Do people really want income redistribution?

Our President famously said that he wanted to spread the wealth around. Do you like that idea?

If people think income redistribution is such a swell idea, why not level the playing field around the world and not just in the U.S.? Check out this Global rich list site and see where you fit in. If you make $50,000 per year you are in the richest 1% of the people in the world.

If we really want to even everything out you’ll have to give up everything except $850 per year. That would put you at the 50% mark.

If you are reading this you are highly likely to be a very blessed person financially. Get out of debt as quickly as you can, live within your means and thank God for your good fortune. Give generously and joyfully because you want to, not because you have to.

Capitalism rocks! It has its hard edges, but it blows away all the other “isms” when it comes to helping the most people in the most significant way.