
More anti-choice behavior from the Left: Planned Parenthood: “pro-choice” for abortion, “no choice” for doctors

Planned Parenthood and the American Civil Liberties Union are suing the government over rules that protect health care providers’ freedom of conscience.

The Department of Health and Human Services put the regulations in place last month to reinforce federal laws that protect doctors from being forced to participate in abortion and other anti-life practices.

The top 10 misheard lyrics — good for a laugh.  My favorite was mentioned in the opening but wasn’t on the official list: Jimi Hendrix song Purple Haze has the line, ‘Scuse me while I kiss the sky, but a high school friend thought it was, ‘Scuse  me while I kiss this guy.  It was like, “Uh, that is so far off I don’t know where to begin.”

The New York Times ignored a 300,000 person pro-life marchThree hundred thousand.  But they aren’t biased.

Obama wants to see the Defense Of Marriage Act overturned, which is helping keep normal states from being impacted as much by the insanity in Massachussetts et al.  Go here to send your Representatives and Senators emails telling them you support it.  Go now!  It only takes a couple minutes.