Blog update

Starting May 1, I will publish my Manage Your Mission book on this blog. I hope people enjoy the series, which will run three days a week through December 23. Whether you buy the book or if you read enough blog posts to form an opinion, an Amazon review would be appreciated. Apparently, that helps the search algorithms.

This will probably be my last blogging. My cancer is back for the 6th time, so I’m focused on that. Things do not look promising for a longer-term solution. We completely trust in Jesus, as always. My faith is in him, not health or wealth, so it hasn’t wavered.

This book was my life’s work regarding eternal and temporal advice, so it is a logical swan song to close out many enjoyable years of blogging. The blog started in 2006 and had a lot of high-volume years until I didn’t have much new to say. The primary purpose was for sound theology, evangelism, and exposing the wolves of the “Christian” Left/Progressive “Christianity,” but I included economics, pro-life reasoning, politics, and fun things as well. We had some epic comment threads along the way. I enjoyed it on many levels, especially getting to know many of you.

Thanks for your readership and comments over the years!

Keep the faith, everyone, and finish strong.

Because Eternity Matters.

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