Responding to the “pro-lifers just want to control women’s bodies!” sound bite

It is a common mode of attack for pro-legalized abortionists to put pro-lifers on the defensive by accusing them of wanting to control women, but the charge is false.

First and most importantly, we want to protect the body of the unborn, not control the body of the mother.

Also, consider the inconsistency of the Liberals who lodge that claim.  They typically want to control everything about your life: Your wallet (i.e., taxes), education, how you discipline your children, what goes into Happy Meals, your speech, the car you drive and more.

And at least 50% of all abortions and nearly 100% of gender selection abortions kill females, so the pro-legalized abortionists aren’t just controlling those bodies, they are complicit in destroying them.

4 thoughts on “Responding to the “pro-lifers just want to control women’s bodies!” sound bite”

  1. So absolutely true Glenn. Abortioners (is this the right word) want to work with communists, liberals, heathens, etc to design their populations. The easiest way to do this is to target vulnerable women that do not know better and remove the unborn from their bodies. Such an anti act of God!!!


  2. You are ridiculous. Please spare me your nonsense about it being an “anti act of God”.
    Pro-choice people are not going to “force” women to get abortions, just as they won’t force women to have a baby they don’t want and can’t take care of. They simply respect the decisions that individuals make concerning their own bodies and their own children.


    1. They simply respect the decisions that individuals make concerning their own bodies and their own children.

      So they can kill their children inside of the womb or outside and you’re ok with that? And what about the “individuals” in the womb. Why can’t they decide whether they will be crushed and dismembered?


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