
Stan on Lessons from Jonah — Jonah is such a great book.  I almost wish the fish part wasn’t there, because it is so easy for people to get distracted by that and to miss the other important themes.

Among other things, the book of Jonah is a strong rebuke to the entertainment mentality of the modern church.  He was one of the most reluctant, non-entertaining preachers ever, yet by (eventually) doing God’s will and preaching his word countless people repented.

It is a short and simple book.  Go read the entire thing today!

Why I Changed My Mind About Baptism – the author switched views from infant to believer’s baptism.  I think the paedobaptist side overplays the continuity card.  To me the continuity is that both are done at birth: circumcision was done at physical birth and baptism at spiritual birth. But I don’t like it when people get huffy or divisive on the topic.

When people insist that the Democrats aren’t really after all guns, remember Obamacare (where they were caught on camera many times saying that it was a step towards single-payer, while publicly denying they wanted single-payer) and that quotes like this: Dem Rep. Jan Schakowsky: I’m not so sure we can’t ban handguns entirely.  History shows that they reluctantly go with an incremental approach.  Don’t be fooled or shamed into believing otherwise.

From the “I am not making this up category” – while the Obama administration is making citizens as miserable as possible with their faux sequester cuts, they leave things in the budget like $1,500,000 to study why lesbians are fat.  Maybe it never occurred to them that fat women are more likely to say they are lesbian, just like guys who can’t get girls are more likely to say it is because they are gay.  Then they dive into the sinful lifestyle a la Romans 1 and stay there.

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has awarded $1.5 million to study biological and social factors for why “three-quarters” of lesbians are obese and why gay males are not, calling it an issue of “high public-health significance.”

The sad part is that you could publish a story about ridiculous multi-million dollar spending not just every day but every hour of the day.  Maybe more often.

Things the media never tells you: The pedophiles are emboldened from the advances of the LGBTQX lobby: Larry Kramer Says Children ‘Desire, Solicit Sex’ with Homosexual Adults

Celebrated activist says most “gay” men victimized as boys have “fond memories” of early sexual experience

Since its inception through “Lambda Report,” the newsletter launched in 1993 that was the precursor to Americans For Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH), we have been at the forefront of exposing the homosexuality-pedophilia connection, including “gay” activists’ advocacy and tolerance of sex between men and boys.

Read the entire article.  This is what the pro-gay theology people are bringing us.

Forcing your view: Everyone does it – Nice job by John pointing out how the “forcing your view” argument is meaningless.

That sound bite is often used in the pro-abortion area, but as with nearly all of their arguments, it ignores the human being killed in the procedure.  Someone is obviously forcing their morality on her as they crush her skull and rip her limbs off.  Yet none of the pro-aborts would accuse someone of “forcing their views” if they stopped someone from killing a toddler in the same manner.

One of my favorite things to do when people play the phony “You’re forcing your religious views on me!!” card is to ask them to point me to anywhere on the great big Interwebs where they have been equally strident in opposing the religious Left.  After all, if “forcing religious views” was such a horrible thing, they should be actively protesting the Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice, all the fake denominations pushing taxpayer-funded abortion and oxymoronic “same-sex marriage,” increased taxes, etc.

I’ve yet to get anything besides crickets chirping in response.

Gay activists pressure DC Comics to fire pro-marriage author Orson Scott Card

It’s very important to see which side of the same-sex marriage debate features the real bigots and the real bullies.

Whoops!  Green cars not so green.

A 2012 comprehensive life-cycle analysis in Journal of Industrial Ecology shows that almost half the lifetime carbon-dioxide emissions from an electric car come from the energy used to produce the car, especially the battery. The mining of lithium, for instance, is a less than green activity. By contrast, the manufacture of a gas-powered car accounts for 17% of its lifetime carbon-dioxide emissions. When an electric car rolls off the production line, it has already been responsible for 30,000 pounds of carbon-dioxide emission. The amount for making a conventional car: 14,000 pounds.

Another good one from Stan – for when they call you a Pharisee

So, when someone tells me I’m “pharisaical”, what should I conclude? Maybe I’ll be generous. “Oh, really? How kind! I don’t know that I really think of myself as someone whose righteousness exceeds most, but I do appreciate the kind thought.” Or, “Oh, my, you shouldn’t say so! Sure, I’m diligent about searching the Scriptures, but shouldn’t we all?” Maybe, “Yes, I do believe that Scripture is applicable to today and, no, I don’t believe we should assimilate our society’s sin rather than remain pure. Thanks for noticing.” Maybe I’ll be careful. “You know, I do not want to be a hypocrite that requires of others what I’m not willing to do for God. Could you point out exactly what it is I’m doing like that?” “I really hope that I’m not the self-righteous type. I know that the only righteousness I have comes from God. It would be beneficial to me if you could point out how I’m being self-righteous rather than pointing to Him.” But it is my suspicion that when people call me “pharisaical”, they are not accusing me of being godly or of being hypocritical. It is my suspicion that they don’t like me pointing to Scripture and calling it the genuine “Word of God”, urging repentance, and calling on me and you and everyone else to live by it. And that, dear readers, is not actually “pharisaical”.


7 thoughts on “Roundup”

  1. Circumcision was done only on the males, and was a sign of a covenant. The analogy with circumcision has always been a poor one; if you are going to make it, then females do not need baptism. Baptism is symbolic of our profession of faith. Infants cannot profess faith and there is no evidence from Scripture that infants were baptized. Baptizing infants came about with the idea of baptismal regeneration – that one is saved through baptism.

    The “pro–gay theology” is satanic.

    I just received a “forcing your views” comment this week about my exposure of Philip Yancey’s teachings. It’s interesting how these people don’t see that they are forcing their views on you!


  2. Maybe it never occurred to them that fat women are more likely to say they are lesbian, just like guys who can’t get girls are more likely to say it is because they are gay. Then they dive into the sinful lifestyle a la Romans 1 and stay there.
    This may be true in some instances, but I think that a different answer is more likely for most lesbians. Rather than A causing B [being fat/unattractive to the opposite sex means you’re more likely to say you’re gay], I would say it’s more likely that both A & B are caused by C — that identifying oneself as homosexual is a sign of emptiness and brokenness inside, and indicative of a deep-seated need; eating is a way that many people (women particularly, it seems) “self-medicate” or attempt to fill the spiritual emptiness and loneliness they feel. Thus, it seems to me that women who have a spiritual emptiness are more likely to turn to lesbianism and also to overeat.


  3. To me the continuity is that both are done at birth: circumcision was done at physical birth and baptism at spiritual birth. Yes, absolutely! John 1:13 makes it absolutely clear that Christians cannot claim Christianity based on physical descent; to me, that verse annihilates any claim of “covenant theology” and paedobaptism.


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