More gifts from the Left!

What now?  Just that the Left is on record saying that felons should be able to vote — possibly even the Boston Marathon Bomber.  Source: Moonbattery Voting Rights for Boston Marathon Bomber

HARRIS: I have been long an advocate of making sure that the formally incarcerated are not denied a right to vote, which is the case in so many states in our country, in some states permanently deprived of the right to vote.

She then gibbered about how not letting incarcerated terrorists vote is the equivalent of Jim Crow. Her rhetoric confirmed yet again that for all the good it may of done in the past, civil rights is now nothing more than a wrecking ball.

LEMON: But people who are in — convicted, in prison, like the Boston Marathon bomber, on death row, people who are convicted of sexual assault, they should be able to vote?

HARRIS: I think we should have that conversation.

I love it. That will come back to haunt her and all the other Dems who either have to explain why she’s nuts (and alienate the extreme Left) or agree with her.

And here’s a great response to Bernie:

It is so simple to point out how letting felons vote would have disastrous impacts on local communities – and that’s just for starters. The prison where I do prison ministry has as many convicted felons as the town has eligible voters. The felons could easily outnumber the free people.  Please, Democrats, keep talking about this!

But wait, there’s more!  Elizabeth Warren wants to buy votes buy promising to pay off college debt.  You could run against that 24×7 in swing states, reminding those who didn’t go to college that Warren et al want to make them pay for the college degrees and unfinished college programs of those who make much more than them.  How about if Warren just cut her $400,000 Harvard salary by 90%?

Their hypocrisy is staggering and unending.  They are so “generous” that they never stop trying to spend more of your money, but they are comically stingy with their own charity, such at Robert Francis “Beto” O’Rourke donating a whole 0.3% of his income.  These frauds are rich but give away almost nothing.  And even then their tax returns don’t say what they gave to.  It may have been to Leftist political organizations and not charities helping the poor.

Their hatred of Trump has driven them to further open borders extremism: Sanctuary cities, judges helping illegals avoid ICE, benefits for illegals, etc.

Then there is the gun-grabbing.  More and more Dems are on record saying they really do want to take our guns.  Until they get complete power they’ll do it indirectly with excessive fees and restrictions, then they’ll start grabbing.

And don’t forget how they fight to kill children up to their first breath and even after those abortions “fail.”  Most people identifying as pro-choice don’t support later-term abortions.

And the Green New Deal?  Just quoting from the original is all you need to do to mock them.

And there is always the Socialism thing.    This pretty much sums it up.

And yes, Snopes actually did a piece saying she wasn’t really on the show.  Don’t believe me?  Check out

But the Republicans – aka the party of stupid — will probably find a way to fumble these issues.  If they would just stay on point, and keep reminding people that the entire Russia thing was an elaborate hoax made up by the Left, then Trump should win.

So to recap, the Democrats are proudly:

  • Pro-child killing to the first breath and even OK with letting them die if they survive abortions
  • Pro-perversion, including teaching your 5 yr. old children that they can change genders and taking your children away if you don’t affirm their desires.  Oh, and increasingly saying that pedophilia is an “orientation” – which means it must be not only protected by law but affirmed.
  • Open borders to reduce your wages or take your jobs and to reduce your safety and quality of life
  • Hypocrites who give your money to counterproductive social programs but are incredibly stingy themselves – even though they are the epitome of the “1%”
  • Gun-grabbers who mock the Constitution
  • Anti-free speech
  • Rabid antisemitism from the Muslims elected in districts where vast amounts of “refugees” have been imported
  • In favor of murderers, rapists and terrorists voting from prison
  • In favor of destroying the economy with their ridiculous Green New Deal – just another part of their unlimited power grab based on “climate change” fallacies

Yes, pray that Rachel Held Evans converts to Christianity and stops misleading people

Update: She died on 5/4/2019.  Very sad that she left a husband and two small children.  But when I’d read her fans who mourn her I was reminded of what a wolf Evans was.

4 hours ago   I had permission to explore LGBTQ+ affirming theology & eventually come out as bisexual. She was one of the first affirming Christians I encountered in my research, & her loud support is directly tied to who I am today.

37 minutes ago The door she opened for me by saying it’s okay to be angry at the church and it’s okay to leave, led to a thousand other open doors and new pathways that created who I am now: a queer Christian woman who no longer fears the white cisheteropatriarchy.

3 hours ago   I first started exploring Side A theology, which has led to me being in a wonderful, loving, gay relationship. I’m able to be myself and live my best life because of her opening my eyes.

4 hours ago  I’m an openly queer woman serving as an elder in my church . I never could have reconciled feminism and Christianity all those years ago without her.

If that’s what you encouraged people to do then it is a tragic legacy.

Rachel Held Evans is apparently hospitalized and in a coma.  Just as I did when false teacher Chuck “Jesus is not the only way but He sure is a bigot” Currie had cancer, I prayed for her healing.  But more so, I prayed that God would heal her physically and make her spiritually alive, and that she would repent of her false teachings.  It would be beautiful of her to glorify God and speak the truth to the LGBTQX and radical feminists that she has affirmed and enabled thus far.

Sadly, many of those posting about her on Twitter (#prayforRHE) are gay and lesbian “pastors” or radical feminist “pastors,” all of whom credit Evans with encouraging them in their rebellion.  She is truly a Romans 1:32 poster child, affirming people in their sin. A typical example is this “Christian” who thinks it is swell that her husband is a Hindu, because whatever path you are on is yours blah blah blah.  She sees nothing wrong with being unequally yoked but is sure that we need more women in the pulpits, that God speaks to you in prayer, etc.  Check.

Of course, anyone on Twitter or blogs noting that Evans’ eternal soul is at risk or that her writings and conferences mislead countless people are dismissed as big meanies and haters.  But they commit the logical fallacy of begging the question — that is, they assume she is a sister in Christ when that is what we are questioning.

From a previous overview of Mrs. Evans


Faux evangelical Rachel Held Evans wrote A Year of Biblical Womanhood: How a Liberated Woman Found Herself Sitting on Her Roof, Covering Her Head, and Calling Her Husband “Master” and in this case you can judge a book by its cover.  Evans sets out to mock the word of God that she claims to believe, and she succeeds before you even open the book. This is why the “Christian” Left loves her and why she gets so much Leftist media attention.

Exhibit A: The picture and subtitle of Evans on the roof relates to Proverbs 21:9 (and repeated in Proverbs 25:4) “It is better to live in a corner of the housetop than in a house shared with a quarrelsome wife.”  You don’t need a PhD in theology to see how badly — and deliberately? — she misapplied the verse.

  1. It isn’t a literal command to anyone. It is a colorful illustration teaching the wisdom of not marrying someone who is quarrelsome. It isn’t immoral to marry such a person, but it isn’t particularly wise.  It wouldn’t be pleasant to live on the corner of your roof (they had flat roofs), but it would be more unpleasant to have a quarrelsome wife.
  2. The biblical illustration doesn’t have the quarrelsome person on the roof, it has her suffering spouse there.
  3. It was not a punishment, it was a metaphorical escape.

Evans didn’t let those pesky and obvious details got in the way of mocking the word of God.  She accomplished exactly what she wanted to in this book.  Her message is basically this: “Hey people, I am totally a Christian, but let me show you how silly the Bible can be.  If you find something there you think you like then that’s great, but you shouldn’t take it seriously.”

So before you even open the book you can know that she is a false teacher and enemy of the real God (as are her editors and publishers who approved it).  The only way to miss it is to not read the verses (false teachers thrive on the biblical ignorance of their followers) or to share her view that the Bible is a foolish, man-made book.

But it gets worse as Evans continues to sit in judgment of the word of God.  Referring to her parents, she said:

they seemed to know instinctively that rules that left people guilt-ridden, exhausted, and confused were not really from God.

Uh, sure.  Anything you don’t like or understand isn’t from God.  Anyone telling you that should get an immediate ejector seat.

Then there is this:

as a woman I have been nursing a secret grudge against the apostle Paul for about eight years.

Note how she tips her hand about her belief that the writings of Paul weren’t inspired by the Holy Spirit.  The Apostle Peter had her number 2,000 years ago:

2 Peter 3:15–16 And count the patience of our Lord as salvation, just as our beloved brother Paul also wrote to you according to the wisdom given him, as he does in all his letters when he speaks in them of these matters. There are some things in them that are hard to understand, which the ignorant and unstable twist to their own destruction, as they do the other Scriptures.

And like all “Christian” Left feminists, she falsely targets Paul and she ignores that Jesus only selected men as apostles.  Does she think Jesus was a misogynist, or that even though He was the creator of the universe that He was afraid to upset the Pharisees’ sensibilities?

Worse yet, she accuses the authors of the Bible of being blasphemous liars, allegedly speaking for God in literally hundreds of passages when it was “really” what they wanted.  She quoted this with her approval:

God never told the Israelites to kill the Canaanites. The Israelites believed that God told them to kill the Canaanites.

So Evans also disagrees with Jesus, who affirmed the Old Testament down to its smallest details, and insists – without evidence — that massive sections of the Bible are lies.  Or could it be that Evans is believing what she wants God to be and that she is the liar?  I suppose she thinks that the command against making a God in your own image is just another one of those passages that the writers made up.  Anyone who has actually read the Old Testament would know that passage after passage refers to the Israelites taking over the Promised Land.  Evans insists that all of those are not only lies, but blasphemous lies.  What else would it be if you falsely blamed God for what would have been unjustified mass murder and land-stealing?

Evans told people that voting for Hillary Clinton is “pro-life.”  You have to be a true Molech-worshiping ghoul to hold that view.  Hillary is inseparable from Planned Parenthood and the rest of the pro-choice extremists — including the “Christian” Left – who not only insist on legal abortions up to to child’s first breath but want more abortions via taxpayer-funding.  Yet for Evans that was the only “Christian” option.  Indeed.

Evans posted countless pictures and gushing commentary over the #womensmarch but was nearly silent for the — and even then she only criticized it. “Christian” Leftists really tip their hands that way, claiming to be pro-life while being the true pro-abortion extremists. If they really believed what they said they’d be opening up pregnancy centers all over. Instead, they reflexively support anything Planned Parenthood does.

Don’t miss where Racist Held Evans goes on a hypocritical rant lamenting how if Roe v Wade is overturned then less minority children will be killed.  She also accused pro-lifers of being racist and not knowing that we save mostly minority lives.  Who knew?  She deleted the Tweets when people outed her but I saved them as a public service.

I’ll buy a Christian book by someone whose primary self-descriptor is “doubt-filled” right after I buy one from a mathematician who doubts that 2+2=4.  Having some matters you haven’t completely studied is one thing. For example, I hadn’t delved deeply into continuation/cessation particulars until recently, so I didn’t blog about it. But if you are so doubt-filled that it defines your faith, maybe you should read instead of write.

Also note how she has no doubts about abortion being legal to the child’s first breath, that you can change your gender, that LGBTQX behaviors are not sins, that women should be pastors, etc.  Oddly enough, when her views line up with the world’s she has no doubts at all.

You can also know Evans is a false teacher by those she promotes and partners with.  She works directly with Nadia Bolz-Weber, who, among other things, says there is “no shame in ethically sourced porn,” that “the Bible’s not clear about [s%#^]!” and so much more  (Just as Evans claims that “It [the Bible] fails massively at getting to the point”). This isn’t some loose pairing, either.  They co-host a freak show called Why Christian each year and endorse each other’s work..

Also check out Jes Kast, whom Evans adores, and see if her theology is biblical, or Glennon Doyle Melton, the “super mom” who left her husband to be with a lesbian.

Evans is a typical Leftist hypocrite, believing ridiculous phonies like Kristine Blasey Ford (Brett Kavanaugh’s accuser) but dismissing credible stories of abuse by the wife of prominent “Christian” Left pastor Tony Jones – who just “happens” to help with her conferences. Go figure.

As bad as the self-avowed “Christian” Leftists are, at least they own their label (sans the scare quotes).  Evans masquerades as an Evangelical while holding “Christian” Leftist views, which makes her even worse than them.

Run, don’t walk, from faux evangelicals like Evans. In her own words and deeds she shows how much she loves the world and not Jesus.

Update: Wow, she’s been really cranky since Trump won.  She completely ignores all the sex scandals and cover-ups from Leftist politicians, celebrities and journalists and completely fixates on Donald Trump.  She won’t admit it, but I think it is pretty obvious that she planned to have a role with Caesar – er, uh, Hillary — just like she did with Obama.  Trump has false teacher Paula White, Obama had – and Hillary probably would have had – Mrs. Evans.

And her latest book is just more blasphemy, where she titled it Inspired but obviously believes it isn’t.  Typical disingenuous behavior on her part.

So the “Holy Spirit” told Francis Chan NOT to tell a Catholic what was wrong with her church . . .

A Catholic asked Francis Chan if he “had any words for the Catholic Church and the time that we’re in.”

What did he tell her?  Nothing.  He paused for about 30 seconds then said, “I don’t believe I’m supposed to answer that question. I don’t believe the Holy Spirit wants me to answer that question.”

Riiiiight.  The Holy Spirit said not to share the real Gospel with someone whose religion has at least 95 things wrong with it.

Question: How can you miss a softball that badly?

Answer: When you are a wimpy world-lover.

All he had to do was point out how wildly Catholicism differs from true Christianity.  He could have liberated her from a works-based, man-made religion.  But he took the easy way out and muttered some gibberish about her and how we all need to get along blah blah blah.

Note that this is one of the many ways that people use “sloppy God talk” to justify all sorts of bad behavior.  You see, God gives Francis direct revelation on command, so he’s extra special and if you disagree with him you are obviously disagreeing with God.

Though did you notice that it came through a little fuzzy?  He “didn’t believe” the Holy Spirit wanted him to answer.  Did the Holy Spirit mumble?  Or did Francis make that up and blame the Holy Spirit?  You decide.

He also hangs with phonies like Benny Hinn and Mike Bickle.

Run, don’t walk, from people like Chan.