Tag Archives: lgbtq agenda


T.D. Jakes = prosperity gospel false teacher.  MacDonald and Driscoll = hypocrites.  Why didn’t they ask Jakes about his in the meeting where they were buying his anti-trinitarian heresy rationalizations?  Hat tip: Sola Sisters

What working at Wal-Mart taught a young conservative woman about the poor

Here are just two short anecdotes:

a) People ignoring me on their iPhones while the state paid for their food. (For those of you keeping score at home, an iPhone is at least $200, and requires a data package of at least $25 a month. If a person can spend $25+ a month so they can watch YouTube 24/7, I don’t see why they can’t spend that money on food.)

d) A man who ran a hotdog stand on the pier in Portland, Maine used to come through my line. He would always discuss his hotdog stand and encourage me to “come visit him for lunch some day.” What would he buy? Hotdogs, buns, mustard, ketchup, etc. How would he pay for it? Food stamps. Either that man really likes hotdogs, or the state is paying for his business. Not okay.

I really appreciate Pastor Foster’s ministry.

The following is DL Foster’s speech at the Jan. 17, 2012 AFTAH press conference outside the Southern Poverty Law Center, featuring African American and pro-family Christian leaders condemning the SPLC’s “hate group” politics. Foster is a pastor and the founder of Gay Christian Movement Watch, based in Atlanta:

Steve Jobs: ‘I’m glad I didn’t end up as an abortion’ — I’m glad he didn’t end up as one, and I’m glad I didn’t either (I was born 10 yrs. less one day before the Roe v Wade decision).  Too bad he didn’t make his views more visible while he was alive.  Or maybe he just thought it was important that he was alive but not the people who bought his goods?

How Barack Obama and other big government statists really bankroll their reelections — great video.  This image below the video explains most of it: Even if we cut 100% of non-entitlement spending (i.e., zero military, zero infrastructure, zero politicians, etc.) we don’t take in enough money to pay entitlements.  The deficit grows every year and we’ll be like Greece — only on a much larger and more devastating scale — in less time than you’d think.