“No individual or organization should be legally allowed to donate organs if they’re responsible for the death of the organs’ owner. Period.”

The title exposes what has been lost in the midst of the assumption of the alleged benefits of “donating” the organs of babies crushed and dismembered by abortionists.  It should be in the “Captain Obvious” category but the Leftists assume it because they control the media narrative.  Don’t let them get away with it.

Via The Planned Parenthood Videos: Organ Donations and Euphemisms – Stand to Reason Blog.

The Legal Step That Needs to Be Taken

The heart of the moral problem with Planned Parenthood’s organ donations (again, leaving aside the morality of the abortion on its own) needs to be legally addressed: No individual or organization should be legally allowed to donate organs if they’re responsible for the death of the organs’ owner. Period.

If there’s a beneficial transaction to be had from the death of a human being, then you can’t be allowed to participate in that transaction if you’re the one bringing about that human being’s death. (This applies whether you’re personally directly benefitting or the person you’re donating to is directly benefitting; for in the second case, the one who directly benefits is likely to return the favor with indirect benefits to encourage more donations—i.e., more killing to facilitate more giving.) To allow such a thing incentivizes killing and will inevitably lead to abuses.

If we’re going to talk about legal steps that need to be taken, this seems like it should be one of the first.

When Abortion Doctors Drop Their Euphemisms

As the doctor in the fourth video picks through the baby parts, she says, “It’s a baby,” and announces, “Another boy!” Planned Parenthood workers may tell women to their faces that it’s up to them whether the “clump of cells” inside them is a baby, but this is how the doctors talk behind their backs. They speak the plain truth. They speak of human organs. They speak of genders. They speak of babies.

My prayer is that these videos will break the spell of the abortion industry’s insidious euphemisms.


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