
Planned Parenthood caught on video hiding statutory rape. . . . again (and again . . . )

In the video, after hearing the girl is 14 and her boyfriend is “much older,” the counselor says whether or not the situation will be reported by clinic workers “depends on the person you’re disclosing that information to.” When the girl says that her boyfriend is 31, the counselor tells her, “You don’t have to say anything” about the statutory rape and instructs her, “Just give them the information that’s needed.” The counselor also confirms that the 31-year-old “boyfriend” will be paying for the abortion.

These are not isolated occurrences.  They have been well documented across the country on audio and video for years.  What is the solution of our political leaders?  Give Planned Parenthood lots more money! There is something horribly wrong with these people (Planned Parenthood and the politicians).  Even pro-choicers should oppose statutory rape.

Question: Does the Left’s hatred manifest differently when aimed at a man versus a woman? — Interesting analysis from Hillbuzz.

Did the White House commit a federal crime by offering jobs in exchange for political favors? — One more from Hillbuzz.  Is anyone bothered by the White House bribing people not to run for office?

NRLC says that new version of Obamacare is even more pro-abortion — I’ll say it again: The Democrats could have had health care sewn up months ago if they hadn’t insisted on taxpayer-funded abortions.  They want increased abortions and to pay back Planned Parenthood and the like more than they want to help the uninsured.

Nap ‘boosts’ brain learning power — far be it for me to disagree with the BBC.  I’m a big fan of short naps.

This says it all about the media’s reaction to the guy who flew the plane into the building in Austin.   They immediately and erroneously classified the eunuchbomber as a “lone wolf,” and he turned out to be from Al Qaeda.  Yet they acted as if Joe Clack was representative of tea-partiers.  Why the rush to judgment, especially when his profile was far more Left than Right?

Hat tip: Red State