Justin Peters exposes false teachers and “hearing from God”

The “hearing from God” false teaching is rampant in evangelicalism and is very destructive. Consider how popular the book Jesus Calling is when it is pure blasphemy. Justin Peters does a great job of quickly exposing these awful teachers.

A popular passage they abuse is John 10:27: My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me. But they can’t be bothered to read the passage in context. Consider the following:

  • John 10:6 clearly teaches that this “voice” is a figure of speech, but they can’t be bothered to read in context. John 10:6 This figure of speech Jesus used with them, but they did not understand what he was saying to them.
  • This passage is about salvation. We are saved after “hearing his voice,” but it isn’t audible.
  • The Jews literally heard his voice but didn’t respond. If only the false teachers would consider that! They were right there in front of the physical Jesus and hearing every word audibly, but still, they rejected him.
  • The sheep hear because of what the Father does, not because of their holiness, practice, or spiritual disciplines.

The video also has Matt Chandler’s bizarre shark/pirate story. That message went to his entire church plus thousand more who listen to his Podcasts. It makes Christians look foolish.

As Justin Peters says, if you want to hear from God, read the Bible. If you want to hear from him audibly, read it out loud. But these wolves are too busy doing Satan’s work and making you avoid scripture while inventing your own messages from God. The lack of discernment is sickening.

And yes, when the disciples asked Jesus how to pray, He gave them the Lord’s Prayer and said nothing about listening for a response from God. If prayer was a two-way street, that would have been a good time to tell us (or in any other of the 31,000+ verses).

God told me to tell these wolves that He isn’t talking to them outside the Bible.

Soft drinks are bad for your health and a waste of money, and the sellers are “woke” perverts

Never heard of Ronaldo, but good for him! Only use sodas as treats.  Have you ever seen the picture with sugar cubes stacked up next to various drinks?  It is alarming how much sugar you consume with them.  And even the sugar-free versions have downsides because of their chemicals and what they do to your body.  I hope this shames other athletes into refusing endorsement for soft drinks, fast food, etc.

Along the “eat a little less” line of thinking, I know someone who cut out sodas and quickly lost a lot of weight.  That was his only change.

Update: Feeling hypocritical now (but not too much), as I drank 40 oz. of Coke for breakfast the day after I posted this. I was getting a CT scan as part of my cancer follow-up (all clear, praise God!) and they make you drink a lot of something sugary before the scan. I picked cranberry grape juice, then changed my mind to Coke, forgetting how much you have to drink. I was wired.

Priscilla Shirer’s dangerous and false teaching

Priscilla Shirer is a famous Christian author, and far too many people (primarily women) buy her books and believe her nonsense. She equates the Bible with hand-me-down clothes and insists that God give you something fresh and new. And even if you get it wrong, you should keep claiming to speak for God. You’d have to be biblically ignorant not to immediately dismiss her false teachings. She’s a clever wolf, actively teaching you to ignore the Bible and go with your own feelings of what God is supposedly telling you directly.  That won’t turn out well.

Years ago, we were members of a generally solid Bible-believing Baptist church.  However, the women’s group studied one of Shirer’s books that claimed to teach you how to hear from God. That’s nonsensical on its face, of course, as if God isn’t speaking to you, there is nothing to hear, and if God is speaking to you, then you couldn’t miss it if you tried.  She turned the story of Samuel on its head, claiming that Samuel needed to learn how to hear from God.  Sadly, the pastors were reluctant to get involved and correct the women.

Shirer has made a career out of her false teaching.  Via Priscilla Shirer Attacks the Bible as ‘Hand-me-down Revelation’:

In the clip, she is saying that having a preacher teach the scripture is insufficient and not personalized enough, that it gets stale, old, and is a mark of immaturity to not seek more. In contrast, it is a sign of growth and wisdom to want more than that, and so seek some “revelation” that is new, fresh, and personalized just for you.

Speaking within the context of receiving clothing hand-me-downs, Shirer creates the analogy by recounting how one year as a young girl she was not excited to get hand-me-downs, because the clothes “had not been specifically chosen for me.”

“And I’ve been okay with hand-me-downs with secondhand clothes all of these years, but all of a sudden I want of my own stuff. I wanted something to come with my name on it that had specifically been chosen for me. There ought to come a time in your relationship with the Lord, when hand-me-down revelation just doesn’t do it for you anymore.

There ought to come a little bit of disconcerting, a little bit of maturity in your walk with God where you become a little bit unsettled to only be spoon-fed the Word of God from someone else to you.

Now, we thank God for our pastors and our teachers and our leaders that help us to rightly divide the word of truth *but* there ought to come a time in your life where you’ve decided, “You know what? I want fresh revelation with my name on it that has come straight from God’s Spirit for my life.”

As with most false teachers, Shirer doesn’t want you to read the Bible.  Why?  Because you might realize how anti-biblical her teachings are!  The more you read the Bible, the more you’ll realize how awful she is. 

Pray for discernment in the church, that people would read the Bible more, and that they would never blindly trust Christian bookstores.

Here’s my lesson on decision-making and the will of God, and hearing from God.

A great summary of the Covid fiasco

Here is a thorough summary of what really happened, why Fauci should be in jail, and, as if you need more reasons, why you should never trust Democrats or the media. An enemy of our country designed this virus with some of our money, it has caused trillions of $ in losses and incalculable damage to people, and the villains tried to cover it up. And they almost succeeded. Will anyone learn from this?

Source: It’s Clear Now Anthony Fauci Isn’t A Fool, He’s A Villain

On Jan. 1, 2020, Fauci received a credible warning from a professor at the Scripps Research Institute, Kristian Anderson, that some of SARS-COV-2’s features “(potentially) look engineered” and that she and her colleagues “all find the genome inconsistent with expectations from evolutionary theory.”

Fauci later blasted the “lab origin theory” as completely uncredible, leading the entire media-industrial complex to deride theories of bio-engineering or even the idea the virus might have leaked from the Wuhan Institute of Virology. His assurance, despite now finding it safe to backtrack on saying he’s “not completely confident” of SARS-2’s natural origin, was doubtless a major factor in Facebook banning posts supporting the lab origin theory.

That’s just one among many lies he’s spun since SARS-COV-2 reached our shores. It was clear from almost the beginning that Fauci was not just a benevolent science bureaucrat “trying to figure it out,” not just a bumbling idiot, but someone willing to put the entire nation through a punishing social and medical experiment, to gaslight the public time and time again to keep it going, and then bask in the sycophancy of Democratic Party lawmakers and the media while millions suffered needlessly. That’s the sort of thing we expect from the villains of political thrillers, not well-intentioned public servants who are just trying to “follow the science.”

Students 100 years from now might be forgiven for thinking Fauci was an invented boogeyman. Deceit is a classic character trait of fictional antagonists, and Fauci is, as one popular (now Twitter-banned) lockdown skeptic put it, a “one-man highlight reel of mendacity.”