Pro-abortion false teachers & Planned Parenthood

I’ve yet to find a theologically Liberal false teacher who didn’t support the evils of Planned Parenthood.  The “social justice” crowd either ignores abortion (and thus implicitly supports it) or explicitly supports it by supporting Planned Parenthood, taxpayer-funded abortions and more.

The endless shamelessness of these baby-killers/statutory rape-hiders is evident in their new ads.

Planned Parenthood ad, baby

Uh, your baby will thank you for what — having her crushed and dismembered because you didn’t want her?!   It is right up there with the deadly cynicism of their “Care. No Matter what.” slogan.  Gee, that sounds like a bit more like a pro-life slogan, not a pro-abortion slogan.  I mean, if you really cared, wouldn’t you have the baby instead of killing her?