
The Tragedy of the Dumb Church — anti-intellectualism is a huge problem in churches.  The author’s example of churches ignoring apologetics for adults and youth is the same thing I’ve seen at most churches.

More great undercover videos from Lila Rose — She busted Planned Parenthood a few times.  Now she nails other abortionists for admitting what they’d do with babies who survived “botched abortions” (as someone on Facebook noted, is there a more bizarre term than that?  I mean, they are saying, “We tried to kill this defenseless baby and she survived.  What now?!”).

My only internal conflict is that abortions in the womb — whether early or not — are just as evil as infanticide.  These Gosnell et al ghouls seem worse but pro-choices will just dismiss them as being extreme.

Five Tactics for Cheap, Healthy Eating — some good, simple advice.

The Thing About Sex — great article on the biblical perspective.

From an evolutionary perspective sex is little more than a means of spreading genes, of ensuring survival from one generation to the next. From a pornographic perspective, the meaning of sex is physical gratification so that a person’s worth extends no farther than her (or his) ability to satisfy another person’s cravings. From a romantic comedy perspective, sex is a component of an exploratory phase of a relationship and one that precedes expressions of love and loyalty. These are ubiquitous, powerful messages that compete with truth.

A Christian perspective on sex could hardly stand in sharper contrast. There we see that sex belongs to marriage and that marriage has been created by God for a very specific purpose. Before it is anything else, marriage is a picture, a metaphor, of the relationship of Christ and his church. Within that picture, that representation of Christ and his church, we have sex. Sex is a necessary component of marriage so that a couple desiring to live in obedience to the Bible will regularly have sex together (see 1 Corinthians 7:1-5). And here is where we come to your concern. . . .

This is where a Christian understanding of sex is so much better and greater than the alternatives. It heightens the purpose and importance of sex by celebrating all that sex is and all that it is meant to be, for it is here that the physical, the emotional and the spiritual come together in the most powerful way. Literally: the most powerful way. There is nothing in the human experience that brings these three together in such dramatic fashion and this is exactly why sex is reserved for the marriage bed. God wants marriage to be a unique kind of relationship and nothing marks marriage’s uniqueness more than sex.

You Say, This Is History’s Darkest Hour? G. Campbell Morgan Says, Oh, Be Quiet! — Good reminder by Randy Alcorn.  As bad as things seem, in light of history not much has changed.  We have the message of true hope for a world that desperately needs it — just like it always has.

Kermit Gosnell is not an exception.  That’s one of the reasons why the media is suppressing his story.  Relatively speaking, he was more compassionate than this abortionist — Abortion Doctor: I Would Leave Babies to Die Born Alive After Abortion.  At least Gosnell killed them quickly.  

Syrup of Ipecac substitute of the week: Barack Obama to largest abortion provider Planned Parenthood: God Bless You — We shouldn’t be surprised when drivers of unrestricted, taxpayer-funded baby killing blasphemously invoke God’s name to try and sanitize their beliefs. Oddly, he never mentioned Kermit Gosnell during his talk.

Who would have guessed this?  Having female prison guards in male prisons leads to rape, pregnancies and abuse.  Sadly, because of political correctness the leaders must pretend the solution isn’t obvious.  Therefore, they’ll spend a lot of time and money trying to fix the problem with things they know won’t work.  The prison where I do some ministry has female guards.  It always struck me as a combustible situation, and here’ s proof that it is.

Why is DHS stockpiling so much ammo? – Probably an unbelievably wasteful attempt to drive up prices.  Yeah, let’s borrow more money from China during the sequester to throw away like this, while we cancel White House tours and deliberately make air travel less bearable.

Did the Apostles Lie So They Could Die as Martyrs?

Short answer: No.

Medium answer: Read the rest of this post.

Long answer: Read Cold Case Christianity by J. Warner Wallace, former homicide detective

As a skeptic, I believed that the story of the Resurrection was either a late distortion (a legend) created by Christians well after the fact, or a conspiratorial lie on the part of the original Apostles. It wasn’t until I started working homicides (and homicidal conspiracies in particular) that I decided an Apostolic conspiracy was unreasonable. I’ve written a chapter in Cold Case Christianity describing the five necessary elements of successful conspiracies, and none of these elements were present for the Apostles. But even more importantly, the Apostles lacked the proper motivation to lie about the Resurrection.

My case work as a homicide detective taught me something important: There are only three motives behind any murder (or any crime, or sin, for that matter). All crimes are motivated by financial greed, sexual lust (relational desire), or the pursuit of power.

If the Apostles committed the crime of fraud on an unsuspecting world, they were motivated by one of these three intentions. Most people will agree that none of the Apostles gained anything financially or sexually from their testimony, but some skeptics have argued the Apostles may have been motivated by the pursuit of power. Didn’t these men become leaders in the Church on the basis of their claims? Couldn’t this pursuit of leadership status have motivated them to lie? Wasn’t it a goal of early martyrs to die for their faith anyway?

The Apostles Knew the Difference Between Ministry and Martyrdom
The Book of Acts and the letters of Paul provide us with a glimpse into the lives of the Apostles. The Apostles were clearly pursued and mistreated, and the New Testament narratives and letters describe their repeated efforts to avoid capture. The Apostles continually evaded capture in an effort to continue their personal ministries as eyewitnesses. The New Testament accounts describe men who were bold enough to maintain their ministry, but clever enough to avoid apprehension for as long as possible.

The Apostles Knew the Difference Between a Consequence and a Goal
These early eyewitnesses were fully aware of the fact that their testimony would put them in jeopardy, but they understood this to be the consequence of their role as eyewitnesses rather than the goal. That’s why they attempted to avoid death as long as possible. While it may be true that later generations of believers wanted to emulate the Apostles through an act of martyrdom, this was not the case for the Apostles themselves.

The Apostles Knew the Difference Between Fame and Infamy
It’s one thing to be famous, but another to be famously despised. Some of us have attained widespread fame based on something noble (like Mother Teresa). Some of us have attained widespread fame because of something sinister (like Jerry Sandusky). The apostles were roundly despised by their Jewish culture as a consequence of their leadership within the fledgling Christian community. If they were lying about their testimony to gain the respect and admiration of the culture they were trying to convert, they were taking the wrong approach. The Apostles only succeeded in gaining the infamy that eventually cost them their lives. This was obvious to them from the onset; they knew their testimony would leave them powerless to stop their own brutal martyrdom.

As I examine the motives and consequences related to the testimony of the Apostles, I still find their martyrdom to be one of the most powerful evidences related to the veracity of their testimony.

Think about it for a minute: Twelve designated eyewitnesses travelled the known world to testify to the Resurrection. Not a single one of them recanted their testimony. Not a single one of them lived longer because of their testimony. Not a single one benefitted financially or relationally. These folks were either crazy or committed, certifiably nuts or certain about their observations.


Mandatory background checks?  No problem — as long as it is for voting and not gun purchases (already in the Constitution!).

Some great advice on raising Godly children (even if it is over 200 years old — or is it especially because it is over 200 years old?).  A few:

1. The best exercise in the world for children is to let them romp and jump about, as soon as they are able, according to their own fancy.

2. A parent that has once obtained and knows how to preserve authority will do more by a look of displeasure, than another by the most passionate words and even blows. It holds universally in families and schools, and even the greater bodies of men, the army and navy, that those who keep the strictest discipline give the fewest strokes.

3. There is not a more disgusting sight than the impotent rage of a parent who has no authority.

My only complaint about Marshall is that he doesn’t post often enough.  But he’s back with a great take-down on a false teacher who insists that God is pleased with “committed, loving and monogamous” homosexual unions and that Bible-believers should change because we are on the “wrong side of history.”  My comment there:

Great post, Marshall. I could comment on each individually point but would basically be reiterating what you said. So I’ll just note how ridiculous it is for anyone — let alone an alleged follower of Christ — to appeal to a public majority as an authentic, God-approved victory. Using that logic, the early church was on the “losing side of history,” for they had no way of knowing that the persecution would ever end.

1 John 2:15-16 Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For everything in the world–the cravings of sinful man, the lust of his eyes and the boasting of what he has and does–comes not from the Father but from the world.

P.S. Re. “two committed, loving and monogamous homosexuals” — 3% of the population is homosexual, and probably 3% of those want to marry, and even less of those even want to be monogamous (another dirty little secret that the media won’t tell you). So as you noted, this is a fantastically small percentage of people to abandon free speech and freedom of religion over — not to mention the active destruction of the innocence of children via public school indoctrination.

And having read the Bible many times, I assure you that there is no passage even hinting that being fully committed to your rebellion-of-choice against God somehow sanitizes it.

Atheist professor converts to Christianity.  I appreciated his concession that he would use his experience to “buffalo” his students.

They are still hiding the truth: Big Three Networks Cover Internet Cats Pics, Lit Trivia, Canadian Clumsiness, But Not Gosnell Trial.  If you only get your news from the mainstream media you are hopelessly — and willfully? — uninformed.

Harrison Ford has 7 airplanes and will fly to get a cheeseburger, but lectures you on the environment.  Check.

This is why everyone should want limited government: Even though the need for helium regulations ended over 80 years ago AND there have been bi-partisan efforts to get rid of them, they still exist.

Hey! Politicians Are People Too — Don’t let the title fool you.  It doesn’t mean, “. . . so don’t be so critical of them!”  It is a great reminder of why we should limit their power, not increase it.

Of all that the American founders understood when they set this grand experiment in motion, their keen grasp of man’s propensity for evil might have been their greatest asset.  And this asset led them to limited the power, not only of the government, but of the majority also.  While they realized that government must exist, * they did not envision government as a benevolent god-like entity.  No, they saw government as a dangerous collection of flawed individuals who suffer from the same afflictions of arrogance and selfishness that plague all mankind; especially those who seek, and then are lent, the reins of power.

Some see government as naturally benevolent because politicians are freed from the motivation of profit.  Such  is a naive and gullible view.  Politicians have plenty to profit politically by making popular promises today while strapping future generations with the bill.   Meanwhile, for the “benevolent” politician, power is a great source of wealth, luxury and ease.  One need only observe politicians, both the ones they love and hate, to see this.

Sadly, and much to even my own dismay, government is not a god-like entity that can usher in social justice, and this is especially true when it is elected by a constituency that rejects the very existence of moral absolutes.  No, the government is a collection of flawed politicians with their own aspirations and venal motivations, because, in the end, politicians are people too.

Voddie Baucham has a great critique of the “sissified needy Jesus” preached by far too many.  His generic quote about what lots of pastors say (“people already know that they’re bad,” so I don’t need to preach about sin) is precisely what a bad pastor at a previous church (Disciples of Christ) used to say. No, we reflexively (rotten) cherry pick people to compare ourselves to based on our own un-Godly standards so we can feel better about ourselves.

It shows their lack of character that they would deliberately make their “subjects” suffer to advance their ideology.

Great take-off on the COEXIST bumper sticker.


The “Bronze Age Mythology” fallacy

A common tactic from New Atheists is to use the term bronze age mythology to dismiss Biblical views, as if the time period when truth claims were documented can be used to categorically refute them.

But the age of an idea does not impact its truthfulness.  Older ideas have usually gone through more scrutiny than newer ones and are often better supported.

Sure, many old ideas were wrong.  But they weren’t wrong because they were documented a long time ago, they were wrong because they were didn’t correspond to reality.

So the bronze age dig proves nothing, and even if it was true it would undermine atheistic arguments as well. The real bronze age myth is that you can live how you want and never be accountable to your creator.

As Psalm 14:1 points out, the claim that there is no God is also bronze aged:

The fool says in his heart, “There is no God.” They are corrupt, they do abominable deeds . . .”

And of course, Romans 1:

Romans 1:18-20 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who by their unrighteousness suppress the truth. For what can be known about God is plain to them, because God has shown it to them. For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse.

And as you can see from reading St. Augustine and others, the arguments of the New Atheists aren’t new at all.  They are the same old arguments presented with less civility and with the volume turned up to 11.

So don’t buy into the myth that the bronze age argument means anything.


In Honor Of Earthday, 13 Worst Earthday Predictions — Ever notice how those who celebrate Earth Day pretend its creator doesn’t exist?  And how their predictions tend to be hopelessly wrong and counterproductive?

As one would expect, even half of the non-gun owning households would have wanted one had they lived in Boston last week.

How to ruin your child’s chance of a happy love life: Have an affair – and the damage is WORSE the older they are when you stray — That can’t be right!  The needs and wants of adults outweigh any concerns about kids. They are resilient blah blah blah.

This culture pretends to care about kids but the actions don’t show it: Abortion, adultery, “same-sex marriage,” easy divorce and so much more.

Here’s another Leftist outlet that returns literally zero hits when searching for “Gosnell” — Jim “the Gospel is all about wealth redistribution” Wallis and his organization are doing a great job of advancing the Leftist cause of hiding these crimes.  Their title even references social justice, but they haven’t written a word about Kermit Gosnell and his mass infanticides.  They are too busy claiming to be prophets in trying to gut the 2nd Amendment and to disarm you.24

Abductions of Christian Girls Increased in Egypt Since Regime Change — The real war on women.  And where is the Left?  [Crickets chirping]  Oh, right, busy hiding the Kermit Gosnell story.

Supposedly there may be a movie version of the book, The Shack. A good analysis of the bad theology from that book is here. If you hear people talk about the movie please share those concerns with them.  (Hat tip: Erich from Facebook)


The Liberal “safe sex” programs are a lie, because they ignore the spiritual and emotional aspects of sex and give a false sense of security (birth control often fails and even if used correctly it doesn’t prevent all diseases).  But even if they weren’t lying, they would be inconsistent for saying that sex ed won’t increase sexual behavior but gun education would increase the misuse of guns.

Is it really a religion of peace?

The religion in question is Islam, of course, and the answer is no.  So why do so many false teachers say it is?  They are either ignorant useful idiots (bad) or knowingly malicious (worse).  As always, I thank God for disobedient Muslims who don’t do what the Quran says.

Via The violent Quran:

The Quran does not have a single verse encouraging love towards those outside of Islam. But there are 493 passages that either endorse violence or talk about the hatred of Allah for the infidels, meaning all non-Muslims. The Quran is a book mainly concerned with how Muslims are to think and act towards those outside of Islam; that is, either kill them or force them to live as second-class citizens and pay taxes (Jizya). More than half the contents of the Quran are texts despising or inciting against non-Muslims. This is what turns Islam into a religion of hate and violence, for which history carries much evidence.

Those criticizing Islam are branded with epithets such as “Islamophobe”, “racist” or “right-wing extremist”. A phobia is an unjustified fear of something. Criticizing Islam does not constitute a phobia, but rather a very much justified activity, bearing in mind the content of the above-mentioned scripture, as well as current events in Muslim countries as well as in the Western world. Islam is not merely a religion, it is also a totalitarian theological and political ideology, according to which everything has to be subject to the Quran and the Shariah. It denies fundamental human rights such as freedom of religion, freedom of expression and equal rights for women. The Cairo Declaration on Human Rights in Islam is a United Nations “Regional instrument” that may be applied as alternative to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. This declaration, signed by all 57 members of the OIC, clearly stipulates that human rights are subject to Shariah and interpreted according to it.


A real hate group: Southern Poverty Law Center


Have you noticed how false teachers like radical pro-abortionist and false teacher Chuck “Jesus is not the only way but He sure is a bigot” Currie of the UCC (Unitarians Counterfeiting Christ) take breaks from taking little girls to gay pride parades to reflexively refer to the Southern Poverty Law Center’s “hate group” list when they don’t have facts to demonize groups that actually believe the Bible?  Well, their deceptions can be very dangerous.  See VIDEO: Terrorist Floyd Corkins Tells FBI He Used SPLC ‘Hate’ List to Find Target.

The Family Research Council is the opposite of hateful, but people like Chuck and the SPLC try to shut down opposing views by labeling them as such.  It is a despicably cynical move on their part, but what should we expect from such wolves?


Pass the popcorn: Apple-backed Southern Poverty Law Center wracked in turmoil, called a ‘con’ for ‘bilking gullible liberals’   What a surprise!  Racist and sexist Leftists get rich bilking gullible Leftists.  Sweet, sweet schadenfreude.

P.S. I quit following the Currie clown show a few years ago, but his blog shows the Molech-worshiping absurdity of the the “Christian” Left.   Wearing a collar at all times because no one would mistake him for being religious otherwise?  Check.  Worshiping MLK instead of Jesus?  Check.  Anti-gun but pro-abortion?  Check.  Pro-open borders and peddling silly lies about conflating Jesus with illegal aliens?  Check.  Anti-ICE while not personally housing illegals?  Check.  What a self-parody.

Words matter: The Democrats are pro-abortion, not pro-choice

I’ve mentioned this before and will probably only mention it six or seven more times, so please read carefully.  Do not let the pro-abortion people get away with using terms such as pro-choice or reproductive choice.  It is easy to show how false those are.  And don’t let them call you anti-abortion or anti-choice without taking the time to explain why they are correct on that claim.  You can take what they mean as a personal attack and use it to our advantage.

I used to try and be charitable and refer to pro-abortion people as pro-choice.  I preferred to get into the facts and logic and didn’t want to get people distracted by thinking we were just calling them names.  But with the latest platform of the Democratic party the most accurate term for them is pro-abortion.  

The Democratic Party strongly and unequivocally supports Roe v. Wade and a woman’s right to make decisions regarding her pregnancy, including a safe and legal abortion, regardless of ability to pay. We oppose any and all efforts to weaken or undermine that right.

We should take the time to explain why pro-abortion is the correct term.  If you insist on taxpayer-funding of abortions, that is the opposite of choice.  Your are forcing pro-life people to pay for abortions.  And you are claiming that we don’t have enough abortions and that society will be better if we have more.  They don’t want them to be rare, they want more of them.  Those claims aren’t pro-choice, they are pro-abortion.

The majority of those who identify as “pro-choice” agree that abortion should be illegal after the first trimester, that women should have a 24 hour waiting period before having the abortion, that parental consent should be required for teens and that taxpayers shouldn’t have to fund abortions.  That makes Obama and anyone supporting the Democrat’s platform the extremists.

Consider how many people who identify as pro-choice agree with pro-life positions on specific topics, then consider how radical the Democrats’ platform is (unrestricted taxpayer-funded abortions at any time, including “partial-birth abortions”/infanticide).

Regarding “reproductive choice” or “reproductive health,” just point out the irrefutable scientific fact that a new human being is created at fertilization.  Therefore, abortions are designed to kill human beings who have already been reproduced.  Perverse organizations like the Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice have self-refuting names.  It may seem subtle, but explaining how their pet terms are false undermines their credibility and helps point to the science and logic that are on our side.

These suggestions may seem unimportant, but they can make a big difference.  The Left uses terms to their advantage all the time, such as “marriage equality” and the pro-abortion phrases noted above.  Don’t let them get away with it.  By politely pointing out how pro-abortion their policies are and how “reproductive choice” is about birth control and not abortion we can plant seeds and persuade the middle ground about the truth.

Also, use verbal Judo and turn attack phrases such as “anti-choice” or “anti-abortion” back on them.  Just say, “Why yes, I am anti-abortion.  Abortions kill innocent but unwanted human beings without adequate justification, so I oppose them.  Thanks for noticing!  You should oppose them, too.”  I’m beginning to prefer the term anti-abortion over pro-life.  It is accurate and it spells out the word they hate to say: Abortion.

Regarding “anti-choice,” just ask them to complete the phrase and then agree with them: “You are using ‘choice’ in the sense of choosing to crush and dismember an innocent but unwanted human being without adequate justification, so I am against that choice.  You should be, too.  But I favor all sorts of other choices for women: Whom to marry, what career to choose, the freedom to speak out against “same-sex marriage,” whether to fund abortions of other people, whether to own a gun, what size soft-drink to consume, whether to home school, and more.  How do you feel about all of those choices?”

KVJ-only people

The King James Version is a fine Bible and very accurate as translations go.  It has some beautiful wording for some popular texts.  It may be difficult for some to read, which is why it isn’t one of my top choices (As some have said, it is the perfect Bible for anyone who is 300 years or older).  But it is useful along with versions like the ESV or NASB when studying challenging passages.

So I would never criticize anyone who prefers that version.  But I would criticize those who insist that it is the only real version, that it was inspired while the Greek and Hebrew texts were not, etc.

I’ve heard of KVJ-only people but never encountered one here until the comment below. I am sad for him and how he has been deceived, is wasting his time on a non-essential issue and is causing unnecessary division in the body of Christ.  I encouraged him to read the King James Only Controversy by James White, but I doubt he will.  His childish, self-refuting taunts aren’t encouraging.  It sounds like he’d love to listen to your arguments against him as long as you agree with him.

So, what do I think? I think where to make Gods “word” the truth and every man a lair. Yes that means you sweet Brother or Sister in Christ. I think you all should burn your devil catholic bibles and get the “scriptures” that the Holy Spirit authorized in English. No need for Greek or Hebrew. God only wrote one book. And it was translated and preserved perfectly in English as the “Authorized” King James Bible. How do I know. Its proven over and over to be without error and contradiction. it is the infallible, inerrant, perfect written words of the living God. Every word of it. Go ahead and see if you can prove otherwise. You can’t. No one ever has or ever will. What I pray for you my brethren that are stuck in an apostate modern fundamental church of today who will not endure sound doctrine (2 Tim 4:3) to please reveal to me what you believe when you read 2 Tim 3:16 in light of 2 Tim 3:15 and let me know if you are a “Bible believer”. Please someone respond on their belief in lite of those “scriptures”. You probably wont. Sad. We all need to come in together in one mind and be transformed according to his “word”. How can you do that when your not even reading from it. I can prove it in a secular court of law that most Christians on this topic lie. Jesus said if you love him you will keep his words. Anyone who can read can. Get the scriptures and let his spirit transform you and let His righteousness (not yours) His righteousness be revealed through you. I welcome to be corrected by my brothers in Christ according to Gods word but please don’t even attempt if you don’t have it or believe it. Sad that most Christians are stuck in today’s Laodicean type church and don’t feel the same. God bless. Even so, come Lord Jesus.

A defining mark of false teachers

Why is it that false teachers are such shameless supports of Islam?  We know that not all Muslims are the same, but it isn’t like the Koran is that hard to follow, and it especially isn’t like Islam is just a “little” more violent than other religions. Just consider this unbelievably long list of Islamic terror attacks in less than 4 months of this year.  Yet the false teachers would have us believe there is no substantial difference between Islam and Christianity.  People like false teacher Chuck “Jesus is not the only way” Currie actually say we have as much to learn from Islam as they do from us. – List of Islamic Terror Attacks for 2013.

Date Country City Killed Injured Description
2013.04.19 USA Boston, MA 1 1 Jihadists gun down a university police officer sitting in his car.
2013.04.19 Iraq Khales 9 29 Mujahideen attacks on rival mosques leave nine dead.
2013.04.18 Iraq Baghdad 32 65 Children are among nearly three dozen people at a coffee shop obliterated by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2013.04.18 Kenya Garissa 8 5 al-Shabaab gunmen burst into a hotel and mow down eight patrons.
2013.04.18 Pakistan Hyderabad 1 0 A secular politician is assassinated by religious radicals.
2013.04.17 Afghanistan Shindad 7 4 Seven women and children are dismantled by a Mujahid shrapnel bomb.
2013.04.17 India Bangalore 0 16 The Indian Mujahideen detonate a bomb outside a Hindu party office.
2013.04.16 Pakistan Peshawar 16 35 Two children are among sixteen innocents torn to shreds by a Holy Warrior suicide bomber.
2013.04.16 Afghanistan Mali Zai 8 0 Religion of Peace bombers take down eight members of the same family.
2013.04.15 Afghanistan Mali Zai 7 4 Seven civilians are pulled into pieces by Taliban bombers.
2013.04.15 USA Boston, MA 3 170 Foreign-born Muslims describing themselves as ‘very religious’ detonate two bombs packed with ball bearings at the Boston Marathon, killing three people and causing several more to lose limbs.
2013.04.15 Iraq Fallujah 2 14 A Fedayeen suicide bomber takes out two innocents along a city street.
2013.04.15 Iraq Kirkuk 9 79 Six car bombs leave at least nine Iraqis dead.
2013.04.15 Iraq Habibiya 10 12 At least ten Iraqis at an auto mall are taken out by Mujahid car bombers.
2013.04.15 Iraq Kamaliya 4 13 An al-Qaeda bombing near an elementary school leaves four dead.
2013.04.14 Pakistan Manglawar 1 0 Taliban bombers take out a peace committee member.
2013.04.14 Pakistan Gulshan-i-Iqbal 2 0 Sectarian Jihadis murder a father and son at a mobile phone shop.
2013.04.14 Somalia Mogadishu 5 0 Aid workers are among those killed by Islamists bombers.
2013.04.14 Afghanistan Darzab 2 6 Two Afghan policemen are shot to death by Taliban fundamentalists.
2013.04.14 Jordan Amman 1 0 A pregnant woman’s throat is slit in an honor killing, after which her body is burned.
2013.04.14 Somalia Mogadishu 29 58 Twenty-nine civilians are sent to Allah when six suicide bombers storm a courthouse.
2013.04.14 Iraq Shura 6 14 Five policemen are killed when Islamic militants booby-trap the body of another murdered policeman.
2013.04.14 Iraq Diyala 4 0 A moderate and three family members are blown to bits by radical Sunnis.
2013.04.14 Iraq Baji 1 0 A secular politician is assassinated by suspected Islamists.
2013.04.13 Pakistan Matani 9 19 Women are among nine killed when Mujahideen bomb a passenger bus.
2013.04.13 Nigeria Monguno 3 0 Sharia advocates ambush students from a local university, tie them up and slit their throats.
2013.04.13 Yemen Hadramout 1 0 Two al-Qaeda gunmen assassinate a government official.
2013.04.13 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 A secular political activist is found tortured to death following Taliban threats.
2013.04.12 Afghanistan Nari 13 0 More than 100 Sunni fundamentalists pump rockets and grenades into a remote outpost, killing thirteen Afghan defenders.
2013.04.12 Thailand Pattani 1 0 Muslim militants machine-gun a 46-year man on his way home.
2013.04.12 Iraq Kanaan 12 30 Mujahideen detonate two bombs at a Sunni mosque, leaving a dozen worshippers dead.
2013.04.12 Afghanistan Shiberghan 1 0 A man beheads his wife over ‘moral crime’.
2013.04.12 Iraq Mosul 3 0 Three security personnel are kidnapped and executed by al-Qaeda.
2013.04.12 Dagestan Buinaksk 1 3 One person is killed when Islamists set off a bomb near a school.
2013.04.12 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 A Shia religious scholar is murdered by Sunni rivals from the Ahl-e-Sunnat wal Jamaat terror group.
2013.04.12 Mali Kidal 3 0 At least three people are killed by a suicide bomber.
2013.04.12 Pakistan Mach 1 0 Sipah-e-Sahaba gunmen take out a Shia civilian.
2013.04.11 Nigeria Babangida 4 2 Islamic extremists enter a police station and gun down four officers in cold blood.
2013.04.11 Bangladesh Kazirhat 3 100 Jamaat-e-Islami radicals bludgeon three people with sticks and knives.
2013.04.11 Afghanistan Chora 3 0 Taliban militants murder three local cops.
2013.04.11 Afghanistan Marjah 1 2 One civilian is killed by Sunni bombers.
2013.04.11 Egypt Khusus 1 0 A 26-year-old Christian is doused with gasoline and set ablaze.
2013.04.11 Pakistan Sindh 1 0 The Tehreek-e-Taliban assassinate a secular politician.
2013.04.11 Syria Homs 20 0 Six children, including a baby, are among twenty people executed by Hezbollah.
2013.04.11 Iraq Fallujah 2 0 Mujahid snipers pick off two civilians, including a young boy.
2013.04.10 India Srinigar 0 9 Two children and five women are among nine Christians attacked in their home by a mob whipped into a frenzy by an imam.
2013.04.10 Pakistan Mardan 1 1 A guard for a polio vaccination team is shot to death on the job by fundamentalists.
2013.04.10 Nigeria Bama 4 0 Two teachers and the wife and 12-year-old child one are slaughtered and burned by Sharia advocates.
2013.04.10 Nigeria Dikwa 4 0 Islamists brutally murder three education officials and their driver, including one in charge of a program to feed poor students.
2013.04.10 Pakistan Shahkas 1 0 Terrorists gun down a 28-year-old man at a cricket match.
2013.04.10 Thailand Pattani 2 6 Muslim ‘insurgents’ bomb a community center, killing two people.
2013.04.09 India Pulwama 1 0 Islamic militants gun down a 45-year-old man in his own home.
2013.04.09 Afghanistan Paron 2 0 A Taliban attack leaves two local cops dead.
2013.04.09 Afghanistan Marjah 5 4 A bomb planted by Sunni extremists leaves five dead civilians along a city street.
2013.04.09 Pakistan Hayatabad 0 23 Two dozen people are injured when Islamic militants send mortars into a residential neighborhood.
2013.04.09 Afghanistan Char Borjak 4 2 Sunni extremists kill four local cops with a roadside bomb.
2013.04.09 Nigeria Gwoza 3 0 Islamists shoot three people in the head while they are playing cards, including a pastor’s son.
2013.04.09 Philippines Ungkaya Pukan 1 0 A local soldier is murdered by Abu Sayyaf.
2013.04.08 Nigeria Borno 1 0 A guard at a market is killed during a Boko Haram attack.
2013.04.08 Bangladesh Chittagong 0 20 Twenty people are hurt when Hifazat-e-Islam riot over a decision not to impose a blasphemy law.
2013.04.08 Iraq Abu Ghraib 4 4 Two bombings kill four local cops.
2013.04.08 Somalia Hiran 1 0 A 22-year-old woman is executed by Islamic militia.
2013.04.08 Syria Damascus 15 53 A Fedayeen suicide car bomb rips through a crowded street, leaving at least fifteen dead.
2013.04.08 Afghanistan Wardak 9 22 Religion of Peace hardliners detonate a bomb under a bus, killing nine passengers.
2013.04.07 Thailand Yala 1 0 Muslim militants behead a plantation worker.
2013.04.07 Pakistan Jaffar Tayyar 1 0 Lashkar-e-Jhagvi gunmen murder a Shiite near a cricket field.
2013.04.07 Thailand Narathiwat 2 0 Two local soldiers are knocked off their motorcycle by Muslim militants, who proceed to execute them at point-blank range.
2013.04.07 Egypt Cairo 2 89 Muslim radicals attack a group of mourners leaving a church, killing one on the spot and another in subsequent clashes.
2013.04.07 Pakistan Taunsa 1 0 A 15-year-old boy is gunned down in a mosque by Sipah-e-Sahaba because he is Shia.
2013.04.07 Pakistan Peshawar 1 1 Sunnis fire on a Shia mosque, killing the custodian.
2013.04.07 Iraq Mosul 4 7 al-Qaeda bombers take out four Iraqis.
2013.04.07 Pakistan Mathra 1 0 The body of a man kidnapped and tortured to death by the Taliban is found along a roadside.
2013.04.06 Afghanistan Qalat 6 3 American civilians and a doctor are among six killed by a Shahid suicide bomber as they are delivering books to a school.
2013.04.06 Egypt Khusus 7 17 Angry Muslims torch a church and kill seven Christians over alleged desecration.
2013.04.06 Iraq Baqubah 22 60 A Fedayeen suicide bomber sends two dozen souls to Allah.
2013.04.06 Afghanistan Asadabad 2 0 Two children are obliterated by a Taliban rocket.
2013.04.06 Iraq Samarrah 3 5 A teenage boy is among the casualties of a Mujahideen bombing.
2013.04.06 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 A Shia schoolteacher loses his life to sectarian Jihadis.
2013.04.06 Pakistan Orangi 1 0 Militants associated with a Sunni seminary gun down a Shiite.
2013.04.06 Nigeria Midlu 11 5 Muslim radicals shoot, hack and slit the throats of eleven people.
2013.04.05 Indonesia Medan 8 6 Eight Buddhists are beaten to death by Muslims in an attack at a detention center.
2013.04.05 Thailand Yala 2 1 Muslim bombers kill two people and put another into a coma.
2013.04.05 Afghanistan Alingar 1 3 Terrorists kill a cop with a bomb attached to a donkey.
2013.04.05 Iraq Hillah 5 15 Mujahideen murder five people in a series of attacks, including a bombing at vegetable market.
2013.04.05 Pakistan Hayatabad 1 5 A young boy is killed when Islamic terrorists shell a town.
2013.04.05 Pakistan Syedabad 1 0 A Shia schoolteacher is murdered in a suspected sectarian attack.
2013.04.05 Bangladesh Dhaka 1 0 Hifazat-e-Islam murder a fruit vendor.
2013.04.04 Kenya Garissa 3 24 al-Shabaab Islamists toss a hand grenade into a packed restaurant, killing three patrons.
2013.04.04 Afghanistan Batikot 3 2 Three schoolchildren are dismantled by a Taliban roadside bomb.
2013.04.04 Somalia Marka 1 0 An elderly man is gunned down by suspected al-Shabaab.
2013.04.04 Pakistan Manga Mandi 1 0 A 20-year-old Christian is shot in the head by Muslims calling their religion ‘supreme’.
2013.04.03 Pakistan Gujranwala 0 18 Eighteen Christians are injured by a Muslim mob whipped into a frenzy by a cleric.
2013.04.03 Pakistan Karachi 4 5 Four security personnel die when Islamic militants throw a grenade at their vehicle.
2013.04.03 Afghanistan Farah 53 91 Over fifty people are slaughtered when nine religious radicals storm a court and self-detonate.
2013.04.03 Thailand Yala 1 19 Muslim bombers take out a bus passenger.
2013.04.03 Iraq Baghdad 3 0 al-Qaeda gunmen enter a home and shoot a woman and her two sons to death.
2013.04.03 Tanzania Tunduma 2 3 Two Christians are murdered by Muslim extremists for selling non-halal meat.
2013.04.02 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 Muslims abduct a local soldier from his home, blindfold and execute him behind a mosque.
2013.04.02 Kenya Garissa 3 0 Three guards at an Internet cafe are shot to death at point blank range by Islamists.
2013.04.02 Pakistan Peshawar 7 4 Sunni extremists attack a power station, killing two on the spot and then executing five people taken as hostages.
2013.04.02 Ingushetia Sunzhensky 1 5 Islamic ‘insurgents’ set off two bombs that leave one person dead.
2013.04.02 Iraq Baghdad 2 5 Two civilians are sent to Allah by Mujahid bombers.
2013.04.02 Pakistan Malir 1 0 Sunnis shoot a Shia shopowner to death.
2013.04.01 Pakistan Jani Khel 2 7 The Tehreek-e-Taliban murder two tribal elders with a planted bomb.
2013.04.01 Iraq Akkas 3 2 al-Qaeda attack an oil field, killing several engineers.
2013.04.01 Iraq Tikrit 11 59 A Fedayeen suicide bomber massacres eleven Iraqis.
2013.04.01 Somalia Mogadishu 1 0 A boy is gunned down by al-Shabaab fundamentalists.
2013.04.01 Nigeria Pulka 1 0 Religion of Peace radicals shoot a man to death in front of his wife and children.
2013.04.01 Yemen Ghail Bawazir 1 0 Suspected al-Qaeda gunmen murder a man on his way home.
2013.03.31 Pakistan Gulbahar 1 0 A 30-year-old Shiite is gunned down by Sipah-e-Sahaba.
2013.03.31 Nigeria Ataka 19 12 Muslim ‘nomads’ attack a Christian village, butchering nineteen people, including women and children.
2013.03.31 Pakistan Wali Noor 2 6 Two members of a ‘secular-leaning’ party are blown to bits by religious radicals.
2013.03.31 Pakistan Darsamand 3 0 Islamic militants kidnap and murder three villagers.
2013.03.31 Mali Asongo 2 0 Two people are dismantled by an Islamist landmine.
2013.03.31 Iraq Fallujah 3 1 An imam is shot to death along with two others by Religion of Peace rivals.
2013.03.31 Bangladesh Rajshahi 0 50 Jamaat-e-Islami radicals injure 50 people with bombs and bricks, including an innocent who had both hands blown off.
2013.03.31 Iraq Abu Ghraib 2 11 Two other people are blown up by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2013.03.30 Thailand Pattani 2 4 A Religion of Peace motorcycle bomb leaves two dead.
2013.03.30 Pakistan Tirah Valley 2 1 An 18-year-old is among two women killed in their home by a mortar fired by an Islamist group.
2013.03.30 Pakistan Karachi 1 8 Terrorists throw a grenade at a middle school, killing the principal.
2013.03.30 Pakistan Mardan 1 6 A Fedayeen suicide bomber takes out one other person.
2013.03.30 Israel Samaria 0 1 A young woman suffers a head injury when young Arabs hurl rocks at her car.
2013.03.29 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 Muslims shoot a Hindu man to death.
2013.03.29 Pakistan Risalpur 1 0 A cleric is shot to death in his own mosque during prayers after trying to stop sectarian Jihadis from pasting hateful posters.
2013.03.29 Thailand Narathiwat 1 14 Muslim ‘separatists’ kill one Thai with a planted bomb.
2013.03.29 Syria Aleppo 1 0 Muslim rebels behead a rival cleric and parade his body.
2013.03.29 Thailand Pattani 1 1 Islamic ‘separatists’ murder a 75-year-old plantation worker and severely injure his son.
2013.03.29 Nigeria Ratas 9 0 Fulani ‘militias’ murder nine villagers.
2013.03.29 Iraq Baghdad 7 25 al-Qaeda car bombers murder seven worshipper as at a Shiite mosque.
2013.03.29 Iraq Kut 2 0 Two primary school teachers are shot to death by suspected Islamists.
2013.03.29 Iraq Qahira 4 20 Four Shiites are taken down by Islamic Army of Iraq bombers.
2013.03.29 Iraq Zafaraniyah 3 15 Sunni bombers slay three Shiites outside their mosque.
2013.03.29 Pakistan Saddar 12 16 A dozen people are torn to shreds by a Shahid suicide bomber at a parking lot, including women and children.
2013.03.29 Iraq Kirkuk 3 70 A suicide car bomber targets Shiites leaving a mosque, killing at least three.
2013.03.29 Iraq Binook 5 14 Five Shiites are blown to bits by al-Qaeda bombers.
2013.03.28 Pakistan Damadola 2 0 Taliban bombers take down two local soldiers on patrol.
2013.03.28 Syria Damascus 15 30 Sunni terrorists deliberately send mortars into a university, massacring at least fifteen innocents.
2013.03.28 Thailand Narathiwat 3 5 Muslim bombers kill three local soldiers.
2013.03.28 Nigeria Barkin Ladi 9 3 Nine Christians are machine-gunned during a Muslim raid on their village.
2013.03.27 Afghanistan Shinwar 1 0 An American soldier playing with children is stabbed in the neck by an Islamic militant.
2013.03.27 Pakistan Gulbahar 1 1 Sectarian Jihadis kill a Shia man and severely injure his son.
2013.03.27 Iraq Baghdad 4 26 Terrorists kill four Iraqis in separate attacks.
2013.03.27 Lebanon Hasbaya 1 0 A Druze cleric is shot to death in a suspected sectarian attack.
2013.03.26 Afghanistan Jalalabad 5 4 Fedayeen bombers attack a local police station, killing at least five officers.
2013.03.26 Iraq Tikrit 3 0 Three family members are machine-gunned in their home by Mujahideen.
2013.03.26 Nigeria Riyom 36 12 Fulani ‘militia’ attack two Christian villages, hacking and shooting three dozen to death.
2013.03.26 Syria Damascus 3 3 A Shahid suicide bomber wipes out three locals.
2013.03.26 Pakistan Kasur 0 5 Muslim clerics enter the home of an Ahmadi family and severely beat them into unconsciousness.
2013.03.26 Pakistan Shakas 1 0 Religious militants shoot a female teacher to death near a girls’ school.
2013.03.26 Pakistan Karachi 1 2 A Shiite factory owner is killed when Sipah-e-Sahaba gunmen open up on him.
2013.03.25 Pakistan Shamsabad 0 5 A Sunni mob attacks an Ahmadi home and beats the family.
2013.03.25 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A Buddhist woman is murdered by Muslim ‘separatists’.
2013.03.24 Thailand Narathiwat 1 1 A man is killed and his wife injured when Islamic ‘separatists’ fire on them as they are working their farm.
2013.03.24 Mali Gao 3 0 Two civilians and a local soldier are killed during an Islamist assault on a town.
2013.03.24 India Sopore 1 1 An elderly man dies from injuries after being shot by in the neck by Muslim terrorists at a market.
2013.03.24 Iraq Mosul 12 20 A dozen Iraqis are taken out by Mujahideen.
2013.03.24 Somalia Mogadishu 1 0 A female journalist is shot to death in an attack blamed on Islamists.
2013.03.24 USA Ashtabula, OH 1 0 A Muslim convert walks into a church service with a Quran and guns down his Christian father while praising Allah.
2013.03.23 Somalia Bulo Marer 0 1 A Christian convert is jailed and tortured for leaving Islam.
2013.03.23 Egypt Cairo 0 1 Muslim Brotherhood cadres abduct a Christian and take him to a mosque for a brutal round of torture.
2013.03.23 Yemen Sanaa 3 0 Three Shiites are gunned down in the street by sectarian Jihadis.
2013.03.23 Somalia Mogadishu 1 0 A woman working for a human rights agency is assassinated by suspected al-Shabaab.
2013.03.23 Somalia Haraale 2 3 Two children are killed when a bomb is brought into a Quran school.
2013.03.23 Nigeria Dakata 1 0 One person is shot to death by Boko Haram.
2013.03.23 Thailand Pattani 1 1 Muslim gunmen on motorcycles murder a 46-year-old official on his way to work.
2013.03.23 Pakistan Miranshah 22 35 A suicide bomber obliterates two dozen Pakistanis.
2013.03.23 Afghanistan Kandahar 4 2 Four children are killed by a bomb left by religious fundamentalists.
2013.03.22 Nigeria Ganye 25 65 Islamic extremists storm a small town and murdered twenty-five people.
2013.03.22 Iraq Salaheddin 5 0 Five Iraqis are killed in targeted al-Qaeda attacks.
2013.03.22 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A Muslim ‘separatist’ walks up to a villager at a bird-singing event and shoots him in the head.
2013.03.22 Iraq Algehlah 4 0 al-Qaeda militants shoot a man and his two sons to death in front of their wife, then kill the woman.
2013.03.22 Pakistan Wazir Dandh 1 2 Muslim radicals fire on a truck, killing the driver.
2013.03.21 India Srinagar 1 2 Islamic terrorists machine-gun a police patrol, killing at least one cop.
2013.03.21 Afghanistan Takhar 3 0 A fundamentalist group claims responsibility for a bomb that leaves three locals dead.
2013.03.21 Thailand Pattani 1 10 An 8-year-old boy standing outside an ice cream shop is exterminated by Muslim bombers.
2013.03.21 Afghanistan Marja 5 6 Five people are killed when a suicide vest explodes inside a religious school.
2013.03.21 Pakistan Jalozai 17 28 Sunni extremists car bomb a refugee camp, killing over a dozen people lining up for food.
2013.03.21 Syria Damascus 49 84 Four dozen people at a mosque are reduced to body parts by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2013.03.21 Afghanistan Musa Qala 5 21 At least five people are killed during a rampage by a mob protesting the burning of a Quran.
2013.03.21 Lebanon Tripoli 2 18 Shooting between Sunnis and Shia leave two dead.
2013.03.21 Bangladesh Jessore 1 12 At least one person is killed when mosque preachers incite a mob to attack police officers.
2013.03.20 Myanmar Meikhtila 1 0 A Buddhist monk is murdered by a Muslim mob.
2013.03.20 Pakistan Karachi 4 0 Four Shiites are shot to death by Sunni extremists.
2013.03.20 Iraq Baghdad 7 34 A series of Mujahideen bomb blasts leave seven dead.
2013.03.20 Iraq Balad 1 4 Children are among the casualties of a bomb placed in a family car.
2013.03.20 Nigeria Maiduguri 1 0 A tea vendor is shot to death by Muslim terrorists.
2013.03.20 Mali Timbuktu 1 2 A suicide bomber kills a local soldier.
2013.03.20 Lebanon Tripoli 1 20 A sectarian clash between Sunni and Shia leaves one dead.
2013.03.20 Mali Hombori 1 0 al-Qaeda behead a French geologist after holding him captive for over a year.
2013.03.19 Iraq Baghdad 4 18 At least four people are killed when Islamists bomb a rival shrine.
2013.03.19 Iraq Baghdad 6 15 A half-dozen people are killed when Islamic State of Iraq bombers blow up a restaurant.
2013.03.19 Iraq Baghdad 7 21 An al-Qaeda bombing of a government building kills seven Iraqis.
2013.03.19 Iraq Baghdad 4 12 Four day laborers are shredded by an al-Qaeda bomb attack.
2013.03.19 Iraq Baghdad 4 8 An al-Qaeda bomb at a restaurant leaves four dead.
2013.03.19 Yemen Aden 1 0 A woman is tracked down and killed by her conservative brothers for marrying without their permission.
2013.03.19 India Sopore 1 0 Lashkar-e-Toiba militants shoot an 18-year-old to death in a mosque.
2013.03.19 Iraq Baghdad 24 92 Coordinated terror attacks on Shia neighborhoods by the Islamic State of Iraq leave over two dozen dead.
2013.03.19 Thailand Pattani 1 0 Muslim militants shoot a 56-year-old father to death as he is riding to visit his daughter.
2013.03.19 Nigeria Maiduguri 6 2 A Boko Haram blast at a bank leaves six dead.
2013.03.19 Iraq Iskandariya 5 12 Mujahideen bombers take down five people waiting for a bus.
2013.03.19 Iraq Iskandariya 3 8 An al-Qaeda blast in a commercial district snuffs out three lives.
2013.03.19 Iraq Mahmoudiya 8 17 A suicide bombing is among two that leave eight Iraqis dead.
2013.03.19 Pakistan Nazimabad 2 0 An accomplished Sunni doctor and his guard are gunned down by Shia terrorists.
2013.03.19 Pakistan Tirah 46 12 A Lashkar-e-Islam suicide bomber takes out forty-six Religion of Peace rivals.
2013.03.19 Iraq Sadr City 14 22 Fourteen Shiites are sent to Allah by al-Qaeda bombers.
2013.03.19 Iraq Musayab 2 12 Two people are killed when al-Qaeda set off a car bomb at a market.
2013.03.18 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 A young Shiite student is cut down by Sunni gunmen.
2013.03.18 Pakistan Peshawar 4 40 At least four people are killed by two Shahid suicide bombers at a courtroom.
2013.03.18 Thailand Yala 1 0 Muslim ‘insurgents’ tie a 42-year-old’s hands behind him and shoot him several times in the head.
2013.03.18 Thailand Pattani 2 0 Two middle-aged villagers are slain by Muslim gunmen in separate attacks.
2013.03.18 Iraq Abu Ghraib 3 3 Mujahideen murder three people by planting a bomb under their bus.
2013.03.18 Iraq Balad Ruz 5 16 Five people at a market are sent to Allah by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2013.03.18 Pakistan Karachi 2 0 A university professor and a lawyer are killed in separate targeted Sipah-e-Sahaba shooting attacks.
2013.03.18 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 Terrorists take out a poet.
2013.03.18 Somalia Mogadishu 13 15 A suicide car bomber slaughters thirteen people.
2013.03.18 Pakistan Kalaswala 0 1 A Christian missionary is severely beaten by Muslim extremists.
2013.03.18 Nigeria Kano 41 44 Over 40 Christians are blown to bits by Shahid suicide car bombers in a brutal attack.
2013.03.18 Somalia Hudur 1 0 A 75-year-old imam is beheaded by Religion of Peace rivals.
2013.03.18 Nigeria Maiduguri 6 3 Islamists attack a school, killing four teachers and two others.
2013.03.17 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A 64-year-old Buddhist is shot in the head by Muslim ‘separatists’.
2013.03.17 Nigeria Torok 2 3 A Muslim fires on a Christian family, killing a baby and a 5-year-old and injuring three women.
2013.03.17 Iraq Mosul 2 0 A man and his daughter are brutally murdered by Mujahideen.
2013.03.16 Pakistan Landhi 1 0 Sipah-e-Sahaba shoot a handicapped Shiite to death at a market.
2013.03.16 Pakistan Peshawar 1 1 Religion of Peace community activists fire on two suspected prostitutes, killing one.
2013.03.16 Iraq Garmat Ali 10 16 Jihadi car bombers take down ten Iraqis waiting at a bus station in a Shia area.
2013.03.16 Thailand Yala 1 0 Muslim ‘separatists’ shoot a 37-year-old twice in the head.
2013.03.15 Iraq Baqubah 4 0 al-Qaeda gunmen invade a home, tie a man and his three sons up and execute them in cold blood.
2013.03.15 Iraq Baiji 9 2 Nine Iraqis are massacred at point blank range by Mujahid gunmen.
2013.03.15 Israel Ariel 0 5 Two brutal rock attacks by Arabs leave a baby severely injured. Other victims include her two sisters, ages 6 and 4.
2013.03.15 Iraq Bani-Sa’ad 1 2 A woman is blown up by Muslim ‘insurgents’.
2013.03.15 Thailand Narathiwat 4 0 Four local cops die from a bomb planted by Muslim ‘separatists’.
2013.03.15 Pakistan Karachi 3 5 The Tehrik-e-Taliban is suspected to be behind the bombing of a TV station in which three are killed.
2013.03.15 Somalia Barawe 1 0 An 18-year-old is buried in the ground and stoned to death for being gay.
2013.03.14 USA Vancouver, WA 0 2 Two people suffer knife injuries when a Muslim convert attempts to stab a non-Muslim to death over religious views outside a coffee shop.
2013.03.14 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 Muslim ‘insurgents’ shoot a 45-year-old villager to death.
2013.03.14 Nigeria Gwoza 1 0 A civilian is killed during a raid on a prison by ‘Allah Akbar’ shouting gunmen, shortly after they prayed at a mosque.
2013.03.14 Pakistan Gulistan 1 0 Ahl-e-Sunnat Wal-Jamaat gunmen take down a 25-year-old Shiite.
2013.03.14 Pakistan Tirah 18 14 Eighteen people are killed during a clash between two hardline Islamic groups.
2013.03.14 Iraq Baghdad 30 57 A coordinated Fedayeen attack on a government building by the ‘Islamic State of Iraq’ leaves thirty dead.
2013.03.13 Pakistan Orangi Town 1 0 A female social worker is murdered by Religion of Peace gunmen.
2013.03.13 Afghanistan Zhranda 1 1 At least one cop is killed during a Taliban assault on a checkpoint.
2013.03.13 Pakistan Kharadar 1 0 Sectarian Jihadis kidnap and torture a rival to death.
2013.03.13 Nigeria Borno 2 0 A woman is among two people murdered in their own homes by Boko Haram.
2013.03.13 Afghanistan Kunduz 10 10 A Fedayeen bomber self-detonates at a polo game, killing at least ten spectators.
2013.03.13 India Srinagar 5 7 Islamic terrorists throw grenades into an Indian camp, killing five security personnel.
2013.03.12 Pakistan Bannu 4 16 A father and son on their way home are taken out by a remote-controlled bomb. Two of the injured later die in the hospital.
2013.03.12 Nigeria Kano 0 4 Four teachers at a primary school are shot by Boko Haram.
2013.03.12 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 A Shia business man is murdered by Sunni gunmen on his way to work.
2013.03.12 Pakistan Pabbi 0 6 Children are among the casualties of a bombing outside the house of an anti-Taliban politician.
2013.03.12 Pakistan Saddar 3 18 A Fedayeen suicide bomber takes out five people.
2013.03.11 Pakistan Peshawar 1 0 A Shiite shopowner is cut down by Sipah-e-Sahaba gunmen.
2013.03.11 Iraq Baghdad 3 0 Mujahideen murder three people including a man and wife in their home.
2013.03.11 Israel Jerusalem 0 9 Nine Israelis are injured when Muslims hurl firebombs at them on the Temple Mount.
2013.03.11 Pakistan Landhi 2 4 A bomb placed outside a Shia-owned shop leaves a father and son dead.
2013.03.11 Pakistan Masuzai 3 2 Islamists take down three local soldiers on patrol with an IED.
2013.03.11 Iraq Dibis 5 165 A Shahid suicide bomber detonates next to a girl’s school, killing at least five.
2013.03.10 Bangladesh Khulna 3 3 Three more policemen are reported dead from Jamaat-e-Islami violence.
2013.03.10 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A 42-year-old man driving a BMW is machine-gunned on the road by Muslim terrorists.
2013.03.10 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A 52-year-old woman is shot in the head by Islamic ‘insurgents’ while returning from a trip to the market.
2013.03.10 Thailand Pattani 1 1 A 50-year-old villager is gunned down by Muslim terrorists outside a mosque.
2013.03.10 Pakistan Landi Kotal 1 3 A 4-year-old girl bleeds out after radicals detonate a bomb outside a rival mosque.
2013.03.10 Nigeria Jama’are 7 0 Ansaru Islamists summarily execute seven ‘Christian’ hostages.
2013.03.10 Afghanistan Badakhshan 2 0 Two local cops are murdered by religious extremists.
2013.03.10 Dagestan Buinaksk 1 0 A healer is shot several times in his own home by militant Islamists.
2013.03.10 Nigeria Dakata 5 3 Five Christians are shot to death by Islamic extremists while returning home from church.
2013.03.10 Libya Benghazi 1 0 A Christian arrested by Islamists for ‘proselytizing’ dies from ‘natural causes’ while being tortured.
2013.03.10 Syria Harasta 1 9 Terrorists fire on a bus carrying kindergarteners, killing at least one child.
2013.03.09 Afghanistan Khost 9 2 Eight children are among nine innocents shredded by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2013.03.09 Pakistan Peshawar 6 28 Six worshippers are ripped apart by a bomb placed inside a Barelvi (Sufi) mosque.
2013.03.09 Afghanistan Kabul 9 13 A suicide bomber on a bicycle pedals to paradise, taking nine others with him.
2013.03.09 Dagestan Izberbash 1 0 Islamic separatists shoot a Russian judge to death.
2013.03.09 Pakistan Lahore 0 35 A Muslim mob rampages through a Christian neighborhood, burning more than 100 homes and injuring three dozen.
2013.03.08 Iraq Samarrah 5 4 al-Qaeda gunmen murder five Iraqis on the street.
2013.03.08 Thailand Narathiwat 0 1 At least one child is hit when Muslim ‘insurgents’ spray a playground with gunfire.
2013.03.08 India Tangmarg 1 0 A man is abducted from his home and shot to death by Islamic terrorists.
2013.03.08 Iraq Tikrit 5 2 A family of five is slaughtered in their home by Sunni ‘insurgents’.
2013.03.07 China Korla 5 7 At least one Muslim goes on a stabbing spree, killing five people in a suspected sectarian attack on Han.
2013.03.06 Bangladesh Tangail 1 0 A 65-year-old citizen is murdered by Jamaat-e-Islami.
2013.03.06 Iraq Ramadi 5 0 At least five Iraqis are taken out by the Mujahideen.
2013.03.06 Pakistan Abbas Town 2 0 Sipah-e-Sahaba gunmen murder two Shia returning from a funeral
2013.03.06 Iraq Hawija 2 1 Two people are picked off by al-Qaeda gunmen.
2013.03.06 Afghanistan Badakhshan 17 0 Islamic extremists execute seventeen captured Afghan soldiers in cold blood.
2013.03.06 Thailand Pattani 1 0 Muslim gunmen pick off a 42-year-old man in front of his home.
2013.03.06 Kenya Garissa 1 0 An Islamist shoots a refugee camp guard at close range.
2013.03.06 Pakistan Tandlianwala 2 0 An 18-year-old girl and her lover are ‘honor’ killed by her uncle on suspicion of sex.
2013.03.05 Iraq Baqubah 3 17 Mujahideen bomb a soccer field, killing three spectators.
2013.03.05 Iraq Kirkuk 7 18 Islamic State of Iraq terrorists kill seven Iraqis in two attacks.
2013.03.05 Pakistan Jamrud 0 1 A polio clinic narrowly escapes disaster as a bomb detonates at the wrong time, injuring only a nurse.
2013.03.05 Iraq Baghdad 1 0 A man dies in an al-Qaeda drive-by.
2013.03.05 Iraq Taji 3 0 al-Qaeda gunmen murder three people.
2013.03.05 Bangladesh Rangpur 2 0 A policeman and one other die of injuries suffered during a Jamaat-e-Islami rampage.
2013.03.04 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 Muslim gunmen knock a 37-year-old off his motorcycle and then shoot him in the head.
2013.03.04 Iraq Ratba 57 0 al-Nusra terrorists from Syria shoot fifty-seven surrendered soldiers and Iraqi guards in cold blood.
2013.03.04 Yemen Loder 12 8 A Fedayeen suicide bomber sends a dozen souls to Allah.
2013.03.04 Iraq Mosul 5 8 An al-Qaeda suicide bomber takes out five Iraqis.
2013.03.04 Nigeria Gwoza 10 0 Eight civilians are among ten killed during a Boko Haram attack on police station and bank.
2013.03.04 Pakistan Khaisuri 1 0 A man is kidnapped and executed by Shaheen Bhittani.
2013.03.03 Pakistan Karachi 48 180 Four dozen worshippers are massacred when Lashkar-e-Jhangvi set off a massive suicide car bomb outside a Shia shrine.
2013.03.03 Iraq Baghdad 4 11 Bomb blasts in two Shia neighborhoods leave four dead.
2013.03.03 Dagestan Gubden 1 0 A moderate cleric is murdered in his home by Islamic extremists.
2013.03.03 Pakistan Safar 1 0 Sunni terrorists shoot an innocent Shia to death.
2013.03.03 Nigeria Monguno 1 0 At least one villager is killed during a Boko Haram attack.
2013.03.03 Bangladesh Dhaka 23 200 About two dozen innocent people, including women, children and police are thought killed during violent rioting by Jamaat-e-Islami.
2013.03.03 Iraq Mosul 1 1 al-Qaeda gunmen shoot a man to death in his own home.
2013.03.03 Iraq Karbalah 0 10 A suicide bomber detonates outside a Shia shrine.
2013.03.02 Afghanistan Warduj 3 3 Sunni fundamentalists ambush and kill three Afghans.
2013.03.02 India Kupwara 2 0 Mujahideen shoot two guards to death at a bus stop.
2013.03.02 Thailand Yala 2 12 Muslim ‘insurgents’ kill two people with a bomb hidden on a motorcycle.
2013.03.02 Pakistan Karachi 2 0 Two Shiites are murdered by Sipah-e-Sahaba terrorists.
2013.03.02 Egypt Cairo 3 0 Three Christian brothers are machine-gunned in their home by Islamists angered over a church-building rumor.
2013.03.02 Tanzania Dar Es Salaam 0 1 An Islamist attempt to hack a church bishop to death is thwarted by a guard who suffers horrific injuries.
2013.03.01 Somalia Mogadishu 1 0 Two suicide bombers manage to take out one civilian at a beachfront restaurant.
2013.03.01 Thailand Narathiwat 0 6 Five schoolchildren are among the casualties of a ‘separatist’ motorcycle bomb.
2013.03.01 Iraq Diwaniyah 5 45 Five people at a sheep market are sent to Allah by ‘insurgent’ bombers.
2013.03.01 Afghanistan Kunar 9 1 Hardliner fundamentalists murder nine locals with a roadside bomb.
2013.03.01 Pakistan Peshawar 1 0 Sunnis shoot a trader to death at a market for no reason other than being Shia.
2013.03.01 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 A seminary student is gunned down by sectarian rivals.
2013.03.01 Egypt Kom Ombo 0 23 Muslims firebomb a church on a false rumor of a conversion.
2013.02.28 Iraq Baghdad 23 60 Two dozen innocents at a soccer field are blown to bits by Mujahid bombers.
2013.02.28 Syria Homs 1 30 A Sunni car bomb in a residential area leaves one dead.
2013.02.28 Bangladesh Gaibandha 4 0 A mob of religious fanatics beat four policemen to death with sticks.
2013.02.28 Somalia Hirran 1 0 An al-Shabaab victim is found butchered and discarded.
2013.02.28 Iraq Aziziyah 3 8 Jihadis car bomb a crowded livestock market, killing at least three.
2013.02.28 Iraq Mahmoudiya 3 6 Three Iraqis are pulled into pieces by a Mujahideen bomb.
2013.02.28 Iraq Baghdad 11 32 Sunnis set off a car bomb at a packed Shiite restaurant, leaving eleven dead and three dozen more in agony.
2013.02.27 Pakistan Miranshah 1 0 A journalist is shot to death shortly after publishing stories that promoted anti-polio drives.
2013.02.27 Mali Kidal 7 3 At least seven people are killed by a suicide bomber.
2013.02.27 Nigeria Maiduguri 3 4 Three people lost their lives to Boko Haram bombers.
2013.02.27 Pakistan Karachi 2 0 A Sunni and Shia are killed in separate sectarian shooting attacks.
2013.02.27 Afghanistan Kabul 0 10 A suicide bomber detonates next to a bus.
2013.02.27 Afghanistan Kandahar 3 0 A religious extremist shoots three local cops to death.
2013.02.27 Afghanistan Ghazni 17 0 Seventeen Afghan policemen are drugged by the Taliban and summarily executed.
2013.02.26 Syria Damascus 5 0 A suicide bomber kills five people.
2013.02.26 Pakistan Mardan 1 0 Muslim radicals gun down a guard for a polio vaccination team.
2013.02.26 Nigeria Kano 1 0 Islamic radicals gun down a cop in cold blood.
2013.02.26 Iraq Madain 2 0 A teacher and his son are dragged out of their home and shot in the street by al-Qaeda.
2013.02.25 Pakistan Marjah 4 4 Children are among the casualties of an Islamic landmine attack.
2013.02.25 Iraq Baqubah 2 4 Two civilians are murdered by al-Qaeda terrorists in separate attacks.
2013.02.25 Iraq Bani Saad 4 15 Mujahideen blow up four Iraqis with a marketplace car bomb.
2013.02.25 Somalia Gedo 2 0 Sharia advocates walk into a restaurant and gun down two officials having lunch.
2013.02.25 Pakistan Kunwari 1 0 Sipah-e-Sahaba terrorists shoot a 50-year-old Shia businessman in the head.
2013.02.25 Pakistan Shikarpur 2 10 Sunnis bomb a Sufi shrine, killing two worshippers.
2013.02.25 Iraq Mosul 3 0 An 8-year-old is among three people torn to pieces by an ‘insurgent’ bomb.
2013.02.25 Nigeria Ngelzarma 7 3 Seven people at a motor park are massacred by Boko Haram gunmen.
2013.02.24 Israel Negev 1 0 A Muslim man throws his 16-year-old daughter down a well over unauthorized relations with a boy.
2013.02.24 Afghanistan Jalalabad 2 3 A Fedayeen suicide bomber sends two souls to Allah.
2013.02.24 Afghanistan Logar 1 2 At least one innocent person is taken out by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2013.02.24 Yemen Baida 1 0 al-Qaeda gunmen take down a local cop.
2013.02.24 Pakistan Toheedabad 1 0 Terrorists assassinate a counter-terror constable.
2013.02.24 Nigeria Fika 5 3 Islamists rampage through a Christian village, killing five people in attacks that included a church.
2013.02.24 Nigeria Gulak 1 0 Boko Haram slit a man’s throat in front of his wife and children.
2013.02.23 Iraq Baqubah 2 6 A suicide bomber detonates outside a house, obliterating two bystanders.
2013.02.23 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 A young Shia student is gunned down near a college by Sipah-e-Sahaba.
2013.02.23 Nigeria Gombe 5 3 Fundamentalists drive by a card game and shoot five people to death.
2013.02.23 Pakistan Rashakai 1 2 Islamic militants ambush a police van, killing one occupant.
2013.02.23 Egypt Alexandria 5 0 Islamists murder four Christians and a guard outside a church.
2013.02.23 Pakistan Bhittai 1 0 A cleric is gunned down outside his mosque by Religion of Peace rivals.
2013.02.23 Nigeria Abuja 17 1 Fundamentalists storm a factory, separate Christian from Muslim workers and then murder seventeen of the former in cold blood.
2013.02.23 Nigeria Ngalda 6 12 Fundamentalists storm a small town late at night and indiscriminately murder six people at a bar.
2013.02.23 Nigeria Aduwan 5 11 A baby and a 13-year-old are among five innocents slain when Muslim extremists rake churches with machine-gun fire.
2013.02.22 Iraq Halaiwat 7 1 Seven volunteers at a checkpoint are executed in cold blood by al-Qaeda gunmen.
2013.02.22 Nigeria Kogom 10 2 Fulani Muslims hack ten Christian family members to death including five small children.
2013.02.22 Iraq Mosul 3 0 Three Iraqis are machine-gunned by al-Qaeda.
2013.02.22 Mali Khalil 3 3 Three other people are killed by Fedayeen suicide bombers.
2013.02.21 Afghanistan Kandhar 1 2 Fundamentalists kill one local with a grenade.
2013.02.21 Kenya Dadaab 7 0 Two women are among seven people machine-gunned outside a mosque.
2013.02.21 Iraq Dhuluiyah 9 27 Nine Iraqis are blown to bits by al-Qaeda bombers.
2013.02.21 Iraq Mosul 3 0 A Shahid suicide bomber snuffs out three other lives.
2013.02.21 Pakistan Peshawar 2 18 Two people are killed when fundamentalists set off a bomb at a shopping mall.
2013.02.21 India Hyderabad 17 119 A series of Indian Mujahideen bomb blasts at a bus stop and outside a cinema leave seventeen dead.
2013.02.21 Afghanistan Kohistanat 2 6 Two local cops are gunned down by the Taliban.
2013.02.21 Syria Damascus 90 200 Sunnis set off four car bombs in Shia neighborhoods, killing at least ninety, including children.
2013.02.21 Iraq Hammam al-Alil 2 0 Terrorists storm a home and murder a construction worker and his wife.
2013.02.21 Mali Kidal 2 0 An Islamist car bomb leaves two dead.
2013.02.21 Iraq Baqubah 1 7 A teacher is killed in a Mujahideen Islamist shooting attack and seven female university students injured in a separate bombing.
2013.02.20 Nigeria Maiduguri 3 2 A Fedayeen suicide bomber takes out three people.
2013.02.20 Pakistan Jacobabad 1 4 Rivals set off a bomb at a religious rally organized by a peaceful cleric, killing his grandson.
2013.02.19 Bangladesh Naliakhali 1 20 A young boy is burned alive during a rampage by a Muslim mob through a Hindu village.
2013.02.19 Nigeria Naibawa 6 6 Muslim terrorists fire into a restaurant, killing six patrons.
2013.02.19 Cameroon Lake Chad 2 1 Two Christian converts are lined up and shot to death for leaving Islam.
2013.02.19 Iraq Madaen 3 0 A boy is among three people shot to death in their home by al-Qaeda.
2013.02.19 Iraq Mosul 7 0 At least two women are among seven civilians gunned down in their own homes in two al-Qaeda attacks.
2013.02.19 Iraq Tikrit 2 6 Islamic State of Iraq bombers murder two people.
2013.02.19 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 A 24-year-old Shiite is shot to death by Sunnis on his way from a rally protesting Sunni violence.
2013.02.19 Thailand Pattani 1 0 Islamic ‘separatists’ shoot a 44-year-old several times in the head.
2013.02.18 Pakistan Darzaab 1 1 A civilian is killed during a Taliban attack.
2013.02.18 Pakistan Landi Kotal 2 0 Taliban shoot two civilians to death.
2013.02.18 Pakistan Swabi 1 0 Muslim militants gun down a cop at close range.
2013.02.18 Pakistan Lahore 2 0 A Shia doctor and his 11-year-old son are brutally gunned down by sectarian Jihadis.
2013.02.18 Pakistan Karachi 3 0 Three people are murdered in a sectarian drive-by.
2013.02.18 Pakistan Peshawar 6 7 Suicide bombers detonate at a government office, killing six.
2013.02.18 Thailand Pattani 0 1 A Buddhist teacher survives a targeted Muslim shooting with injuries.
2013.02.18 Somalia Alanley 1 0 A 42-year-old Christian teacher and father of four is brutally executed by al-Shabaab outside his home.
2013.02.18 Iraq Kirkuk 1 16 Mujahideen plant a bomb on a child’s tricycle that leaves one dead.
2013.02.17 Thailand Pattani 3 9 Three civilians are killed when Muslim militants detonate a bomb in a commercial district.
2013.02.17 Pakistan Mattani 1 0 A teenage boy sent by the Taliban assassinates a man at a market.
2013.02.17 Tunisia Sfax 0 1 A young man is stabbed in the head during a Salafist assault on a labor union office.
2013.02.17 Iraq Baghdad 37 100 At least thirty-seven people are pulled into pieces at a market by Islamic State of Iraq bombers.
2013.02.17 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 A cleric is shot to death by Religion of Peace rivals.
2013.02.17 Tanzania Zanzibar 1 0 A priest is murdered by Muslim extremists on his way to church.
2013.02.16 Iraq Mosul 3 0 A suicide blast leaves three others dead.
2013.02.16 Pakistan Quetta 91 180 Women and children are amply represented in the carnage as a Lashkar-e-Jhangvi bomb rips through a Shiite marketplace, leaving over ninety dead.
2013.02.16 Pakistan Tando Adam 1 0 Lashkar-e-Jhangvi gunmen on motorcycles take out a Shiite.
2013.02.16 Pakistan Karachi 2 0 Sunni terrorists shoot two Shia to death.
2013.02.16 Nigeria Bauchi 1 7 A guard is killed and seven construction workers kidnapped by Ansuru Islamists.
2013.02.16 Pakistan Lahore 1 0 A 45-year-old Christian is murdered in cold blood by a Muslim arguing religion.
2013.02.16 Pakistan Bannu 3 0 Three people are shot to death by Muslim radicals.
2013.02.16 Somalia Mogadishu 1 2 al-Shabaab bombers kill one person at a restaurant.
2013.02.15 Bangladesh Pallabi 1 0 A 30-year-old blogger who opposed Islamic fundamentalists is stabbed to death outside his home.
2013.02.15 Somalia Janalle 1 0 A captured Kenyan soldier is executed by al-Shabaab.
2013.02.15 Iraq al-Mahmoudiyyah 1 3 An innocent person is machine-gunned by al-Qaeda.
2013.02.15 Afghanistan Ghazni 2 1 Two civilians are killed by a Taliban bomb placed outside a mosque.
2013.02.15 Pakistan Orangi 1 0 A Shiite is gunned down by Sunnis.
2013.02.15 Iraq Abu Ghraib 4 2 Four Iraqis are taken out by a terrorist landmine.
2013.02.15 Somalia Garowe 1 2 A cleric is murdered between prayers in his mosque by Islamist rivals.
2013.02.14 Dagestan Khasavyurt 4 6 Four local cops are blown to bits by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2013.02.14 Bahrain Manama 1 0 Shiite terrorists kill a security official with a firebomb.
2013.02.14 Pakistan Hangu 11 11 Two women are among eleven people torn to shreds by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2013.02.14 Iraq Mosul 4 0 Two brothers are among four Iraqis murdered by Mujahideen.
2013.02.14 Pakistan Hassanzai Dara 4 0 Militants kill four locals with a roadside bomb.
2013.02.13 Pakistan Karachi 2 0 Two Shias are murdered by devoted Sunnis, including one who died during torture.
2013.02.13 Pakistan Hassanzo 9 23 Two roadside bombings leave nine people dead.
2013.02.13 Pakistan Shunglai 1 0 A young woman is honor killed by her family and dumped near a mosque.
2013.02.12 Pakistan Gulbahar 2 3 Sectarian Jihadis gun down two people at a hardware store.
2013.02.12 Pakistan Pasban 1 0 A 45-year-old Shiite is assassinated by Sipah-e-Sabada.
2013.02.12 Pakistan Tirah 19 7 A day of back and forth attacks by Ansarul Islam and the Taliban leave nineteen dead.
2013.02.12 Pakistan Lahore 1 0 Sunnis shoot a banker to death because he is Shiite.
2013.02.12 Nigeria Maiduguri 4 1 A child is among the casualties of two Boko Haram home invasions that leave four dead.
2013.02.11 Somalia Galkayo 4 6 A suicide blast by a religious fanatic leaves four others dead.
2013.02.11 Nigeria Maiduguri 1 0 Islamic radicals shoot a city councillor to death at his residence.
2013.02.11 Tanzania Buseresere 1 0 A pastor is beheaded by a group of Muslim youth.
2013.02.11 Iraq Rawah 3 2 Mujahideen take out three people with a bomb at a parking lot.
2013.02.11 Syria al-Shadada 14 12 Two al-Nusra suicide bombings reduce fourteen people to body parts.
2013.02.11 Pakistan Tirah 10 10 Ten more people die during a clash between radical Islamist groups.
2013.02.11 Pakistan Gulshan-e-Iqbal 1 0 A Quran teacher is gunned down by Religion of Peace rivals.
2013.02.11 Turkey Cilvegozu 7 12 A Fedayeen suicide bomber self-detonates at a border crossing.
2013.02.11 Pakistan Peshawar 1 0 A doctor is gunned down outside his clinic by sectarian Jihadis.
2013.02.11 Iraq Mosul 8 8 A Shahid suicide bomber takes out eight Iraqis, including a 7-year-old boy.
2013.02.10 Thailand Yala 5 1 Islamic militants overturn a truck with a bomb, then shoot five survivors to death.
2013.02.10 Pakistan Orangi 2 0 A Shia father and son are murdered by Sipah-e-Sahaba gunmen.
2013.02.10 Pakistan Karachi 2 0 A teacher is among two Shiites shot to death in separate attacks – one in his home.
2013.02.10 Iraq Samarrah 1 7 al-Qaeda bomb a family home, killing one member.
2013.02.10 Iraq Mosul 4 0 Mujahideen shoot murder four Iraqis in separate attacks.
2013.02.09 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A 56-year-old villager is shot in the head at his home by suspected Muslim ‘separatists’
2013.02.09 Iraq Baghdad 6 40 Terrorists send mortars into a camp housing Iranian dissidents, killing six.
2013.02.09 Thailand Pattani 1 1 Muslim ‘separatists’ ambush two locals.
2013.02.09 Pakistan Karachi 2 0 A seminary student and a Shiite are murdered by sectarian Jihadis in separate attacks.
2013.02.09 Nigeria Potiskum 3 0 Three Korean doctors are hacked to death by Islamic radicals.
2013.02.08 Iraq Shomali 14 26 Fourteen Iraqis at a bus stop are dismantled by Islamic State of Iraq bombers.
2013.02.08 Pakistan Peshawar 1 0 A Shiite professional is picked off by Sunni gunmen shortly after dropping his kids off at school.
2013.02.08 Iraq Baghdad 17 44 Holy Warriors detonate two car bombs at an animal market popular with Shias, slaughtering at least seventeen.
2013.02.08 Afghanistan Nad Ali 6 0 Two women are among six member of a family torn to shreds by an Islamic bomb.
2013.02.08 Iraq Karbala 5 16 At least five Shiites are taken out by Sunni bombers.
2013.02.08 Syria Aleppo 9 0 Nine people, including women, children and a cleric are reportedly killed by a Sunni rocket attack on a Shiite mosque.
2013.02.08 Nigeria Kano 10 5 Islamists gun down one male and nine female polio vaccination workers in two attacks after clerics accuse the program of being a conspiracy against Muslim children.
2013.02.08 Pakistan Kalaya 16 27 Muslim fundamentalists bomb marketplace selling videos and CD’s, killing at least sixteen.
2013.02.08 Lebanon al-Ouazzani 1 0 A teenager seven months pregnant is stabbed to death by her brother in a Muslim honor killing. (The girl was reportedly impregnated by her killer).
2013.02.08 Pakistan Pattoki 0 3 Three Christian women are beaten and tortured by a Muslim mob in their own home.
2013.02.07 Iraq Mahmoudiya 3 0 Three Iraqis are machine-gunned by al-Qaeda while sitting in their car.
2013.02.07 Afghanistan Kishindih 4 3 The Taliban take out four locals with a roadside bomb.
2013.02.07 Pakistan Orangi 1 5 A Taliban bombing leaves one dead.
2013.02.07 Iraq Abu Ghraib 6 9 al-Qaeda bombers murder six Iraqis.
2013.02.07 Kenya Garissa 1 1 Islamists shoot two Christian pastors, killing one.
2013.02.07 Dagestan Kahdzhalmakhi 1 0 Islamic militants shoot a local cop to death.
2013.02.07 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 A Shiite dies in the hospital from injuries suffered during a Sipah-e- Sahaba shooting attack.
2013.02.07 USA Buena Vista, NJ 2 0 A Muslim targets and beheads two Christian Coptic immigrants.
2013.02.06 Syria Hama 54 2 A brutal bombing of a bus by an Islamist faction leaves over fifty dead, including women.
2013.02.06 Iraq Mussayib 4 4 Four Iraqis die after being sprayed with al-Qaeda gunfire.
2013.02.06 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 Religious rivals murder a Sunni.
2013.02.06 Syria Palmyra 35 30 An al-Nusra suicide bomber and a separate car bombing send over thirty souls to Allah.
2013.02.06 Tunisia Tunis 1 0 A leading critic of Islamism is shot in the head by Salafis at his home.
2013.02.06 Russia Nalchik 1 1 A local cop is gunned down by Islamic militants.
2013.02.05 Thailand Yala 4 0 Four Buddhist fruit traders, including a 17-year-old, are tied up and slaughtered by Islamic ‘insurgents’.
2013.02.05 Bangladesh Dhaka 3 43 At least three people are killed during a rampage by Jamaat-e-Islam
2013.02.05 Iraq Taji 6 12 A suicide car bomber murder six Iraqis.
2013.02.05 Afghanistan Faryab 5 7 Mujahideen set off a bomb at a restaurant that leaves five dead.
2013.02.05 Denmark Copenhagen 0 0 A Danish cartoonist narrowly escapes an assassination attempt on his front stoop from a man who fires from a yard away.
2013.02.05 Nigeria Sambisa Reserve 6 0 At least six park rangers are brutally murdered by Sharia advocates.
2013.02.04 Kenya Garissa 1 0 Islamists shoot a local cop to death.
2013.02.04 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 Sectarian Jihadis pick off a 35-year-old Sunni at a market.
2013.02.04 Iraq Taji 23 44 A Holy Warrior self-detonates in a thick crowd of Iraqis, leaving about two dozen dead.
2013.02.04 Somalia Mogadishu 1 0 Islamic extremists kill an African Union soldier.
2013.02.04 Pakistan Chaman 1 0 A Christian dies after being shot five times by Muslims angry that he would not embrace Islam.
2013.02.04 Yemen Kutaf 6 7 Six people are killed during an armed clash between Sunnis and Shias.
2013.02.03 Afghanistan Khakriz 1 6 Women are among the casualties of a Taliban roadside attack.
2013.02.03 Iraq Kirkuk 33 90 Three dozen innocents are slaughtered by a suicide bombing followed by a grenade and shooting assault along a city street.
2013.02.02 Pakistan Agra Taj 1 0 Lashkar-e-Jhagvi brutally murder a Shiite.
2013.02.02 Pakistan Ghunda Mela 2 3 Taliban militants murder two local soldiers.
2013.02.02 Pakistan Karachi 2 Two human rights activists are shot to death by sectarian Jihadis.
2013.02.02 Afghanistan Musa Qala 2 0 Two local cops are incinerated by a Taliban bomb.
2013.02.02 Afghanistan Miyanishin 5 0 Two young children are among a family of five exterminated by a roadside bomb.
2013.02.02 Pakistan Sarai Nawrang 26 15 Women and children are among the casualties of a brutal Fedayeen attack that included a suicide bombing in a family home.
2013.02.01 Lebanon Beqaa 2 0 Islamists shoot two Lebanese policemen to death.
2013.02.01 Nigeria Samunaka 15 1 Islamists attack and burn three churches, killing at least fifteen innocents, including two children.
2013.02.01 Egypt Alexandria 0 1 A Christian woman is stabbed on the street by Muslim hardliners.
2013.02.01 Syria Damascus 53 90 al-Nusra suicide bombers massacre over fifty people in a single attack.
2013.02.01 Pakistan Hangu 30 56 A Fedayeen suicide bomber slaughters over two dozen worshippers outside a Shia mosque.
2013.02.01 Afghanistan Takhar 2 0 A Sunni hardliner suddenly shoots two police officers to death.
2013.02.01 Thailand Pattani 3 10 Three are killed when Islamic ‘separatists’ spray a group of farmers with machine-gun fire.
2013.02.01 Pakistan Lakai Sar 11 6 Lashkar-e-Islam terrorists assault a village and kill eleven defenders.
2013.01.31 Pakistan Karachi 3 0 Two Sunni clerics are among three killed in a Shia drive-by.
2013.01.31 Thailand Yala 1 0 A 62-year-old villager is cut down by Muslim gunmen.
2013.01.31 Pakistan Tirah 2 6 At least two bystanders are killed when Islamist groups clash.
2013.01.31 Pakistan Malikhel 2 0 Religion of Peace bombers murder two polio workers who were on their way to vaccinate children.
2013.01.31 Mali Douentza 2 0 Islamists murder two local soldiers.
2013.01.31 Nigeria Gombe 2 0 Two local cops are gunned down by Boko Haram.
2013.01.31 Afghanistan Greshk 1 8 A 13-year-old boy is killed when fundamentalists bomb a gambling event.
2013.01.31 Pakistan Quetta 1 1 A Shia barber is cut down by Sunnis firing into his shop.
2013.01.30 Pakistan Golimar 1 0 Sipah-e-Sahaba gunmen pick off a 32-year-old Shiite.
2013.01.30 Thailand Narathiwat 1 2 Militant Muslims blow up a security guard for teachers.
2013.01.30 Yemen Raida 0 1 A Jewish man is badly injured in an anti-Semitic Muslim attack.
2013.01.30 Iraq Abu Ghraib 18 0 A mass grave containing eighteen al-Qaeda execution victims is discovered.
2013.01.30 Pakistan Ghani Gul 6 0 Six members of a family are killed when a mortar hits their home amidst fighting between two Islamist groups.
2013.01.30 Afghanistan Sabari 2 4 Two small children are pulled into pieces by a Taliban bomb planted at a market.
2013.01.29 Somalia Mogadishu 6 12 A Shahid suicide bomber takes out six locals.
2013.01.29 Pakistan Kala 1 0 A guard for a polio vaccination team is gunned down by Islamists.
2013.01.29 Pakistan Karachi 1 2 Terrorists from a religious outfit attack a police station and murder an officer.
2013.01.29 Thailand Narathiwat 2 0 A Buddhist married couple, who worked as school janitors, are brutally shot to death by Islamic ‘insurgents’.
2013.01.29 Pakistan Quetta 2 0 Two Shia are shot to death by Sunni radicals during ‘Unity Week’.
2013.01.29 Iraq Kirkuk 1 2 A cleric is taken out by sectarian rivals.
2013.01.28 Turkey Istanbul 1 0 An 85-year-old Christian woman is stabbed to death by an attacker who then carves a cross on her body.
2013.01.28 Iraq Fallujah 2 3 An al-Qaeda rocket attack leaves two dead Iraqis.
2013.01.28 Iraq Mosul 2 0 A 4-year-old girl is among two civilians taken out by Mujahid gunmen.
2013.01.28 Russia Kabardino-Balkaria 1 0 An off-duty police officer is assassinated by suspected Islamic ‘separatists’.
2013.01.28 Pakistan Karachi 5 1 Four Sunni activists are murdered by sectarian rivals. A 2-year-old later dies of injuries.
2013.01.28 Yemen al-Bayda 8 12 Eight locals are disassembled by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2013.01.28 Yemen Rida 11 17 An al-Qaeda car bomb leaves eleven dead.
2013.01.28 Bangladesh Motijheel 0 50 At least fifty people are injured in rioting by Islamic extremists standing up for war criminals.
2013.01.27 Nigeria Mangu 5 0 Five people are beheaded by Sharia advocates.
2013.01.27 Pakistan Tirah 61 40 Sixty-one people are killed in clashes between Tahrik-e-Taliban and Ansarul Islam.
2013.01.27 Nigeria Borno 8 0 Eight people are abducted and murdered by Boko Haram.
2013.01.27 Afghanistan Kandahar 10 6 Islamic fundamentalists kill ten Afghans with a roadside bomb.
2013.01.27 Algeria Djebahia 2 5 Two gas pipeline guards are shot to death by Muslim militants.
2013.01.26 Afghanistan Qale Sabaz 2 13 A suicide bomber takes out two people.
2013.01.26 Afghanistan Kunduz 10 20 Ten Afghans are blown to bits by a Shahid suicide bomber at a busy market.
2013.01.26 Iraq Baqubah 1 0 A woman is murdered in her own home by the Islamic Army of Iraq.
2013.01.26 Iraq Fallujah 2 3 Mujahideen shoot two local soldiers to death.
2013.01.25 Nigeria Ngwa 1 0 An ex-official is assassinated by Boko Haram.
2013.01.25 Pakistan Parachinar 1 0 Wahhabi terrorists gun down a Shiite.
2013.01.25 Afghanistan Kapisa 5 10 Five civilians are dismantled by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2013.01.24 Iraq Baghdad 3 0 Three Iraqis are brought down by al-Qaeda with silencers.
2013.01.24 Pakistan Gilgit 1 0 Sipah-e-Sahaba gunmen pick off a Shia water department employee.
2013.01.24 India Hyderabad 1 2 A passerby is killed when religious hardliners start shooting at each others.
2013.01.24 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A man is murdered in his own bed by Muslim terrorists.
2013.01.24 Syria Saasa 8 5 al-Nusra Islamists murder eight people with a car bomb.
2013.01.24 Pakistan Landhi 4 12 Terrorists murder four police officers with two bombs.
2013.01.23 Pakistan Gulbara 4 0 Four rival Islamists are murdered by Lashkar e-Islam.
2013.01.23 Nigeria Maiduguri 5 0 Religion of Peace proponents behead five people in their homes.
2013.01.23 Iraq Tuz Khurmatu 42 75 A Shahid self-detonates inside a packed mosque, sending at least forty-two souls to Allah.
2013.01.23 Pakistan Orakzai 5 3 A Sunni bomb blast rips five people apart.
2013.01.23 Yemen al-Bayda 1 3 One person is killed by al-Qaeda bombers.
2013.01.23 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A teacher is shot to death by Muslim ‘insurgents’ in front of dozens of children.
2013.01.23 Nigeria Maiduguri 4 0 Boko Haram Islamists burn down a school and shoot four people to death.
2013.01.23 Pakistan Hangu 2 0 Two clerics are gunned down at their own mosque by Religion of Peace rivals.
2013.01.23 Iraq Mosul 3 0 A school principal is among three Iraqis gunned down by Mujahideen.
2013.01.23 Pakistan Quetta 1 0 A prayer leader dies after being shot by Religion of Peace rivals.
2013.01.22 Pakistan Kari Haider Khel 2 0 Two tribesmen are taken out by a Tehreek-e-Taliban drive-by.
2013.01.22 Pakistan Peshawar 1 0 A Shia eye specialist is cut down outside his clinic by Sunni gunmen.
2013.01.22 Pakistan Karachi 2 0 A prominent doctor is among two Shias gunned down by Sunni radicals.
2013.01.22 Iraq Mahmoudiya 5 15 al-Qaeda set off a car bomb along a city street that leaves five dead.
2013.01.22 Iraq Taji 7 26 Seven people are torn to shreds by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2013.01.22 Iraq Shula 5 15 Sunni car bombers slaughter five Shiites in their own neighborhood.
2013.01.22 Nigeria Damboa 18 0 Fundamentalists massacre eighteen villagers at a market selling meat forbidden to Muslims.
2013.01.22 Iraq Mahmoudiyyah 4 0 Four young children ages 6 to 12 are disassembled by a Mujahideen bomb outside their home.
2013.01.22 Nigeria Kano 5 2 Five people playing an outdoor board game are shot to death by Islamic fundamentalists.
2013.01.21 Thailand Pattani 1 1 A 12-year-old Buddhist boy is brought down by Runda Kumpulan Kecil Islamists.
2013.01.21 Pakistan Gakhar Mandi 1 0 The throat of a 45-year-old woman is cut by her conservative brother after she elopes by choice.
2013.01.21 Afghanistan Kabul 3 0 At least three innocents are killed during a Fedayeen suicide assault on a traffic police headquarters.
2013.01.21 Syria Salmiyeh 30 50 Shahid suicide car bombers destroy thirty lives in a commercial district.
2013.01.21 Pakistan Dawizai 2 9 A Taliban bomb leaves two dead.
2013.01.20 Iraq Baqubah 1 1 Terrorists kill a civilian with a bomb near her home.
2013.01.20 Nigeria Kaduna 2 2 A 6-year-old girl is killed by suspected Boko Haram.
2013.01.19 Somalia Afmadow 7 0 At least seven civilians are slain during an al-Shabaab attack.
2013.01.19 Nigeria Kano 5 0 At least five people are killed in an attempted Boko Haram assassination of a popular emir.
2013.01.19 Nigeria Okene 2 5 Islamists ambush a luxury bus and murder two riders.
2013.01.19 Cameroon Kousseri 1 0 Islamists shoot a man execution style.
2013.01.19 Algeria Tigantourine 48 0 Twenty three hostages are killed by their Islamic captors during a rescue attempt. Twenty-five more are found summarily executed
2013.01.18 Syria Daraa 5 12 Suicide car bombers attack a rival mosque, killing at least five.
2013.01.18 Thailand Pattani 1 1 Islamic gunmen fire into a pickup truck, killing the driver.
2013.01.18 Somalia Mogadishu 1 0 A journalist is picked off by alleged al-Shabaab gunmen.
2013.01.18 Pakistan Khuzdar 1 0 A Shiite is gunned down by Sipah-e-Sahaba terrorists at a market.
2013.01.18 Nigeria Kaduna 1 1 A 7-month-old baby is shot during an Islamic terror attack.
2013.01.18 Lebanon Roumieh 1 0 An inmate at a prison is murdered by hardcore Fatah al-Islam fundamentalists.
2013.01.18 Pakistan Sur Kas 2 1 Laskhar-e-Islam mortar a family home, killing the mother and father and severely injuring their girl.
2013.01.18 Nigeria Kaduna 2 0 Two police officers are gunned down by Boko Haram.
2013.01.17 Iraq Hilla 7 17 al-Qaeda detonate a car bomb outside a soccer stadium in a Shia neighborhood, killing at least seven.
2013.01.17 Iraq Karbala 4 12 Four lives are lost when a bus carrying Shia pilgrims is targeted by al-Qaeda bombers.
2013.01.17 Iraq Qassim 5 20 Five Shia pilgrims on foot are torn to shreds following an Islamic Army of Iraq bomb at a bus stop.
2013.01.17 Pakistan Karachi 4 0 A prominent anti-Taliban politician and three body guards are murdered by Jihadis.
2013.01.17 Kenya Garissa 5 4 Religious extremists burst into a restaurant and gun down five patrons.
2013.01.17 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 A Shia civilian is murdered by Sunni gunmen at a market.
2013.01.17 Thailand Yala 1 0 A 28-year-old villager is murdered by Muslim extremists.
2013.01.17 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A 78-year-old farmer is shot to death in a bath tub by Muslim terrorists.
2013.01.17 Iraq Dujail 11 60 Eleven Shia pilgrims are sent to Allah by dedicated Sunni car bombers.
2013.01.17 Thailand Pattani 0 3 Islamic militants shoot three sanitation workers, one in the head.
2013.01.17 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 Islamic ‘insurgents’ murder a school truck driver in front of seven children.
2013.01.16 Afghanistan Kabul 3 30 Three civilians are murdered by Fedayeen suicide bombers.
2013.01.16 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 A 58-year-old Shiite is murdered by Wahhabi gunmen.
2013.01.16 Iraq Tuz Khurmato 3 37 Holy Warriors take out three locals.
2013.01.16 Iraq Baji 7 0 Seven Iraqis are killed in a handful of Mujahideen attacks.
2013.01.16 Algeria Tigantourine 2 6 Armed Islamists attack an oil field, killing two people they identified as Christians and kidnapping over a hundred workers.
2013.01.16 Yemen Dhammar 1 0 A security official is assassinated by al-Qaeda.
2013.01.16 Syria Idlib 22 30 al-Nusra suicide bombers massacre two dozen Syrians in an urban area.
2013.01.16 Iraq Kirkuk 21 170 Two-dozen shoppers are massacred by suicide truck bombers in a commercial district.
2013.01.16 Bangladesh Dhaka 0 1 An atheist blogger is stabbed by three Islamic fundamentalists.
2013.01.16 Nigeria Jos 4 2 Four Christians are the victims of a Muslim drive-by.
2013.01.15 Norway Haugesund 0 2 A Muslim stabs two Christians who converted from Islam.
2013.01.15 Pakistan Shalobar 6 28 Attacks by Lashkar-e-Islam on local security posts leave six innocents dead.
2013.01.15 Iraq Fallujah 7 6 A Fedayeen suicide bomber takes out seven Iraqis.
2013.01.15 Nigeria Kano 4 0 Four policemen are massacred by Boko Haram Islamists.
2013.01.15 Dagestan Makhachkala 1 0 Suspected Islamists assassinate a judge.
2013.01.15 Pakistan Surjani 1 0 A 30-year-old Shia is gunned down by sectarian Jihadis.
2013.01.15 Syria Haswiya 106 0 Shiite militia and Sunni Islamists are blamed by the other for the massacre of over one hundred civilians, mostly family members.
2013.01.15 Dagestan Makhachkala 1 0 Suspected Islamic ‘separatists’ assassinate a prominent judge.
2013.01.15 Libya Misrata 1 5 An child loses an eye and an imam loses his life when rivals throw a grenade at him.
2013.01.15 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 Sipah-e-Sahaba gunmen pick off a Shiite.
2013.01.15 Philippines Midsayap 2 0 Moro Islamists are blamed for a shooting that leaves two dead.
2013.01.14 Pakistan Kohikhel 3 0 Islamic extremists behead three captured tribesmen.
2013.01.14 Pakistan Khar Kallay 1 8 A bombing attack on a van full of Shia leaves one dead.
2013.01.13 India Pulwama 1 0 A 40-year-old civilian is kidnapped and executed by Islamic militants.
2013.01.13 Pakistan Miranshah 14 25 Fourteen local soldiers are exterminated by a Taliban roadside bomb.
2013.01.13 Pakistan Swabi 1 0 Islamic radicals shoot a police officer in the head.
2013.01.13 Afghanistan Sayed Abad 7 2 Seven civilians are killed by a suspected Taliban bomb at a mosque.
2013.01.13 Iraq Samarrah 3 0 Sunni militants machine-gun three Iraqis at a checkpoint.
2013.01.13 Afghanistan Chak 2 0 A girl is among two civilians executed in cold blood by religious extremists.
2013.01.13 Pakistan Shabqadar 1 3 A 12-year-old boy is disassembled by a Mujahid bomb.
2013.01.13 Iraq Fallujah 1 3 A 7-year-old boy is pulled apart by an ‘insurgent’ bomb.
2013.01.13 Nigeria Kano 2 2 Two locals are killed by Boko Haram gunmen.
2013.01.13 Yemen Rada 1 3 One civilian is killed during an al-Qaeda ambush.
2013.01.12 Iraq Kirkuk 2 4 Islamic terrorists kill two soccer players with a bomb outside their stadium.
2013.01.12 Somalia Bulomarer 1 0 Islamists execute a French hostage following a rescue attempt.
2013.01.12 Pakistan Nowshera 1 0 A female nurse is slain execution style by suspected Taliban.
2013.01.12 Pakistan Rahim Bux Banglani 1 0 An 18-year-old girl is “honor killed” by her brother for having sex.
2013.01.12 Pakistan Quetta 1 1 A child is killed in a bomb attack targeting Shias at an Internet cafe.
2013.01.12 Somalia Jilib 2 0 Two civilians are pulled off of a bus and shot in the back of the head by fundamentalists.
2013.01.11 Pakistan Quetta 2 5 Tehreek-e-Taliban kill two people with a rocket.
2013.01.11 Thailand Pattani 2 0 Muslim ‘insurgents’ shoot two local cops to death.
2013.01.11 India Sopore 1 0 A local official is assassinated by Islamic militants.
2013.01.11 Iraq Mosul 2 2 al-Qaeda gunmen enter a family home and shoot a 7-year-old boy and his father to death.
2013.01.11 Afghanistan Badghis 5 5 Five Afghans lose their lives to Taliban attacks.
2013.01.11 Thailand Pattani 2 2 A Muslim bomb aimed at teachers leaves two guards dead.
2013.01.10 Iraq Diyala 6 6 Mujahideen murder six Iraqis in a series of attacks.
2013.01.10 Pakistan Mingora 30 70 Thirty people are ripped to shreds by a Fedayeen suicide bomber at a rival preaching center.
2013.01.10 Pakistan Quetta 105 200 Over one-hundred people are massacred by two Lashkar-e-Jhangvi suicide blasts at a billiards hall in a Shiite area.
2013.01.10 Nigeria Maiduguri 1 0 A female police officer is murdered by Boko Haram.
2013.01.10 Iraq Baghdad 5 15 Sunni bombers strike a bus stop in a Shia neighborhood, sending five residents to Allah.
2013.01.10 Yemen Abyan 1 2 al-Qaeda assassins shoot a mediator to death.
2013.01.10 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 A court worker is shot four times by religious extremists.
2013.01.10 Pakistan Quetta 4 0 Four Shias are summarily executed by Sunnis
2013.01.10 Iraq Diyala 2 4 Two people are killed when Mujahid bombers target a university chancellor.
2013.01.09 Pakistan Quetta 1 0 A Sunni cleric is brought down in a targeted attack by Shia.
2013.01.09 Pakistan Peshawar 1 0 An influential Shia doctor is murdered outside his clinic by devoted Sunnis.
2013.01.09 Pakistan Bahawalpur 1 0 Muslim stab a 19-year-old Christian to death for seeing a Muslim girl.
2013.01.08 Pakistan Choura 1 0 A Sikh businessman is kidnapped and beheaded by Lashkar-e-Islam.
2013.01.08 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 A Shiite father is shot to death in front of his child by Sunnis.
2013.01.08 Iraq Mosul 1 12 A car bomb at a supermarket in a Christian area kills a medical student.
2013.01.08 Pakistan Bokhar 1 1 Islamic bombers take down a member of a peace committee.
2013.01.07 Pakistan Gulshan-e-Iqbal 1 0 A 26-year-old bank employee is murdered for belonging to the wrong mosque.
2013.01.07 Nigeria Baban Layi 3 2 Islamists murder three traders at a market.
2013.01.07 Iraq Mosul 1 0 A female Christian teacher’s throat is cut by dedicated Muslims.
2013.01.07 Nigeria Kano 3 1 Boko Haram gunmen fire into a group of civilians leaving a rival mosque, killing three.
2013.01.07 Pakistan Karachi 2 0 Sectarian Jihadis take down a father and daughter.
2013.01.07 Iraq Mosul 3 4 al-Qaeda gunmen roll up on a checkpoint and machine-gun local cops point-blank.
2013.01.07 Pakistan Quetta 1 3 Sunnis fire into a taxi carrying Shias, killing just one.
2013.01.07 Afghanistan Laghman 1 0 An acting imam shoots a British soldier in the back after leading prayers.
2013.01.06 Thailand Narathiwat 1 1 A Buddhist woman dies after being shot in the neck and body by Muslim ‘insurgents’.
2013.01.06 Afghanistan Spin Boldak 4 15 Two suicide bombers murder four other people at a community meeting.
2013.01.06 Pakistan Jamrud 5 1 Five tribesmen are machine-gunned by militant Muslims.
2013.01.06 Pakistan Chiniot 1 0 A Shiite child dies of injuries one week after being shot by Sipah-e-Sahaba.
2013.01.05 Pakistan Faisalabad 1 0 A girl is stabbed to death by her conservative brother for having an affair.
2013.01.05 Pakistan Utmanzai 2 0 Two charity workers involved in an education project are murdered by Religion of Peace radicals.
2013.01.05 Libya Sidi Faraj 1 0 A local cop is shot to death by suspected Islamists.
2013.01.05 Iraq Hillah 3 23 Terrorists blow up three civilians.
2013.01.05 Iraq Karbalah 1 11 A Shiite girl on a minibus is taken out by Sunni Holy Warriors.
2013.01.05 Syria Deir az-Zour 3 0 Three captured Syrians are executed by al-Nusra proclaiming their Muslim faith.
2013.01.05 Afghanistan Uruzgan 4 1 Taliban extremists murder four commuters with a roadside bomb.
2013.01.05 Iraq Diyala 5 10 Mujahideen take down five Iraqis in various attacks.
2013.01.04 Syria Idlib 1 0 A cleric is assassinated by Religion of Peace rivals.
2013.01.04 Pakistan Peshawar 2 1 A Taliban bomb snuffs the lives of two civilians.
2013.01.04 Kenya Garissa 2 7 Two refugees bleed to death after al-Shabaab cadres toss a grenade into their camp.
2013.01.04 Pakistan Mach 1 0 Sipah-e-Yazeed gunmen assassinate a Shiite at close range.
2013.01.04 Syria Damascus 11 4 Two children are among eleven civilians dismantled by a Sunni bomb in a residential neighborhood.
2013.01.04 Thailand Pattani 1 4 Islamic militants ambush and kill a local soldier.
2013.01.03 Iraq Musayyib 28 49 Twenty-eight Shiite pilgrims are blown apart by a Shahid suicide car bomber.
2013.01.03 Syria Damascus 2 0 Video surfaces of members of a Shia militia stoning and stabbing two Sunnis.
2013.01.03 Nigeria Song 4 0 Four people are burned to death by Religion of Peace radicals, including a child.
2013.01.03 Afghanistan Nawa-i-Barakzayi 1 0 A cleric is gunned down in his own mosque by religious hardliners.
2013.01.03 Somalia Boo 1 3 al-Shabaab gunmen open fire on women at a wedding party, killing at least one.
2013.01.03 Pakistan Swabi 1 0 A prayer leader is assassinated by sectarian rivals.
2013.01.03 Iraq Baghdad 4 15 Sunnis target a minibus carrying Shia pilgrims, managing to kill just four.
2013.01.02 Nigeria Marte 2 0 Boko Haram militants ambush and kill two security personnel.
2013.01.02 Pakistan Miranshah 3 3 A woman and child are killed when Islamic militants fire a rocket into their home.
2013.01.02 Iraq Karbalah 2 8 Two Shia pilgrims on foot are sent straight to Allah by Sunni bombers.
2013.01.02 Iraq Tarmiyah 3 0 Three Iraqis are machine-gunned point-blank by Islamic ‘insurgents’.
2013.01.01 Pakistan Swabi 7 1 Six women are among seven humanitarian workers brutally machine-gunned by Mujahideen.
2013.01.01 Iraq Bahrka 1 0 A 23-year-old mother of two is murdered by her family for unIslamic behavior.
2013.01.01 Italy Venice 0 1 Fifteen Arab youth set upon a Jewish-American tourist with sharp objects, beating him into unconsciousness.
2013.01.01 Pakistan Akkakhel 2 5 Two girls are killed when suspected Taliban shell their school.
2013.01.01 Pakistan Bolan 1 0 A religious minority is murdered by Sunni gunmen.
2013.01.01 Iraq Tuz-Khormato 5 2 Mujahid bombers take out five Iraqis.
2013.01.01 Pakistan Karachi 6 40 Tehreek-e-Taliban set off a bomb at a political rally, taking out at least six participants.

false teachers