

GAO Report Confirms Obama Lied: 1,036 ObamaCare Plans Pay for Abortions — Wait . . . what?!? . . . are you telling me that someone who advocates the slaughter of unwanted human beings is capable of lying?  Explain . . .

We’re Winning the War on Global Hunger — Now for some great news.

If You Struggle Over an Issue… You Must Be Right! — Great post by Pastor Timothy about Rachel Held Evans’ “shocking” shift to pro-gay theology.  Why would anyone take Evans seriously on anything biblical — let alone the most divisive issue of our time — especially when she just “happened” to end up “reluctantly” agreeing with the world on the topic?  She embarrassed herself with her “A Year of Biblical Womanhood” gimmick, where she did triple fails on simple verses like Proverbs 21:9.  The verse is a simple bit of wisdom about choosing a spouse wisely yet she turned it into a bizarre ritualistic punishment.  She accomplished her apparent goal of telling the unsaved that the Bible isn’t something they should take seriously, yet she still markets herself as an evangelical.  More here.

I’m doing some research around the web and came across Rachel Held’s Evans post on God and the Gay Christian. In there she tells us that she has another post that is in the works about why she changed her mind on God and the gay Christian. Gee, can’t wait.

Her testimony and preface for this upcoming post is simply that she has struggled over the issue, she has had many sleepless nights. She has really wrestles with it… therefore, her conclusions must be sound. . .

Dear Children — Be sure to check out the new blog by the blogger formerly known as the Bumbling Genius.  Great start!

Darwin’s followers now spin the function of “vestigial” hipbones in whales, dolphins — Darwinian evolution, wrong again.  Yawn.

Middle School Bans Teen’s “Virginity Rocks” T-Shirt — You’d think they be too busy handing out condoms and taking kids to have abortions without their parents’ consent, but they found time to silence a positive message.

Study: Nightly network news covered Bush’s crumbling job approval 124 times to this point in year six — versus nine times for Obama

Mmmmmm, that’s good bias.

Wife-Beating Video of Ray Rice OK but Not Pictures of Aborted Babies

If wife beating violence is morally wrong, it’s hard for to imagine why a woman killing her unborn baby is not the worst kind of domestic violence.

Chris Christie and New Jersey’s War on Women and the Second Amendment — No consequences for Ray Rice but jail for carrying a licensed weapon?!  Ridiculous. I hope they take this to the Supreme Court.

Meanwhile, McClain is working to put 27-year-old mother of two Shaneen Allen — herself a first-time offender — into jail for at least three years, maybe even a decade.

Allen didn’t punch anyone out in an elevator. She simply didn’t know that her Pennsylvania concealed-carry permit was not valid in New Jersey.

In October 2013, Allen was pulled over for a minor traffic offense. She dutifully informed the officer of her gun and presented her concealed-carry permit. She was arrested.

Allen had a gun because she had been robbed twice in 2013 and feared for her children. Following her arrest, and McClain’s insistence that she face the maximum possible penalty for her oversight, Allen reportedly lost her job.

Politics: Uh oh: Middle East allies Obama expects to fight ISIS on ground don’t trust him — This is predictable yet still stunning to see how far we’ve fallen.

Which means they’re paying attention.

Many of us focused Wednesday on President Obama’s insistence that the United States will provide air power only in the fight against ISIS, and will expect other nations to do the fighting on the ground. We talked a lot about how foolish it is to concede such an important strategic option to the enemy before the fighting even starts, and worse yet, to publicly tell the enemy you’re doing so.

We also talked about the fact that Obama obviously made this concession in an attempt to sell his plan to voters, which means he is putting domestic politics ahead of victory. Hardly a surprise coming from this president, but it’s jarring nonetheless to realize it.

What not many asked, however, is what makes Obama think these other nations will do what he says he wants them to do? We’ve all seen what ISIS does to the people they capture (and they did it again on Saturday to British hostage David Haines). We all know what can happen to anyone who is called to engage in combat.

Why would Middle Eastern allies of the United States just go along with a plan that sees U.S. forces dropping bombs from the air, while their guys have to fight on the ground? Did Obama actually secure the agreement of these nations to do so before he went on TV and told us this is what is going to happen?

I ask this because the Washington Post reported earlier in the week that Middle Eastern nations have noticed the same thing about Obama that many of us here at home have noticed. As Mustafa Alani of the Gulf Research Center in Dubai puts it: “We have reached a low point of trust in this administration. We think in a time of crisis Mr. Obama will walk away from everyone if it means saving his own skin.”

Mark Sanford breaks up with fiance, blames ex-wife — People who break up marriages to hook up with adulterers always seemed shocked — shocked, I say! — that their SOUL MATES could do such a terrible thing to them.  So predictable.  It never occurs to them that “soul mate” = “someone who seems at least a little better than the person I made a life-long commitment to.”


5 thoughts on “Roundup”

  1. Re: Mark Sanford breaks up with fiance, blames ex-wife – Ahh, my beloved homestate of SC is in the national news again. I’ve followed Sanford’s story closely, seems his ex-wife is pushing him and his “soul-mate” (I hate that term) apart. She has formally requested that they not spend the night together when the kids are with him. Sanford’s ex-fiancee says that he’s been preoccupied with politics since he won his seat in the House of Representatives (not in my district, so I didn’t get a chance to vote for/against him).

    Sanford was a good Governor, very conservative fiscally. I believe his marriage failed long before his affair began (which is NOT an excuse for cheating on his wife). Many people called for his impeachment (a lot of them lived far outside SC), but I called for the same actions that I did for President Clinton. I felt he should resign, but not be impeached. The constitutional requirements for impeachment are for “high crimes and treason,” this just didn’t seem to stack up.

    I hope Sanford doesn’t run for a state-wide office again. If he does, I think there’s a fair chance he would win the primary election and then we’d have to choose between him or someone who likely will not be to my liking.


  2. Obama lied?!?!?! You can’t be serious!! Oh my, I’m so heartbroken! And here I thought he was our new messiah.

    I just don’t get Geisler. The guy is such a good theologian and apologist, and yet he does these sorts of antics. Very disappointing. As you said, it was bad enough when he supported Caner’s dishonesty.

    The T-shirt example is just another reason to avoid public schools


  3. You might want to check the source on the Norm Geisler thing. The guy you linked had to refute it because he was wrong. Personally I wish people would keep their little disputes away from the public rather than crying on the internet. It’s confusing for people like me who don’t have a dog in the fight. Have your disagreements in private.


    1. Jeff – thanks for the update! I took that one out. Still disappointed in him for the Caner mess but glad to hear this one wasn’t valid and that Licona offered a retraction and public apology.


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