Tag Archives: Infant

Another item for the “I am not making this up” category

I was getting lots of links to this piece from a couple years ago so I thought I’d re-post it.  The moral schizophrenia of our society knows no bounds, as evidenced by the circumcisions are barbaric but abortions are fine positions of these folks on the Left.

Via Russell Crowe: Pro-abortion Foreskin Man, we have another person to add to the original post below (plus the pro-legalized abortion San Francisco folks wanting to ban circumcision).  These folks think it should it be against the law to cut away a tiny bit of flesh but completely legal to destroy the same human being.  Moral schizophrenia: They’re doin’ it right.

But then Crowe got stupid. His very next tweet, after “stand[ing] for the perfection of babies”?

The absurd illogic is almost too obvious to point out. But I must.

Removing a piece of skin the size of a postage stamp from a newborn baby is “barbaric and stupid,” the logic being that “[b]abies are perfect,” but suctioning that same baby’s brains out to kill him moments before birth is not, the logic being it’s “a woman’s choice”?

The “forced motherhood” line is an emotive canard used reflexively by pro-legalized abortionists.  They ignore the obvious fact that the woman is already “with child” — unless he thinks the government forced her to get pregnant.

I’ll bet that these people are pro-legalized partial-birth abortion, where they think it should be legal to stick a fork in the baby’s head when he is 90% delivered and suck his brains out, but would oppose the right to perform a circumcision at the same point and let him live.

Again, how can someone talk about and defend  the perfection of babies and then advocate abortion?  What a bizarre world.  Read more below about a guy who was really mad at his parents for having him circumcised as an infant but thought they should have had the right to kill him in the womb.


Original post

A commenter on at a post titled Why Pro-Choice is Losing held the following two views:

  • Strongly pro-legalized abortion
  • Strongly anti-circumcision

Here’s his comment (#54 at the link):

What do the anti-choice people in this thread propose to do to women who choose to have an abortion in the event it is made illegal? How do they propose to determine what pregnancies were purposely aborted and which ones were not? Will they put a gun to a woman’s head, force feed her, turn her into a human incubator, and force her to give birth to a child against her will? What would that do to a child who discovered he/she was brought into the world in such a fashion?

On a further note, I am circumcised and I wish that I wasn’t. In fact I feel extremely bitter against my parents every time I think about the fact that they chopped off a piece of my body against my will.

Think about that for a minute.  He wanted his mother to be able to have his whole body destroyed in the womb, but he is “extremely bitter” that a small piece was cut off outside the womb.

The circumcision, probably done within a week of his birth, was “against his will.”  But what about his will the week before when he was in his mother’s womb?

I wonder if he would have minded an in utero circumcision, since everything there is fair game?  The end state would have been the same for him, of course.

I hope his inconsistency makes him realize that regardless of how he feels about circumcision, abortion is a far worse thing to do to a human being.  If he had been aborted he wouldn’t be here to be “extremely bitter” about his circumcision.

It isn’t just Gosnell

The pro-abortion media, politicians and false teachers want to pretend that Kermit Gosnell, convicted baby-killer, was a rogue abortionist.  But as you might expect, people who kill babies for a living don’t mind breaking the laws surrounding how to kill babies for a living.  And the phonies who pretend that Gosnell is some lone monster are have blood on their hands.

Here’s one example of many from Abortion Doc After Baby Born Alive: “What could I do? I killed the baby.” 

Davis also reveals what Dr. Tucker told her about an event that happened at one of the clinics he ran, a different clinic from the one where he employed Davis.

According to her testimony:

Then one day, Dr. Tucker came back to Alabama, where I was. He had been working in Mississippi. He said, “I had a real hard time in Mississippi, we had a problem and you need to go out and try to calm down the employees.”

I said, “What happened?”

He said, “There was a girl who came in for an abortion. I thought she was eighteen weeks. She ended up being closer to term. I inserted the laminaria and she went into labor. She went into labor and delivered a live, healthy baby.”

I said, “What did you do?”

He said, “What could I do? I killed the baby. But all the employees are really upset, so you need to go and take care of this.”

Remember that technically speaking the crimes of these “doctors” are that they killed the babies a few seconds too late.  But all abortions, except the very rare occasions to save the life of the mother, are just as immoral as killing the baby outside the womb.  Don’t let people forget that.

And remind them about the media blackout on Gosnell and the rest of these killers.


9 Things You Should Know About Female Body Image Issues — hopefully this gets people to re-think their views.

9. The only complete way to overcome the problem is to have our beliefs about body image transformed by the Holy Spirit. As Heather Davis says in the Journal of Biblical Counseling:

In pursuing worldly beauty, we strive to become this elusive image in place of who we really are. You and I are created in the image of the living God. Our purpose is to reflect His image to the world. But since the fall, we let the world inscribe its image on us. It is the very picture of sin and ultimately death. Instead of being transformed to God’s image, we conform to the world’s image. We are hopelessly stuck in a lifeless cycle, exchanging God for the creature as our object of worship. But God in His mercy rescued us!

In love, God sent Jesus Christ to take on the consequences of our idolatrous affair. He became sin so that we might become righteous. In Christ, God gives us freedom from sin’s power now and hope for its eradication in heaven. God makes you beautiful with the beauty of His Son, Jesus. It is in gazing at God’s image in Jesus Christ that you are transformed. Romans 12:1-2 says, “Therefore, I urge you, (sisters) in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God—this is your spiritual act of worship. Do not be conformed any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.”

The 2nd Amendment is safe — for now.  Mercifully a few Senators did the right thing.  Note how Obama was more upset at losing this bill than he was after Benghazi.  And how he has ghoulishly milked the Newtown tragedy but was nearly silent on Aurora.  Why?  Because the latter was before the election.

But kudos to Senators Cruz, Lee and Paul for being willing to provide leadership where there has been none.

Now – on to Immigration.

More good news: The most important thing about yesterday’s vote: national reciprocal concealed-carry is doable.

And still more good news:  Could Obama’s gun-control push cost Democrats the Senate?

A good summary of the moral argument for God’s existence as well as responses to objections to it.

“Day of Silence” — annual homosexual assault on children in schools — taking place this Friday, April 19. Parents can fight back! — Hey, how about a day of silence for the 1,000,000+ unwanted human beings who will be killed in the U.S. this year via abortion?

Never forget the real issues with the Kermit Gosnell story.  It isn’t that he did some bad things.  What would you expect from an abortionist?!  Never be surprised that people who kill babies for a living will lie, have unsanitary clinics, kill babies 30 seconds after it is legal, hide statutory rape and sex trafficking, etc.

The real issues are:

  1. The Liberal media, Planned Parenthood and false teachers knew that he was far too similar to other abortionists so they tried to hide the truth.  
  2. Killing babies 30 seconds after being born is morally equivalent to killing them in the womb.
  3. The political correctness of abortion meant that the safety regulations were not enforced for 17 years.

Newtown shooting reaction = take the guns from law-abiding people.  Boston bombing reaction = take the guns from law-abiding people.

These scenarios are nearly guaranteed.  The media, Liberal politicians and false teachers will be very, very sad if it isn’t .

What we can expect once we know what the attack was about:

  1. If it was an Islamist, Dems will immediately proclaim that the person(s) was a lone wolf and not representative or part of the Islamic world in the least, and if you try to link the even to Islamic terrorism, Sharia law, etc, well, you’re an Islamophobe. They’ll also say that we should have more spending and federal government because of this 1 off incident.

  2. If it was a domestic plot, they will immediately look to portray the person(s) as far right, and will keep that narrative up despite any evidence to the contrary, and will make this about the Conservative movement/Republican Party as a whole, demonizing all, attempting to destroy all on the Right, despite Conservatives disowning these fringe groups. Oh, and call for more government and spending and liberty restrictions.

  3. If the person is easily known as a liberal (Occupy Wall Street, Occupy Black Bloc, some environmentalist, etc, groups that Liberals rarely disown), the media will either completely downplay the link and still find a way to blame Republicans or let the story quietly die out while also mentioning that this was an aberration and means we need X (gun control, more spending, bigger government, higher taxes, etc).

    Also see: Left hopes bomber is a white dude.

Speaking of the media not reporting important stories, see Top Ten Excuses for Black Mob Violence.  So is it racist to report on black-on-white racism? Apparently.  Try finding these in the national news.


If you have a Twitter account, post about and ask why there is a media blackout.

Just how many infanticides would an abortionist have to commit before MSNBC and Politico would find it newsworthy?  (As noted below, searches for Kermit Gosnell return literally zero items.)  CBS had 5 stories on dogs this week and none on Gosnell.  How many would he have to commit before President Obama, the Democrats and the false teachers even acknowledged it, let alone spoke out against it?

Whenever these people bring up gun control, ask them about Gosnell and how much they spoke out against him.  [Crickets chirping]

Would the media have covered the Gosnell murder trial if the abortionist had killed the babies with guns?  They are milking the Newtown tragedy to destroy our freedoms yet completely ignore these murders.  They know it would destroy their “back alley abortion” meme if people knew what happened in front of the alley.

And remember that Planned Parenthood and Obama fought for these killings to be legal.

From Sifting Reality, this screen shot says it all.  Try it yourself at http://tv.msnbc.com/?s=kermit+gosnell .

This screen capture is not photoshopped.  I took it at 8:50 PM tonight

msnbc no match

Not. One. Story.

Same thing for Politico.

Can you imagine the coverage if it were dogs being killed?

 Great quote about the media blackout on abortionist Kermit Gosnell:

“If Dr. Gosnell had walked into a nursery and shot seven infants with an AR-15, it would be national news and the subject of presidential hand-wringing.” That was the challenging observation made this morning by Rep. Chris Smith,  R-NJ, on the floor of the U.S. House.

Because Kermit Gosnell instead allegedly snipped the spinal cords of seven newborn babies in a building called an abortion clinic, the national media has almost uniformly ignored the case, said Smith, something that he charged amounted to a deliberate “cover-up.”

“Will the decades-long major national news media cover-up of the brutality—and violence—of abortion methods ever end?” asked Smith. “Will Americans ever be told the horrifying details as to how—and how often—abortionists dismember, decapitate, and chemically poison innocent babies?”

Kermit Gosnell is currently undergoing trial on charges of murdering seven newborn infants by slitting their spinal cords after failed abortions. Former employees of Gosnell have testified that hundreds of babies – many of them viable – were “aborted” in this way at Gosnell’s “House of Horrors” clinic.

Background checks do not get the job done — they sound like a good idea until you actually think about them.  They wouldn’t have prevented any of the shootings that people are using to rob us of our Constitutional rights.  Criminals won’t obey them.  And so on.

As Ann Coulter says, to reduce gun violence you need to to deal with the crazy people (which Democrats aggressively fight) and advance concealed carry rights.  At least that’s what all the facts say.

All the actual evidence — mountains of it, in peer-reviewed studies by highly respected economists and criminologists and endlessly retested — shows that limits on magazine capacity, background checks and assault weapons bans will accomplish nothing. Only one policy has been shown to dramatically reduce multiple public shootings: concealed-carry laws.

. . .

For most of the 20th century, from 1900 to 1970, there was an average of four mass public shootings per decade. Throughout the ’70s, as the loony bins were being emptied, the average number of mass shootings suddenly shot up to 13. In the 3.3 decades since 1980, after all the mental institutions had been turned into condos, mass shootings skyrocketed to 36 on average per decade.

Mass shootings don’t correlate with gun ownership; they correlate with not locking up schizophrenics.

And never let the pro-abort gun-grabbers get away with pretending they just want to protect children.  These moral freaks think we aren’t killing enough of them in the womb, so they want taxpayer-funded abortions to kill some more.

From the “How will ‘same-sex marriage hurt you'” files: State Sues Florist Who Refused to Decorate Gay Wedding — and this is before it becomes a Federal issue.

“Arlene’s Flowers has catered to all patrons, including homosexuals, for many years,” Bristol wrote in his reply to the Attorney General. “Arlene’s Flowers has had openly gay employees.”

He told The Seattle Times that he believes the state is trying to make an example of the flower shop.

“This is about gay marriage, it’s not about a person being gay,” he told the newspaper. “She has a conscientious objection to homosexual marriage, not homosexuality. It violates her conscience.”

Anti-Anxiety Medication Used as Pretext to Confiscate Firearms – this is where this is headed, folks.

Given the current political climate, all new gun control measures must be resisted ferociously, because liberal authoritarians have made clear that they will disarm law-abiding citizens any way they can. Even ostensibly reasonable objectives like keeping firearms away from lunatics are providing cover for tyrannical abuse:

The New York State Police are suspending the handgun permits of people in the state who are prescribed anti-anxiety medication, according to Jim Tresmond of the Tresmond Law Firm in Hamburg, New York. …

“We were flummoxed by this whole matter,” the attorney said. “The HIPPA act is supposed to prevent this kind of thing from happening. It’s a gross invasion of our privacy rights.”

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act Privacy Rule establishes national standards to protect individuals’ medical records and other personal health information, according to the Department of Health and Human Services.

Does anyone really trust Big Government to keep information private? If your property belongs to bureaucrats to redistribute as they see fit, so does your medical data.

Make no mistake: You cannot trust the government not to abuse laws like this.  They will take your guns at will and the burden of proof will be on you to prove how sane you are.

I’ve seen countless critics of Rick Warren be extremly respectful of him and silent in the wake of his son’s suicide, so I was suprised to see this: Rick Warren Uses Pastors.com to Attack Critics in Wake of Son’s Death.  Beth Moore was his attack dog here, hypocritically hating on the (alleged) haters and exploiting his son’s suicide to use against his critics.  She should know better than to support Warren’s theology, but then again, she’s part of the problem.  Just a few of the terms that “loving” Beth used during this period when Warren’s critics (at least the Christians) have been nearly universally silent.  Can’t you feel the love and compassion?

  • Hateful

  • Relentless

  • Bullies

  • Mud slingers

  • Mean

  • Careless

  • Self seeking

  • Haters

  • Mockers

  • Slanderers

  • Snide

  • Self serving

  • Enemies

And Mark Driscoll played the same hypocritical game in attacking Warren’s “attackers.”  But is it wrong to point out when a Christian leader does things like endorsing books calling people back to Catholicism?

“It jumped, the arm”; Update: Media score – Rutgers 41, Gosnell 0 — Media blackout continues.  They cover all sorts of lesser stories but ignore the abortionist who killed babies outside the womb, had an unbelievably filthy clinic and mistreated women.

The government has no money for [fill in the blank], but they have plenty to spread homosexuality abroad.  Yes, those are your taxes, doing things that should never be done.

Great and accurate send-up of gun control people.

12 Things You Should Know About the Gosnell Infanticide and Murder Trial

If you have a Twitter account, post about and ask why there is a media blackout.

Why aren’t more people outraged about this?  Where are the “if we can only save one child” chants?  Look how many human beings Gosnell destroyed compared to Newtown.

See 9 Things You Should Know About the Gosnell Infanticide and Murder Trial for a good overview.  Read them all, including the parts about the explicit racism (white women got better care) and the unsanitary conditions.  Where are Jesse, Al and the mainstream media when you need them?  Oh, right . . . the abortionist was black . . . and, well . . . an abortionist.  So where they usually see racism in everything, including where it doesn’t exist, they ignore it when it is undeniable.

Then consider these 3 additional things:

1. The mainstream media has a blackout on this case.  It has everything they would normally love — bizarre murders, cover-ups, blatant racism, etc. — but it involved an abortionist, so they keep silent.  Search for Kermit Gosnell at MSNBC and Politico and you will literally get zero items, even though it is one of the most frequently searched items (more on that below).

2. President Obama and Planned Parenthood are both on record defending the killing of infants who survive abortions.

3. Killing those babies was just as evil as regular abortions on smaller human beings. The media knows this, which is why is there.  It is a scientific fact (and basic common sense) that a new human being is reproduced at fertilization.  It is simple moral reasoning that it is wrong to take the life of an innocent human being without proper justification, and that is what happens during 99% of abortions.  The situations surrounding abortions are psychologically complex (pressures on the mother to abort, economic concerns, etc.) but morally simple (you don’t kill unwanted humans outside the womb for those reasons, so you shouldn’t kill them inside the womb for those reasons).  Their size, level of development, location and degree of dependency are not reasons to ignore their right to life.

From Sifting Reality, this screen shot says it all.  Try it yourself at http://tv.msnbc.com/?s=kermit+gosnell .  The same thing happens at Politico and the LA Times.

Not. One. Story.

Just how many infanticides would an abortionist have to commit before MSNBC and Politico would find it newsworthy?  How many would he have to commit before President Obama, the Democrats and the  false teachers spoke out against it?  Do not let them preach to you about gun control until they address this topic and the media,  political and church silence.  If they really cared about children they would do something about this instead of consciously ignoring it.

This screen capture is not photoshopped.  I took it at 8:50 PM tonight

msnbc no match

Please consider sharing this with everyone you can!


Oddly, countless people will get up even earlier than usual on a day off to fight traffic and massive crowds to save a few dollars, yet are shocked — shocked!, I say — to learn that corporations will shift jobs to equally effective countries to reduce their taxes by more than half.  Or that if you raise taxes that people — even politicans! — might change their behavior to avoid them.


Are Non-Mormons Considered Christians by the LDS [Mormons]? — Short answer: No.  They started marketing themselves as a Christian denomination a few decades ago but they don’t really believe it.  Glenn offers a big pile of evidence in their own words.


Some of the union insanity that killed Twinkies and are killing many other companies as well:

It isn’t only a matter of Hostess being forced to pay extravagant salaries for menial labor. There is also lunacy like this:

“The snack giant endured $52 million in workers’ comp claims in 2011, according to its bankruptcy filing this January. Hostess’s 372 collective-bargaining agreements required the company to maintain 80 different health and benefit plans, 40 pension plans and mandated a $31 million increase in wages and health care and other benefits for 2012.

Union work rules usually required cake and bread products to be delivered to a single retail location using two separate trucks. Drivers weren’t allowed to load their own vehicles, and the workers who loaded bread weren’t allowed to load cake. On most delivery routes, another “pull up” employee moved products from back rooms to shelves.”

It’s amazing that Hostess managed to sell Twinkies for less than $20 apiece — but still more amazing that anyone thinks bailing out industries rotted through with unionization (e.g., the auto industry) won’t lead to national bankruptcy in the end.


Teachers face termination for refusing to promote gay marriage — Coming soon to a country near you.  We’ve been warning for years that legal recognition of “same-sex marriage” would necessarily reduce the freedoms of speech, religion and parental rights.


Good points about re-thinking post-abortion testimonies

First, “I regret my abortion” is the easiest pro-life pitch to refute. That is, all the other side has to do is put up a woman who says, “I don’t regret mine.”

Second, a heavy emphasis on post-abortion testimonies often works against the Christian tradition. Christianity entails confessing your sins, then forgetting them in light of the grace given us. . . .

Third, there’s a plausible danger that subjective testimonies will dictate pro-life policy. For example, I’ve seen some (by no means, all) post-abortion pro-lifers object to graphic depictions of abortion on grounds that the images are mean-spirited. Never mind that pictures work; all that matters is that we not make people feel bad.  . . .

Finally, how do the husbands feel? In most cases, post-abortion testimonies involve a previous relationship, not a current spouse. If the wife’s ministry centers on retelling what she did with her ex, how does that help the current marriage relationship move forward and flourish?

The Christian gospel is the fantastic news that God the Father declares guilty sinners righteous in virtue of another–the sinless Lamb of God. Isn’t it time we focused more on that blessed declaration and less on our own canceled sins?


From the “I am not making this up” department, the new Massachusetts Highway Safety Department leader has had 34 issues on her driving record.

Given the outrageous hypocrisy of our liberal rulers — who govern by the motto, “Do as I say, not as I do” — it would be hard to imagine a better bureauweenie to head the Massachusetts Highway Safety Department than Sheila Burgess:

[C]onnections [with the likes of Hanoi John Kerry] helped her secure her $87,000-per-year government job even though she had no experience in the field of highway safety.

Her personal experience with traffic violations, however, are extensive.

[The Boston Globe] reports that she has had 34 different entries on her driving record since 1982.

Those charges vary, and include four speeding violations and two instances where she refused to stop for a police officer. There are single counts of times when she was cited for not having her license or registration in her possession, not staying in her lane, and not wearing a seat belt.


If they are consistent, those making the pro-abortion “parasite” / bodily autonomy argument would judge this woman not guilty of any crime or moral wrong as long as she slit the infant’s throat and stabbed her before the umbilical cord was cut or while she was breast feeding.

Cassandra Elyse Norwood cut the throat of her newborn son almost immediately after giving birth two weeks ago in her eastside Athens home, according to Athens-Clarke police arrest warrants.

The death was apparently premeditated, according to the warrant, which states that Norwood “did unlawfully and with malice aforethought cause the death of Baby Norwood … by cutting the throat of the infant and stabbing it in the abdomen almost immediately after it was born.”


Sad Elmo’s Very Bad Week — too bad for Kevin Clash (the voice of Elmo on taxpayer-funded Sesame Street) that these allegations didn’t come out until a few years from now when the moral freaks on the Left will have made the case to the public that pedophile homosexuals were “born that way.”


Obamacare: Tales from the front lines — I urge people to take note of these examples and share them.  It will only get worse as more of it gets implemented.

A Physician’s New Reality Under ObamaCare: Patients Ask Me to Break the Law…

“Ironically, but expectedly, the ones who do this now arelikely to have supported Obamacare.”

..there is the “annual ” or “preventative” exam, which according to Obamacare is “free” …
What they did not tell you, and I am, is that it covers absolutely nothing more than the bare minimum.


Here’s another one: Obamacare hits academia — You’ll have a tough time suppressing the schadenfruede.

Normally it would be highly inappropriate to guffaw at the fate of those who will be thrown out of work or have their hours dramatically cut as a result of ObamaCare. But considering that the percentage of academics who voted for Obama is probably in the 90s, an exception can be made for this:

“Pennsylvania’s Community College of Allegheny County (CCAC) is slashing the hours of 400 adjunct instructors, support staff, and part-time instructors to dodge paying for Obamacare.

“It’s kind of a double whammy for us because we are facing a legal requirement [under the new law] to get health care and if the college is reducing our hours, we don’t have the money to pay for it,” said adjunct biology professor Adam Davis.”


Whoa — this originated from HuffPo?  Six ways for women to stamp out the risk of divorce.

  • Skill : Do at Least Three Things a Day for Your Own Pleasure
  • Skill : Relinquish Control of People You Can’t Control
  • Skill #3: Receive Gifts, Compliments and Help Graciously
  • Skill : Respect The Man You Chose
  • Skill #5: Express Gratitude Three Times Daily
  • Skill #6: Strive to be Vulnerable

Another item for the “I am not making this up” category

Via Russell Crowe: Pro-abortion Foreskin Man, we have another person to add to the original post below (plus the pro-legalized abortion San Francisco folks wanting to ban circumcision).  These folks think it should it be against the law to cut away a tiny bit of flesh but completely legal to destroy the same human being.  Moral schizophrenia: They’re doin’ it right.

But then Crowe got stupid. His very next tweet, after “stand[ing] for the perfection of babies”?

The absurd illogic is almost too obvious to point out. But I must.

Removing a piece of skin the size of a postage stamp from a newborn baby is “barbaric and stupid,” the logic being that “[b]abies are perfect,” but suctioning that same baby’s brains out to kill him moments before birth is not, the logic being it’s “a woman’s choice”?

The “forced motherhood” line is an emotive canard used reflexively by pro-legalized abortionists.  They ignore the obvious fact that the woman is already “with child” — unless he thinks the government forced her to get pregnant.

I’ll bet that these people are pro-legalized partial-birth abortion, where they think it should be legal to stick a fork in the baby’s head when he is 90% delivered and suck his brains out, but would oppose the right to perform a circumcision at the same point and let him live.

Again, how can someone talk about and defend  the perfection of babies and then advocate abortion?  What a bizarre world.  Read more below about a guy who was really mad at his parents for having him circumcised as an infant but thought they should have had the right to kill him in the womb.


Original post

A commenter on at a post titled Why Pro-Choice is Losing held the following two views:

  • Strongly pro-legalized abortion
  • Strongly anti-circumcision

Here’s his comment (#54 at the link):

What do the anti-choice people in this thread propose to do to women who choose to have an abortion in the event it is made illegal? How do they propose to determine what pregnancies were purposely aborted and which ones were not? Will they put a gun to a woman’s head, force feed her, turn her into a human incubator, and force her to give birth to a child against her will? What would that do to a child who discovered he/she was brought into the world in such a fashion?

On a further note, I am circumcised and I wish that I wasn’t. In fact I feel extremely bitter against my parents every time I think about the fact that they chopped off a piece of my body against my will.

Think about that for a minute.  He wanted his mother to be able to have his whole body destroyed in the womb, but he is “extremely bitter” that a small piece was cut off outside the womb.

The circumcision, probably done within a week of his birth, was “against his will.”  But what about his will the week before when he was in his mother’s womb?

I wonder if he would have minded an in utero circumcision, since everything there is fair game?  The end state would have been the same for him, of course.

I hope his inconsistency makes him realize that regardless of how he feels about circumcision, abortion is a far worse thing to do to a human being.  If he had been aborted he wouldn’t be here to be “extremely bitter” about his circumcision.