Tag Archives: twitter

Social media update

I’m planning to spend most of my social media time blogging.  I’ve deleted my Facebook accounts completely.  I may do the same for Twitter, but as of now I will never to go Twitter any more but I do have my blog posts go there automatically, and I can Tweet the links of blog posts from my Feedly blog reader without going to the Twitter site.  But I detest their censorship so much that I may still delete it completely.  I assume they’ll send an email when they permanently ban me.

And I found myself wasting way too much time there, as both small and large issues have way to much overlap.  The key issues of the day are summarized more concisely and thoroughly in the blogs I follow.

Again, I recommend the following changes. These sites don’t track you and abuse your trust like Twitter and Facebook do.  And you really, really want to be as far away from Google as you can.  They are completely unhinged Leftists.

Replace Facebook with mewe.com/join/eternity_matters

Replace Twitter with gab.ai/EternityMatters

Replace Chrome (or whatever) with Opera.com

Replace Google search with DuckDuckGo.com

Last day on Facebook for Eternity Matters: August 24

I’ve already deleted my personal Facebook account and will be deleting the Eternity Matters Facebook page on August 24.

So please join me at mewe.com/join/eternity_matters . It is like Facebook, only with a cleaner interface and they don’t abuse your privacy.

Big Tech is out of control.  You can’t avoid them completely but Facebook is one of the biggest abusers of trust out there.  I realize that not a lot of people are on Mewe yet, but the momentum could pick up if just a small % would make the switch and each bring a few people with them.   Let’s make Facebook the new MySpace!

P.S. I also just canceled Netflix.  Yea!

My recommendations:

Replace Twitter with Gab http://www.gab.ai

Replace Facebook with MeWe.com

Replace Chrome (or whatever) with Opera.com

Replace Google search with DuckDuckGo.com

Solving Trump’s Twitter problem by mimicking www.creedthoughts.gov.www\creedthoughts

“Even for the Internet, it’s pretty shocking.”

Even if you like Trump, many of his Tweets will make you cringe.  Mrs. Eternity Matters came up with a brilliant solution for him and the rest of the country:

His staff just needs to temporarily distract him, grab his phone, then change his Twitter account to: http://www.trumpthoughts.gov.www\trumpthoughts.

Then they can dig out the sane and productive Tweets and use them on his real Twitter account.

Problem solved!

Purgatory and indulgences: Still around. Still anti-biblical.

I wish this was a parody: Vatican offers ‘time off purgatory’ to followers of Pope Francis tweets.

Many people think that the false teachings about purgatory* and indulgences have gone away, but the Catholic religion still adheres to them.  The distinctions below should appear to be arbitrary to you, because anti-biblical teachings like these are man-made and inevitably loosely defined.

I note that they are anti-biblical (the opposite of the Bible) and not just non-biblical (not in the Bible) because they are works-based and teach that what Jesus did on the cross was helpful but not sufficient.  Any implication that Jesus’ death and resurrection weren’t enough to save you is a sure sign of a false teaching.  If you say you need Jesus plus your works, that is false.  If you say you don’t need Jesus, or that He is just an option, that is false.

In its latest attempt to keep up with the times the Vatican has married one of its oldest traditions to the world of social media by offering “indulgences” to followers of Pope Francis’ tweets.

The church’s granted indulgences reduce the time Catholics believe they will have to spend in purgatory after they have confessed and been absolved of their sins.

The remissions got a bad name in the Middle Ages because unscrupulous churchmen sold them for large sums of money. But now indulgences are being applied to

the 21st century.

They should have had a bad name for mocking the cross and being false teachings.  The idea that they were only bad when peddled by unscrupulous churchmen charged too much just added to the falsehood.

But a senior Vatican official warned web-surfing Catholics that indulgences still required a dose of old-fashioned faith, and that paradise was not just a few mouse clicks away.

“You can’t obtain indulgences like getting a coffee from a vending machine,” Archbishop Claudio Maria Celli, head of the pontifical council for social communication, told the Italian daily Corriere della Sera.

Indulgences these days are granted to those who carry out certain tasks – such as climbing the Sacred Steps, in Rome (reportedly brought from Pontius Pilate’s house after Jesus scaled them before his crucifixion), a feat that earns believers seven years off purgatory.

That sounds a lot closer to getting a coffee from the vending machine than it does to the Bible.

But attendance at events such as the Catholic World Youth Day, in Rio de Janeiro, a week-long event starting on 22 July, can also win an indulgence.

Mindful of the faithful who cannot afford to fly to Brazil, the Vatican’s sacred apostolic penitentiary, a court which handles the forgiveness of sins, has also extended the privilege to those following the “rites and pious exercises” of the event on television, radio and through social media.

“That includes following Twitter,” said a source at the penitentiary, referring to Pope Francis’ Twitter account, which has gathered seven million followers. “But you must be following the events live. It is not as if you can get an indulgence by chatting on the internet.”

Yeah, what kind of silly process do you think this is?!  I had to double check and ensure I wasn’t quoting from The Onion.

. . .

“What really counts is that the tweets the Pope sends from Brazil or the photos of the Catholic World Youth Day that go up on Pinterest produce authentic spiritual fruit in the hearts of everyone,” said Celli.

If the spiritual fruit is authentic then the first thing they will do is leave the Catholic religion.  I know many people who go to Catholic churches who sound like Protestants in their theology.  They don’t hold to the false teachings but go out of habit.  Or their organizations may be led by “bad Catholics” (by which I mean good) who never teach things like this.  I wish they would move to churches that are God-honoring.

I realize that it may be initially frustrating to hear about such things, but I encourage people to consider what a great tool it is to educate Catholics about what their religion really teaches.  So many of them think that the church doesn’t really teach about indulgences, purgatory, Marianism, praying to the dead, etc.  When they slip up and show how they still hold to these doctrines we should help them publicize it.

Like I always say, the Reformation happened for a reason.  Actually, 95 of them.  And they haven’t changed.

* pur·ga·to·ry (in the belief of Roman Catholics and others) a condition or place in which the souls of those dying penitent are purified from venial sins, or undergo the temporal punishment that, after the guilt of mortal sin has been remitted, still remains to be endured by the sinner.

I agree with the “bro-choice” guy on one thing . . .

. . . that some men like abortions because they think it improves their sex lives.  Via “BroChoice:” Man Complains Casual Sex More Difficult if Abortions Banned:

This week, Ben Sherman, a pro-abortion boy, took to his blog to explain the #brochoice movement.

He wrote that if abortion isn’t readily accessible, especially in his state of Texas, men’s sex lives are at stake. It was the ultimate form of male-chauvinism, yet NARAL and other pro-abortion women’s groups took to Twitter in support of the campaign.

Can’t believe this actually happened? Here’s what Sherman wrote to other men as to why they should be #brochoice:

“Forcing women to adhere to the anti-choice attitudes of state legislators forces men to do the same, and will have serious consequences both on men’s lives and lifestyles.”

“Your sex life is at stake. Can you think of anything that kills the vibe faster than a woman fearing a back-alley abortion? Making abortion essentially inaccessible in Texas will add an anxiety to sex that will drastically undercut its joys. And don’t be surprised if casual sex outside of relationships becomes far more difficult to come by.”

I appreciate his honesty.  His creepy, deadly, wimpy honesty.  He will gladly have innocent but unwanted human beings destroyed so his sex life can be just a little bit better.  He is a boy, not a man.

Women, don’t buy the lie that pro-lifers are anti-women.  Remember this “bro-choice” reasoning and know the real reasons lots of young males support abortion rights.  The early feminists knew this.  You should, too.  These guys do not care about you.

And remember this when pro-aborts try to silence pro-life men just because they are men.  If pro-aborts really thought that you must have a uterus to weigh in on abortions then they would dismiss the views of all men.  But when they gladly accept “bro-choice” support it shows that they are just using a rhetorical trick to silence their opposition.

Also see Bro-Choice: understanding the motivations of the pro-choice man-child.

What a surprise: Searching for “Gosnell” on Sojourners’ blog yields zero hits

Try it yourself.

Jim “the Gospel is all about wealth redistribution” Wallis and his organization are doing a great job of advancing the Leftist cause of hiding these crimes.  Their title even references social justice, but they haven’t written a word about Kermit Gosnell and his mass infanticides — Search | Sojourners: Celebrating 40 Years of Faith in Action for Social Justice.

“0 mammograms. 332,278 abortions. There is a better way to fight breast cancer.”

I stopped supporting the Susan G. Komen foundation when I found out that they donated hundreds of thousands of dollars to Planned Parenthood.  Hopefully they will re-think their relationship with the nation’s largest abortion provider (that also systematically hides statutory rape).

Unite for Life and tell your friends, family and co-workers who are Pro-Life to sign the petition to encourage the Susan G. Komen Foundation to stop funding Planned Parenthood’s assault on Life and focus instead on real breast cancer research. Add this petition to your Facebook page, Twitter and your blog and spread the word!
Save lives and find a cure for breast cancer -- sign the petition at PinkRibbonScandal.com

To Nancy G. Brinker, founder and CEO of Susan G. Komen for the Cure:

Please reconsider Susan G. Komen Foundation’s support of and affiliation with Planned Parenthood.  Funding Planned Parenthood over real mammography clinics and credible research agencies does not help women; rather, affiliation with Planned Parenthood, America’s largest abortion provider, sullies the reputation and benevolence of the Komen Foundation and its popular Race for the Cure.

Planned Parenthood has convinced the public that it actually performs mammograms, and your support enables that lie to continue.  According to its own most recent reports, Planned Parenthood performed a total of 332,278 abortions in 2009.  In that same period, Planned Parenthood performed zero mammograms.

Zero mammograms and 332,278 abortions!  That is an astonishing ratio for an agency wanting to earn public approval as a truly charitable “full-service” health clinic for women.

Until your organization breaks its partnership with Planned Parenthood, I pledge to support alternative breast cancer charities that affirm Life instead. Until you end your partnership with America’s largest abortion provider, I will boycott your Race for the Cure, and I will urge my friends and family to do the same.


If you like small chunks of heresy . . .

You can follow false teacher Chuck “Jesus is not the only way” Currie on Twitter — see Social Gospel Christianity In 140 Characters.  My guess is that false teacher Jim “the Gospel is all about wealth redistribution” Wallis has an account as well.

The “social gospel” folks are a self-parody, as they are nearly all pro-legalized abortion.  Chuck and Jim would have rather seen their Obamacare dream fail than support the Stupak Amendment, which would have banned taxpayer-funded abortions.  Meditate on that: Their definition of “social gospel” doesn’t just include keeping abortion legal, it means increasing abortions.

I’ve also noticed that the social gospel types don’t present the real Gospel.

Here’s a contest: Who can come up with the best Tweet (140 characters or less) critiquing the hypocrisy of the “social gospel” crowd?  Buzzkill alert: It is one of those contests where the only prize is the satisfaction of winning.  The ruling of the judge is final must be present on the Internet to win etc. etc.

Here are some samples (you don’t have to include the words “social gospel,” I just had room for them:

Social gospel: Congratulating yourself for taking from neighbor A by force to make neighbor B more covetous & comfortable on his way to Hell

Social gospel: Recklessly borrowing from future generations to kill part of future generations via taxpayer-funded abortion

Or state the real Gospel in 140 characters or less:

Jesus died for your sins and rose again.  Repent & believe and have joy, forgiveness and eternal life.

Man, are they stupid. Here’s more proof.

Can you believe that anyone takes Sarah Palin or Michele Bachmann seriously?

Oops, I meant Obama and Biden.

The problem isn’t Obama, it is media bias.  Did you see those clips played endlessly on the news or on SNL?  This video should be required viewing to be able to vote.  It exposes the viciousness and bias of the Leftist mainstream media.  Don’t be suckers.  Broaden your media horizons and get informed.  Vote based on real experience, what kind of judges candidates would select, etc.  Don’t let the media put up strawmen about who is smart and who isn’t.

Hat tip: Hot Air