Tag Archives: Kirk Cameron

On Christian Celebrities

Of course I want celebrities to be authentically saved and serve the kingdom (e.g., Kirk Cameron), and if authentic Christians become famous that’s great, too (e.g., Tim Tebow).  But far too often these aren’t authentic conversions, and even if they are, the growth of the Christians is stunted because fans want to cling to the celebrity part.  But just because you memorize and act out scripts well or are a good athlete doesn’t mean you get a free pass on the hard work of discipleship.

Great points about the lack of discernment for many on this topic: Embracing Christian Celebrities

When will we stop acting like teenaged girls who just received the latest edition of Tiger Beat? Maybe, just maybe we could learn to put the brakes on our desire to shriek, “Mark Wahlburg goes to church.” He sure does; a Roman Catholic church. When it was discovered that Carrie Underwood attends an Evangelical Church, the Christian news sites were agog. It was months later we discovered she supports gay marriage. At the very least, can we proceed with caution before we give our public endorsement of the latest celebrity conversion? • Let’s find out what church or denomination they belong to. If it is wonky, stop the presses. • If they have no accountability, they should not have our endorsement. • Let’s give them time to mature. If they endure in the faith for more than five minutes without tarnishing their profession, then perhaps we can make a big deal out of it. • Let’s give them time to bear fruit and not bare themselves. • Let’s vet them as much as we vet our pastors. Granted, a celebrity spokesperson is not the same as a local elder, but he or she has a higher visibility than a preacher. Let’s make sure they don’t bring shame to the name of Jesus because we have standards that are lower than Lil’ Wayne’s pants. Should our born-again celebrity brothers and sisters make it through the vetting process, let’s make sure that we are more enamored with Jesus than with Hollywood stars. After all, we are Christians, not groupies. Embracing celebrity Christians has to stop.



Good news: 61 abortion workers have quit after 40 Days for Life campaigns: pray for them

Obama’s America: Million Dollar Lottery Winner Still Collecting Food Stamps — the title says it all, though it isn’t just Obama, it is Liberalism in general.  With a straight face she rationalizes why she should still get food stamps.

Wise tips for children in worship.

Does Homosexual Behavior in Animals Mean it’s Natural for Humans? — Of course not, but that tired and transparently bad argument still gets a lot of mileage.  Do you really want to base human morality on what is natural in animals?  Male dogs may try to mate with multiple female dogs, “underaged dogs” (i.e., the equivalent of pedophilia), male dogs, your leg, your coffee table and more, but that hardly seems to be a good proxy for what to teach children as being normative.  And as Glenn noted in the comments, the “it’s good enough for me if the animals do it!” philosophy wouldn’t work so well if people started killing those who get too close to their nests or started eating their young.

Genetic evidence: another reason to doubt Mormonism — One of the many falsehoods in that religion.

Jim Winkler thinks nuclear weapons are super-bad, but gee, since we have them then it is OK for Iran to have them as well.  In a completely unrelated note, the UMC continues to shrink.

Randy Alcorn Q&A on Heaven

Kirk Cameron Responds to Criticism after Calling Homosexuality ‘Unnatural’ in Piers Morgan CNN Interview — Good for him!  Liberal interviewers love to put Christians on the spot.  Christians should just turn it around and ask what the Bible says.

A sad story about a woman who insisted on “selective reduction” (i.e., killing) of two of her triplets.  If this couple stays married it will be a minor miracle.  Abortion is so transparently wrong it is easy to argue against it in purely logical terms, but it is illuminating to read real stories about it as well to capture how awful it is.

Roxanne on Way to go, Liberalism!, addressing the amount of guys expecting sex on the first date:

Try getting a woman of the ’70s to believe this.  As I keep saying, those babes got to date men who were raised differently, who were excited, not entitled, when women slept with them.  Then they raised a bunch of men who think that all normal, healthy adults have sex, and now we’re to the point at which the Third Date Rule is looking a little antiquated.

Way to go, ladies. Way to go. [Golf claps] Now that near-total strangers, who could have incurable STDs, wives, girlfriends, hang-ups, bad BO, or corpses in the back yard, demand that you be alone with them, let them penetrate your body, and potentially impregnate you, let me know how that whole sexual revolution thing has worked out for you.  Seems like it’s worked out better for the men that the revolution was supposed to liberate you from.