About those claiming Jesus was just a good teacher . . .

Have you read all of what He said lately? Do you believe He is divine as He claimed to be? If not, how could He be a good teacher? If so, then He is the author of all scripture, including Paul’s letters.  As C.S. Lewis noted, if you claim to believe what He is quoted as saying in the Gospels then He must be a liar, a lunatic or the Lord.

Do you believe his teachings that:

  • Unrighteousness anger leads to Hell?
  • False beliefs about God and his word should be rebuked?
  • Lust = adultery?
  • He is the only way to salvation?
  • He is divine?
  • That marriage is the union of a man and a woman?
  • We should stop judging based on mere appearances and make right judgments?
  • The Old Testament turned out just as God wanted it to? (He unapologetically referred to all of it, including currently controversial passages such as Adam and Eve as historical figures, Noah, Sodom and Jonah.)
  • Hell is real (He taught on it more than He did on Heaven), with eight references to weeping and gnashing of teeth, etc.
  • You should give your money rather than petitioning “Caesar” to take from your neighbors at the point of a gun to “give” on your behalf?
  • Other religious teachings are wrong? (leaven / Pharisees / Sadducees)

Jesus was very blunt in his name-calling. Was He being a good teacher then?  A few examples: Jesus called Pharisees “wicked,” “adulterous,” “sons of hell” (Matt. 23:15), “blind guides,” “blind men,” “white-washed tombs,” and even “snakes.” For those who didn’t believe Him, Jesus said they were “foolish” and that they were “of their father the devil (John 8:44).”

I encourage you to read the Bible carefully and place your trust in the real Jesus, not the one of popular culture and the wolves of the “Christian” Left.  Making a god in your own image will never work.


2 thoughts on “About those claiming Jesus was just a good teacher . . .”

  1. I’m sure any liberal Christians who read this will just falsely believe that you are misguided and that only they have the true knowledge of Scripture. Never mind the fact that what they believe is in contradiction to what Christ taught.

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