
This sums up theologically Left churches nicely.


And yet another Leftist fake “hate crime” hoax — that “Those awful Christians left a mean note instead of a tip for the lesbian waitress” thing was a fraud — Another fake gay hate crime…with a twist

American Library Association Sticks Up for Porn in Libraries — And yet another reason my librarian wife refuses to join the American Library Association.

Educrats: Send Kids on Islamic Field Trip or They Will Be Officially Branded as Racists — Creeping Sharia.

Good news from the Middle East

We spent a few hours in the Dubai airport a couple years ago on our way to and from Kenya, but didn’t go out into the city.  It was a huge and wildly busy airport 24 hours a day.  Even from the airport windows the city looked beautiful.  I assumed it was as restrictive about Christianity as other Muslim nations, but apparently not.  Via Dubai: Amazing and Strategic City – Desiring God.

Proselytizing is against the law in the UAE. But what that means in essence is: You can’t pay someone to convert (as if that were possible) or unduly coerce them to change religions. But speaking the gospel of Jesus Christ abounds.

There are many Christian churches, and the ruler of the emirate is favorable to them for the sake of the expatriates. Only about 13% of Dubai’s local population is local Emirati people. The other 87% are expatriates, half of whom are of Indian descent. Thousands of these are Christians.

Therefore, the gospel sounds forth weekly in Dubai. And on the university campuses, there are organizations that aggressively seek to speak to students about what the Bible really teaches.

That is the best possible definition of proselytizing.  By definition, authentic Christian faith can’t be bought or coerced.  I hope and pray that this situation lasts and that the Gospel spreads from there to the rest of the region.

From the “Try to look surprised” category: Cheaters more likely to want government jobs

Via Researchers Confirm: Government Draws Workers of Lower Moral Caliber.  Yet these are the people so many are content to have rule over them in an ever-expanding way.  As the saying goes, do you really want the same people who run the DMV to be in charge of your health care?!  I mean, other than being, on average, less competent and less ethical . . .

It takes a certain type of moral character to make a suitable government apparatchik. Recent research should make life easier for Big Government recruiters:

College students who cheated on a simple task were more likely to want government jobs, researchers from Harvard University and the University of Pennsylvania found in a study of hundreds of students in Bangalore, India.

Their results, recently released as a working paper by the National Bureau of Economic Research, suggest that one of the contributing forces behind government corruption could be who gets into government work in the first place.

Honesty was tested by letting subjects roll dice and report the results; higher reported rolls resulted in higher payment. Aspiring bureauweenies unsurprisingly reported rolling lots of sixes.

“Overall, we find that dishonest individuals — as measured by the dice task — prefer to enter government service,” wrote Hanna and coauthor Shing-yi Wang, an assistant professor at the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School.

They added, “Importantly, we show that cheating on this task is also predictive of fraudulent behaviors by real government officials.”

Government workers who reported higher rolls were more likely to miss work. Government absenteeism is largely fraudulent.

The Liberal / Leftist mindset summarized perfectly in one phrase — in their own words

Obamacare Supporter Surprised When She Loses Her Coverage

Alternate title: Mugged by reality.

Seriously, what could better explain their worldview?  The same thing happens weekly in theologically Liberal churches led by false teachers such as Jim “the Gospel is all about wealth redistribution” Wallis.  They take verses out of context about helping the “least of these” — while hypocritically supporting the Democrats’ platform of unrestricted, taxpayer-funded abortions that literally destroy the least of these — yet it never occurs to them that by definition you can only give your own money.  If you ask “Caesar” to take it from neighbor A by force to redistribute to neighbor B, then that isn’t giving.  See the good folks at on the difference between giving and taxes if you need help with that.

Here is a better view of real giving, courtesy of the Holy Spirit:

2 Corinthians 9:6-7 The point is this: whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.

As evil and incompetent as the Obama administration is, they aren’t completely without intellect.  They are so committed to their horrific Cloward/Piven/Alinsky agenda that they don’t mind looking foolish as long as they get their end game: Universal health care and more government control of everything.  They know there is a tipping point after which it will be too late to stop it, short of a full-blown revolution.

But quotes from Leftist voters who are finally impacted by the consequences of their worldview do give a glimmer of hope.  Hopefully enough people will notice how Obama is pushing the next wave of bad news to just after the November 2014 elections and they’ll realize that he didn’t just lie to them once.

Republicans have a golden opportunity — which, admittedly, they will probably ruin — to reset voter expectations for a decade or more.  They just need to relentlessly point out the consequences of the Leftist mindset of “charity” and how superior and more fair the free market approach is.

Why, yes, I have updated my smoothie recipe. Thanks for asking!

A diet rich in soy and whey protein, found in ...The latest incarnation for my Vitamix:

  • 16 oz. milk
  • Whey or egg white protein powder
  • Banana
  • Frozen berries of some kind
  • Spinach
  • Baby carrots
  • Beets
  • Yellow squash (and sometimes Zucchini)

Yes, that is a total of four vegetables for a guy who will never, ever, eat cooked vegetables.  Apparently heating vegetables is what unlocks their terrible taste, because when I blend them raw they don’t bother me at all.  The yellow squash was a recent addition.  They are super-healthy and have almost no impact on the taste.

I think the key is the blueberries or mixed berries: They add a nice color and flavor.  Try and enjoy!  These are unbelievably healthy.  You could probably eat Snickers the rest of the day and still be healthy.


What would you do if you knew you would die at midnight tomorrow?  Compare it to John Wesley’s answer.  Hat tip: Ray Comfort

John Wesley (the famous preacher) was asked what he would do with his life if he knew that he would die at midnight the next day. His answer was something like this: “I would just carry on with what I am doing. I will arise at 5:00 a.m. for prayer, then take a house meeting at 6.00 a.m. At 12 noon, I will be preaching at an open-air. At 3:00 p.m. I have another meeting in another town. At 6:00 p.m. I have a house meeting; at 10:00 p.m. I have a prayer meeting and at 12:00 midnight, I would go to be with my Lord.”
If we knew we were to die at 12 o’clock tomorrow night, would we have to step up our evangelistic efforts, or could we in all good conscience carry on just as we are?

Praise: The Consummation of Joy — Some people mistakenly think that it is morally wrong for God to want us to praise him. But think of how praising great things in other aspects of life is appropriate and how it completes our joy.

So, Lewis is telling us that God’s pursuit of our praise of him is not weak self-seeking but the epitome of self-giving love! If our satisfaction in God is incomplete until expressed in praise of him for satisfying us with himself (note well, with himself, not his gifts), then God’s effort to elicit my worship (what Lewis before thought was inexcusable selfishness) is both the most loving thing he could possibly do for me and the most glorifying thing he could possibly do for himself.

Home schoolers are leaner than those in public school — someone please let Michelle Obama know. — The Raw Essence of the Welfare State — This sounded like a hoax when I read it but the audio is pretty compelling.  Her plan is to stay on welfare her entire life.  She isn’t even sure if she wants her kids to work or not.

“While workers out there or people like you that are preaching morality at people like me living on welfare, can you really blame us? “I mean, I get to sit home. I get to go visit my friends all day. I even get to smoke weed. Me and my friends, people that I know that are illegal immigrants that don’t contribute to society, we still gonna get paid. Our check’s gonna come in the mail every month, and it’s gonna be on time, and we get subsidized housing. We even get presents delivered for our kids on Christmas. Why should I work? “So, you know what? “Y’all get the benefit of saying, ‘Oh, look at me, I’m a better person’ … because y’all go to go work. We’re the ones getting paid. So can you really blame us?”

60 ex-homosexual video testimonies — Wait, that can’t be right — those people don’t exist!  Seriously, there is hope, and if you really love people you won’t encourage them to stay in a lifestyle that is physically, emotionally and spiritually destructive.  It isn’t love when you value your popularity over the well-being of others.

Also see Domestic violence rates are higher for homosexual couples than for heterosexual couples.

Also see Accused Gay Teen Sex Offender Worried Scandal Would Cost Him White House Job — Note that the victim is suicidal.  While it should be well known that bullying doesn’t increase suicides, note how this suicidal situation appears to be driven from the abuse, not the alleged nature of the victim.

5 Reasons Not to Give Up on the Marriage Debate — Lots of good reasons, especially this one (oh, and that it is never wise to give up fighting for what God proclaims as true).

2. The fickle factor. When you think about how quickly public opinion has swung in favor of gay marriage, it’s clear that the new conclusion has not been reached because of deep, ethical reflection. There was a tipping point—it likely coincided with President Obama’s “evolution”—where opposing gay marriage became a public liability.  Large swaths of the American people are now for gay marriage because it seems too costly—culturally, socially, politically—not to. But what happens when posting that equal sign on Facebook feels so 2013? What happens if the cool crowd gets bored with the new status quo? I suppose many of them will push into darker sexual waters, but what if some push back? What if five years from now we have a Juno-style movie that humorously, and yet provocatively, questions whether our sexual orthodoxies are all they’re cracked up to be? If supporters of marriage don’t cave in, those who swung one way may swing back when it no longer looks like they are “on the wrong side of history.”

Unspeakable Evil: Planned Parenthood Obstructs Child Rape Investigation — Why would anyone be surprised?  Planned Parenthood has been caught countless times on audio and video hiding rape, incest and sex trafficking.  People who kill babies for a living are capable of anything!

When mass shootings don’t matter… to the media — If your media of choice didn’t tell you about this mass shooting in Detroit, you need to expand your horizons.

The best ice-breaker of all time.  One of my nephews told me about this one. Use this at the next party you attend.

Is the media blackout on the “Knockout Game” over?

I’ve been reading about this black-on-white mob violence on conservative sites for a long time.  The stories would sometimes get reported locally, but never nationally.  And even then they would leave out obvious relevant details.  I wondered if this would ever make national news.  Apparently it finally has: Black Mob Violence Breaching Media Barricades.

Some stories are so big, the establishment media has to report them, no matter how damaging they are to the liberal narrative. The total failure of ObamaCare is one example; the ongoing epidemic of racially targeted black mob violence is becoming another.

Until recently, the only reporter willing to touch the story has been WND’s Colin Flaherty. He documents the mayhem in his excellent book White Girl Bleed a Lot, in which he writes:

In hundreds of episodes across the country since 2010, groups of black people are roaming the streets of America, intimidating, stalking, vandalizing, stealing, shooting, stabbing, raping, and killing.

Flaherty’s book includes QR codes throughout, linking to YouTube videos of the bloodshed. Otherwise, few readers would believe him. After all, if this were really happening, it would be in the news constantly, right?

Wrong — because nothing could be more diametrically at odds with the liberal narrative of saintly blacks oppressed by demonic whites than mobs of blacks attacking defenseless whites (as well as other ethnic groups, particularly Asians) throughout the country out of sheer malice.

For the past few years only local media would touch the epidemic, even then downplaying the significance and the size of the mobs, and often censoring racial information without which the attacks would make no sense.

But the story is too big to contain, if the national media wants to retain any credibility whatsoever.

An early crack in the dam occurred in Norfolk, after Virginian-Pilot reporters Dave Forster and Marjon Rostami were beaten by a black mob numbering at least 100 when they stopped for a red light.

Typically, the police wanted nothing to do with it. Not even the victims’ own paper reported the incident until it was mentioned in an editorial two weeks later. Bloggers ran with it. By some miracle, Bill O’Reilly picked it up.

The story was botched by leaving the impression that this highly typical event was an isolated incident, but at least the national media blockade had been breached.

When you hide crimes because of the the skin color of the perpetrators, that’s racism.  The Trayvon-palooza race-baiting done by “Christian” groups like Jim “the Gospel is all about wealth redistribution” Wallis‘ Sojourners group and other false teachers helped the media fuel this racial animosity — as if the victims of the “Knockout Game” had anything to do with Trayvon’s death.

And remember, if you want your Constitutional right to defend yourself with a gun you are a racist.

Some good news: 60 Year Old Woman Blows Away Two Young Punks Playing the Knock Out game.  Hopefully that will deter others.  Remember that the Leftists think it should have been illegal for her to have been armed.

Radical pro-abortionist Chuck Currie says, “Children are the world’s most valuable resource and its best hope for the future.”

Gee, maybe if we weren’t allowing 3,000+ to be killed every day we’d have a better future and a better present.  In From Dallas to Sandy Hook: Lord Have Mercy false teacher Chuck “Jesus is not the only way” Currie pretends to care about innocent human life, but all he really does is advance the nonsense that if we didn’t have guns then no one would get killed.  That hasn’t worked since Genesis 4 and won’t work now.  Chuck even makes a random Bible quotation, though he is on record saying that the Bible isn’t the word of God (uh, except the parts he likes, apparently).

Chuck also forgot to mention that Kennedy was killed by a Communist for being anti-Communism.  He probably forgot because Chuck trusts the government more than he trusts God.

One more thought on false teacher Chuck’s childish rant: He thinks this woman shouldn’t have been allowed to have a gun to protect herself — 60 Year Old Woman Blows Away Two Young Punks Playing the Knock Out game.  Hopefully that will deter others. Then again, “men” like Chuck who take little girls to gay pride parades can’t be counted on to defend women or even let them defend themselves.

Freakonomics’ double fail on abortion

Freakonomics Rev Ed: (and Other Riddles of Modern Life) is a fascinating book that makes a lot of valid and interesting points, but the authors had a double fail on the topic of abortion and crime.  (See the Amazon review at the bottom for more about the book, and also see their blog.)

First, while seeming to have cleverly uncovered the reason behind the dramatic 1990’s crime drop (they thought it was because Roe v Wade had reduced the number of potential murderers), it turns out that they missed some obvious race-based statistics and the impact of the crack cocaine explosion and recession.

Second, and more importantly, they ignored what abortion is: The unjustified destruction of an innocent human life, aka murder.  Yes, the Roe v Wade decision made it legal, but the act itself was unchanged.  So using their logic, if we legalized unjustified killings outside the womb then the murder rate would decrease.  Technically they would be right, but would that really be an improvement?

One of the charts from the book shows that by standard measures, homicides have gone down dramatically over the centuries and we are seemingly safer than ever.  And that is true — for those outside the womb.  But pre-born human beings inside the womb live in the most dangerous place on the planet — far more dangerous than a Chicago ghetto.

Simply put, even if the authors had been correct, murders outside the womb decreased because murders inside the womb were made legal. But that didn’t reduce overall murders, it increased them!  All they had done, ironically enough, was murder the future murderers before they murdered. Oh, and they also killed a bunch of non-murderers — tens of millions of them.  At least the book did get one thing right: Legalized abortion dramatically increased abortions.

This brings to mind Bill Bennett’s comments on this theory, when he noted that killing black babies would reduce crime while simultaneously noting how evil the abortions would be.  Of course, the Left still tried to brand his comments as racist, even though they are a mostly white group supporting mostly rich, white, male abortionists who kill black babies at a rate three times that of whites.  But they definitely aren’t racists . . .

All murder statistics should include abortions.  The real murder rate was decreasing until the 1970’s, when it spiked up dramatically.  We’ve just played word games to make it appear otherwise.


Amazon review:

Economics is not widely considered to be one of the sexier sciences. The annual Nobel Prize winner in that field never receives as much publicity as his or her compatriots in peace, literature, or physics. But if such slights are based on the notion that economics is dull, or that economists are concerned only with finance itself, Steven D. Levitt will change some minds. In Freakonomics (written with Stephen J. Dubner), Levitt argues that many apparent mysteries of everyday life don’t need to be so mysterious: they could be illuminated and made even more fascinating by asking the right questions and drawing connections. For example, Levitt traces the drop in violent crime rates to a drop in violent criminals and, digging further, to the Roe v. Wade decision that preempted the existence of some people who would be born to poverty and hardship. Elsewhere, by analyzing data gathered from inner-city Chicago drug-dealing gangs, Levitt outlines a corporate structure much like McDonald’s, where the top bosses make great money while scores of underlings make something below minimum wage. And in a section that may alarm or relieve worried parents, Levitt argues that parenting methods don’t really matter much and that a backyard swimming pool is much more dangerous than a gun. These enlightening chapters are separated by effusive passages from Dubner’s 2003 profile of Levitt in The New York Times Magazine, which led to the book being written. In a book filled with bold logic, such back-patting veers Freakonomics, however briefly, away from what Levitt actually has to say. Although maybe there’s a good economic reason for that too, and we’re just not getting it yet. 

Good for the Methodists!

They finally did the right thing and properly disciplined a rogue pastor who was shaking his fist at God, the Bible and the Methodist Book of Discipline by performing “same-sex marriage” rights.  Via Renegade United Methodist Pastor Suspended:

Given the pridefully defiant note Schaefer decided to take – so that he was described by the Rev. Chris Fisher, counsel for the church, as being very explicitly “unapologetic and committed to disobeying the Book of Discipline” again in the future – this penalty amounts to a permanent defrocking of Schaefer, unless he has a sudden, dramatic change of heart. But the penalty is also structured to make it clear that if he is permanently defrocked, it is his own choice.

This penalty sets an important precedent for other pending church trials in the UMC.

I’m hoping that they see how easy that was and discipline others in the same way.