100% of Senators agree!

Believe it or not, there is true unanimity in our Senate:

  • They all know that Kavanaugh would judge according to what the job description requires.  It is just that half the Senators don’t want someone who will judge according to the Constitution.
  • They all know that the allegations against him are as choreographed as any ballet and a complete sham.  But half of them are so sold out to the unrestricted killing of children up to their first breath that they play along with the evil charade.
  • They all know that the Constitution would never force all states to recognize oxymoronic “same-sex marriage” and all the evils that come from that, but half of them sold out to the God-hating LGBTQX lobby.

Those aren’t exaggerations.

Don’t be like King Hezekiah

Our society is decaying at an increasingly rapid rate.  The concept of “same-sex marriage” is younger than the cell phone, yet look how quickly and firmly it has taken hold in the Leftist culture.  And “transanity” has moved even more quickly, as even middle ground people are too fearful and/or indoctrinated to push back on things as evil and sickening as telling young children they may not really be their genetic gender.

But we Christians shouldn’t fall prey to that level of cowardice.  Sure, if we are older, then these things may not impact us directly.  But if we love our neighbors – which includes our descendants – we need to speak the truth even if it costs us and we need to fight for what is right.

King Hezekiah did a lot of good things, but at the end of his reign in Judah he foolishly showed off the country’s treasures to visitors from Babylon.  Isaiah the prophet chastised Hezekiah and said that eventually it would all be taken away by the Babylonians.  Hezekiah responded in a most selfish manner:

Isaiah 39:8 Then Hezekiah said to Isaiah, “The word of the Lord that you have spoken is good.” For he thought, “There will be peace and security in my days.”

May God keep us from being selfish and complacent.

Rachel Held Evans claims that the Bible “fails massively at getting to the point”

It would be true if she said that the Bible fails to get to her points – that is, her basic “Christian” Left views that God approves of LGBTQX perversions, abortion, coveting, egalitarianism, etc.  But the Bible doesn’t fail at all in what God wants to teach us.

The Domain for Truth has another review on her latest disingenuously titled book, “Inspired” — Analysis of Rachel Held Evan’s Book “Inspired” Part 6.  I admire SlimJim for reading it all so we don’t have to!  I’d read excerpts that Evans posted and analyzed them here.

The link notes how Evans, as usual, works overtime to undermine the authority of scripture.

It [the Bible] fails massively at getting to the point.

That is spoken like a non-Christian. Who could miss the point of the opening verse?  God created everything, so you better believe that you’ll be accountable to him — and the rest of this book tells you how to be reconciled to him.

The Bible teaches over 100 times that Jesus is the only way to salvation (it isn’t just John 14:6, though that would be enough). What could be more clear? But a spiritually blind wolf like Evans can’t see that — and obviously doesn’t believe it.

And she is wildly pro-LGBTQX perversions, even though the Bible couldn’t be more clear and consistent about God’s views on sex.  Consider the following truths and how Evans’ perversion-affirming god teaches the opposite:

  • 100% of the verses addressing homosexual behavior denounce it as sin in the strongest possible terms.
  • 100% of the verses referencing God’s ideal for marriage involve one man and one woman.
  • 100% of the verses referencing parenting involve moms and dads with unique roles (or at least a set of male and female parents guiding the children).
  • 0% of 31,173 Bible verses refer to homosexual behavior in a positive or even benign way or even hint at the acceptability of homosexual unions.

Even two out of three types of pro–gay theologians* concede those points, yet the “doubt-filled” Evans has zero doubts about affirming every sexual perversion in the LTBTQX spectrum.

She once again tips her hand that, despite her disingenuous book title, she absolutely does not think the Bible is the inspired word of God. She’s worse than a Bart Ehrman or a Richard Dawkins, as she says the same sorts of things about the Bible that they do.  But at least they are open about not being believers.

She also creates a straw-man argument where she pretends that we don’t think that different situations may require different actions.  Of course we know better.  An ectopic pregnancy may require an abortion to save the mother while the child will die either way. But wolves like Evans use that to dismiss truly universal truths that killing children for the other 99.9% of reasons is evil.

The Bible doesn’t fail at all.  It accomplishes just what God wants it to (Isaiah 55) and is profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction and for training in righteousness (2 Timothy 3) — all things that Mrs. Evans and her followers desperately need!

As usual, run, don’t walk from wolves like Racist Held Evans.

*Pro-gay theology tends to fall into one of three categories. They are all wrong, but for varying reasons. Sometimes they overlap categories.

  1. The Bible is either not the Word of God, or most parts of it aren’t. This view claims that we can ignore the prohibitions against homosexual behavior because they were written by homophobic Jews.
  2. The Bible is the Word of God, but it doesn’t really say homosexual behavior is wrong. This view holds that people just aren’t reading the Bible properly, and that God’s Word is actually affirming of gay relationships.
  3. The Bible is the Word of God and does clearly and emphatically describe gay behavior as sinful. However, the Holy Spirit has given additional revelations such that this behavior is now acceptable. This view holds that God has changed his mind on this moral issue and not only is it now acceptable, but it is sinful if you don’t affirm this behavior and same-sex relationships.

If this is how Leftists behave when they are out of power in Washington . . .

This was a great comment on how some Leftists were harassing Ted Cruz and his wife at a restaurant.

If this is how they behave when they are out of power in Washington, imagine the abuse regular Americans and their representatives will be subjected to when these vermin get the whip hand.

You could take that sentiment much deeper.  The Left doesn’t have the White House or the Congress – and they are losing ground on judges – yet they do the following:

  • Violently protest (Antifa, Black Lives Matter)
  • Harass people at restaurants
  • “Dox” people (making names and addresses public for people they don’t like, exposing them to harassment and danger)
  • Ban speakers / protest speakers at colleges
  • Get people fired for having donated to pro-family groups
  • Blacklist people in Hollywood (see the current James Woods situation)
  • Tried to steal the 2016 election then blamed it on Trump with the assistance of the Leftist media
  • Teach perversions to children in government schools and deny parents the right to opt out
  • Fight home schools
  • Spreading or believing obvious lies to discredit an obviously sound judge from being on the Supreme Court
  • Deep State employees bragging to Project Veritas about how they subvert the Constitution and the administration while being paid by the government
  • Shut down Christian and Catholic adoption agencies if they won’t let gay parents adopt children

And so much more.  So if they gained power, can you imagine how unhinged they would be?  That’s why Trump beating Hillary may have saved the Republic.  She was already cartoonishly evil, but winning would have validated her belief that she could do anything and get away with it.

It is helpful to remember that, among other things, these people fight aggressively for the right to unrestricted child-killing up to the child’s first breath.  If they do that, why would we be surprised that they are so quick to commit lesser evils?

Please get out and vote Republican in November and encourage others to do the same!


Faux-lifers and loving your neighbor

One of the easiest ways to out faux-lifers (that is, pro-abortion people who pretend to be pro-life) is to keep them talking.  They often claim the name of Christ and that they love their neighbors.  They ever-so-briefly concede the humanity of the child and say how they would never have an abortion and wish they didn’t have to happen.

But they quickly forget about their neighbor in the womb and launch into tortured rationalizations about why they vote for politicians and support groups like Planned Parenthood that fight for unrestricted abortions to the child’s first breath.  They use every sound bite that the professional pro-aborts use.

So just ask them this: If you were in the womb, would you want someone to protect you from being crushed and dismembered?  And if you were going to be destroyed that way, would you at least want to be given anesthetic first?  After all, the faux-lifers fight to keep abortion legal to the child’s first breath and without anesthetic (they know that laws requiring anesthetics would remind people that the children do suffer when being killed, and they must prop up the lie that the children aren’t “really” living until their first breath).

The pro-aborts will squirm and go through all sorts of mental gymnastics to rationalize their inconsistency.  They’ll realize their reasoning is poor, so they’ll resort to attacking you instead. But just keep pointing back to their neighbor in the womb.  If they truly love their neighbors, how can they not try to protect their lives?

I also keep this jpg file handy to share with those who repeat the pro-abortion canard that pro-lifers don’t care about children after they are born.  I find that to be the pro-abortion argument on the Internet.  It lets the pro-aborts pretend to kinda-sorta oppose abortion while attacking the character of pro-lifers.  There are nine things wrong with their sound bite.  Actually more, but the font was getting too small.  Feel free to use without attribution!

The treasonous Deep State is real, but will anyone learn about it?

Project Veritas (you should follow them on some form of media if you don’t already) continues to do the real journalism that the mainstream media gave up on decades ago. Via Deep State Unmasked: State Department on Hidden Cam, “Resist Everything,” “I Have Nothing to Lose” – Project Veritas.

Federal Employee for State Department: “Resist everything… Every level. F**k sh*t up.”
Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) Embedded in Federal Government Positions, Actively Resisting
Stuart Karaffa Does Work for DSA While on Taxpayer’s Dime: “I’m careful about it. I don’t leave a paper trail.”
“I have nothing to lose. It’s impossible to fire federal employees.”
Ethics Officer Fails to Recognize Breach on Ethics Form: “somebody just rubber stamps it and it goes forward…”

(Washington DC)  Today, Project Veritas released the first installment in an undercover videoinvestigation series unmasking the deep state. This video features a State Department employee, Stuart Karaffa, engaged in radical socialist political activity on the taxpayer’s dime, while advocating for resistance to official government policies. In addition to being a State Department employee Stuart Karaffa is also a ranking member of the Metro DC Democratic Socialists of America (Metro DC DSA.)

Make no mistake: The Left has treasonous people entrenched in government bureaucracies. You are paying them with your taxes to undermine a duly elected administration. This should be a massive story but the Leftist media will ignore it.  And it is one more big reason you want limited government.

You need to share these truths and  make sure you get out and vote in November!

Reason #96

You don’t need any new reasons to leave the Catholic Church.  Luther’s 95 theses covered everything you need to know.  But the Catholics’ unrepentant homosexual priest situation is yet another reason to leave.  Not only youths but adults were serially abused throughout the world, leaders deliberately covered it up and continue to do so, and many leaders live in open relationships of sodomy.  This has happened with the knowledge of Bishops and the Pope and their distractions are pathetic. (Look! We’ve discovered weather! The climate changes, so we have to deal with that right now! We don’t time to talk about that pesky homosexual infestation in the church!)

The media is schizophrenic when it comes to Catholics.  Usually they reflexively bash them, but this vast network of homosexual priests has little, if anything, to do with pedophilia.  Therefore the media is ignoring the story.

This article, The Catholic Church Is Breaking Apart. Here’s Why., is good news.  It outlines the situation well, though you have to ignore some of the pro-Catholic assumptions of the author (e.g., it still isn’t “Peter’s throne.). Ironically, as open as he is about the homosexual situation he seems tone-deaf as to how it undermines so many assumptions that Catholics have about Popes, doctrine, etc.  But his premise is sound: The Catholics have the biggest problem they’ve had in 500 years.  Their only hope is to hide and deflect, which they have been doing along with their media accomplices. The Pope is indistinguishable from any other pro-LGBTQX / pro-Communist “Christian” Leftist.

During his time on Peter’s throne, Francis has worked to dismantle many orthodox positions in an attempt to radically reorient the church toward—by total coincidence—the long-held preferences of those four radical cardinals. For instance: He has criticized Catholics for being “obsessed” with abortion, gay marriage, and contraception. He has derided Catholic women for having too many children and behaving “like rabbits.” He sent a papal blessing to the lesbian author of the Italian version of Heather Has Two Mommies—a tract for children extolling the virtues of same-sex parenting.

All of this is in addition to his bizarre insistence that “never has the use of violence brought peace in its wake” and that the benefits of free-market growth have “never been confirmed by the facts.” (In case people didn’t get the message, Francis posed for pictures with a crucifix made of a hammer and a sickle.) Yet as bad as free market capitalism is, the pope insists “the most serious of the evils that afflict the world these days are youth unemployment and the loneliness of the old.” Which is a . . . curious view of our fallen world.

. . .

At the same time, the math is pitiless: According to our best data, a mammoth CDC study done in 2013, 1.6 percent of Americans identify as gay. Yet 80 percent of the abuse cases involve priests abusing other males. You can include all the caveats you like—maybe there’s selection bias, maybe the percentage of homosexuals in the priesthood is many times higher than 1.6 percent, maybe not all male-on-male abuse is perpetrated by men who would identify as gay. But the correlation is still high enough that it is impossible to ignore.

And despite the fact that everyone wants to insist that abuse by priests has nothing to do with homosexuality, it’s strange that the people who most want to open the church sacramentally to homosexuality are the ones strenuously ignoring the abuse. Priests such as Cardinal Cupich are certainly acting like they think there’s a linkage and that if the church were to crack down on abuse and the bishops who enabled it, it would somehow endanger their project.

I still hold that some in the Catholic church are saved because they have somehow heard of the real Jesus and have repented and believe in him (and of course there are countless people in Protestant churches who aren’t really saved – I know, because I used to be one of them!). Yet even those Catholics are still living under an exhausting works-based salvation theology and can’t enjoy the assurance of salvation that Christianity provides.

I encourage people to get out. The Reformation happened for a reason – actually, 95 of them – and the Catholics still get vitally important doctrines like justification completely wrong. And the Mary-worship, indulgences, purgatory, praying to the dead, the lie that you need the church to interpret the Bible for you and should’t read it for yourself, etc. all mock Christ and the cross.  Their recently unmasked pro-perversion doctrines are just another reason to go.

If Protestants were smarter they’d leverage this and make a major outreach to Catholics.

P.S. If any Catholics are wounded by this, remember that your faith explicitly says that Protestants are anathema because of our views.  I’m not offended if you think that, but I am amused if you didn’t know it and then take offense that I’d criticize Catholicism.

P.S.S. This is just a side note, but if/when Francis comes out as gay I won’t be a bit surprised.

P.S.S.S. There are also huge problems within Protestantism, of course, which is why I spend most of my time on them (I rarely write about Catholics). But those problems aren’t with Protestantism per se, but with bad doctrines and behavior within the church.

Social media update

I’m planning to spend most of my social media time blogging.  I’ve deleted my Facebook accounts completely.  I may do the same for Twitter, but as of now I will never to go Twitter any more but I do have my blog posts go there automatically, and I can Tweet the links of blog posts from my Feedly blog reader without going to the Twitter site.  But I detest their censorship so much that I may still delete it completely.  I assume they’ll send an email when they permanently ban me.

And I found myself wasting way too much time there, as both small and large issues have way to much overlap.  The key issues of the day are summarized more concisely and thoroughly in the blogs I follow.

Again, I recommend the following changes. These sites don’t track you and abuse your trust like Twitter and Facebook do.  And you really, really want to be as far away from Google as you can.  They are completely unhinged Leftists.

Replace Facebook with mewe.com/join/eternity_matters

Replace Twitter with gab.ai/EternityMatters

Replace Chrome (or whatever) with Opera.com

Replace Google search with DuckDuckGo.com

Movin’ ’em to the right

Note: This is not a political post at all.  Really.  When I say right I literally mean to the right in the chart below, not to the political right.  We will now resume our daily post. 

This isn’t a continuum of behavior from bad to good, though there may be some correlation there.  It is purely a representation of how we move closer to God.  Some move at a steady pace, some quickly, some slowly and some never make the move or move to the left.  The idea is that non-believers may gradually learn more about God as seeds are planted and He works in their lives.  At some point the critical jump across the chasm is made and they put their trust in Jesus.  But it isn’t over then.  Discipleship – learning and growing – is a huge part of the Christian life. 


I use this illustration when teaching evangelism to emphasize that as Christians we should always be working to move people to the right, in big ways or small.  Sharing the Gospel.  Treating people with love and kindness.  Giving.  Supporting missionaries.  Encouraging others.  Teaching.  Challenging.  Planting seeds.  Acting with integrity at work (and everywhere else).  Being the kind of spouses, parents and children the Bible calls us to be. 

Everyone is somewhere on this continuum, so our challenge is to help keep them (and ourselves) moving.  Ultimately, God is in control.  But He has asked us to be a part of his great plan.  How obedient will I be today?