Usually Leftists do “hate hoaxes,” but Planned Parenthood apparently does “hack hoaxes” — just not very well

Now just a minute, people!  Sure, they crush and dismember unwanted children for a living then supplement their income by selling their body parts, but they would never stoop to a fake hacking!!

Via Did Planned Parenthood fake being hacked?

This hack was so sudden and caught them so off guard they had a completely scripted html page titled “Campaigns” ready to go just in case.

— Stephen Miller (@redsteeze) July 30, 2015

Another Twitter user noted that Planned Parenthood was busy crying wolf on Facebook, too:

LOL! Actually @PPact changed their facebook post about the fake “hacking” FOUR TIMES. Wow you suck at false attacks.

— el Sooper ن (@SooperMexican) July 30, 2015

Interestingly, though Planned Parenthood claims to be hacked, they are able to accept donations just fine.

All together, things look pretty suspicious.

A review of the source code of the main page that appears at shows that as of 9:30 a.m. today, the page is listed as a “Campaign” and uses a specific template named “Site Down Tempalte” (the typo is theirs). The same page then directs visitors to the Facebook page of Planned Parenthood Action Fund, the political fundraising arm of the nation’s largest abortion provider. The web page for PPAF–which can be accessed via both and–repeats the same hacking claims and contains the exact same source code and template used on the page.

And that’s where Planned Parenthood’s hacking facade begins to crumble. On the splash page declaring that the organization was hacked, visitors are asked “Why do you stand with Planned Parenthood” and invited to share their stories on a separate page housed at

And wouldn’t you know it, that page functions perfectly. No sign of hacking. No sign of intrusion. Just a perfectly functional and secure web page that exists solely to build Planned Parenthood’s mailing list.

This supposed attack comes right around the same time that Planned Parenthood hired a new PR firm, SKDKnickerbocker, which promptly sent out a memo to the media instructing them not to cover any videos released by the Center for Medical Progress in the future. Was this hack job cooked up by someone at SKDKnickerbocker? And whoever planned to claim that Planned Parenthood was hacked, why would they not try to cover their tracks more? They don’t even seem to be trying to hide the fact that this was a fake attack, created to raise money and gain sympathy.


3 thoughts on “Usually Leftists do “hate hoaxes,” but Planned Parenthood apparently does “hack hoaxes” — just not very well”

  1. This supposed attack comes right around the same time that Planned Parenthood hired a new PR firm, SKDKnickerbocker, which promptly sent out a memo to the media instructing them not to cover any videos released by the Center for Medical Progress in the future

    This is the key to the whole story. The videos are hurting their brand. This is what big business does when dirty deeds wake up the populace. Confuse the issue and appeal to emotion Why those poor people at Planned Parenthood are just trying to help women. Those terrible right-wingers are telling lies and doing internet crime to force their morality on the rest of us. We won’t let them win!.

    It’s crazy and doesn’t make sense, but watch, it will work. Everyone will go back to sleep and things will continue as they were. At least that’s the hope of SKDKnickerbocker.


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