Tag Archives: lgbtq

Churchgoers who support “same-sex marriage” are indistinguishable from the world

In other words, they aren’t Christians.  This is a devastating but unsurprising summary of their views.  The data is right here.  While comparing the first two columns of numbers is illuminating, what really stuck out to me was the similarity of the 2nd and 3rd columns.  Note how the churchgoing people who support SSM are nearly identical to the population average in every category.  These churchgoers are even more pro-porn and pro-abortion* than the average person!  Yeah, you can tell how committed they are to Christ.

And the Gay & Lesbian “Christians” are wildly more in favor of porn, fornication, abortion, threesomes, etc. than even secular straight people.  Anyone surprised?  And this survey was done before the “trans” phenomena took off, but I’m sure that category would be no different.

This is just more confirmation of one of the theological Left’s biggest lies, namely that we are just misreading the Bible on the verses about homosexuality.  But if that was the case, these “Christians” who support SSM should at least be more aligned with us than with the world when it comes to porn, abortion, divorce, etc.  And keep in mind that two out of the three types of pro-gay people** (religious or not) agree with Bible believers that homosexual behavior is a sin.

Please read this carefully and note how it perfectly describes churchgoers who support SSM:

1 John 2:15–16 Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world—the desires of the flesh and the desires of the eyes and pride of life—is not from the Father but is from the world.

Or see this:

James 4:4 You adulterous people! Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Therefore whoever wishes to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God.

Or this:

Philippians 3:18–19 For many, of whom I have often told you and now tell you even with tears, walk as enemies of the cross of Christ. Their end is destruction, their god is their belly, and they glory in their shame, with minds set on earthly things.

Or pretty much anything in the book of Jude:

Jude 4 For certain people have crept in unnoticed who long ago were designated for this condemnation, ungodly people, who pervert the grace of our God into sensuality and deny our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ.

I wish they would have added a question about whether Jesus is the only way to salvation.  That is a simple litmus test because it is taught over 100 times in the New Testament.  Anyone who disagrees with that should not claim to be a Christian.  In my experience, there is a remarkable correlation between pro-SSM people and those who deny the exclusivity of Jesus for salvation.  So you can test their authenticity without even bringing up the LGBTQX topic.

The theological Left and its false teachers love the world, not God.  They have access to the truth but delight in living out the opposite and blame others for the incredible destruction caused by violating God’s guidelines for sex.  If it weren’t for them, abortion would be illegal, Planned Parenthood would not get taxpayer funding, schools wouldn’t be teaching pro-gay propaganda, and we wouldn’t be losing our religious freedom, parental authority, and freedom of speech at such an alarming rate.

Churchgoers who support “same-sex marriage” are identical to the world. In other words, they don’t appear to be Christians.


* Per the “Christian” Left: “According to the bible, a fetus is not a living person with a soul until after drawing its first breath.”  They think Jesus is fine with killing children for any reason up to that time, including the “partial-birth abortion” (aka infanticide) procedure that even most pro-choice people oppose.

** The three general types of pro-gay theology people:

  1. “The Bible says homosexuality is wrong, but it isn’t the word of God.” (Obviously non-Christians)
  2. “The Bible says it is wrong, but God changed his mind and is only telling the theological Left.” (Only about 10 things wrong with that.)
  3. “The Bible is the word of God, but you are just misunderstanding it.” (Uh, no, not really.)

Simple responses to Romans 1 pro-gay theology errors

The entire Bible is very clear that any sex outside of a one-man, one-woman marriage is a sin*, yet “Christian” Leftists and atheists use all sorts of fallacious sound bites to deceive and distract people.  One of the passages they work the hardest to dismiss is Romans 1:26-27.

First, read or even memorize this passage.  Also, review the entire chapter to note the context: Paul explains how the world is upside down in rebellion against God and that deep down, everyone knows it.  Then, he gives this “Exhibit A” as an example.

Romans 1:26–27 For this reason God gave them up to dishonorable passions. For their women exchanged natural relations for those that are contrary to nature; and the men likewise gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another, men committing shameless acts with men and receiving in themselves the due penalty for their error.

Pretty clear, eh?  It describes the behavior of gays and lesbians and notes how it is a prime example of rebellion against the created order.  Note that if you keep reading the chapter, you’ll see that we all have rebelled in multiple ways, so don’t be smug just because homosexual behavior isn’t a temptation for you.  But the point here is that the passage does clearly state that homosexual behavior is a sin.  Yet countless wolves, such as Matthew Vines, use easily refuted sound bites to deceive people (many of whom are eager to be deceived).

Here are some of their objections to Romans 1 and some simple responses.  Note that you can give much more detailed responses, but those usually aren’t necessary.  Just these basics will show people how ill-informed they are on this topic and reveal whether they love the world or whether they love God.  For starters you can ask people when the last time was that they read Romans carefully.

“But Paul didn’t know any better about homosexuality” (and similar responses). This is a big tip-off that you are talking to a non-Christian, if the person saying it is a leader, or a layperson who is “saved and confused” at best.  Paul’s writings are just as much scripture as any of the Gospels.  Those writings are from Paul and the Holy Spirit and turned out just as God intended.  Paul does not disagree with Jesus.  And those using that argument have no proof that Paul wouldn’t have known about homosexual relationships.  In fact, he describes them precisely in the passage.  Also see this refutation of the related “Jesus never said anything about homosexuality” sound bite.

“The passage was about temple prostitutes.”  The passage doesn’t mention temple prostitutes, temples, or prostitutes.  And I have seen zero evidence, ever, that lesbian temple prostitutes have ever existed, so the description of lesbian behavior also refutes that.  You don’t need to know Greek to see that simple truth.

“The passage was about pederasty (adult/child) or coercive relationships.”  No, the passage refers to “men” and “women” every time. And note how they “gave up” relationships willingly and “were consumed with passion for one another.” There is no hint of coercion.

“The passage is about people abandoning their natural desires, so the real sin is if a gay behaves in a straight manner or vice verse.”  That is the most laughable objection, but you hear it often.  First, the Greek word is tied to natural functions, not desires. And it notes that they “gave up” natural relations.

And using their logic this key passage applies to exactly no one.  Think about it: Whatever anyone did — gay/straight/bi — they could claim was their nature, so they hadn’t sinned.  And very few people do things they don’t want to do, so everyone could cite that as proof that they are sinless on this account.

“They were born that way.”  No, they weren’t.  The causes can be complex (abuse, bad relationships, rebellion, or some combination of those), but even if they were born that way, everyone could use that excuse for the laundry list of sins at the end of the chapter.  Good luck with that on judgment day.

I hope you commit those to memory or refer back here when you encounter these objections.  They are so simple to refute and should convict those who use them of how badly they are butchering scripture.  You don’t need a degree in theology or Greek to see how clearly and quickly the pro-LGBTQX arguments fail.

If you really love your neighbors, you won’t lie and tell them that this behavior is without consequence.  The same goes for other sexual sins and other sins in general.  Don’t love the world and your popularity more than you love God.

1 Corinthians 6:9–11 Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. And such were some of you. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.

Homosexual behavior is rebellion against God.  Affirming anyone in that behavior or in other sins means that you have joined them in the rebellion.

Romans 1:32 Though they know God’s righteous decree that those who practice such things deserve to die, they not only do them but give approval to those who practice them.

More stuff!

The main categories of pro-gay theology and why they are all false and un-biblical.

Responding to Pro-Gay Theology

Responding to same-sex marriage arguments

*The Bible couldn’t be more clear. Bible-believing Christians and even two out of the three types of pro-gay people** (religious or not) can see these truths:

– 100% of the verses addressing homosexual behavior describe it as sin in the clearest and strongest possible terms.
– 100% of the verses referring to God’s ideal for marriage involve one man and one woman.
– 100% of the verses referencing parenting involve moms and dads with unique roles (or at least a set of male and female parents guiding the children).
– 0% of 31,173 Bible verses refer to homosexual behavior in a positive or even benign way or even hint at the acceptability of homosexual unions of any kind. There are no exceptions for “committed” relationships.
– 0% of 31,173 Bible verses refer to LGBT couples parenting children.

Having said that, I believe that Christians should support and encourage those who are fighting same-sex attraction. And no one needs to grandstand on the issue before getting to the Good News of the cross.  Here’s an example.

** The three general types of pro-gay theology people:

1. “The Bible says homosexuality is wrong, but it isn’t the word of God.” (Obviously non-Christians)

2. “The Bible says it is wrong, but God changed his mind and is only telling the theological Left.” (Only about 10 things wrong with that.)

3. “The Bible is the word of God, but you are just misunderstanding it.” (Uh, no, not really.)

Out of control censorship on Twitter. And Facebook. And . . .

So I got banned from Twitter for a week — plus a threat of permanent banning should I keep saying the same type of things — for this response to a business who had caved to the LGBQTX mob:

So saying that “trans” people have mental disorders gets you banned from our mainstream social media, but the endless hate spewed by Leftists is just fine.  We all know I could give endless examples just from the comments on one Donald Trump Tweet.

And Twitter has just been caught with evidence of shadow banning, where they don’t officially ban you but they ensure that only your followers can see your Tweets.  See Twitter Shadowban Test to see if it has happened to you (it is usually just those conservatives with lots of followers).  They were already busted by James O’Keefe and Project Veritas for claiming that was their model, and now there is a way to prove it for individual accounts.

And Facebook has been radically throttling back traffic on conservative sites.

And Apple still won’t put the http://www.gab.ai app in their store because of “hate speech” (by which they mean free speech, of course).

In other words, all of Big Tech is working overtime – and especially so since the 2016 election — to ensure that conservative speech is silenced.  These are just more reasons to support alternative platforms and stop feeding the beasts.  And not just because of censorship.  These other platforms are much, much better for privacy.

Replace Twitter with @getonGab http://www.gab.ai

Replace Facebook with MeWe.com

Replace Chrome (or whatever) with Opera.com

Replace Google search with DuckDuckGo.com

Do it now! I’ll wait here.  Fortunately WordPress hasn’t succumbed to censorship.

By the way, “trans” people most certainly have mental disorders.  See These People Are Crazy: The Other McCain.

Transanity truisms:

  • We all agree that something is wrong with “trans” people. Normal people say the mind is wrong, Leftists say it is the body.
  • If Bruce “Caitlyn” Jenner really is a woman, then Karen Carpenter really was fat. If you are going to believe the nonsense that the mind trumps the body then you should be consistent.
  • Leftist pervert logic: Girls wanting bathrooms with just girls are haters, but boys who only want bathrooms with girls must be accommodated.

Those are facts, not hate. But the truth sounds like hate to those who hate the truth.

The perfect response to trans(anity) arguments

Dan Phillips posted this on Twitter:

I just want to remind everyone that @SyeTenB had the solution to the whole “transgender” bathroom thing. One door marked XX, one marked XY.

I thought that was perfect.  It is simple and true and points to scientific facts that completely undermine the God-mocking nonsense of the Left. And you can disarm anyone with it. If someone is said to be “transitioning,” just ask, “From XY [or XX] to what?”

It puts you on the side of irrefutable scientific facts  and puts the burden of proof on the LGBTQX-affirming people.

And if they call you a homophobe/transphobe/etc., you are within your rights to say, “No, you’re just a pervert.”

Something is very wrong with transgender people. While some may think that is mean and politically incorrect to say, Captain Obvious says it couldn’t be more factual. If something wasn’t wrong, then why would they want to undergo a radical surgery and consume powerful chemicals to change themselves?

The question is whether the body is wrong or whether the mind is wrong. I suggest working on the mind part, which would be much less expensive and destructive (oh, and more God-honoring). It is sad to see people mutilate themselves in the hopes that it will make them happier. It is more sad to see their regret and how they are ostracized by the LGBTQX community in the same way that any ex-gay people are.

If you really love people, you will never encourage their trans desires.






The real reason that some “evangelicals” are switching to pro-gay theology: $$$

It obviously isn’t because of the Bible.  Only malicious wolves like Matthew Vines and/or gullible people who never read the texts in question can pretend otherwise.

Note that two of the three types of pro-gay theology* agree that the Bible describes the behavior as sinful, and the other type is easily refuted.  That’s why the “converts” never get into the scriptural details.  They just use a bunch of mealy-mouthed weasel words to gloss over their change.  But as Erick Erickson notes, it is really about the $$$.

One megachurch pastor in the Southeast I know has said his gay congregants are the best tithers and he, therefore, expressly avoids approaching any portion of the Bible that might hurt their feelings.

Yep.  Gays have lots of disposable income and love to donate to causes that further their agenda.  What better way than through a fake church?  One famous gay has dropped nearly half a billion dollars pushing his passion.  Remember, the men of Sodom persisted even after being literally blinded because of their sin.  You’d think that if God did that to you that you just might pause your sin for a few moments to think things over.  Not the LGBTQX lobby.  They are most persistent.

Eugene Peterson, author of the awful Bible paraphrase The Message, thought it was safe to take off his mask.  He had been a slippery pro-gay proponent for years but had fooled a lot of evangelicals.  He apparently figured that at age 84 and phasing into retirement that he could safely come out.  But within 24 hours he pretended to reverse course.  Here’s the short version:

Peterson: Sure, I’d perform a same-sex ceremony.

Lifeway: We’re going to stop selling your books.

Peterson: I was kidding!  When you stop selling my books, I was kidding.

Of course the “Christian” Left uses these “converts” as examples of why they are on the supposed right side of history.  “See?!  These alleged Bible-believers switched to our view!”  Yeah, the $$$ and trying to avoid being unpopular with the world had nothing to do with it.

Remember that churchgoers who support “same-sex marriage” — i.e., the “Christian” Left — have nearly identical views to the world on a host of issues such as abortion, adultery, porn, etc.. It shows who their real father is.  They should consider these passages carefully.

1 John 2:15-16 Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world—the desires of the flesh and the desires of the eyes and pride of life—is not from the Father but is from the world.

Jude 4 For certain people have crept in unnoticed who long ago were designated for this condemnation, ungodly people, who pervert the grace of our God into sensuality and deny our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ.

James 4:4 You adulterous people! Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Therefore, whoever wishes to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God.

Romans 12:2 Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.

*Pro-gay theology tends to fall into one of three categories.  They are all wrong, but for varying reasons.  Sometimes they overlap categories.  The point here is that the first two agree that the Bible describes homosexual behavior as sinful and the third is easily refuted.

  1. The Bible is either not the Word of God, or most parts of it aren’t. This view claims that we can ignore the prohibitions against homosexual behavior because they were written by homophobic Jews.
  2. The Bible is the Word of God and does clearly and emphatically describe gay behavior as sinful.  However, the Holy Spirit has given additional revelations such that this behavior is now acceptable. This view holds that God has changed his mind on this moral issue and not only is it now acceptable, but it is sinful if you don’t affirm this behavior and same-sex relationships.
  3. The Bible is the Word of God, but it doesn’t really say homosexual behavior is wrong. This view holds that people just aren’t reading the Bible properly, and that God’s Word is actually affirming of gay relationships.

The wickedness of affirming the “trans” movement

The Left — including the “Christian” Left — reflexively latch onto and champion the world’s latest God-mocking trends, and the “trans” movement is no different.  I saw the systematic gay/lesbian indoctrination of kids coming more than 10 years ago, but I have to admit that I thought the average person would draw the line at the “trans” thing.  After all, what decent parents would let their 5 yr. old son be told in public schools that he may not really be a boy?  But here we are.

I also figured that 99.9% of people would realize how ridiculous the core idea is.  But I forgot the mindset of countless people: If they don’t find contentment in Christ, they will search for it somewhere else: career, drugs, alcohol, clothes, sex, gambling, anything.  So many kids are confused and depressed, especially when growing up in broken homes, hooked on porn, having low self-esteem by comparing their lives to the highlight reels of others on social media, normal life challenges and more.

And the impact of “social contagion” is frightening.  These sad cases think that this is the thing that will make them happy, even though it is guaranteed to bring them more pain.  Before it was an appropriately embarrassing thing to be “trans,” but now it is considered cool.

The only good news is that these moral freaks are now pitted against a different kind of moral freaks, the radical feminists.  And the wicked “Christian” Leftists, who aren’t strong on facts, logic or Jesus, find a way to champion them both.  Stacy McCain sums it up perfectly.  Go read it all:  Crazy Is a Pre-Existing Condition : The Other McCain

Young people are becoming seriously confused by the transgender cult. Or perhaps the causation works the other way, and confused young people are magnetically attracted to the cult belief that, with the “treatment” of synthetic hormones and surgery, they can escape their adolescent woes by “transitioning” into the opposite sex. Feminists have identified the factor of social contagion in what they call “rapid-onset gender dysphoria.” Through the influence of peers, and also through online recruitment by transgender cultists, many teenagers are quite suddenly convinced that they were “born in the wrong body.” In a matter of months or even a few weeks, an otherwise healthy teenage will develop an obsession with “gender transition” and demand that parents not only accept their new transgender identity, but often threaten suicide unless parents support them in seeking hormone “treatment” immediately. This kind of emotional blackmail is part of the transgender cult’s ideology, as activists claim that anyone who opposes them is effectively sentencing teenagers to death by denying them acceptance and “health care.”

There will always be an element of craziness in society, but we shouldn’t encourage or fund it.  What a tragedy.  Satan is evil, but he isn’t stupid.  And this plan to destroy individuals, families and cultures simply by giving messed up kids a fantasy about why they are “really” messed up and that it could “fix” them is truly an evil genius move.  Of course the “Christian” Left ran to the front of the line to support this wickedness.  The question is whether those who know better will be brave enough to oppose it.

The “Gender Unicorn” and other state-mandated child abuse

From the “I hate being right” category, I saw over a decade ago — along with many others — that the LGBTQX agenda would inevitably evolve to state-mandated child abuse down to kindergarten and even preschool, using anti-bullying and such as the Trojan Horses.

From the “I hate being wrong” category, I naively thought that more parents would say, “Enough!,” when they realized that public schools would teach their 5 yr. old children that they can choose their genders and that boys would be able to share locker rooms with their teenage daughters. Yet here we are. The following is occurring in Charlotte, NC schools and other places in the country and parents are too afraid — or too complacent or brainwashed? — to say or do anything about it.


Source: CMS Introduces the Gender Unicorn as District Embraces Gender Neutral Bathrooms, Lockers and Showers | KeepNCSafe

Meet the gender Unicorn. This was included in the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools (CMS) training presentation on handling transgender issues under the new CMS policy that goes into effect on August 29th. It’s startling enough that the school district feels they have sovereignty to directly disobey state statute as outlined in HB2, but some of the stuff in here is shocking.Check out some of these quotes:

1. Parental involvement dependent on student’s permission: “Involvement of parents in the plan is determined in working with the student, considering the student’s age and health, wellbeing and safety concerns” (pg. 34).

2. Students can choose their bathrooms and changing facilities: “Students must have access to the restroom/changing facilities that correspond to their gender identity” (pg. 42).

3. CMS will remove some gender-based activities: “CMS will evaluate all gender-based activities; maintain only those that have clear and sound pedagogical purpose” (pg. 46).

4. Students can choose their gender-based activities (intramural sports, dress codes, classes, ceremonies, photos, extracurricular activities, etc). This includes choosing which gender they participate with during overnight field trips: “Students are permitted to participate in gender-based activities consistent with their gender identity.” (pg. 46).5. Students can no longer be referred to as “boys and girls” in classrooms, but “scholars” or “students.”: “Avoid gender specific classroom management techniques” (pg. 46).

In other news, millstone* demand is at an all-time high.

Please fight these evils and protect your children and grandchildren.  Now more than ever, you do not want them in government schools**.  The predictable annual reductions in your parental rights, from the schools teaching more and more perversions to them removing your opt-out rights, will not stop. Remember that the men of Sodom*** groped for the door even after being literally blinded.  Leftists are very, very persistent.  They hate God, they think that they own your children and they will not give up without a fight.

*Luke 17:1–2 And he said to his disciples, “Temptations to sin are sure to come, but woe to the one through whom they come! It would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck and he were cast into the sea than that he should cause one of these little ones to sin.

**365 Reasons to Homeschool

***Genesis 19:11 And they struck with blindness the men who were at the entrance of the house, both small and great, so that they wore themselves out groping for the door.


How long until more “Christian” Leftists come out as bisexual?

And why aren’t churches doing a  better job of warning against these wolves and helping those authentically fighting temptations?

With any form of rebellion, users need increased doses to maintain the same high.  So how long until more “Christian” Leftists come out as bisexual?

As Romans 1 makes clear, when people are rebelling against God He may give them over to their desires and let them wallow in sin. Exhibit A: Homosexual behavior (and then other sins as well).  Note how at the end those who affirm the sins are guilty as well.

Romans 1:18–32 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who by their unrighteousness suppress the truth. For what can be known about God is plain to them, because God has shown it to them. For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse.

For although they knew God, they did not honor him as God or give thanks to him, but they became futile in their thinking, and their foolish hearts were darkened. Claiming to be wise, they became fools, and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images resembling mortal man and birds and animals and creeping things. Therefore God gave them up in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, to the dishonoring of their bodies among themselves, because they exchanged the truth about God for a lie and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever! Amen.

For this reason God gave them up to dishonorable passions. For their women exchanged natural relations for those that are contrary to nature; and the men likewise gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another, men committing shameless acts with men and receiving in themselves the due penalty for their error.

And since they did not see fit to acknowledge God, God gave them up to a debased mind to do what ought not to be done. They were filled with all manner of unrighteousness, evil, covetousness, malice. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, maliciousness. They are gossips, slanderers, haters of God, insolent, haughty, boastful, inventors of evil, disobedient to parents, foolish, faithless, heartless, ruthless. Though they know God’s righteous decree that those who practice such things deserve to die, they not only do them but give approval to those who practice them.

But as with drugs, sometimes the highs people get from shaking their fists at God aren’t enough, so they need to increase the dose. When false teachers like Rachel Held Evans, Jory Micah, The Christian Left, Jim Wallis, Chuck Currie, Mark Sandlin and more first started affirming LGBTQX sins, that may have seemed novel enough for them. But now that is just so 2012!  They are indistinguishable from the Leftist church and the world now. Who will give them attention just for that? That’s an entry ticket to their “faith” — that is, if you didn’t meet their baseline requirement of affirming LGBTQX sins (and abortion, of course) then you couldn’t come in the door.

So now what?  Really prove your commitment to the world by going bisexual! Note how they reacted to Glennon Doyle Melton, a “mommy blogger” with a huge “Christian” Left following.  She left her husband for some butch female soccer player, and of course it was accompanied by celebrations and the mandatory hostage video affirmations by her kids about how happy they are for her blah blah blah.  You’ll recall that Gene Robinson got himself a Bishop position in the Episcopal church by bravely abandoning and humiliating his wife and kids to “gay marry” his lover (and of course they are now gay divorced).

People like Mrs. Evans swoon not only over Melton (who claims to be Christian), but people like Elizabeth Gilbert (author of Eat, Pray, Love, Fornicate), who bragged about stealing men for sport.

If the man was already involved in a committed relationship, I knew that I didn’t need to be prettier or better than his existing girlfriend; I just needed to be different. (The novel doesn’t always win out over the familiar, mind you, but it often does.) The trick was to study the other woman and to become her opposite, thereby positioning myself to this man as a sparkling alternative to his regular life.

To the surprise of no one with critical thinking skills, Ms. Gilbert divorced her “soul mate” husband whom she left someone else for and is now in a lesbian relationship.  And the “Christian” Left still adores her.  Would her legions of fans worship her if she had stolen their mates?

So I think it is just a matter of time before more of these “Christian” Leftists go bisexual to prove just how committed they are to the cause. Patting LGBTQX folks on the head with God-mocking affirmations simply isn’t enough anymore.  They need to show some real commitment to the cause.

Or will their spouses leave first? Can you imagine being married to Mrs. Evans, Jen Hatmaker or Jory Micah?  Their cause is radical feminism with a “Christian” Left veneer and their husbands are forced (or are they that pathetically willing?) to go along with it.  How will the women react if their husbands go bisexual?  Grit their teeth and affirm their worldview?  After all, you have to “be true to who God made you” and so on.

This isn’t some hypothetical issue, either. I was encouraging a guy online who has been battling intense same-sex attraction (SSA) for decades (classic case of verbal abuse from stepfather and sexual abuse from step-brother when he was very young).  He fought it for a long time and was staying with his wife and children.  I didn’t judge at all (he seemed to know it was un-biblical and was very wounded) but encouraged him for hanging in there this long and offered some suggestions about how to continue to wisely fight any temptations.  All kidding aside, I was a “safe space” where he could vent and share his inner turmoil.  But he hung around these “affirming” “Christian” Left groups online and has now come out loud and proud. Such a sad situation.  He is ultimately accountable for his actions but these wicked “Christian” Leftists did Satan’s work.  But it was also disappointing to hear that he couldn’t trust his local church and pastor to listen to his problems and support him in his struggles.

And real churches need to be more open in helping people who struggle with SSA. As long as they aren’t trying to say LGBTQX behavior is OK, we should come along side them and help them.  Just because it isn’t a temptation for most of us doesn’t mean we should grandstand on it. Sure, some do it out of pure rebellion, but most I know have a core of serious sexual abuse and/or relationship issues that exacerbate the desire.  I wouldn’t shut down anyone who battled lust, coveting, anger, pride, etc., so why would I do so with someone who has SSA?  Never affirm, of course, but also don’t exclude those who are authentically fighting temptations.

These wolves are as dangerous as they are pathetic.  Countless women follow them thinking they are authentic Christians with real biblical teachings.  Do the loving thing and warn others.  I truly hope that these people repent and believe someday, but in the mean time it is more important to expose them and protect others from their false teachings.

Brandon Hatmaker is lying.

Here are the latest “Christians” who just “happened” to switch views to agree with the world right as it profited them the most.  Normally I’d be charitable and say he was just mistaken, but he didn’t leave that option open.  Via: The Hatmakers double down on “holy” homosexual “marriage” – Berean Research

To be clear…Jen and I are 100% on the same page regarding her recent interview about our love and hope for the LGBTQ community. This is a journey we have been on together. We both believe a same-sex marriage, as a life-long monogamous commitment, can be holy before God.He explained that his “shift” was the result of studying Scripture and prayer:Every verse in the bible that is used to condemn a “homosexual” act is written in the context of rape, prostitution, idolatry, pederasty, military dominance, an affair, or adultery. It was always a destructive act. It was always a sin committed against a person. And each type of sexual interaction listed was an abuse of God’s gift of sex and completely against His dream for marriage to be a lifelong commitment of two individuals increasingly and completely giving themselves to one another as Christ did for the church.But not one of these scriptures was written in the context of marriage or civil union (which simply did not exist at this time).

Yes, and square circles didn’t exist then or now, just like “same-sex marriage” will always be an oxymoron.

Hatmaker is a liar. Start with Romans 1:26–27: For this reason God gave them up to dishonorable passions. For their women exchanged natural relations for those that are contrary to nature; and the men likewise gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another, men committing shameless acts with men and receiving in themselves the due penalty for their error.

That passage doesn’t mention temples, prostitutes or temple prostitutes — and there are no lesbian temple prostitutes in recorded history.  It mentions women/women and men/men, not pederasty, military or abusive relationships.  The men were consumed with passion for one another.  And so on.  All his arguments fail right there, but far too many Christians will agree with Hatmaker and the world because that is easier than siding with Jesus.

The Bible rest of the Bible also couldn’t be more clear. Bible-believing Christians and even two out of the three types of pro-gay people* (religious or not) can see these truths:

– 100% of the verses addressing homosexual behavior describe it as sin in the clearest and strongest possible terms.
– 100% of the verses referring to God’s ideal for marriage involve one man and one woman.
– 100% of the verses referencing parenting involve moms and dads with unique roles (or at least a set of male and female parents guiding the children).
– 0% of 31,173 Bible verses refer to homosexual behavior in a positive or even benign way or even hint at the acceptability of homosexual unions of any kind. There are no exceptions for “committed” relationships.
– 0% of 31,173 Bible verses refer to LGBT couples parenting children.

Having said that, I believe that Christians should support and encourage those who are fighting same-sex attraction. And no one needs to grandstand on the issue before getting to the Good News of the cross.

And for a group that loves to argue from silence**, isn’t it odd that their God just “forgot” to give just one example of the kind of unions the Hatmakers et al think are so blessed?

*The three general types of pro-gay theology people:

1. “The Bible says homosexuality is wrong but it isn’t the word of God.” (Obviously non-Christians)
2. “The Bible says it is wrong but God changed his mind and is only telling the theological Left.” (Only about 10 things wrong with that.)
3. “The Bible is the word of God but you are just misunderstanding it” (Uh, no, not really.)
**The argument that Jesus never said anything about homosexual behavior (or abortion, etc.) fails on many levels. If a church leader uses it you can be confident that he or she is ignorant and/or malicious.

Short version: Yes, He did say something about it, but the theological Left ignores or distorts it as they do with many things about Jesus and his teachings. Note how Jesus defeats oxymoronic “same-sex marriage,” same-sex parenting, transgenderism and even Darwinian evolution in one simple passage. No true follower of him should disagree on any of those topics.

Matthew 19:4–5 He answered, “Have you not read that he who created them from the beginning made them male and female, and said, ‘Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh’?”

Medium version
Arguing from silence is a logical fallacy.

Jesus is God and part of the Trinity that inspired all scripture.

He supported the Old Testament law to the last letter.

The “red letters” weren’t silent on these topics in the sense that they reiterated what marriage and murder were.

He emphasized many other important issues that these Leftist theologians completely ignore (Hell, his divinity, his exclusivity, etc.).

He was equally “silent” on issues that these folks treat as having the utmost importance (capital punishment, war, welfare, universal health care, taxpayer-funded abortions, etc.).

He was a devout Jew and upholder of the law, so the burden is on the pro-gay theology side: Where is that verse when Jesus condones homosexuality?

He didn’t specifically mention rape, child abuse, pedophilia, bestiality and other obvious sins though that wouldn’t justify them.

Abortion and homosexual behavior simply weren’t hot topics for 1st century Jews. They actually thought children were a blessing and they had laws against homosexual behavior.

And the Gospels never claimed to include everything He said. John specifically notes that the whole world couldn’t hold it all! (John 21:25).

And Jesus never said anything about the “sin” of criticizing homosexual behavior, so it must be OK!

More here.


Matthew Vines, “Christian” Left wolf

Matthew Vines is just another wolf who appeals to low-information people who deeply desire to conform to the world and who know little about the Bible. He and his movement try to infiltrate and/or bully real churches. Please share this free booklet by Al Mohler with anyone spouting his nonsense.  It is thorough yet easy to follow.  Samples:
When he begins his book, Vines argues that experience should not drive our interpretation of the Bible. But it is his experience of what he calls a gay sexual orientation that drives every word of this book. It is this experiential issue that drives him to relativize text after text and to argue that the Bible really doesn’t speak directly to his sexual identity at all, since the inspired human authors of Scripture were ignorant of the modern gay experience. Of what else were they ignorant? Vines
. . .
But we have to give Vines credit for seeing this wedge issue better than most egalitarians have seen it. He knows 21 R. ALBERT MOHLER JR. that the denial of gender complementarity is a huge step toward denying sexual complementarity. The evangelicals who have committed themselves to an egalitarian understanding of gender roles as revealed in the Bible are those who are most vulnerable to his argument. In effect, they must resist his argument more by force of will than by force of logic.
. . .
Finally, the actual language of Romans 1, specifically dealing with male same-sex desire, speaks of “men consumed with passion for one another” (Romans 1:27). This directly contradicts Vines’s claim that only oppressive, pederastic or socially mixed same-sex acts are condemned. Paul describes men consumed with passion for one another — not merely the abuse of the powerless by the powerful. In other words, in Romans 1:26-27 Paul condemns same-sex acts by both men and women, and he condemns the sexual desires described as unnatural passions as well.
Vines personally responded to comments I made on a Facebook post about an article he posted. As he requested, I specifically dealt with what he wrote in that piece. But he had no responses other than, “Have you read my book? It doesn’t sound like it.”
My response to him: Hi Matthew, I read your link and responded to it, quoting you directly. That is amusing that your only response was to plug your book and pretend that you gave a legitimate response to my point-by-point refutation of your link. I read plenty of “Christian” Left heresies online for free, thanks, so I don’t plan on paying for it.Thanks for the concession speech :-).
As a bonus, one of Vines’ self-proclaimed Christian supporters insisted that Jesus had gay sex with the apostle John. She also just married an atheist. And so on. This is the “Christian” Left.
Do not be taken in by these lies.