Cancer 4

December 3 update: Spent 8 days in the hospital with breathing/oxygen issues. Extremely weak from the lack of activity, but glad to be home and feeling better.

And some very good news: The cancer is in complete remission! They are delaying the last couple infusions because of the breathing issues, but if the hospital stay cured the latter then I just need to focus on regaining use of my right foot and getting through the final treatments.

Had a few good witness opportunities in the hospital, so that was a blessing.


November 15 update: Some good news — spent 5 days in the hospital with Covid (which they originally thought was pneumonia) and feel much better. And my foot showed some signs of motion, which is huge! Hopefully, the nerves are slowly healing. If they ever come all the way back, I will never stop dancing with my wife.

This song captures our sentiments well, although by the grace of Jesus our faith has always stayed strong.


November 2 update: Had 4th infusion. Feeling lousy all the time. Trying new nausea meds. Leg isn’t in pain, and I’ve been able to dial back the number of pain meds a bit, so that’s good. Hope you all are well!


October 15 update: Plodding along. Appetite and eating are a constant challenge. Just had third infusion (out of 6). No improvement in the leg (still completely immobile), but glad that the pain is under control. Will get scan in 6 weeks or so.


I often think of this when people ask us why our faith stays the same throughout trials. It is because we trust in the real Jesus and what He has done for us, and not because of religiosity.


September 26 update: Finally, we have the pain relatively under control. It only took four months! Very grateful for that. Nerve pain is such a mystery. Very few medicines work on the searing/throbbing/burning. The first two rounds of immunotherapy seem to be working. New rounds every 3 weeks, then a scan later in October. The lower right leg is still completely paralyzed. Praying for the day when it has any movement at all. As a bonus, I had Covid in late June and got a root canal last month.

This situation led to a great witness conversation with my neighbor last night. He’s not there yet, but hopefully, some seeds were planted.


September 11 update: Started treatments and have had no major side effects, which is a good sign. Pain management is under control, but still a long ways to go. They are front-loading the treatments, so I’ll get a couple more in the next two weeks. We are very grateful to be at this stage!


August 27, 2022 update:

Lots of pain in the last couple of days in my leg, despite all the meds. And back is starting to hurt as it has in the past when the tumors press on the kidney or something else. So glad to be starting chemo and immunotherapy in a few days. Prayer requests: Healing, of course, opportunities to witness and to regain the use of my paralyzed right lower leg.

I was meditating on Job 1:20-22 when it came up when reviewing memory verses. Every day is a great day to fall on the ground and worship.

Job 1:20–22 Then Job arose and tore his robe and shaved his head and fell on the ground and worshiped. And he said, “Naked I came from my mother’s womb, and naked shall I return. The LORD gave, and the LORD has taken away; blessed be the name of the LORD.” In all this Job did not sin or charge God with wrong.


August 20, 2022 update: Good news – looks like I’m in the clinical trial, and I start chemo later this month. Excited about that, though it will be a long journey to recover feeling and strength in my leg. I am so eager to get off the pain meds, but it could still be a while. But good news overall.


August 16, 2022 update: Got official surgical biopsy results, so today, we started the process to get into a clinical trial. I hope everything moves quickly from here so I can start chemo immediately. Lost a lot of weight because pain meds kill my appetite and cause nausea. I’ve been trying to navigate through that the last few months.


Yes, it is back. For the fourth time. I finished the T-cell transplant process in early January, and it was already coming back as early as April/May. I have three spots where it returned – by my kidney, my mid-section, and my right thigh. The last one is extremely rare and was tough to diagnose. It is pressing on my sciatic nerve and has caused great pain for a couple months. My right foot is immobile for now. I was actually glad that a tumor was causing this because the MRI had already shown that it wasn’t my back. If it hadn’t been this tumor causing it, then it would have been quite the mystery. We’ve tried many pain control options for the leg, but most have failed.

Next step: Biopsy to confirm the type of cancer, and then hopefully I’ll qualify for a clinical trial that looks promising. If that doesn’t work, then options are limited.

We are blessed at being good at enjoying whatever time we have. Even though we only had a few months in the first half of the year when I was feeling healthy and energetic, we had a great time doing normal things and getting back to dancing together. We were even able to do a dance competition. God willing, we’ll get some remission and healing soon.

As always, we completely trust in Jesus and pray that He will use all this for his glory.

More history and perspective at Cancer 3.

I probably won’t be blogging for a while. These things take a lot of time and focus. But I’ll still try to read your blogs. And I want to finally finish a book I’ve been working on called Manage Your Mission. It is about the approach I’ve taken to life the last few decades with respect to the “7 Fs” (Faith, Family, Fitness, Field (vocation), Friends, Fun (entertainment), and Finance) that has worked spectacularly well. The idea is to ensure you have your priorities straight for the categories and that you have concrete ways to excel in each of them. I couldn’t control the cancers, but I controlled what I could and have no regrets about that course.


Here are more “red letters” teaching you to read the black letters. 

Mark 12:24 Jesus said to them, “Is this not the reason you are wrong, because you know neither the Scriptures nor the power of God?”




I always make short prayers, so I’m safe here. Seriously, watch for the pastors – especially at megachurches – who are all about their glory and not that of Jesus. Also, note that some sins have greater consequences than others. All sins separate us from a perfect and Holy God, but not all sins have the same temporal or eternal consequences. 

Luke 20:46–47 “Beware of the scribes, who like to walk around in long robes, and love greetings in the marketplaces and the best seats in the synagogues and the places of honor at feasts, who devour widows’ houses and for a pretense make long prayers. They will receive the greater condemnation.”




Yes, this is super-gross. This food delivery company made a video telling gays how to get less feces on their penises when having sex. Ironically, while the homosexual lifestyle is disgusting, they exploit the “ick” factor in knowing that most people don’t want to talk about what they actually do. But toilet paper is a 20+ billion dollar industry for a reason. The fact that gays have to be encouraged to use condoms — and often still don’t! — is an additional sign of their pathology. There is nothing wrong with periodically reminding people that homosexual sex involves feces-covered genitalia.



It is easy to forget that we can delight God. All we have to do is fear him and hope in his steadfast love.

Psalm 147:10–11 His delight is not in the strength of the horse, nor his pleasure in the legs of a man, but the Lord takes pleasure in those who fear him, in those who hope in his steadfast love.


  • Biden Repeats Story Of 10-Year-Old Allegedly Needing An Abortion That No One Has Been Able To Verify — People who peddle child murder don’t mind lying to advance their cause. They know it is a lie but will still repeat it endlessly. The lie about how many women died from abortions was a big part of relaxing abortion laws in the first place, so this is nothing new for them. It was debunked decades ago but is still believed by the Left.
  • ‘Do Not Transition Your Kids’: California Teen Tells Her Heartbreaking Story In Support Of DeSantis Plan — Poor girl. Hopefully, it will make parents think twice before subjecting their kids to these permanent evils, and make lawmakers do the right thing and ban these procedures. They permanently ruined her sex life, ability to procreate, and chances at a real marriage.
  • The SBC Wants To Die On Redefining Adultery / Jennifer Lyell is not an abuse survivor — They’ve gone full feminist and started infantilizing women as being unable to have any accountability. “She was a 26 year old woman having sex with a seminary professor over the course of 12 years as she climbed up the corporate ladder within the Southern Baptist Convention. As a Lifeway executive, she held more sway over his career than he ever could over hers. The SBC would pay her over $1 million dollars.”
  • What the public school did to the teacher who warned a student about transformer regret — That is so creepy how CRT is tied to the “trans” craze. How satanic to make the kids feel bad and unpopular and then offer them the LGBTQX pass to the front of the line. As if you didn’t have enough reasons to keep your kids out of government schools! “I have since spoken to more than a dozen ROGD [Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria] parents and parent-group leaders who tell a similar story. Their schools compulsively tell their children how awful it is to be white, how white people enjoy unearned “privilege,” how they benefit from “systems” put in place by and for white people for the sole purpose of oppressing “people of color.” Plagued by guilt, the children—almost all of them girls—rush to the sanctuary of “LGBTQ+” identity. Once there, they are catapulted into hero status.”
  • Starbucks to close 16 US stores over crime, rampant drug use — Mugged by reality. Sweet, sweet, schadenfreude. Pass the popcorn. And so on. Remember when they virtue signaled about having public restrooms? They walked that back as well. Leftists are why we can’t have nice things.



Expect to see less of Joe Biden. They don’t let him take questions, and now they’ll be too scared to even put him in front of a teleprompter. Notice his dead, black, drug-induced eyes.


One day after another promoting perversions to government school children. Get your kids out!


Do you give to God first? If not, I recommend it. If you give him what’s leftover, there won’t be much. Giving to him first will remind you that you trust him to provide for everything you need.

Proverbs 3:9–10 Honor the Lord with your wealth and with the firstfruits of all your produce; then your barns will be filled with plenty, and your vats will be bursting with wine.



‘Shortage Of Independence’: Katy Perry, Kim Kardashian, And Others Say ‘4th Of July’ Is ‘Canceled’ Over Roe V. Wade Ruling — Yeah, if you can’t freely crush and dismember your unwanted children, then what’s the point of the Revolutionary War? I mean, it is right there in the Declaration of Independence that these men were putting their lives on the line so that promiscuous women could avoid responsibility for their actions, even if it meant murdering their kids.


Random musical interlude. Bobby Darin was great.


Bette Midler Gets Attacked As A ‘TERF’ After Saying Women Are Being Erased Due to Terms Like ‘Birthing People,’ ‘People With Vaginas‘ — Pass the popcorn and the sweet, sweet, schadenfreude. Welcome to the Right-Wing, Bette! As the saying goes, there are 2 genders and 29 kinds of gay (and counting).



Virginia School District Prohibits Teachers From Contacting Parents When Students Change Gender — Today’s “why are your kids still in government schools?” message.


He’s a corrupt liar who sold out U.S. interests to foreign countries, and the media has known this. But they refused to tell you.


United Church of Christ Funeral For Roe — It is no surprise that these Molech-worshiping ghouls mourn when fewer children are slaughtered. The UCC keeps losing members. In addition to the ejector seats, it might be because “Christian” Leftists worship the ability to crush and dismember their children.

The only good news is that the wolves got warm and took off the sheep’s clothing. Anyone supporting the UCC has zero excuses before God. They know they are rebelling against God and worshiping Satan and do it anyway.



Wow. Powerful pro-gun and political ad.


Largest Independent Abortion Business in Texas Closing all Their Locations — Such great news! The abortuary had the audacity to say that Texas was being cruel to ban abortions. No, cruel is when you crush and dismember innocent children.

Beth Moore Bashes Critics Over her Silence on Fall of Roe v. Wade — No surprise that she couldn’t celebrate this huge win. And she lives in Texas, where lives are being saved! Kevin DeYoung has a great takedown of people like her in this piece: When Roe was overturned. It is a satire of how Star Wars would have ended if the good guys would have behaved like Beth Moore et al.



One of our Italian Greyhounds drank half a glass of wine once and didn’t spill a drop. She normally got up at 6:00 AM, but slept until 10:00 AM the next day. She had a doggie hangover.


Pure gaslighting from the “media” in pretending that Gray was wrong with her original comments. Notice how the host never offered facts or logic as to how one “really” changes gender, but just assumed it was true. Classic question begging. But Gray took the coward’s way out, so now no one will respect her. Despite her claim, being part of the Pervert Lobby doesn’t make you a hero. The bar for heroism is a *little* higher than having butt-sex with another guy. And just because you think you are something doesn’t make it so. If you want to be “who you are” then be the gender that matches your chromosomes. Anything else is fake.



A timeless reminder of forgiveness and the grace of God. Without Jesus, there is no way I could ever stand before God.

Psalm 130:3–4 If you, O Lord, should mark iniquities, O Lord, who could stand? But with you there is forgiveness, that you may be feared.


American Actor Stricken With Monkeypox Goes Public: ‘This S*** Sucks’ — I saw the headline and immediately thought, “I bet he’s gay.”

Opening words of the article: “A gay actor . . .”

I hate being right.

My 87-year-old mom said she’d heard about Monkey Pox. I told her that as long as she stays out of gay orgies then she has nothing to worry about. She laughed, but it put her at ease over the latest “pandemic.”


I can’t imagine why small business owners and employees would still vote Democrat after what was done to them during the pandemic.


Anyone hiring a freak like this isn’t doing it based on the employee’s merits, but to rub your face in the Pervert Agenda. Not pictured: Rachel Levine. Any entity that hires people like this has too much money to spend.


I accidentally turned my music on my iPhone during Sunday School once, and it happened to play Call Me by Blondie. People thought it was my ringtone, which would have been appropriate.


Paying for abortions makes you an accessory to murder in God’s eyes. Woe to all the corporate ghouls who knowingly fund these.


Yep, the pro-aborts exploit rape and incest victims to justify killing children for any reason.


To paraphrase Christopher Hitchens: Any “____phobia” term was created by perverted fascists to manipulate weak-minded people.


Another great episode of this Podcast (you can also listen on any Podcast app). This one had a terrific analysis of Islam, especially how women are treated. Lots of points you can use and share. Be sure to like and subscribe on YouTube. It is really well done.

People who use a podcast app can subscribe to the podcast here:

Just pick your podcast provider at the top of the page. We have Apple, Spotify, Google, Podbean, Amazon, TuneIn, IHeart, Overcast, Samsung, etc.

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We celebrate Valentine’s Day at Arby’s (OK, we usually go out dancing as well). We got married right out of college and got dressed up and went out on a Friday night for our first Valentine’s Day as a married couple. We never thought about making reservations. The lines were unbelievably long so we left and ended up at the Arby’s drive-through. Then we went back to the apartment and watched Miami Vice. Good times! A couple years back, through the magic of IMDB and Netflix (before I canceled it), we were able to watch the same episode of Miami Vice that we watched that night.  Boy, did it suck. 

P.S. I don’t like to brag, but I’m an Arby’s alumnus. I worked at one the summer after my freshman year in college. Oddly, that doesn’t translate into discounts with them.  A little bit after I left, the assistant manager stole the weekend receipts and a bunch of roast beef. Spoiler alert: He got caught.  We had joked about him doing that, but apparently, he was serious about it.


Big roundup to start your weekend! Grab some coffee and enjoy.


I sometimes think through this Psalm on Sunday mornings, along with Psalm 122:1.

Psalm 100:1–5 Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth! Serve the Lord with gladness! Come into his presence with singing! Know that the Lord, he is God! It is he who made us, and we are his; we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture. Enter his gates with thanksgiving, and his courts with praise! Give thanks to him; bless his name! For the Lord is good; his steadfast love endures forever, and his faithfulness to all generations.

Psalm 122:1 I was glad when they said to me, “Let us go to the house of the Lord!”


Click to embiggen . . .


Is the SBC ruled by women and children? Short answer: Yes. Many churches that don’t officially ordain women pastors still have de facto women pastors in leadership over men. The SBC is so corrupt at the top. Their approval and defense of Ed Litton’s rampant plagiarism were all you needed to realize that. And they continue to infantilize women and assume they have no moral agency and accountability. Example: This woman was 26 years old when an affair started and she continued with it for 12 years — but they treat her as a victim — SBC Woman Reportedly Paid $1.5 Million for Having 12 Year-Long Affair with Married Man.

The SBC is going the same route as the United Methodists. The believers should split now.

Isaiah 3:12 My people—infants are their oppressors, and women rule over them. O my people, your guides mislead you and they have swallowed up the course of your paths.


Arizona legislature approves school voucher program for all K-12 students — This is great news on multiple levels. It will force the government schools to have greater accountability, and more importantly, parents can send their kids to good schools instead.


WaPo Seemingly Perturbed by TX Abortion Law Saving Twins: ‘Glimpse of What Much of the Country Would Face’ — There will be thousands, and perhaps millions, of stories like this in the coming years. Yes, some women will travel to other states to kill their children. But many won’t. The Leftists will lament how these children weren’t crushed and dismembered, of course. But couple this with the increased concern by women about pregnancies — so much so that they are threatening sex strikes and fewer hookups, and beta males are getting more vasectomies — and abortions will go down significantly. I hope more women give up children for adoption rather than raise them as single mothers. Yeah, it is still a fallen world, but overturning Roe is a great thing to celebrate.

Make no mistake: Abortion-loving Leftists wanted these kids dead.


Conservative justices didn’t lie about Roe at confirmation hearings — In case you’ve heard otherwise. Oh, and procedures for ectopic pregnancies are never banned, despite the lies perpetuated by the Left. Turns out that people whose goal is to murder children don’t mind lying, either.



Brought to you by the Left — including the “Christian” Left. Ugh. If only they’d say, “Stop having butt sex and you’ll eliminate many medical problems! Gay sex involves feces on genitals. It is gross. Don’t do it.”


Drug Dealers Caught with Enough Fentanyl to Kill Millions Spend Two Days in Jail: Thank You, Democrats! — And the Fentanyl comes from China, our arch-enemy. And Biden & Co. let it stream across the border.


Great takedown of feminist pro-abort talking points.


Never Forget: Bethel Church Promoted Prophetic Uno Cards — This sounds so made up, but it really happened. Only a fool would follow Bethel.

“Grab some UNO cards (a few of each color) and place them in the middle of the group. Have your students take turns going around in the circle turning over the next card. Follow the instructions (below) as to what to do with that particular card. This exercise is best with groups of 6-8 students.”

RED – you give a prophetic word to the person on your left about their financial situation.

GREEN – you give a prophetic word to the person on your right about their relationship with someone close to them

YELLOW – you choose who to give a prophetic word to in the group about their career/employment/job

DRAW 2 – give any 2 people in the group a prophetic word about their identity

WILD CARD – choose whether you give a prophetic word to someone about their destiny or choose someone to give you one about your destiny.


Street Preacher Arrested at Gay Pride Parade For Preaching, Bible Ripped and Thrown in Porta-Potty — Yet naked men marched in front of kids without being arrested. And the parents let it happen! Again, brought to you by the Left — including the “Christian” Left. The good news is that it proves that these freaks know that God is real and that they are repulsed by his word. Hopefully, some will repent and believe.


Yep – just “3%” of what they do . . .


Fed Chairman: ‘We Now Understand Better How Little We Understand About Inflation’ — Unbelievable. Yet every amateur saw this coming from miles away.


This is golden. Joe Biden says abortion would “abort a child.” Hey, we agree! I’ve been encouraging people to use “child” instead of “baby” because the former is more precise. If pro-aborts say the unborn aren’t children, I refer them to, which lists a human fetus as one of the definitions of child. And now we can just quote Biden on the matter. Please use and share this!


Chasing Utopian Energy: How I Wasted 20 Years of My Life — Fascinating take from an honest environmentalist.


A vote for Democrats is unchristian, unloving, and a sin — Their goal is child murder, and they want to disarm you.
