Lifting: Keep it simple!

As I’ve aged, I’ve learned to keep my weightlifting simple. You don’t need to do 8 different exercises to work your biceps. Just some dumbbell curls will suffice.

The basics—push-ups, pull-ups, and some squat variation—can give you fantastic results. I highly recommend these Bulgarian split squats, which provide a great leg workout with or without weights. If you do those three exercises for a few sets 2-3 times a week, you’ll be surprised at how quickly you strengthen and firm up. But start slowly!

If you expand and do more, that’s great. But these things can be done at home at a low cost. I do recommend investing in push-up bars, as they can help your wrists greatly.

If you can afford them, PowerBlock dumbbells are fantastic. I’ve used them for decades. They save a lot of space and give you great flexibility.

If you have any questions, leave a comment! And be blessed on your fitness journey.