False teacher fallacy-fest on Prop 8

Fake Christian Chuck “Jesus is not the only way” Currie teaches the opposite of Jesus and the Bible at nearly every turn but really out-does himself with this bit: Proposition 8 Was Incompatible With Christianity; Court Decision A Victory For All God’s Children.

1. Let’s start with the title: He is ignorant of the fact that “God’s children” are only those who have trusted in Jesus (see John 1:12 and other passages referring to that term).

2. Either Chuck is ignorant of both Christianity and science or he is just lying again (or both!).  He trots out the myth that gay behavior is genetic.

Fact: Skin color is morally neutral, sexual behavior is not.  Chuck & Co. mock the plight of blacks when they conflate the two.

Like Loving v. Virginia (which outlawed the ban on interracial marriage), the court’s decision today in Perry v. Schwarzenegger overturning California’s Proposition 8 is historic and a victory not only for gays and lesbians who wish to marry but for all Americans.

3. Oxymoronic “same-sex” marriage doesn’t increase freedoms for anyone.  It restricts religious freedoms because it sets up churches to comply or face persecution.  And no one was stopping gays from having relationships. But Chuck says:

Once again freedom has been extended.

4. Chuck doesn’t have a clue about what Jesus — God incarnate — taught about marriage.  He says:

But today’s decision is one that Christians can affirm.  It is moral and just and in line with the teachings of Jesus.

But the word of God says the opposite:

  • 100% of the verses addressing homosexual behavior denounce it as sin in the clearest and strongest possible terms.
  • 100% of the verses referring to God’s ideal for marriage involve one man and one woman.
  • 100% of the verses referencing parenting involve moms and dads with unique roles (or at least a set of male and female parents guiding the children).
  • 0% of 31,173 Bible verses refer to homosexual behavior in a positive or even benign way or even hint at the acceptability of homosexual unions.

5. Watch Chuck get the Gospel wrong here.  The real Gospel is that Jesus died and rose again for our sins (see 1 Corinthians 15 and, oh, pretty much the whole New Testament).  Chuck makes things up as he goes along while creating a god in his own image.

He and other Liberal theologians (read: fake Christians) trot out words like love, compassion, justice, inclusion, etc. to cloud the issue.  But all they are doing is rationalizing sin.  Bad idea.

The message of the Gospel is the lens through which the whole of scripture is to be interpreted. Love and compassion, justice and peace are at the very core of the life and ministry of Jesus. It is a message that always bends toward inclusion. The biblical story recounts the ways in which inclusion and welcome to God’s community is ever-expanding – from the story of Abraham and Sarah, to the inclusive ministry of Jesus, to the baptism of Cornelius, to the missionary journeys of Paul throughout the Greco- Roman world. The liberating work of the Spirit as witnessed in the activities of Jesus’ ministry has been to address the situations and structures of exclusion, injustice and oppression that diminish God’s people and keep them from realizing the full gift of human personhood in the context of human communion.

More gobbledygook here.  Note how he doesn’t refer to specific passages, just general made up themes?  Gee, if you are really committed to a sinful relationship and make a covenant about it then it is OK!

The language of covenant is central to the message of scripture concerning relationships and community. Both in the message of the prophets and the teachings of Jesus, covenant relationships are important, taken seriously by God and are to be taken seriously by God’s people. The overriding message of the Gospel is that God calls God’s people to live fully the gift of love in responsible, faithful, just, committed, covenantal relationships of trust that recognize and respect the image of God in all people. These Gospel values are at the core of the covenantal relationship that we call marriage.

6. Then he really gets blasphemous and blames the Holy Spirit for his outrageous religion.  But of course the burden of proof is on him to back up that claim.  Any evidence for us, Chuck?  Seems to me that when you teach the opposite of the Bible then it is Satan who is at work.  Attributing the work of Satan to God is a profoundly bad idea.

Clearly, this court decision will be controversial and many Christians will decry the verdict. But my belief is that the Holy Spirit is at work here. The moral arc of the universe always bends towards justice, said The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.  He was correct.

The truth of the matter is that Proposition 8 was incompatible with Christianity.  Injustice always is.

The final sentence is pure Chuck.  Teach the opposite of the Bible and claim it is Christianity.

7. Why is Chuck trying to force his (false) religious beliefs on others?  Where is the ACLU when you need them?!  Oh, they agree with Chuck’s perverse views so they take a pass.

8.  And even IF Chuck was remotely right about God’s views on homosexual behavior, why doesn’t he rail from the pulpit about the lack of maintaining these “covenant” relationships?  After all, only 45% of gays are monogamous and that is with a definition of monogamy that considers “3-ways” and more to qualify as “monogamy.”


Man, these fake Christians aren’t even trying anymore.