Tag Archives: howard zinn


Looks like the Kairos Prison Ministry weekend for October is a “go,” as they got enough volunteers.  Looking forward to the training starting this Saturday with the regulars plus some new volunteers!

I am not making this up: Be sure to subscribe to Jim “the Gospel is all about wealth redistribution” Wallis‘ Sojourners magazine — you know, the “evangelical Christian” publication — so you can get a free copy of a Gandhi poster.  Yeah, Jesus was all about promoting other religions.  I suppose the bright side is that the fakes aren’t even trying hard to disguise themselves anymore.

False teacher fallacy-fest on Prop 8: Fake Christian Chuck “Jesus is not the only way” Currie teaches the opposite of Jesus and the Bible at nearly every turn but really out does himself with his bit about how “Prop 8 Was Incompatible With Christianity; Court Decision A Victory For All God’s Children.”

The Wintery Knights says that Women should read The Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands.  Anyone read it?  Comments?

How to kill a church, Episcopalian style – yep.  They followed this advice to the letter.  If your business lost 60% of market share (which is roughly what they did as they went apostate) then lots of people would get fired.

Wow, even the NY Times can see how un-scientific people like PZ Myers are.

MUST-READ: FBI records show Howard Zinn was a communist – yep.  And watch how many theological Liberals worshiped the guy.

47% of Gay Couples Have “Sex Agreements” – Only 45% Monogomous: Study – some tidbits:

SAN FRANCISCO, July 20, 2010 (LifeSiteNews.com) – Forty-seven percent of gay couples in a recently published study said that they had “sex agreements” with their partners, which clarify how often and in what circumstances they are permitted to have sex with others. Only 45% said that their relationships were monogamous, while another 8% disagreed about whether their relationship was “open” or exclusive, according to an ongoing study by the Center or Research on Gender & Sexuality at San Francisco State University.

The Gay Couples Study said that the couples interviewed typically put a positive spin on “open” relationships, with three out of four participants describing non-monogamous agreements as “positive” because it eliminates the need to lie to one’s partner.

Lying = bad, sex with other people = good.  Check.

The authors also claimed that, “we found that couples make sexual agreements because they want to build a strong relationship rather than for HIV protection.”

Yeah, nothing strengthens a relationship like having sex with others.

The study’s authors note that examining homosexual relationships is important because “previous research shows that gay and bisexual men in relationships engage in substantially higher rates of unprotected anal intercourse (UAI) with their primary partners than do single men with their casual partners.”

Anal intercourse and other forms of homosexual behavior are associated with a variety of diseases and syndromes, including high rates of sexually transmitted diseases such AIDS, syphilis, and hepatitis, which homosexuals suffer at rates many times higher than the general population.  It is also associated with damaged rectum linings and a variety of anal and intestinal diseases that were once known in the scientific literature as “gay bowel syndrome,” until the term was dropped following pressure from homosexual activists.

The New York Times, writing about the study in January, before its release, noted that the study tends to vindicate those who have warned that homosexual “marriage” will lead to a redefinition of the institution itself, destroying its traditional meaning.

The rate of HIV with gays is 44 times that of the rest of the population, and the syphilis rates are similar.  If this were any other sub-group the media would be all over it.  Instead, we get crickets chirping.  Political correctness can be deadly.

Normally I wouldn’t find this that amusing, but, for the first time in my life, I did this very thing the other day.

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