
What a magnificent passage this is. It shows you that Saul wasn’t converted to Paul, as so many will tell you, but that it was just another name he was known by. And it shows Paul’s boldness in confronting a false teacher. We don’t always have to use that style, but we shouldn’t be wimps about calling out wolves. Be clear and bold.

Acts 13:9–10 But Saul, who was also called Paul, filled with the Holy Spirit, looked intently at him and said, “You son of the devil, you enemy of all righteousness, full of all deceit and villainy, will you not stop making crooked the straight paths of the Lord?”


Former McDonald’s CEO Organizes “The Boardroom Initiative” to Fight Woke Corporations — good idea!


SALTY: Cry Babies Throw Out Their Toys Over Musk Twitter Buy – The Twitter thing has been fascinating to watch. He is driving the snowflakes mad, and he’s not even a conservative! He’s more of a traditional liberal who actually believes in the free market of ideas, unlike the Commies who must silence and destroy those with different thoughts. Yet Musk has done more for free speech than Republicans have in decades.

Do any of these foolish children realize how easy it is to block people on Twitter? Why are they so scared that others might engage in conversations in which they aren’t required to be a part of?


Dear Corporations: This ‘Pride Month,’ LEAVE US ALONE — Yep. “Pride month” is a perfect example of the cowardice of normal people. The behaviors are shameful and God-mocking, and encouraging and affirming these people is a serious sin – and especially so when you market them to children.  We’re going to need a lot of millstones to clean this place up.

Romans 1:26–27 For this reason God gave them up to dishonorable passions. For their women exchanged natural relations for those that are contrary to nature; and the men likewise gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another, men committing shameless acts with men and receiving in themselves the due penalty for their error.

Romans 1:32 Though they know God’s righteous decree that those who practice such things deserve to die, they not only do them but give approval to those who practice them.


WATCH: School District Secretly Pushes Sexual Orientation to Eight-Year-Olds Behind Parents’ Backs — This is why people must get their kids out of government schools. No matter what laws you pass, they will find a way to pervert the children’s minds.


We will answer for what we watch | Kevin DeYoung

Some Christians will be quick to point out that the Bible is full of sex and violence. And indeed it is. But there is a world of difference between sin described honestly on a page, never with the intent to stimulate or amuse, and sin depicted on the screen with multi-million dollar budgets, real nudity, and realistic gore.


Good for Florida! Hopefully, other states will copy this.


Fact check: True. I’ve been to remote parts of Kenya five times, and that is one of the best countries in Africa. Yet those people would give anything to live in America. Muhammad Ali made the same observation as Sowell.



My advice to Christians and non-Christians is to read the Bible well. The Bereans did, and we’re still talking about them 2,000 years later.

Acts 17:11 Now these Jews were more noble than those in Thessalonica; they received the word with all eagerness, examining the Scriptures daily to see if these things were so.



Workers are unhappy to be back in the office, and now they’re getting ready to quit — The entire accounting team (and more) at the company where I work has been thrilled to work from home. I had already been doing it for years and loved it. The big city commutes were wearing me out. That said, I am close to retirement, so I’m not gunning for any promotions. But we’ve still promoted people even though they didn’t have an office presence. People value the extra time and lower stress and costs. We have a big plant, so even if you are there you’d still communicate largely via phone and email. The key is managing people well – especially low performers – with specific deliverables. We offer work-at-home as a huge benefit, but if they don’t deliver well, then it goes away.


YouTuber Who Said Cancel Culture Was a Good Thing Gets Cancelled — Schadenfreudelicious.


Justin Peters Issues Open Challenge to Charismatic Prophets: ‘Here’s Your Chance to Embarrass Me…’ — Good for him! Prediction: The false prophets will ignore this, knowing that their gullible followers don’t know about Justin Peters or other sound teachers.

So, here’s your chance to redeem yourself and to prove me wrong. Embarrass me. Okay? Embarrass this old fuddy-duddy of a cessasionist .All right, here’s my challenge. The war is raging in Ukraine. I want any one of you between now -I’m recording this on the evening of April the 20th 2022-… and May 1, that gives you about 10 days. That’s plenty of time to either shoot up to heaven, or just start engaging God in a conversation I want you to ask him, “how’s the war in Ukraine going to end?” . . . So, here’s your chance to redeem yourself and to prove me wrong. Embarrass me. Okay? Embarrass this old fuddy-duddy of a cessasionist .All right, here’s my challenge. The war is raging in Ukraine. I want any one of you between now -I’m recording this on the evening of April the 20th 2022-… and May 1, that gives you about 10 days. That’s plenty of time to either shoot up to heaven, or just start engaging God in a conversation I want you to ask him, “how’s the war in Ukraine going to end?”


Don’t let people play the phony card of not letting your religion inform your politics. Politics matter, and being informed and involved is in line with being a Christian. If you love your neighbors, you won’t want them to be: overrun by crime, crushed and dismembered in the womb, unable to protect themselves (i.e., with a gun), taxed into oblivion, unable to raise their children without groomers trying to destroy their lives, unable to speak freely, taught to be racists and/or to hate themselves, and more.


We need to dox the doxxers, as well as those who attack those being doxxed. That’s the only way they’ll learn.


Against All Odds: Mother Tells How Her Daughter and Every One of Her Friends Are Suddenly Trans — Brought to you by the Left — including the “Christian” Left. Social contagion is scary and alarming. Get your kids out of public schools and off of social media. They are poison.


After Arming Terrorists in Afghanistan, Biden Moves to Disarm Law-Abiding Americans — Yep. Such hypocrisy. Then again, we are his real enemies.


But but but we want equity for women!!



The early church “turned the world upside down” and boldly and unapologetically declared a new king, Jesus.  Oh, that we would do the same!

Acts 17:6–7 And when they could not find them, they dragged Jason and some of the brothers before the city authorities, shouting, “These men who have turned the world upside down have come here also, and Jason has received them, and they are all acting against the decrees of Caesar, saying that there is another king, Jesus.”



Feminists Pushed The Sexual Revolution To End America, And It’s Working — I’d say it worked all too well. But that doesn’t mean we don’t keep fighting it. The wimps who want to abandon the culture wars forget that opposing all these evils is loving your neighbor. These Leftists don’t hurt me directly, but if I love my neighbors in the womb, for example, I’ll fight to keep them from being crushed and dismembered.

The “litany” went like this:

“Why are we here today?” the chairwoman asked.

“To make revolution,” they answered.

“What kind of revolution?” she replied.

“The Cultural Revolution,” they chanted.

“And how do we make Cultural Revolution?” she demanded.

“By destroying the American family!” they answered.

“How do we destroy the family?” she came back.

“By destroying the American patriarch,” they cried exuberantly.

“And how do we destroy the American patriarch?” she probed.

“By taking away his power!”

“How do we do that?”

“By destroying monogamy!” they shouted.

“How can we destroy monogamy?”

“By promoting promiscuity, eroticism, prostitution, abortion, and homosexuality!” they resounded.



A Professor Was Punished For Refusing To Use Preferred Pronouns. He Sued And Just Settled For $400K — some good news!


BLM: It Was Always a Scam — Yep. Some of us knew this from day 1. Pure grifting that took in a lot of virtue-signaling corporations and Leftist white suckers.


Let the Lawsuits Begin: Groomer School in Massachusetts Sued for Hiding ‘Gender Identity’ From Parents — I hope they sue those perverted groomer Leftists into oblivion.


All Libs of TikTok does is post Leftist videos. She’s expanding their platform! But that won’t go for the wicked, despicable Leftist media. They have to destroy her — all the while hypocritically claiming to be the victims.


I’ve found 19:11 (the Proverb, not the gun) helpful in many situations.

Proverbs 19:11 Good sense makes one slow to anger, and it is his glory to overlook an offense.

The first part is what most would expect from a Proverb, but the second has an interesting twist. It is to your glory to overlook offenses, and you can remind yourself of that. It is like a little reward for not reacting strongly.

It won’t work well for major infractions, but it is been very helpful for traffic annoyances, difficult co-workers, etc. It often disarms people who are trying to get under your skin.


You’ll never see this from the Leftist cowards at SNL, or from Kimmel, Colbert, et al. The Left killed comedy in the U.S.


Wokeness is poison. Watch out for it in your church.


Softball Umpire Says She Was Punched In The Face By ‘Mother Of The Year’ — It would have been national racism news if the roles were reversed. In unrelated news, youth sports are having a tough time recruiting refs and umpires.


Seattle’s transit system struggles as riders refuse to pay — Fixed it: People of color were getting disproportionately fined because people of color were disproportionately stealing. So, of course, the gutless and racist leaders did away with requiring payments. This is why we can’t have nice things.

By one measurement, as many as a staggering 70% of all passengers are free riders. But even that is only an estimate as there is almost no fare enforcement. Sound Transit did away with fare enforcement officers after a study revealed people of color were disproportionately getting fined.


Sex and the Schools, or, An Essay You Don’t Want to Read — Don’t kid yourself and believe it isn’t happening in your district. Even if the district isn’t actively pushing this garbage, the younger teachers have been fully indoctrinated and will sneak it in. Sending kids to government schools gives them the implicit and explicit message that they should believe the school officials – even when the teachers say not to tell you something and that you, as parents, are wrong!

In Williamson County, Tennessee, one of the wealthiest and most Republican school districts in the Volunteer state, kindergarteners were given IPads loaded with the book, The GayBCs to help them learn how to read. These five-year-olds learned that B for Bi, C is for Coming Out, D is for Drag, I is for Intersex, N is for Nonbinary, T is for Trans, and so on. The recommended age range for readers of The GayBCs is 4 to 8. That this book is pure CGT propaganda is obvious simply from the fact that the words used in the book are age inappropriate not simply because of the words’ meaning but also because of their difficulty.


Those eagles aren’t going to kill themselves. We need more wind turbines!


Hmmmm . . . So the sun sometimes does unexpected things. I wonder if it could ever impact the temperature on earth, even more than, say, greenhouse gases?



First Bus of Illegal Immigrants From Texas Arrives in Nation’s Capital — Pass the popcorn! I thought this was just a threat, but they are actually doing it.


NY shooter was super-racist. Really, really racist. This will be memory-holed by the media immediately.


Good for Tony Dungy for having caving to the woke mob.


I wish this was an exaggeration. It isn’t.


NJ inmates at women’s only prison pregnant after sex with ‘another incarcerated person’ — This is so absurd.  I’ve done prison ministry for 15 years and have been throughout prisons in three states.  You can see why guys would fake the tranny thing to get transferred to female prisons.  One, they shouldn’t allow that.  They should be XY or XX prisons.  Two, even if they allow it, they should require the guys to have their penises cut off before they allow the moves.


If they added abortion, it would be the biggest line of all, by a factor of more than 10.


And far too many of the people who got the $1,400 don’t see the connection. They’d be happy if you repeated the process until they starved to death.



But but but all of you who didn’t go to college or already paid your loans or didn’t borrow money need to pay for AOC’s masters degree debt!!!



Some reviews of episodes of The Chosen here.


If I miss a turn, I always imagine the GPS voice getting progressively more irritated, to the point where it starts swearing at me.


When people suppress the truth of God in unrighteousness and don’t honor him or give thanks to him, he gives them over to bad things.  He didn’t give them over to square dancing, but to things like homosexual behavior, the utter denial of God’s created order.   It is unloving and sinful to pretend that he approves of their desires and to affirm those living by those delusions. 

Romans 1:26–27 For this reason God gave them up to dishonorable passions. For their women exchanged natural relations for those that are contrary to nature; and the men likewise gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another, men committing shameless acts with men and receiving in themselves the due penalty for their error.

Romans 1:32 Though they know God’s righteous decree that those who practice such things deserve to die, they not only do them but give approval to those who practice them.



Disney’s Child-Predator Problem

Corrollary: Learn a trade, work hard, and we’ll use your money to pay off AOC’s college debt.


Biden Family Corruption Update for April 7, 2022 « Lawrence Person’s BattleSwarm Blog — The media is now trying the pathetic approach of “Yeah, but it wouldn’t have impacted the election anyway, so it is no big deal that we actively covered up the story in 2020.” In a way, they are right, because the Dems would have just manufactured more fake votes for Biden. Those “journalists” should be fired and then jailed.

Now that the Hunter Biden dam has finally burst for the MSM, we’re finally getting the “Hey, the Biden family sure seems to be involved in a lot of shady business deals” stories we should have gotten well before the 2020 election if the media weren’t so in the tank for Democrats.


The Brian Houston & Hillsong Cornucopia of False Doctrine, Abuse, Obfuscation & Money Generation — Why did it take so long to realize what frauds they were?



More Thoughts on “The Chosen” Series — No interest in this series. Just read the Bible (or listen to it), and don’t add to or take away from it.


Why the left really wants to sexualize your kids. — Many school districts have few children who can read or write and have no marketable skills, but the Left wants to make sure they hate others (if they are black) or hate themselves (if they are white), and above all, to follow every sexual perversion the Left dreams up and not to tell their parents.  And we pay for all this with our taxes. Get your kids out of government schools and away from these groomers, and vote for real conservatives to be on your school boards.

A nice one-two punch was developed. Kids learn key concepts of Critical Race Theory, which encourage them to hate themselves and their peers because their skin color makes them complicit in systemic oppression. The kids who are marginalizing others with their mere existence are then offered the opportunity to pick new, safe identities from a batch of made-up genders and sexualities. They’re encouraged to hide this from their parents, whose bigotry won’t allow them to understand.

Related: California School Creates ‘Transition Closet’; Allows Students To ‘Swap Out’ Of Clothes ‘Parents Approve Of’


FBI Kidnapping Caper Was Flagrant Election Interference — Yep. You can’t trust them.


The anti-war Left should have loved Trump.



This is child abuse. Those kids have been implicitly and explicitly told to listen to their teachers and to trust them.


My wife’s favorite verse.  A great one to memorize.  We use it a lot.

Romans 12:12 Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.


All true, yet the Left still tries to pretend they made a good choice. Take the L, people.



‘MinistryWatch’ Gives These 15 Ministries an ‘F’ For Fiscal Accountability — No surprises here. Their donors have no discernment.


Thanks for pre-confessing. This should be helpful to fire and then incarcerate God-mocking perverts like her. But many teachers won’t be dumb enough to advertise their perversions online. They will groom your kids in stealthier manners. Get your kids out of government schools.


The 1976 Men’s Olympic Decathlon winner was on Fox, and they referred to him as a her. And that’s our “conservative” alternative to CNN, MSNBC, etc.?


Bethel Church’s Bill Johnson Shills ‘Healing School’ Heresy While Wife Dying of Cancer — When that wolf isn’t busy pumping fake “glory clouds” through his HVAC system, he claims that Jesus’ plan is for people to be healed 100% of the time. Yet he wears glasses, and his wife is dying of cancer. I hope she recovers, but I also hope that his ministry dies. Sadly, too many low-discernment people, such as a pastor we once had, want to believe the lies.



Excellent overview.


Brilliant: Allie Beth Stuckey looks at systematic groomer supremacy and groomer fragility — The groomers don’t like being called groomers. So yeah, let’s call them groomers. Because they really are groomers. They actively want to talk about sexual perversions with little kids and don’t want the parents to know. That’s grooming. My guess is that social media outlets are already shadow-banning posts with the term, so consider typing “gro*mer” instead. Or, as one person suggested, call them Disneys. They won’t censor that, and it seems appropriate.


If you trust the mainstream media, you are foolish, part 87,983. Yeah, definitely not interesting to Lefty “journalists” when a Democratic presidential candidate takes millions from our enemies and lies about it.



Galatians 6:9–10 And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up. So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith.

We can grow weary at times, but we should always seek to do good.  Do note that we should have a special focus on helping other believers.  This makes a great witness to the world.


Strawman argument 101: Is it any surprise that the pervert rainbow crowd continues to pretend that the Florida bill prohibited saying the word “gay?” To repeat that lie is ignorance at best and malice at worst. If you hear people call it that, just remind them that a more apt nickname would be the “anti-grooming” bill.



Videos: Suddenly The Media DESPERATELY Wants You To Know The Hunter Biden Laptop Story Is Real — What choreography! Of course we know that the media didn’t collectively generate a conscience. Someone has decided that Joe must go. Too bad that before the election all those “experts” didn’t immediately decide that the laptop was definitely fake and definitely Russian disinformation and that we must be forbidden from even talking about it.


Yeah, definitely not a function of perverse education and media systems . . .


How CDC Colluded With Teachers’ Unions to Devastate America’s Children — As if you needed another reason to know how despicable and counterproductive teachers’ unions are. Public sector unions should be illegal.



They should all be held accountable for their lies and the incalculable damage they did to millions of people, especially children.


She was foolish to use drugs anywhere, but especially in a foreign country. Aside from her America-bashing, it is ludicrous how her supporters want to blame her incarceration on her being paid less than NBA players. She is welcome to their pay as soon as she’s good enough to make one of their teams.
