist.  That movie deserves to be made fun of.

Grumpy Cat and Jack and Rose on Titanic

Auditioning for marriage? How many tryouts is too many for a Christian?

A friend posted a link to My Big Virginity Mistake on Facebook to get me to respond.  For the sake of context, the friend isn’t a Christian but the author of the link claims to be one.  The final line of her article was, “I learned that sex is important enough not to wait.”  So she claims the name of Christ while explicitly opposing God’s word.

The issue isn’t whether people will always meet God’s standards.  We never have, which is why the truths of Jesus and God’s grace are such Good News!  But if we really know and love him we won’t teach the opposite of what He says.

Here’s the comment thread (Snark alert: We go back a long way and aren’t bashful with each other).

  • Me: Yeah, she definitely should have slept with hundreds of guys until she found one that was perfectly compatible with her. That never has any negative consequences. That is so much wiser than doing it God’s way and making a commitment for life. 

    I hope you are smarter with your daughters than you are on Facebook.
  • Him: i think the point of the story was that if she slept with the man she loved prior to marriage, she would not have married him. one is not 100s. and aren’t we being a wee bit hypocritical?
  • Me: If your premise was accurate, it would have been an error on my part, not hypocrisy. But let’s examine your premise more closely. You think that it would be better for the number to be more than zero. So in her case, if this person (who claims Christianity but obviously disagrees with what God clearly said) had premarital sex with the man she “loved” then she wouldn’t have married him. That’s a victory if you are right. 

    But wait, wouldn’t she have to have sex with the next guy as well before she married him? Oops, another one that isn’t perfectly compatible. So another victory for you and her! The system works. 

    On to number 3: D’oh! Still not a match. But your system is working just fine! I mean, once you, in your infinite wisdom, established that God is wrong and the number should be greater than zero, then the burden of proof is on you to establish the upper limit. In this case she would have had to have at least two out-of-wedlock encounters (assuming was “the guy”). So if 2 is OK, why not 3? Or 4? or 100? 

    You haven’t completely suppressed the truth, so deep down you know something is wrong with 100. In fact, you thought it was outrageous that I brought it up. So that’s a good sign! There is hope for you. (Interestingly, the liberal Dear Abby said something similar once. While opposing God’s design for sex she was still aghast that at her current pace a reader would have 100 “lovers” by the age of 25. But she never explained the contradiction in her worldview.)

    But you and the sad author have some work to do to explain precisely what the upper limit is. And you have to explain why 5 is fine, but 6 is not. Or why 99 is fine, but 100 is not. Good luck!

    And then for extra credit you can explain why people who practice violating God’s design for sex before marriage will feel obliged to follow it afterwards. We all sin, so I’m not saying this as an expectation for perfection from anyone, but if we can’t even point to the right standards then that is a sad thing.

    You might consider if your premise is false. Perhaps sex isn’t something you audition for to see if you are compatible (If one is male and the other is female then you are compatible. Trust me.) or good enough. Perhaps it is “God’s wedding gift” so that you can enjoy it under the safest possible conditions — emotionally, physically and spiritually.