This clip never gets old: “I want a real chaplain who believes in a real God and a real hell.”

The Domain for Truth

In our age where everything is all washed with relativism I thought this clip from the TV show “E.R” was really illuminating that all the figment of imagination means nothing in light of one’s sin, guilt and death.

Watch it:

For those of you guys reading this and are in the ministry, what we are doing is important folks.  We’re playing for keeps.  Don’t forget we have the Gospel, the hope of forgiveness!

Don’t ever, ever compromise with the Gospel.

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Leftist double-fail on economics

It is bad enough that most Leftists literally fail at basic economics, but to make it worse they deliberately implement counterproductive policies even on the rare occasions when they do understand a simple economic concept.  Via Leaked Podesta Emails Show Clinton and Co. Knew But Didn’t Care That They Would Hurt the Economy:

The head of the liberal Center for American Progress privately warned Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton’s campaign staff against endorsing a $15-an-hour minimum wage, saying that it would be bad for the economy.Despite that, both the Clinton campaign and the center have since promoted state and local activists’ efforts to push a $15 rate, and Clinton has even said she would sign $15 federal legislation.

Go read it all.  It gets worse.

So the Leftist leaders promote causes to benefit themselves knowing that it will hurt those they claim to care about.  Because love and tolerance or something.

This is just like Obama dismissing capital gains tax cuts because they didn’t appear to be “fair,” even though they are known to increase tax revenues.  Even John Kennedy, that notorious right-wing extremist, understood simple concepts like that.

To recap:

  1. Tests show that Leftists literally fail at understanding basic economic concepts, and it drives their terrible policies.
  2. Even when the proverbial blind squirrel finds a nut and the politicians do understand a simple economic concept, they legislate against it because they know that their followers are economically ignorant (hello, government schools!) and they’d rather have votes than actually help the people they claim to care about.

Matthew Vines, “Christian” Left wolf

Matthew Vines is just another wolf who appeals to low-information people who deeply desire to conform to the world and who know little about the Bible. He and his movement try to infiltrate and/or bully real churches. Please share this free booklet by Al Mohler with anyone spouting his nonsense.  It is thorough yet easy to follow.  Samples:
When he begins his book, Vines argues that experience should not drive our interpretation of the Bible. But it is his experience of what he calls a gay sexual orientation that drives every word of this book. It is this experiential issue that drives him to relativize text after text and to argue that the Bible really doesn’t speak directly to his sexual identity at all, since the inspired human authors of Scripture were ignorant of the modern gay experience. Of what else were they ignorant? Vines
. . .
But we have to give Vines credit for seeing this wedge issue better than most egalitarians have seen it. He knows 21 R. ALBERT MOHLER JR. that the denial of gender complementarity is a huge step toward denying sexual complementarity. The evangelicals who have committed themselves to an egalitarian understanding of gender roles as revealed in the Bible are those who are most vulnerable to his argument. In effect, they must resist his argument more by force of will than by force of logic.
. . .
Finally, the actual language of Romans 1, specifically dealing with male same-sex desire, speaks of “men consumed with passion for one another” (Romans 1:27). This directly contradicts Vines’s claim that only oppressive, pederastic or socially mixed same-sex acts are condemned. Paul describes men consumed with passion for one another — not merely the abuse of the powerless by the powerful. In other words, in Romans 1:26-27 Paul condemns same-sex acts by both men and women, and he condemns the sexual desires described as unnatural passions as well.
Vines personally responded to comments I made on a Facebook post about an article he posted. As he requested, I specifically dealt with what he wrote in that piece. But he had no responses other than, “Have you read my book? It doesn’t sound like it.”
My response to him: Hi Matthew, I read your link and responded to it, quoting you directly. That is amusing that your only response was to plug your book and pretend that you gave a legitimate response to my point-by-point refutation of your link. I read plenty of “Christian” Left heresies online for free, thanks, so I don’t plan on paying for it.Thanks for the concession speech :-).
As a bonus, one of Vines’ self-proclaimed Christian supporters insisted that Jesus had gay sex with the apostle John. She also just married an atheist. And so on. This is the “Christian” Left.
Do not be taken in by these lies.

Christians should be grateful to the “Christian” Left for one thing

The “Christian” Left has been explicitly non-Christian for a long time, simply by expressing their theology that is the opposite of biblical Christianity.  But by their persistence in mocking God on all manners of human sexuality over the last decade via their aggressive cheer-leading for the LGBTQX agenda in every way imaginable, they have set up real Christians to be “outed” as followers of the one true God.  Before that, most secular people would have lumped us in with the fakes, but now it is clear that we are wildly different.  And that’s ultimately good, because you have the opportunity to be mocked and vilified for trusting that what Jesus said was true.  You can be confident that you really believe, otherwise you’d run to the “Christian” Left where it is safe and worldly*.

The world will see the difference, and we can explain why we believe what we do.  And in doing so we can tell them why we have even larger disagreements with the “Christian” Left, namely that we believe Jesus is divine and the only way to salvation and that the Bible is the word of God.  The world will still hate that message, but it always gives glory to God to repeat the truth of what Jesus did for us on the cross.  And by the grace of God, some may come to believe through that.

Now our persecution isn’t anything like that endured by the martyrs in Muslim countries and such, but it is going to get worse here.  Just look at the “news” that a Christian organization doesn’t want LGBTQX proponents working for them: Evangelical campus ministry group asks pro-gay staff to quit  (Alternate title: Christian organization insists that employees be Christians).  People are going bananas over what should be a “water is wet” story.

They also want to ensure that any Christian colleges that actually believe the Bible are shunned such that no business would even recruit from them.  Make no mistake, just as the blinded men of Sodom persisted in groping for the door, the LGBTQX activists will never give up.  Consider how they’ve bullied parents into letting public schools tell their 5 yr. olds that they may not be their real gender!

So for good or bad, remember that the persecution you get for being an authentic believer has been brought to you by Satan’s cabana boys (and girls) from the “Christian” Left.  We shouldn’t wish for persecution, but given that it exists you can trust that it is for God’s glory and endure it with hope.

*Churchgoers who support “same-sex marriage”  — i.e., the “Christian” Left — have nearly identical views to the world on a host of issues such as abortion, adultery, porn, etc..  It shows who their real father is.

The “Christian” Left: Molech-worshiping ghouls


There are roughly 360,000 children born in the world each day.  The “Christian” Left insists  — clearly and proudly* — that the following are morally neutral in the eyes of Jesus:

A. Letting them be born.

B. Killing them the moment before their first breath for any reason.

If that wasn’t bad enough, they want to force pro-lifers — at the point of a gun — to pay to kill the children if the mothers can’t afford it.

Why anyone would confuse these moral cretins with authentic Christianity is beyond me.  The rest of their theological views are also the opposite of Christianity.

The pro-death/pro-perversion movements of the Left — including the “Christian” Left — are a blessing for Christians in just one way: They increasingly let you show how you refuse to bow down to the world’s values.  While we don’t experience the persecution seen in other parts of the world, your ride as an authentic Christian is going to get increasingly bumpy.  Are you prepared for that?

P.S. I wrote this days ago, but by coincidence Matt Walsh posted this today as well — Please stop calling pro-abortion politicians ‘Christians.’ They are heretics.  Great work on his part.

*From the “Christian” Left: “According to the bible, a fetus is not a living person with a soul until after drawing its first breath.”