Never Let Leftists get away with the “white supremacist” canard

The latest serial lie in the Leftist playbook is to call anyone on the right a white supremacist. Just note their latest talking points. But never let them get away with that slander. Just respond like this to any charges of racism or white supremacy:

Unrestricted abortions are the priority of the Left, and they kill black children at a rate three times that of whites. If advocating for that isn’t racism and “white supremacy” then nothing is.

And if that doesn’t shut them up, feel free to bring up how Republicans support school choice that disproportionately helps blacks, how illegals take the jobs of low-income blacks and suppress the wages of remaining jobs, how Democrats just use them for votes but haven’t really done anything for them, how despite the media lies the police kill whites as often as blacks, they want to disarm blacks so they can’t defend themselves while the elite Leftists have armed guards, they try to destroy successful conservative blacks, they are proven to talk down to blacks whereas conservatives do not, etc.

As Thomas Sowell said, the Left did what slavery and oppression could not: Destroy the black family.