
Sweden is having major problems with the growth of Islam.  The country is often held up as an example of how swell things can be if you ignore God, but they are finding out the that the “reap what you sow” part from Galatians is true.  Sure, people may enjoy sin for a time, but it always leads to pain.

“Expelled! Exposed” Exposed – a thorough set of rebuttals to the criticisms of the documentary.  It highlights some of Richard Dawkins’ lies about the making of the movie, among other things (though to his credit he sort-of apologized).

Why can’t Prosperity Pulpit Pimps manage their own money and follow their own advice to solve their financial problems?   The video is nauseating.  These people are crooks.  As awful as this economic mess is I hope it cleans out some of the fakers.  Maybe some of their gullible followers will see the light.

Obama used a logical fallacy-fest to rationalize Embryonic Stem Cell Research.  Fact: This is the government funded destruction of human beings for scientific research.  All the emotional pleas about getting in the way of cures fail for multiple reasons. 

If ESCR is such a swell idea, why hasn’t private money supported it? 

It is cloning, regardless of whether it is therapeutic cloning or reproductive cloning.  In Obama’s world it is only bad cloning if you let the human being live to be delivered.  As long as you destroy him or her it is OK. 


Obama offends the Brits  – again! – and his high tech administration can’t answer the phone.   Wasn’t he supposed to make the world love us?

Obama’s double-speak on marriage.  Shocking.

When presidential candidate Barack Obama visited the Saddleback Civil Forum in California in August 2008, he gave his views on marriage:  “I believe that marriage is the union between a man and a woman.”

Yet, the new administration’s actual policies and planned actions for marriage are stated much differently. The new administration…

· Supports “full civil unions and federal rights for [homosexual] couples”

· Opposes a “constitutional ban on same-sex marriage”

· Promises to repeal the federal “Defense of Marriage Act”

Man Driving to Abortion Clinic Runs Over Pro-Lifer, then Persuaded by Victim’s Wife Not to Abort – now there’s a powerful example of love and forgiveness that saved a life!

It only makes sense that those who oppose the 2nd Amendment may eventually oppose your 1st Amendment rights to speak about the 2nd Amendment.  You won’t be able to defend your 1st Amendment rights when they take away your guns.

Obama can’t go anywhere without his teleprompter – does he use one at breakfast?  Seriously, can you imagine the mockery President Bush would have endured if he had done this?  Once again the MSM covers for Obama.

If you are pro-life and like sarcasm, don’t miss this post by The Raving Theist (formerly the Raving Atheist) on National Day of Appreciation for Abortion Providers.