
Shamelessly Wrong: Book Review of Shameless: A Sexual Reformation Nadia Bolz-Weber

Best-selling author Nadia Bolz-Weber offers a sexual reformation to Christians that amounts to little more than religious sanctioning of the sexual revolution, which began more than fifty years ago in America as championed by spurious sex experts and the counterculture. As a Lutheran pastor (ordained in the ultraliberal Evangelical Lutheran Church in America), she casually speaks of her church’s drag queen and her own work for a psychic hotline (including reading Tarot cards). She champions premarital sex and chastises the church for disapproving of LGBTQ ways of life. She justifies abortion on demand, including her own. She does all this with a foul mouth, sprinkling expletives liberally throughout two hundred long pages of asinine argument, egregious exegesis, and a dunderheaded theology of gender.

Naturally, Bolz-Weber was embraced by Rachel Held Evans and they put on Why Christian? conferences together.  Just a couple of wolves.

Ten Simple Yet Life-Changing Personal Finance Strategies — Great advice on how to be a good steward of what God has blessed you with.

We’re gonna need a lot of millstones to clean this up . . .

Public Libraries Are Becoming Private Child Corruption Centers

It’s happening in Delaware County, Ohio, an affluent suburb north of Columbus. And taxpayers are putting up quite a fuss. A June 5 session called “Drag 101” is advertised on the teen page of the Delaware County Library website, and here’s how the announcement reads:“Drag 101—Teen Program. Curious about the art of drag and no idea where to start? Come learn the basics with former Miss Gay Ohio America, Selena T. West! All genders welcome; drag is for everyone! Teens only, please.”

The “public” library is excluding parents.  Subtle, eh?

And note how they said “all genders welcome.”  You mean all two of them — XX and XY?

Call to “Steal From Walmart” Over Abortion Controversy Goes Viral — People who advocate child-killing aren’t above stealing?  No kidding. Nothing that pro-aborts ever do should surprise you.

Fact-checker gives Planned Parenthood President ‘Four Pinocchios’ for misleading claim — People who murder children for a living don’t mind lying about it.

The CDC began collecting data on abortion mortality in 1972, the year before Roe was decided. In 1972, the number of deaths in the United States from legal abortions was 24 and from illegal abortions 39, according to the CDC.

Got that?  The “expert” CEO of Planned Parenthood says it would be “thousands” per year but it actually was two dozen.

Oh, and while those deaths were unfortunate, we aren’t obligated to make it safer for murders to commit murder.

Watch Borderless, about the 3rd World invasion of Europe, for free while you can.

Somali Parents Sending Their Kids Back to Africa to Escape London Knife Crime Epidemic — But they don’t allow guns, so how could there be any violence?

Dedicated to the wimps and harpies of the “Christian” Left.

Skeptical 3rd World Kid - So you hate the Christian "patriarchy" but ignore Islam?

Three Reasons the Southern Baptist Convention Needs to Split

Pope Francis: Things Would Be A Lot Different If We Saw Irregular Couples and Gays as God’s Children — Alternate title: The Pope hasn’t read John 1:12 or much else of the Bible (But to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God).


#MLKToo: Civil Rights Icon and Baptist Minister’s Sexual Misconduct Revealed in Detail — When Leftists are done tearing down statues maybe they’ll get rid of MLK Day.

Best of the Bee

I hate getting caught in these when people pray too long!

Not the Babylon Bee

Transanity of the week — Laverne Cox: Stop Excluding Trans-Men from Abortion Debate, It’s Their Right Too

The Data is In: “Religious Couples Most Blissful of All” — Better sex & less cheating.  Go figure.

Trump Correctly Cannot Work Productively With People Aiming to Destroy Him — Today’s Leftists are the sorest losers in the history of losing, and they are so deluded that they could pass polygraphs claiming that Trump is the divisive one.

He can work with the Chinese, if they choose to cooperate, because they are not engaged in a personal vendetta. Rather, the Chinese want to dominate. That is workable, especially with an American President who understands their goal and is determined not to let them get that. With such preliminaries set aside — you want to dominate, and I won’t let you — productive deals can be made. Same with America dealing with Mexicans, Canadians, Japanese, Europeans. There is nothing unusual about dealing productively with competitors animated by sharply conflicting goals.But you cannot work constructively with people aiming to destroy you personally. That does not work; it never works. Anyone who ever has been in any business or profession knows the difference between the challenges of trying to get something done with others who have differing, even competing, goals versus the utter impossibility of accomplishing anything serious and meaningful with people bent on personal vendettas of destruction.

Millennials Cancel Future for Fear of Global Warming — Just another sad but predictable consequence of this ridiculous made-up crisis designed to give unlimited power to Leftists.  Young people start to believe this nonsense and make even more bad decisions because of it.

Veganism Causes Premature Menopause — Apparently veganism is bad for kids and adults.  And vegans don’t kind kindly to those who abandon veganism.  Other than that . . .


Texas Republicans Pass Save Chick-fil-A Bill, Democrats Call it Bill of Hatred — because the truth sounds like hate to those who hate the truth.  C’mon, they are just tasty chicken sandwiches!  When you wonder why the LGBTQX lobby loses their minds over Chick-fil-A – which doesn’t discriminate against sexual deviants in hiring or in serving, but merely had a CEO donate to pro-family causes – remember that the men of Sodom persisted even when being literally blinded by God.

Genesis 19:11 And they struck with blindness the men who were at the entrance of the house, both small and great, so that they wore themselves out groping for the door.

Seriously, if God literally blinded you while you were sinning, don’t you think you just might stop for a few minutes to reflect on what you were doing?  Not these people.  They are most persistent.  Don’t bother trying to pacify them, because nothing short of your annihilation will work.

Eight Reasons We Should Avoid Christian Conferences — I’m not saying all conferences are bad, but I have zero interest in attending any.  Two of the biggest reasons I’m not a fan:

4. Do conferences unnecessarily promote celebrity-driven evangelicalism? I’m aware of small conferences that focus on topics or particular doctrines, but let’s be honest…most conferences are all about the celebrity speakers and celebrity musicians. Do we really think that’s healthy in the long term? Did not Christ gift to every church their own pastors and teachers? Does celebrity access diminish and even disregard reverence and listenability to local pastors? Furthermore, because virtually anyone has access to the sermons preached by our favorite celebrity preachers in virtually any form of media (video-streaming, podcasts, etc…), why is it necessary to see them in person if it’s not for the fanboyism of it?

7. In regards to women’s conferences, let’s be honest. They’re garbage. They are total, complete garbage. They are emotionalized, doctrinally-shallow, motivational seminars that – by and large – mature godly women don’t attend to begin with. These events are often designed to literally lead captive weak women (2 Timothy 3:6).

Surprising No One, “Revoice” Conference Pastor Comes Out As Queer — The title says it all.  Don’t trust those who work so hard to affirm LGBTQX desires.  Again, the men of Sodom wore themselves out groping for the door even though blinded  by God.

People donating to Kenneth Copeland or Jesse Duplantis are getting what they deserve: Nothing.  Doesn’t Copeland look demon possessed?  What kind of a greedy idiot do you have to be to fund these frauds?  Wait, I think I just answered my own question . . .

Oh, and Jesse said God told him he needed the plane.  Reason ,074 not to go with the “God told me” crowd.

Best of the Bee

Archaeologists Discover Giant Pope Hat Worn By Apostle Peter | The Babylon Bee — Great send-up.  The notion that Peter was the first Pope is absurd on many levels.  You’d never get that from the Bible.

Rep. Jackie Speier shouts her abortion as Sen. Hirono exploits eighth graders — Guess what?  I don’t care if Molech-worshiping ghouls don’t feel guilty about murder.  It is still murder.  Then there is this anti-science, anti-logic nonsense where the Senator from Hawaii pretends that that women don’t already have children when they have abortions.  If they didn’t have children inside them, they wouldn’t have anything to abort!  Such obvious fallacies, yet our media and politicians play along.

“And I asked the girls in that group of eighth graders: how many of you girls think that government should be telling us, women, when and if we want to have babies, not a single one of them raised their hands,” she continued.

And another politician said, “When are these legislators going to give a shit about the baby once it’s born?”  See the graphic for all the things wrong with that stupid argument.

One more reason to dislike unions: American Airlines sues mechanics for 2,200 canceled, delayed flights .  This explains why I’ve had two American flights delayed for multiple hours on my last two trips.  They have great pilots, though!


From the “we’re gonna need a lot of millstones to clean this place up” category: Tax-funded PBS perverts aggressively indoctrinate children – but remember, legalizing oxymoronic “same-sex marriage” won’t impact you! — Alabama Public Television refuses to air Arthur episode with gay wedding

Best of the Bee

‘Abortion Is Healthcare,’ Says Woman Who Apparently Thinks ‘Healthcare’ Means Tearing A Human Being Limb From Limb | The Babylon Bee

Caravan Of Unborn Babies Heads Toward Alabama To Apply For Asylum | The Babylon Bee

The Abortion Discourse in Social Media, Summed Up in One Conversation — The link is golden.  Partial list below.  Please read it all and share.  It really does sum up the abortion debate well.  All the pro-child-killing side has is one fallacious argument after another.

A summary of social media discourse over the last week, as it pertains to the abortion debate.

Me: “We need laws to protect the most innocent and vulnerable among us.”

Them: “You’re so fascist.”

Me: “I don’t think you know what that word means.”

Them: “Men shouldn’t tell women what to do.”

Me: “As a woman, should you tell men not to rape people?”

Them: “Yeah, but that involves hurting somebody else.”

Me: “So does abortion.”

Them: “No, a fetus isn’t a human being.”

Me: “Yeah, but…science and stuff.”

Them: “Don’t force your religion on me.”

Me: “Yeah, but…science and stuff. That’s literally, scientifically, and medically a living human being.”

Them: “But they’re not *really* a human being.”

Me: “Okay, Hitler.”

Them: “You just want to judge people.”

Me: “Is that wrong?”

Them: “Yes, it’s absolutely wrong to judge people.”

Me: “So am I wrong for that?”

. . .

Women Preaching — Excellent biblical analysis on why women shouldn’t be preachers.  This is needed more than ever as the Southern Baptist Convention and others bend to the culture.

The position which permits women preaching to mixed congregations cannot be supported from Scripture. Common descriptive biblical passages do not support the position. First Corinthians 14:34-35 [Open in Logos Bible Software (if available)] and 1 Timothy 2:11-12 [Open in Logos Bible Software (if available)] are the two prescriptive passages in the NT on the issue. Thus, they are the authority on the matter. Exegetically, both passages clearly forbid women from preaching and teaching to men in the local church. Therefore, NT churches must conduct themselves accordingly if they are going to be in obedience to Christ, the blessed Lord of the church.

For those who need a study to know that water is wet: Bombshell study explodes myth that same-sex parenting is no different

Coming soon to a country near you: Illegal Aliens Take Over Paris Airport

African illegal aliens calling themselves “black jackets” made a show of force at the main Paris airport yesterday afternoon, refusing to let passengers board their planes: “France does not belong to the French! Everyone has a right to be here!” one person can be heard yelling into a loudspeaker.It follows that everyone on the planet also has a right to generous French welfare benefits.


Responding to the pro-abortion rape/incest argument

With several states doing the right thing and challenging Roe v Wade on its “personhood” distinction, it is a great time to be prepared to calmly and clearly refute pro-abortion sound bites.

Pro-abortion people exploit rape and incest victims to advance their child-killing cause, and they are joined by many pro-lifers who either haven’t thought the issue through carefully or are too scared to make the argument.  They try to paint you as evil for not wanting rape and incest victims to “solve” their problems by killing any children produced during the crimes, but it is false compassion and a red herring because they don’t just want to keep those abortions illegal.  They want all abortions to be legal, up to the child’s first breath.

Don’t shy away from that issue, just respond as follows.

I’m glad you brought up the topic of rape and incest. Those are terrible crimes that we should seek to prevent, and we should ensure that the victims aren’t further victimized and that there is justice for the rapists. If you propose the death penalty for the rapist I’d consider that, but why is it the first option for the innocent child? It is a scientific fact that the unborn are human beings from fertilization.

Abortionists such as Planned Parenthood help hide the crimes. They have been caught countless times hiding statutory rape, incest (which is another form of rape) and sex trafficking. If you really care about rape, then protest Planned Parenthood and how they systematically hide statutory rape and sex trafficking.

Unless you can look at an ultrasound and tell if a child was the product of rape or incest, then you shouldn’t let them be killed.

Abortion doesn’t undo the trauma of rape, it compounds it. It is another way of a stronger person abusing a weaker person.

Rapes results in less than 1% of abortions. Those abortions are still wrong, but for the record, would you oppose outlawing all abortions, except those in the cases of rape, incest and to save the life of the mother? If not, then why not admit that you are really just pro-abortion and that you use the rape/incest card to advance your cause?  Stop exploiting rape victims to justify abortion.

Here’s a handy jpeg you can use on social media.

Alyssa Milano’s “sex strike”

It must be exhausting to be a God-mocking, Molech-worshiping Leftist.  You have to prop up all sorts of evil, inconsistent and anti-science ideas all day, every day.  Exhibit A: Alyssa Milano, who called for a “sex strike” by women because some states are saying you can’t kill children with beating hearts.

She was quickly and thoroughly roasted on social media for proving the point of every conservative ever, namely that abstinence works!  Mike Pence will be glad to know Alyssa has joined his side.  And I’m sure her children are comforted knowing that mommy fought aggressively for the right to have been able to kill them.

She also got in trouble with professional feminists who rightly noted that Milano was implying that sex was just a weapon used by women to manipulate men.  Apparently Milano doesn’t really enjoy sex, she just uses it to get what she wants and needs to be able to kill an unfortunate children created by her transaction.

Predictably, she trotted out the anti-science “reproductive rights” canard.  For the 397th time, abortion kills children who have already been reproduced.  Is that so hard to understand?  If they hadn’t been reproduced you wouldn’t have anything to murder!

And of course, she had to apologize to the inevitable “trans” (note: still not a real thing) people with some unintelligible complaints about cisgender or the like.

Never forget that the issue in life for feminists is being able to kill their children up to their first breath and without anesthetic.  Oh, and even beyond that if the abortion fails to kill the child.  Because they insist that the Constitution doesn’t just give you a right to abortion but to a dead baby.

There is a reason they are indistinguishable from the “Christian” Left, whose god says it is OK to kill children to their first breath.  These are the real extremists, as most self-identified pro-choice people – and most Leftist countries – oppose late-term abortions.

Hopefully many women will heed her advice and stop having out-of-wedlock sex and realize how much better life is when doing things God’s way.  The Bible teaches the original “sex strike” — no sex until a one man / one woman marriage.  And the world would be a vastly better place if people heeded that.

Beth Moore is out of the closet

She’s been slowly moving towards full feminism for years, but now she is comfortably loud and proud. I never liked her schtick, but for a long time she was careful to have a traditional Christian veneer.  No more.  Just a typical phony who switches sides when it profits her most.

This sums it up well:  Beth Moore’s Journey From Women’s Bible Teacher to Full Blown Feminist 

For Beth Moore, it’s been a long journey from a womens-only aerobics instructor to a womens-only Sunday School teacher (with a few male stragglers) to a mixed-gender Sunday School teacher to a women’s’ conference preacher to a preacher to both men and women within the gathered assembly on the Lord’s Day. That’s a lot of steps, and it all began with a pastor who thought it was a good idea to put this theological lightweight in spandex into a lecturn.

Ken Silva, Chris Rosebrough, and myself (JD Hall) were all warning you about Beth Moore as early as 2008 and before. We explained her deep theological issues, not the least of which (or the greatest) is her feminism. But for any honest person surveying her career, they should be able to see that Moore has either radically shifted her positions or (more likely), has held them in secret, waiting for the right time for the church to catch up to culture.

Secrecy is not the mark of a Christian teacher. It’s the mark of the devil.

For more on Beth Moore’s recent social media meltdown over women preachers, click here.

And her Twitter tantrums are getting more unhinged. Recently she has been explaining why her preaching to men isn’t a sin, but she hardly ever does that sin, even though it isn’t a sin, but again, she hardly ever does it so what’s the big deal?  She’s indistinguishable from Rachel Held Evans in her feminism (and I’ve never heard of the allegedly Bible-believing Moore criticizing a heretic like Evans, because feminism first!).  And her “it’s Mother’s Day!” bit makes it worse.  Why would the church even recognize this make-up holiday whose founder disavowed it because of its commercialism?

In addition to the feminism, she also does that creepy thing where she claims direct revelation from God.  Uh, sure, Beth — you and Paula White . . .

Of course we should keep criticizing the work of Rachel Held Evans

The Bible didn’t shy away from criticizing Judas after his death, so why would we ignore Rachel Held Evans’ false teachings? Given that her death will lead many to read her works, responding to her falsehoods is as important as ever.

The social media reactions by her fans were as sad as they were predictable.  If you dared question her salvation, they immediately – and with complete tone-deafness to their hypocrisy – insisted that you weren’t a real Christian.  Meditate on that.

They used the most wicked and vitriolic language while insisting that they were the tolerant ones.  One lady graciously pointed out Evans’ theological flaws. She was blasted by Evans’ kind, loving fans with the following: “wrong, gross, unkind, unloving, disgusting, opportunist, cruel, arrogant, horrid, disgraceful, insensitive, hypocrite, nasty, judgmental, condescending, Pharisee, poisonous, heathen, unsaved, good only for compost, evil, abomination, hellspawn (my personal favorite, lol), b**ch.”

Stay classy, “Christian” Leftists.

And when the unrepentant LGBTQX lobby views you as their favorite Christian and thanks you for bringing them back to “church” then you know you had bad theology.

I’ve written about Evans many times. She was similar to many others who left the church.  Their core trait was giving in to peer pressure and acting like those around them.  When growing up in evangelical churches, they played that part, but when they went to college, they mimicked the worldviews of those around them.  Evans was a bit more clever and milked the “ex-evangelical” bit for all it was worth.

Sure, I hope God reached her before she died, but I have the same sentiment for the ~150,000 people who die every day.  She made a living mocking the word of God and did so until the end, and the writings that survived her need to be refuted.  Here’s my catch-all.

fake3Faux evangelical Rachel Held Evans wrote A Year of Biblical Womanhood: How a Liberated Woman Found Herself Sitting on Her Roof, Covering Her Head, and Calling Her Husband “Master,” and in this case, you can judge a book by its cover.  Evans sets out to mock the word of God she claims to believe, and she succeeds before you even open the book. This is why the “Christian” Left loves her and why she gets so much Leftist media attention.

Exhibit A: The picture and subtitle of Evans on the roof relates to Proverbs 21:9 (and repeated in Proverbs 25:4) “It is better to live in a corner of the housetop than in a house shared with a quarrelsome wife.”

You don’t need a Ph.D. in theology to see how badly — and deliberately? — she misapplied the verse.

  1. It isn’t a literal command to anyone. It is a colorful illustration teaching the wisdom of not marrying a quarrelsome person. It isn’t immoral to marry such a person, but it also isn’t particularly wise. It wouldn’t be pleasant to live on the corner of your roof (they had flat roofs), but it would be more unpleasant to have a quarrelsome wife.
  2. The biblical illustration doesn’t have the quarrelsome person on the roof; it has her suffering spouse there.
  3. It was not a punishment; it was a metaphorical escape.

Evans didn’t let those pesky and obvious details get in the way of mocking the word of God.  She accomplished exactly what she wanted to in this book.  Her message is basically this: “Hey people, I am totally a Christian, but let me show you how silly the Bible can be.  If you find something there you think you like, then that’s great, but you shouldn’t take it seriously.”

So before you even open the book, you can know that she is a false teacher and enemy of the real God (as are her editors and publishers who approved it).  The only way to miss it is to not read the verses (false teachers thrive on the biblical ignorance of their followers) or to share her view that the Bible is a foolish, man-made book.

But it gets worse as Evans continues to sit in judgment of the word of God.  Unlike Job (Job 1:20-22, Evans regularly charged God with wrong.  Referring to her parents, she said:

they seemed to know instinctively that rules that left people guilt-ridden, exhausted, and confused were not really from God.

Uh, sure.  Anything you don’t like or understand isn’t from God.  That’s Creating a God in Your Own Image 101.

Then there is this:

as a woman I have been nursing a secret grudge against the apostle Paul for about eight years.

Note how she tips her hand about her belief that the writings of Paul weren’t inspired by the Holy Spirit.  The Apostle Peter had her number 2,000 years ago:

2 Peter 3:15–16 And count the patience of our Lord as salvation, just as our beloved brother Paul also wrote to you according to the wisdom given him, as he does in all his letters when he speaks in them of these matters. There are some things in them that are hard to understand, which the ignorant and unstable twist to their own destruction, as they do the other Scriptures.

And like all “Christian” Left feminists, she falsely targets Paul and she ignores that Jesus only selected men as apostles.  Does she think Jesus was a misogynist or that even though He was the creator of the universe, He was afraid to upset the Pharisees’ sensibilities?

Worse yet, she accuses the authors of the Bible of being blasphemous liars, allegedly speaking for God in literally hundreds of passages when it was “really” what they wanted.  She quoted this with her approval:

God never told the Israelites to kill the Canaanites. The Israelites believed that God told them to kill the Canaanites.

So Evans also disagrees with Jesus, who affirmed the Old Testament down to its smallest details, and insists – without evidence — that massive sections of the Bible are lies.  Or could it be that Evans believes what she wants God to be and that she is the liar?  I suppose she thinks that the command against making a God in your own image is just another one of those passages that the writers made up.  Anyone who has actually read the Old Testament would know that passage after passage refers to the Israelites taking over the Promised Land.  Evans insists that all of those are not only lies but blasphemous lies.  What else would it be if you falsely blamed God for what would have been unjustified mass murder and land stealing?

Evans told people that voting for Hillary Clinton is “pro-life.”  You have to be a true Molech-worshiping ghoul to hold that view.  Hillary is inseparable from Planned Parenthood and the rest of the pro-choice extremists — including the “Christian” Left – who not only insist on legal abortions up to the child’s first breath but want more abortions via taxpayer funding.  Yet for Evans, that was the only “Christian” option.  Indeed.

Evans posted countless pictures and gushing commentary over the #womensmarch but was nearly silent for the — and even then she only criticized it. “Christian” Leftists really tip their hands that way, claiming to be pro-life while being the true pro-abortion extremists. If they really believed what they said they’d be opening up pregnancy centers all over. Instead, they reflexively support anything Planned Parenthood does.

And you’d think that Mrs. “Oh noes, the patriarchy!!” would find some way to criticize Islam, which has treated women inhumanely for 1,500 years.  But she was silent.

While she was quick to play the fallacious race card against Christians, don’t miss where Racist Held Evans goes on a hypocritical rant lamenting how if Roe v Wade is overturned, then fewer minority children will be killed.  She also accused pro-lifers of being racist and not knowing that we save mostly minority lives.  Who knew?  She deleted the Tweets when people outed her, but I saved them as a public service.  It was epic.

I’ll buy a Christian book by someone whose primary self-descriptor is “doubt-filled” right after I buy one from a mathematician who doubts that 2+2=4.  Having some matters you haven’t completely studied is one thing. For example, I hadn’t delved deeply into continuation/cessation particulars until recently, so I didn’t blog about it. But if you are so doubt-filled that it defines your faith, maybe you should read instead of write.

Also, note how she has no doubts about abortion being legal to the child’s first breath, that you can change your gender, that LGBTQX behaviors are not sins, that women should be pastors, etc.  Oddly enough, when her views line up with the world’s, she has no doubts at all.

You can also know Evans is a false teacher by those she promotes and partners with.  She works directly with Nadia Bolz-Weber, who, among other things, says there is “no shame in ethically sourced porn,” that “the Bible’s not clear about [s%#^]!” and so much more  (Just as Evans claims that “It [the Bible] fails massively at getting to the point”). This isn’t some loose pairing, either.  They co-host a freak show called Why Christian each year and endorse each other’s work..

Also, check out Jes Kast, whom Evans adores, and see if her theology is biblical, or Glennon Doyle Melton, the “super mom” who left her husband to be with a lesbian.

Evans is a typical Leftist hypocrite, believing ridiculous phonies like Kristine Blasey Ford (Brett Kavanaugh’s accuser) but dismissing credible stories of abuse by the wife of prominent “Christian” Left pastor Tony Jones – who just “happens” to help with her conferences. Go figure.

As bad as the self-avowed “Christian” Leftists are, at least they own their label (sans the scare quotes).  Evans masquerades as an Evangelical while holding “Christian” Leftist views, which makes her even worse than them.

She’s been really cranky since Trump won.  She completely ignores all the sex scandals and cover-ups from Leftist politicians, celebrities and journalists and completely fixates on Donald Trump.  She won’t admit it, but I think it is pretty obvious that she planned to have a role with Caesar – er, uh, Hillary — just like she did with Obama.  Trump has a false teacher, Paula White, Obama had – and Hillary probably would have had – Mrs. Evans.

And her latest book is just more blasphemy, where she titled it Inspired but obviously believes it isn’t.  Typical disingenuous behavior on her part.

Run, don’t walk, from faux evangelicals like Evans. In her own words and deeds, she shows how much she loves the world and not Jesus.

Update: Truly sad that she died, especially having young kids.  But I have to be candid: When I read the comments of those who supported her and were affirmed by her, I am reminded of how wicked her “ministry” was. These were typical:

Be mad at God. Be mad at the Universe. Be mad. Be mad. Be mad.

4 hours ago   I had permission to explore LGBTQ+ affirming theology & eventually come out as bisexual. She was one of the first affirming Christians I encountered in my research, & her loud support is directly tied to who I am today.

37 minutes ago The door she opened for me by saying it’s okay to be angry at the church and it’s okay to leave, led to a thousand other open doors and new pathways that created who I am now: a queer Christian woman who no longer fears the white cisheteropatriarchy.

3 hours ago   I first started exploring Side A theology, which has led to me being in a wonderful, loving, gay relationship. I’m able to be myself and live my best life because of her opening my eyes.

4 hours ago  I’m an openly queer woman serving as an elder in my church . I never could have reconciled feminism and Christianity all those years ago without her.

If that’s what she encouraged people to do, then it is a tragic legacy.

Someone wrote this in response to a blog post noting Evans’ bad theology:

Rude. Heartless. So inappropriate. Can you picture Christ responding like this – calling someone an apostate immediately after their untimely death? I don’t think so. I don’t know what god you guys are serving, but it doesn’t reflect the God that I know.

The commenter was tone-deaf to the fact that that’s exactly how Jesus will respond when someone dies — either with judgment or with “well done, good and faithful servant.” Someone rightly pointed out what Jesus said about untimely deaths:

Luke 13:1–5 There were some present at that very time who told him about the Galileans whose blood Pilate had mingled with their sacrifices. And he answered them, “Do you think that these Galileans were worse sinners than all the other Galileans, because they suffered in this way? No, I tell you; but unless you repent, you will all likewise perish. Or those eighteen on whom the tower in Siloam fell and killed them: do you think that they were worse offenders than all the others who lived in Jerusalem? No, I tell you; but unless you repent, you will all likewise perish.”

Not surprisingly, Evan’s fans reject what Jesus said.

Also see

Now That Rachel Held Evans Has Died,Should We Stop Calling Her A False Teacher? | The Outspoken TULIP

Remembering the Heretic, Rachel Held Evans – Reformation Charlotte

Rachel Held Evans and the Rightness of Post-Mortem Discernment

The shameless anti-science pro-abortion rhetoric of the Left

Sadly, this illogical nonsense actually resonates with the child-killing Democrats, including the Molech-worshiping “Christian” Leftists who support abortion to the child’s first breath.  It is all quite ridiculous, but go to the 6:00 mark for some scary comments.

These are painful decisions for these women

So?  I don’t care how painful it is for you to decide to murder your child or whether you consulted your doctor or religious advisor, it is still wrong, just as it would be if you killed her outside the womb.

With all of your distortions and horrible tales, I answered it numerous times.  When a woman gets pregnant it is not a human being inside of her.

Uh, that’s not what all those pesky embryology textbooks say, or even what common sense would dictate to even the dullest among us.  What else would two human beings produce, a puppy?  Of course it is a human being.

Even the chryon is fallacious, as it refers to “reproductive rights.”  But reproductive rights have nothing to do with abortion, because a new human being has already been created.  The question is whether you should be able to kill that human being.  Never let the pro-aborts get away with using that term.

As always, I’m too pro-science to be pro-choice.