Tag Archives: Keith Olbermann

The ultimate Liberal tautology: You are racist for not voting for a black man and you are racist for voting for a black man

Alternate title: “Can a media personality say something more stupid than this? Probably not.”

A tautology is an essentially meaningless statement where all instances are true, such as, “It will rain today or it won’t.” I say without exaggeration that Janeane Garofalo’s version is that Republicans are racist for voting against a (half) black man (Obama) and they are racist for supporting Herman Cain.

It is obvious who the real racist is: Garofalo. She is so cynical that she’ll play the race card to manipulate people even though she has no evidence that Tea Partiers are racist for supporting Cain.

In an appearance on Wednesday night’s “Countdown with Keith Olbermann” on Current TV, Garofalo explained her theory.

“Herman Cain is probably well-liked by some of the Republicans because it hides the racist elements of the Republican Party, conservative movement and tea party movement,” Garofalo said.

“People like Karl Rove like to keep the racism very covert and so Herman Cain provides this great opportunity so he can say, ‘Look: This is not a racist anti-immigrant, anti-female, anti-gay movement. Look: We have a black man.’ And look he’s polling well and he won a straw poll.”

Note to Janeane: Please meditate on these facts . . .

  • Abortion rates in the black community are 3x that of whites. Liberals want taxpayer-funded abortions, which will only increase that ratio. Republicans oppose this. How does that fit in with your “Republicans are racist and Democrats are not” meme?
  • Democrats have had virtual monopolies on inner-city politics and education for over 50 years. How is that working out for black people?
  • Black unemployment has gone up dramatically under President Obama. Will another half-trillion of political payoffs help reduce that?

Via Garofalo: Cain’s rise in support proves Republican racism, or something « Hot Air.

False teachers want to take away your rights, not reduce murders

What Liberals Don’t Know About Guns, Chapter 217 is a must-read by Ann Coulter. False teachers (1) will tell you that we have to restrict gun ownership, but they (deliberately?) ignore the only solution proven to work.

The ACLU won’t let us put nuts in mental hospitals and Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik wouldn’t lock up Loughner even after he had broken the law several times.

In an open society that includes Sheriff Dumbnik and the ACLU, deranged individuals may explode into murder and mayhem now and then. The best we can do is enact policies that will reduce the death toll when these acts of carnage occur.

There’s only one policy of any kind that has ever been shown to deter mass murder: concealed-carry laws.

(1) False teachers include people like Jim “the Gospel is all about wealth redistribution” Wallis and race-baiting Chuck “Jesus is not the only way” Currie


The Wintry Knight’s commentary On women leaving marriages that don’t make them happy enough — I’m really, really glad I married so well.

The TSA search policies are nuts.  The enhanced security all started because of Muslim terrorists, didn’t it?  So why do Muslims get exemptions?

So, let’s get this straight:

It’s okay for the TSA to grope nuns, but Muslim women are exempt (nothing beyond the head and neck). We cannot profile potential terrorists, but it’s okay to molest three-year olds(except we won’t call it molest because it’s the government doing it). Muslim men won’t go through body imaging machines, but it’s okay to grope non-Muslims’ genitals.

See Christian doctor forced off adoption panel goes to EU Court of Justice.  You can thank false teachers in the church for travesties like this.  They teach the opposite of the Bible and not only condone but encourage same-sex parenting.

A British Christian pediatrician has applied to be heard at the European Court of Justice after she was forced out of her position on the Northamptonshire County Council Adoption Panel because of her belief that adoptive children are best off placed with a mother and a father. Sheila Matthews, a physician with 18 years experience, is being represented in her legal challenge by human rights barrister Paul Diamond and the Christian Legal Centre.

How sad that these tools of Satan love the world and their false theology more than they love children.  Something about millstones comes to mind . . .

Charlie Rangel: Really, really, very guilty.

Even his fellow Democrats can’t deny he’s a crook. Isn’t it amazing that a guy who’s been in Congress since 1971 — and indeed was chairman of the powerful House Ways and Means Committee — still manages to claim victimhood?

Keith Olbermann is Right (?!?!?!) – Well, at least on one point.  My favorite part is in bold.  Fox has proven to be more balanced than most media outlets, but even if you buy the lie that they are a far-right factory, I’ll take them and the Leftist cheerleaders at MSNBC debating any day rather than faux “unbiased” organizations like the rest of the MSM.

Ted Koppel, Dan Rather and Walter Cronkite were always liberals who used their position to subtly but consistently promote a point of view. Frankly, I’d rather have the MSNBC crew advocate openly for their side than the entrenched but covert bias we endured for the 40 years before that. The American public is better served by an open argument between the best advocates for opposing views than it is by unnamed editors making decisions about what is important for people to know. I prefer occasionally disagreeable prosecutors (and defense lawyers) than a single dishonest judge pretending to be in the middle.

Sweet.  The 13 year old who initially got in trouble for having an American flag on his bike ended up with a parade and an apology.

Little known fact: After the owner left the room, the dog ate the guinea pig, the rabbit and the mouse.
Just kidding!  Probably!

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Fire the media — Seriously.  Great analysis of how we got where we are from the American Spectator.

Scientific dogma — Dogma isn’t just for non-Liberals.  Read this excellent analysis of how dogma is driving the climate change debate and costing us billions of dollars.

And further down in her post she gives some examples of what we should expect if climate science were not plagued by the sort of dogmatic beliefs that are elsewhere decried (and rightly so) as being anti-scientific.

“Well, lets try this. In 2010, lets assume that there are very very few climate scientists left that regard the IPCC as dogma. What might this look like?

  • no petitions signed by members of the IPCC or national academy members
  • Nature and Science not writing op-eds that decry “deniers”
  • no climate scientists writing op-eds that decry the “deniers”
  • no climate scientists talking about “consensus” as an argument against disagreement (argumentum ad populam, h/t Nullius in Verba)
  • IPCC scientists debating skeptics about the science
  • climate scientists stop talking about cap and trade and UNFCCC policies because the science demands that we do this
  • no more professional society statements supporting the IPCC”

Also see This must be the best laugh of the week for climate skeptics

The results of a survey carried out among readers of the frantically Warmist “Scientific American” are now available.

It must have nearly choked them to publish the results. It’s a wonder they didn’t “fudge” the results, in fact. Fudging results is standard operating procedure for Warmists. See HERE or HERE for instance

Go Here to see all.

Talk about a propaganda fail! And this was among a readership that would have been highly literate scientifically.

Top Ten Countdown: Reasons Why People Vote Democrat — I would have left off , but the rest are accurate.

Superior overview of the Bible and homosexuality by John MacArthur.  Save the link. (Hat tip: Mark)

QUESTION: Has HillBuzz.org changed your opinions on the gay community? – interesting thread with lots of interesting comments.  They don’t read the Lefty script like most gays do, so they have done a lot to tick off the establishment.  Good for them.

Great send up of a popular bumper sticker (hat tip: Glenn)

Why yes, Mr. President, if unemployment was 5% then we would have had more confidence in your policies choices.  But it isn’t 5%, because they didn’t work, so we don’t have confidence in them!

This is important.

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