Tag Archives: ex-gay


Happy Independence Day!

Anyone who thinks this will stop at mere gov’t recognition of “same-sex marriage” is naive or part of the problem. The next step will be to force military chaplains to officiate these unions or to quit. Obama & Co. win all around: Force people to violate their religious convictions, chase Bible-believers from the chaplaincy and make less believers want to enlist.

This article summed it up well — Religious freedom’s drip by drip death.The end point of liberalism is a coercive secular state in which the religious have no meaningful rights. American church leaders are kidding themselves if they think the gay-marriage juggernaut is going to stop at civil marriage. It won’t. It will quickly travel past court houses to churches, demanding that all religions bless gay marriages.Denmark casts a shadow of this future, where the gay-marriage juggernaut has smashed through church doors. Last year the country’s parliament passed a law requiring all Lutheran churches to conduct gay marriage ceremonies. “I think it’s very important to give all members of the church the possibility to get married,” said Manu Sareen, Denmark’s minister for gender equality. Reluctant bishops have to supply ministers to satisfy the right whether they like it or not.

CONFESSION FROM A FORMER HOMOSEXUAL –A former homosexual speaks out about homosexuality and the politics of dishonesty — Yes, they do recruit. Yes, they do lie. Not all of them, but the movement as a whole. If you love people you’ll want to protect them from this.

Canada repeals Section 13 law that criminalized politically incorrect speech — That’s good news for those who like free speech!

Book: Pope John Paul II self-flagellated to get closer to Jesus — another example of lousy theology. If you want to fast, donate money, etc. that is fine. But there is no call in the Bible to physically hurt yourself to get closer to Jesus. That’s just creepy.

Pope John Paul II used to beat himself with a belt and sleep on a bare floor to bring himself closer to Christ, a book published Wednesday says.

The late pope had a particular belt for self-flagellation and brought it with him to his summer residence, according to the book, “Why he is a Saint: The True story of John Paul II.”

“As some members of his own entourage were able to hear with their own ears, both in Poland and in the Vatican, Karol Wojtyla flagellated himself,” the book says, using the name the pope was given at birth.

“In the closet, among the cloaks, a particular pant-belt hung from a hook, which he utilized as a whip and one which he always had brought to Castel Gandolfo,” the book says.

Catholic Advocate Michael Voris Video on Vatican ‘Gay Lobby’ — Yes, lots of actively gay priests that infiltrated the Catholic hierarchy. And yes, most of the sexual abuse of young people was by homosexual priests. The media forgot to tell you that. To state the obvious, these priests are unfaithful to their religion. And so are the heterosexuals who knowingly let them stay in their positions. This is one good thing about the Interwebs: It helps uncover things that would be otherwise hidden.

Study explains why college women abandon courtship for hook-ups — tried to find one thing to quote but it is all good. Go read it.

The Face of Cowardice: Theresa May

Meet the hideous creature who banned Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer from England: British Home Secretary Theresa May, a disgrace to her office, to her nation and to every British citizen who ever lived. On June 25, this deplorable stain on the reputation of a once honorable people “personally directed that [Geller] should be excluded from the United Kingdom” because it is believed that Geller would “foment or justify terrorist violence . . . provoke others to terrorist acts . . . foster hatred,” etc. Robert Spencer writes of the ban:

We had planned to lay a wreath at a memorial to British soldier Lee Rigby, who was beheaded by Islamic jihadists on a Woolwich street on May 22. But it is not conducive to the public good in Britain to oppose jihad violence and Islamic supremacism.

British schoolgirls are being systematically gang-raped by Muslims andBritish soldiers are being hacked to death in the street by Muslims and yet this despicable gutless appeaser, Theresa May, thinks the way to solve the problem is to ban critics of Islam?

Neville Chamberlain was a heroic statesman by comparison.

EXPOSING THE PARTNERSHIP BETWEEN PLANNED PARENTHOOD, THE NATIONAL ABORTION FEDERATION AND MEN WHO SEXUALLY ABUSE UNDERAGE GIRLS — It is very well documented. Planned Parenthood aggressively and systematically hides crimes of rape, incest and sex trafficking — and all with your generous tax dollar. It is the real war on women.

Oh, and United Way plays their part: United Way in Wisconsin Refers Raped Teens to Planned Parenthood

America’s 50 worst charities rake in nearly $1 billion for corporate fundraisers — Please, everyone, use discernment when giving!

Police and social workers ignored sex-trafficking, rape and abuse by Muslims — It is staggering what they get away with. They’ve learned how effective terrorism is. This is from the UK but should be here soon.

Must-read: comprehensive survey of all the research on gay marriage — The surveys saying it is benign or helpful were poorly done.

Polygamists Celebrate Supreme Court’s Marriage Rulings — Of course they do. Like I’ve said all along, it wasn’t a slippery slope, it was a cliff. Once the government says that marriage is not the union of a man and a woman, it becomes whatever someone wants it to be.

“The nuclear family, with a dad and a mom and two or three kids, is not the majority anymore,” one polygamist cheers.

How does your church determine who is suitable for membership?

Is the ability to fog a mirror all that is required?  In “How Mature Should New Members Be?,” Kevin DeYoung gives several scenarios and asks who should be approved for membership.  I agreed with his conclusions on each.  Read the post for most detailed descriptions of the situations.

  • Nice guy who has generally sound doctrine but doesn’t really understand the Gospel = No.
  • Ex-gay who gets the Gospel and trusts in Jesus,  yet  is still fighting temptation and sin and occasionally succumbs = Yes.
  • Couple active in the church who have generally sound doctrine but who are living in sin = No.
  • Widow struggling with her faith = Yes.

Note that he didn’t say these people couldn’t visit or that the answers were permanently “no.”  But if you want to be a member of any group there are certain expectations.  The “no” is really more like “not yet,” where you would work with them more.  If your church just rubber stamps new members then something is wrong.

Sadly, too many churches fear being labeled as exclusive, or non-affirming, or not open and welcoming, so they just take anyone.  They would be offended by the title of this post, as if asking the question is too judgmental.  That’s one of the ways that wolves get in the door.

If I was seeking a church I’d use these scenarios to understand if the pastors took church discipline and the Gospel seriously.

Roundup of stuff the Old Media probably won’t tell you

Cash for Grades?

That controversial “cash for grades” fund raiser at a North Carolina middle school didn’t last too long.

After the scheme to award extra points on tests for $20 appeared in the Raleigh News & Observer, Wayne County district officials today killed the Rosewood Middle School fund raiser.

As easy as it is to mock this school district (what were they thinking?!), my daughters’ schools used to do the same thing, albeit with a middleman of sorts. They would get bonus points for bringing in various things such as supplies for the school. It wasn’t a direct cash payment, but my wallet couldn’t tell the difference.

Ex-Planned Parenthood Director given cold should at her church — how ironic that her pro-choice “church” doesn’t approve of her choice to quit PP and expose the truth about abortions.  Maybe those folks should participate in an abortion and watch it on the ultrasound. 

Chinese researchers find that abortion results in 17% increased risk of breast cancer — anyone seen any counterpoints to this?  I know the breast cancer link debate is controversial, with each side thinking it has trump-card studies. 

PZ Myers has such poor critical thinking skills when it comes to God and morality.  He rants at length as to why there is no such thing as true morality, but like most people positing that he can’t go a paragraph without a moral claim.  He definitely thinks intolerance is wrong.  I tend to agree, if one properly understands the classic definition of the word, but my claim would be consistent with my worldview while his is self-mockery.

Notice his outrage over Christians labeling homosexual behavior as a sin. Well, if there is no real morality saying it is sinful then there is also no real morality saying that it is wrong to call it a sin. He has 0.00 reasons to criticize the morality of Christians.  It is so ironic that they can’t see their hypocrisy.  What a delusional self-parody.  Methinks he doth protest too much.

Former Gay Youth Leader Re-Emerges to Tell His Dramatic Conversion Story — another one of those (allegedly) non-existent people.