Refer to the pre-born as children, not babies

I realize that it is reasonable to call the pre-born babies, and even Planned Parenthood employees have been caught using that term and in an old advertisement they noted that “abortion kills the life of a baby after it has begun.”

But I prefer to use the term children when explaining what abortion does — i.e., it kills children.  Why?  Because it is more precise and it baits the pro-aborts into denying what the dictionary clearly says (even if they don’t realize it yet).  Pro-aborts — especially those from the “Christian” Left — usually balk at that term.  Those ghouls are far more extreme than the average “pro-choice” person, as the former insist that life begins at the first breath and concludes that you can kill a child at any time until she is 100% out of her mother.  So they hate it when you refer to the unborn as children and they pretend that the word is being misused.

But what do the nice folks at have to say about the term children?  Is it legitimate to use that to describe the unborn?  Yep.  Just because it isn’t the first use of the word doesn’t mean it isn’t accurate.


4. a human fetus.

11. with child, pregnant:

She’s with child.
Examples from the web for child:
British Dictionary definitions for child
3. an unborn baby related prefix paedo-
4. with child, another term for pregnant
Word Origin and History for child
Old English cild “fetus, infant, unborn or newly born person,” from Proto-Germanic *kiltham (cf. Gothic kilþei “womb,” inkilþo “pregnant;” Danishkuld “children of the same marriage;” Old Swedish kulder “litter;” Old English cildhama “womb,” lit. “child-home”); no certain cognates outside Germanic. “App[arently] originally always used in relation to the mother as the ‘fruit of the womb'” [Buck]. Also in late Old English, “a youth of gentle birth” (archaic, usually written childe). In 16c.-17c. especially “girl child.”

Online Etymology Dictionary, © 2010 Douglas Harper

2. An unborn infant; a fetus.

I’ve always noted the scientific fact that the unborn are human beings from fertilization. Check out any mainstream embryology textbook.  When pro-aborts say it is “just” a fetus (or embryo, etc.) I note that the fetus in question is a human being at a particular stage of development: Human embryo ==> human fetus ==> human baby ==> human toddler ==> etc.  Always human and always worthy of protection.  But going straight to calling them children is both accurate and effective.

So please use children as often as possible when describing what abortion does.  It has great rhetorical force, it baits pro-aborts into having to agree with the term or showing how they have to disagree with the dictionary to make their case, and it helps demolish the anti-science, anti-God “just a fetus” arguments.

Good news for fornicators! “Christian” Left pastor says it is only a sin if you were “called” to celibacy.

I am not making this up.  “Christian” Leftist reverend Stacey Midge posted this on Twitter:

Isn’t that convenient?  If you aren’t “called” to obey God’s commands then they are optional.  And better yet, guess who decides what that vague “calling” really is and whether or not you’ve received it?  You do!  This just keeps getting better for sinners.

Of course that’s the “good news” the average person wants to hear: Just keep sinning!  No need to change!  And the “Christian” Left preaches that all day, every day — even as they are claiming that you can’t understand anything clearly in the Bible (because apparently the Holy Spirit wasn’t involved . . .).

Of course she couldn’t answer the simplest questions about this, such as how she knows that about God or whether she tells her congregation each week how she is just making stuff up (because the Bible isn’t clear enough for her to interpret it for you).

She also couldn’t provide examples of where she tries to silence “Christian” Leftists who think the Bible is plenty clear when justifying abortion to the child’s 1st breath, or advocating for socialism, open borders, LGBTQX perversions, etc.

I used to feel sorry for people in “Christian” Left churches, but anyone follow this lady obviously loves the world more than God.

Run, don’t walk, from the “Christian” Left.  Repent and believe in the true Jesus.

Out of control censorship on Twitter. And Facebook. And . . .

So I got banned from Twitter for a week — plus a threat of permanent banning should I keep saying the same type of things — for this response to a business who had caved to the LGBQTX mob:

So saying that “trans” people have mental disorders gets you banned from our mainstream social media, but the endless hate spewed by Leftists is just fine.  We all know I could give endless examples just from the comments on one Donald Trump Tweet.

And Twitter has just been caught with evidence of shadow banning, where they don’t officially ban you but they ensure that only your followers can see your Tweets.  See Twitter Shadowban Test to see if it has happened to you (it is usually just those conservatives with lots of followers).  They were already busted by James O’Keefe and Project Veritas for claiming that was their model, and now there is a way to prove it for individual accounts.

And Facebook has been radically throttling back traffic on conservative sites.

And Apple still won’t put the app in their store because of “hate speech” (by which they mean free speech, of course).

In other words, all of Big Tech is working overtime – and especially so since the 2016 election — to ensure that conservative speech is silenced.  These are just more reasons to support alternative platforms and stop feeding the beasts.  And not just because of censorship.  These other platforms are much, much better for privacy.

Replace Twitter with @getonGab

Replace Facebook with

Replace Chrome (or whatever) with

Replace Google search with

Do it now! I’ll wait here.  Fortunately WordPress hasn’t succumbed to censorship.

By the way, “trans” people most certainly have mental disorders.  See These People Are Crazy: The Other McCain.

Transanity truisms:

  • We all agree that something is wrong with “trans” people. Normal people say the mind is wrong, Leftists say it is the body.
  • If Bruce “Caitlyn” Jenner really is a woman, then Karen Carpenter really was fat. If you are going to believe the nonsense that the mind trumps the body then you should be consistent.
  • Leftist pervert logic: Girls wanting bathrooms with just girls are haters, but boys who only want bathrooms with girls must be accommodated.

Those are facts, not hate. But the truth sounds like hate to those who hate the truth.