Tag Archives: Syrup of Ipecac

The latest Terri & Sherri award goes to Tony Campolo

I update this post whenever a new “evangelical Christian” officially caves and comes out publicly supporting the LGBTQX agenda.  

simpsons-terri-sherri.jpgIn a move that should have surprised no one, Tony Campolo has come out in favor of “same-sex marriage” after much prayer/reflection/blah/blah/blah.  It reminds me of an episode of The Simpsons where the twins Terri and Sherri are speaking to Lisa:

Isn’t it amazing that the same day you got a pool is the same day we realized we liked you?  The timing works out great, don’t you think?

For Tony Campolo and other people bailing on biblical truths, it goes like this:

Isn’t it amazing that the same day God told me that he changed his rules on marriage it made me more popular?  The timing works out great, don’t you think?

By most accounts Campolo has been in the pro-LGBTQX camp for a long time, but he decided that now was the optimum time to make it official.  It is the “squishy evangelical Christian” version of 30 pieces of silver.

There were already lots of things wrong with Campolo’s theology.  This is just an official nail in the coffin.  His post describes what I had heard already, namely that his wife has guided his perverse, hateful theology.  What a shameful, pathetic excuse for a man and a husband.


I’m running this again in (dis)honor of Andy Stanley caving to the LGBTQX agenda right when it profited him the most.  Via Megachurch pastor rejects his father’s bigotry: Jesus would want you to bake a gay wedding cake:

There is not consensus in this room when it comes to same-sex attraction; there is not consensus in this room when it comes to gay marriage.

Those are the weasel words of a wimpy and/or false teacher who will go full pro-LGBTQX in 3 . . . 2 . . . 1 . . .

Gee, just because one group disagrees with something we can’t know the truth? Even Stanley doesn’t use that standard in any of his other quotes.

If you really love people you will tell them the truth. The Bible couldn’t be more clear. Bible-believing Christians and even two out of the three types of pro-gay people* (religious or not) can see these truths:

  • 100% of the verses addressing homosexual behavior describe it as sin in the clearest and strongest possible terms.
  • 100% of the verses referring to God’s ideal for marriage involve one man and one woman.
  • 100% of the verses referencing parenting involve moms and dads with unique roles (or at least a set of male and female parents guiding the children).
  • 0% of 31,173 Bible verses refer to homosexual behavior in a positive or even benign way or even hint at the acceptability of homosexual unions of any kind. There are no exceptions for “committed” relationships.
  • 0% of 31,173 Bible verses refer to LGBT couples parenting children.

Having said that, I believe that Christians should support and encourage those who are fighting same-sex attraction. And no one needs to grandstand on the issue before getting to the Good News of the cross.

Here are some more weasel words from Stanley. Yes, people claiming the name of Christ should do less of those things, but isn’t it convenient when he throws all Christians under the bus to curry favor with the LGBTQX extremists?

If all the Christians for just one year, would quit looking at porn, would quit smoking weed, would quit having premarital sex, would quit committing adultery, would pay their taxes, and every church just foster one kid — in one year our nation would feel different. . .

Yeah, and if all the false teachers shut up for a year it would feel different as well.

It is illuminating how the non-Christians commenting there agree with Stanley. Go figure. Churchgoers who support “same-sex marriage” have nearly identical views to the world. It shows who their real father is.

1 John 2:15-16 Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world—the desires of the flesh and the desires of the eyes and pride of life—is not from the Father but is from the world.

Jude 4 For certain people have crept in unnoticed who long ago were designated for this condemnation, ungodly people, who pervert the grace of our God into sensuality and deny our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ.

Finally, as Erick Erickson pointed out, note in the article how Andy’s father’s church had to be protected from the LGBTQX people and not the other way around.


simpsons-terri-sherri.jpgIn a move that should have surprised no one, Rob Bell has come out in favor of “same-sex marriage.”  It reminds me of an episode of The Simpsons where the twins Terri and Sherri are speaking to Lisa:

Isn’t it amazing that the same day you got a pool is the same day we realized we liked you?  The timing works out great, don’t you think?

For Rob Bell and other people bailing on biblical truths, it goes like this:

Isn’t it amazing that the same day God told me that he changed his rules on marriage it made me more popular?  The timing works out great, don’t you think?

The link has the video of him explaining his “new” views (Poison Control recommends watching it if you are out of Syrup of Ipecac) where he not-so-subtly undermined the word of God and said how we need to get with the world’s changes, because God is doing something new blah blah blah.  He says we should work on the “real” problems, as if the problem of saving people from sin isn’t real.

Once again someone who mocks what God said in his word wants us to believe that God is telling him all his new ideas and changes.  Right.  I hope that all the youth groups that showed his videos are repenting.

hear from God

Here’s a graph I made for Rob (the inspiration came from the World’s Best Sunday School Teacher)::


The liberal “church” has changed in the same ways culture has: Pro-legalized abortion, anti-parental notification laws, pro-gay marriage, pro-handing out condoms to kids, etc.

Think about this: Non-believers created the anti-abortion Hippocratic Oath and it took Satan 2,500 years to convince pagans to discard it.  Then it took another 15 minutes for theological Liberals to go pro-abortion.

Isn’t it amazing?  What great timing!  The liberal church realized it had been wrong on these important topics for nearly two thousand years, and came to that conclusion at virtually the same time as the secular culture.  That makes the world like them more, I suppose.

They also decided it was too embarrassing to believe in miracles, the authority of scripture, the exclusivity of Jesus, etc.  Or did that come first?

Thankfully, many churches in the West aren’t buying it and most of the churches outside the West aren’t either.  The first time I was in Kenya one of the full-time missionaries, a doctor from England, kept saying how the Kenyans were really disappointed in the U.S. when they heard about churches supporting gay “marriages.”   It wasn’t like they were thinking, “Gee, those brilliant Westerners know everything, perhaps we should follow them.”  It was more like, “Whoa, what are they thinking?!”

* The three general types of pro-gay theology people:

1. “The Bible says homosexuality is wrong but it isn’t the word of God.” (Obviously non-Christians)

2. “The Bible says it is wrong but God changed his mind and is only telling the theological Left.” (Only about 10 things wrong with that.)

3. “The Bible is the word of God but you are just misunderstanding it” (Uh, no, not really.)

Rob Bell, Andy Stanley, Terri and Sherri from The Simpsons, and perfect timing

I’m running this again in (dis)honor of Andy Stanley caving to the LGBTQX agenda right when it profited him the most.  Via Megachurch pastor rejects his father’s bigotry: Jesus would want you to bake a gay wedding cake:

There is not consensus in this room when it comes to same-sex attraction; there is not consensus in this room when it comes to gay marriage.

Those are the weasel words of a wimpy and/or false teacher who will go full pro-LGBTQX in 3 . . . 2 . . . 1 . . .

Gee, just because one group disagrees with something, we can’t know the truth? Even Stanley doesn’t use that standard in any of his other quotes.

If you really love people, you will tell them the truth. The Bible couldn’t be more clear. Bible-believing Christians and even two out of the three types of pro-gay people* (religious or not) can see these truths:

  • 100% of the verses addressing homosexual behavior describe it as sin in the clearest and strongest possible terms.
  • 100% of the verses referring to God’s ideal for marriage involve one man and one woman.
  • 100% of the verses referencing parenting involve moms and dads with unique roles (or at least a set of male and female parents guiding the children).
  • 0% of 31,173 Bible verses refer to homosexual behavior in a positive or even benign way or even hint at the acceptability of homosexual unions of any kind. There are no exceptions for “committed” relationships.
  • 0% of 31,173 Bible verses refer to LGBT couples parenting children.

Having said that, I believe that Christians should support and encourage those who are fighting same-sex attraction. And no one needs to grandstand on the issue before getting to the Good News of the cross.

Here are some more weasel words from Stanley. Yes, people claiming the name of Christ should do less of those things, but isn’t it convenient when he throws all Christians under the bus to curry favor with the LGBTQX extremists?

If all the Christians for just one year, would quit looking at porn, would quit smoking weed, would quit having premarital sex, would quit committing adultery, would pay their taxes, and every church just foster one kid — in one year our nation would feel different. . .

Yeah, and if all the false teachers shut up for a year it would feel different as well.

It is illuminating how the non-Christians commenting there agree with Stanley. Go figure. Churchgoers who support “same-sex marriage” have nearly identical views to the world. It shows who their real father is.

1 John 2:15-16 Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world—the desires of the flesh and the desires of the eyes and pride of life—is not from the Father but is from the world.

Jude 4 For certain people have crept in unnoticed who long ago were designated for this condemnation, ungodly people, who pervert the grace of our God into sensuality and deny our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ.

Finally, as Erick Erickson pointed out, note in the article how Andy’s father’s church had to be protected from the LGBTQX people and not the other way around.


simpsons-terri-sherri.jpgIn a move that should have surprised no one, Rob Bell has come out in favor of “same-sex marriage.”  It reminds me of an episode of The Simpsons where the twins Terri and Sherri are speaking to Lisa:

Isn’t it amazing that the same day you got a pool is the same day we realized we liked you?  The timing works out great, don’t you think?

For Rob Bell and other people bailing on biblical truths, it goes like this:

Isn’t it amazing that the same day God told me that he changed his rules on marriage it made me more popular?  The timing works out great, don’t you think?

The link has the video of him explaining his “new” views (Poison Control recommends watching it if you are out of Syrup of Ipecac). In it, he not-so-subtly undermines the word of God and says how we need to get with the world’s changes because God is doing something new, blah blah blah. He thinks we should work on the “real” problems as if the problem of saving people from sin isn’t real.

Once again, someone who mocks what God said in his word wants us to believe that God is telling him all his new ideas and changes.  Right.  I hope that all the youth groups that showed his videos are repenting.

hear from God

Here’s a graph I made for Rob (the inspiration came from the World’s Best Sunday School Teacher)::


The liberal “church” has changed in the same ways culture has: Pro-legalized abortion, anti-parental notification laws, pro-gay marriage, pro-handing out condoms to kids, etc.

Think about this: Non-believers created the anti-abortion Hippocratic Oath, and it took Satan 2,500 years to convince pagans to discard it.  Then it took another 15 minutes for theological Liberals to go pro-abortion.

Isn’t it amazing?  What great timing!  The liberal church realized it had been wrong on these important topics for nearly two thousand years, and came to that conclusion at virtually the same time as the secular culture.  That makes the world like them more, I suppose.

They also decided it was too embarrassing to believe in miracles, the authority of scripture, the exclusivity of Jesus, etc.  Or did that come first?

Thankfully, many churches in the West aren’t buying it and most of the churches outside the West aren’t either.  The first time I was in Kenya, one of the full-time missionaries, a doctor from England, kept saying how the Kenyans were really disappointed in the U.S. when they heard about churches supporting gay “marriages.”   It wasn’t like they thought, “Gee, those brilliant Westerners know everything, perhaps we should follow them.”  It was more like, “Whoa, what are they thinking?!”

* The three general types of pro-gay theology people:

1. “The Bible says homosexuality is wrong, but it isn’t the word of God.” (Obviously non-Christians)

2. “The Bible says it is wrong, but God changed his mind and is only telling the theological Left.” (Only about 10 things wrong with that.)

3. “The Bible is the word of God, but you are just misunderstanding it” (Uh, no, not really.)

“Saving Jesus” project = Who’s who of false teachers

False teacher Chuck “Jesus is not the only way” Currie is boo-hooing because listener complaints resulted in some progressive “Christian” ads being pulled.

Living the Questions is a respected resource of video curriculum for progressive Christian communities around the world. The Portland radio spots advertised a new series called “Saving Jesus” with the seemingly balanced introduction:

“Ever feel like Jesus has been kidnapped and taken hostage by the Christian Right? Or maybe even worse, simply cast aside as irrelevant by those on the secular left?”

via Why Are Portland Radio Stations Banning Progressive Christian Advertising?.

If you can watch the video at his link (the FDA has approved it as a substitute for Syrup of Ipecac) you’ll find fakes like Brian McLaren, John Dominic Crossan, Marcus Borg and others making up a god then pretending to worship it.

See the comments section where Chuck says that if you don’t vote for oxymoronic “same-sex marriage” — which, of course, is nowhere to be found in the Bible — then you have kidnapped Jesus and held him hostage.  What a self-parody.

It is almost comical watching people dismiss the virgin birth because that somehow takes Mary’s power away.  That’s the kind of thinking you get when they worship radical feminism instead of seeking the real God on his terms.

In fact, that’s the core problem with all these false teachers and seriously confused people: They refuse to seek God on his terms and instead they make up their own god.  They are either members of the “Jesus Seminar” or ideological siblings who think they get to literally vote on which verses of the Bible belong there.  But just because they find a few verses they agree with doesn’t make them Christians any more than finding a few verses they like in the Quran makes them Muslims.

I respect the religious freedom of these fake Christians to make and publish all the ads they like, and I respect the freedom of the radio stations to pull them if their customers are offended by such nonsense.

I just wish that Chuck Currie et al weren’t so dishonest and would just make up a new name for their religion.  They are the ones who “stole” the name of Jesus.  The real Christians accept the Jesus of the Bible whether we like all the verses or not.

Jesus doesn’t need to be saved, we do.  Jesus doesn’t need to be saved, He does save.  And these fakes will never tell you that.