Weekly roundup

A good overview of Bill Maher’s “facts” from the Religulous movie.  A sample:

Within a few minutes Maher is denying not just the divinity of Jesus Christ but his actual historical existence, a question disputed by almost no credible scholar. You can argue that it is difficult to believe in Jesus’s existence considering that primary records for his existence are recorded by only a precious few devoted disciples who recorded his allegorical teachings in detail as well as the social unrest they inspired. Then again, if that’s the standard – you probably don’t believe Socrates [existed] either.

A very thorough debunking of the movie (just one error after another) plus some of the deception behind it here.

A nice summary of the false beliefs of Oprah Winfrey and Eckhart Tolle.  Despite the claims, it is not a belief system compatible with Christianity.

Obama is amazing.  His ACORN associates are getting nailed left and right for voter fraud, yet he has the nerve to twist it to say that his voters are getting suppressed!

Snopes-certified email about Obama – Pianist Huntley Brown explains why he won’t vote for Obama.  Great stuff.

I could not see Jesus agreeing with many of Obama’s positions.

Black women comprise only 6% of the population, yet they comprise 36% of the abortion industry’s clientele.  Obama has done nothing to stop this.

He is dead on there.  Pro-life = pro-black.  Pro-choice = anti-black. 

He nails him on the Jeremiah Wright mentorship as well.

If you have stock in Intuit, the maker of Quicken, you should sell it.  I have used Quicken for over 10 years and just upgraded when I bought a computer with Vista that would not run the old version.  Wow, are they a poorly run company.   I would have just returned it to the store except that the transition was slightly less difficult than starting over with a new company.

They de-featured the low end program so radically that it is way behind the version that was 10 years old.  Their support is inefficient, error filled and goes in circles.  There are many bugs in the software.  Upgrading to a more robust version was a challenge, as there were mistakes on their order pages (the prices changed from one page to another).  The Help menu kept referring to non-existent menu option.  And this is a software company!

The Fairfax County Virginia school system won’t accept books about overcoming homosexuality because it will make gays and lesbians “feel inferior.”

Do you think those who hyperventilated over Sarah Palin asking about book restrictions will get equally upset with this decision?  Censorship! Censorship! 

Don’t hold your breath.

Busting the myth about who believe the earth was flat

15 thoughts on “Weekly roundup”

  1. Wow…I just checked out the link for that movie and felt my blood pressure go up a few points. What’s unfortunate is that relatively few Christians have studied enough apologetics to effectively refute Maher’s wildly inaccurate claims. They couldn’t cite a biblical reference for the virgin birth?? The Holy Land “jesus” actor gives a modulist explanation of the Trinity? The examples given in the essay say as much (if not more) about the state of the Church than about the mocking of beligerant skeptics – we can expect the latter.

    Unfortunately, the rest of the roundup doesn’t surprise me either. Thanks for posting it – it needs to be told.


  2. Sad to here about Intuit. They used to have the best customer service in the country. Years ago, I called their support to help with a VERY old release of the product. After a while on the phone, they sent me fixes and patches, even though the “current” release was much newer. They believed in support for life.

    Sounds like they’ve changed…. and not for the better.


  3. Well, I am a Christian, and I intend to vote for Barack Obama (I see him no less or more Christian than Palin and McCain) and I actually have met Jeremiah Wright, though I don’t agree with his delivery, what exactly did he say that people find so ‘racist” and “un Amaerican”?

    Just asking…


  4. I have just found Sarah Palin in a nutshell:

    Nuts. That’s the thing with Palin. There just isn’t any real way to rationalise her — or to think well of the people who might, or even to quite comprehend the people who might. The fact of her sudden existence is crazy. If the rise of George Bush toyed with good sense, Palin stomps it. She’s beyond logic. She may be as bizarre and loopy a political development as any in our time. It’s all the more bizarre for the fact that vast numbers of people get the joke — it’s there in primetime. Palin is the national joke. She can’t be taken seriously — and she isn’t. She defines the purest, most stubborn, most brazen, knuckledheadness in America. And even more infuriatingly, it’s an empowering knuckledheadness (which is exactly the problem with knuckleheadedness).”


  5. Marcus, my only comment here on Sarah Palin was about the totally overblown library thing. Are you trolling? Palin rocks. She has accomplished real, live things in life, unlike Obama or Biden. And she has the right ideas.

    “I see him no less or more Christian than Palin and McCain”

    DJBA, I don’t think Obama is a closet Muslim as some accuse him of being. But I don’t think he is a Christain either. Any “Christian” who follows Wright, is as radically pro-abortion as Obama and who denies Jesus is the only way to salvation as Obama does is either grossly ignorant or a fake.


  6. Neil said: “And she has the right ideas. ”

    Yes, right-wing

    “grossly ignorant” of the world are people like Sarah Palin, who believes in witchcraft and foloows her own kinky kind of priest.

    Problem with the USA is that too many people bring religious topics into politics, where they are a hinderance to finding appropriate, i. e. real world, solutions.

    And we should all be afraid of people like general Boykin, who also has a greatly distorted view of reality. He seems to believe that the Christian God has a hand in poltical affairs:

    “On at least one occasion, in Sandy, Ore., in June, Boykin said of President Bush: “He’s in the White House because God put him there.””

    To my mind people that have such views are extremely dangerous when they hold influential public offices and I would feel much safer if they were removed immediately.

    Sarah Palin with her worldview is of the same making. Should McCain get elected and she ever take over office from him, she would be in peril of becoming the world’s most dangerous person.

    It gives me the creeps to think how close this came. Just think: nuclear weapons in the hands of such a nutter!


  7. @Neil and Marshal:

    I wrote:

    “I see him no less or more Christian than Palin and McCain”

    Neil replied:

    “DJBA, I don’t think Obama is a closet Muslim as some accuse him of being. But I don’t think he is a Christain either. Any “Christian” who follows Wright, is as radically pro-abortion as Obama and who denies Jesus is the only way to salvation as Obama does is either grossly ignorant or a fake.”

    Well, any Christian who doesn’t show the fruit of the spirit is either grossly ignorant or a fake, I see McCain or Palin (especially Palin) as no less or more Christian than Barack Obama by that criteria alone.

    And I am sorry, but I know many members of Trinity United Church of Christ, and many are Christians in word as much in deed. Honsetly, I have strong theological and sociological disagreements with Rev. Wright, BUT, Again, what did Wright say that excludes the members of his Church as being Christian or “Un American”


  8. “Sarah Palin, who believes in witchcraft ”

    Huh? I’ve heard a lot of off the wall Palin accusations, but that is a new one. Very creative, though.

    “she would be in peril of becoming the world’s most dangerous person.”

    Yes, she has the audacity to think that we shouldn’t crush and dismember innocent human beings just because they are unwanted. She is such a monster!

    “too many people bring religious topics into politics, where they are a hinderance to finding appropriate, i. e. real world, solutions.”

    I find that to be an overstatement. And even so, it begs the question. God is real, and it is his universe, so considering how He put it together and tells us to run it are quite relevant to forming one’s worldview.


  9. Palin witchcraft:

    Surely, you must be familiar with this video clip from YouTube:

    There is no denying that she falls for such nonsense, or is she just deceiving people again?

    Neil said: “God is real, and it is his universe, so considering how He put it together and tells us to run it are quite relevant to forming one’s worldview.”

    Your are aware that people differ greatly on this question?

    What makes you think that you of all people are among the few who get it right?

    Your refusal to accept testable evidence (geology, evolution, astronomy) about the real world make it very unlikely that your worldview is of any relevance.

    Fact is, God does NOT tell us how to run the universe – that is our own responsibility – but a lot of people claim to know nevertheless.


  10. “Surely, you must be familiar with this video clip from YouTube:”

    1. Actually, YouTube has a couple dozen videos and I haven’t watched them all.

    2. I watched the video and there is nothing about witchcraft.

    “Your refusal to accept testable evidence (geology, evolution, astronomy) about the real world make it very unlikely that your worldview is of any relevance.”

    Now you are just making things up. One of the most powerful proofs of God is the teleological argument, and scientific discoveries are foundational to that. I love science. The ancients had better excuses to pretend God didn’t exist and that abortion was just removing a “blob of tissue,” but deep down they knew better. Today we have the science showing the exquisite and spectacularly design of God’s universe and we know that life begins at conception (see your secular embryology textbooks for proof).

    Kindly keep any future comments on topic and don’t come in with straw man arguments about what you think I believe. It is not a good use of your time or mine.

    P.S. Your comments were amusing in what they didn’t address as well: Palin’s pro-life views. That is the reason some people simply hate her. When feminists trash her and say she isn’t even a woman, it isn’t because she thinks it is OK to drill for oil in Alaska. It is because she thinks we should not murder the unborn.



  11. Neil said: “I watched the video and there is nothing about witchcraft.”

    Then you did not listen, it cannot be missed. At 1 minute 47 seconds the owrd is clearly audible.

    For your convenience here is the complete transcript of the clip:

    Thank you, Jesus. Let’s all pray. Let’s pray for Sarah. Hallelujah! Come on, hold your hands up and raise them. Hold them and raise them up here! Come on, talk to God about this woman! Come on, talk to God about this woman we declare favor from today. We say favor, favor, favor! We say praise my God! We say grace to be rained upon her in the name of Jesus. My God, you make your judgement, you make room. You make ways in the desert, and I’m asking you today, we are asking you as the body of Christ in this valley, make a way for Sarah, even in the political arena]. Make her way my God. Bring finances her way, even in the campaign in the name of Jesus, and above all give her the personnel, give her men and women that will back her up in the name of Jesus. We want righteousness in this state. We want righteousness in this nation. Because you say [inaudible] in the name of Jesus. Our Father, use her to turn this nation the other way around. Use her to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children and the hearts of the children to the fathers so that the curse that has been there long can be broken. In the name of Jesus. Father, we thank you today. We come in the hindrance of the enemy, standing in her way to there. In the name of Jesus, in the name of Jesus! Every form of witchcraft, it will be rebuked in the name of Jesus. Father, make her way now. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

    I will not comment on the teleological argument because you are way behind modern philosophy in this matter., although it has never really convinced diligent thinkers at any time.


  12. Thanks, I heard it that time. Here’s the misunderstanding. When you said Sarah Palin “believes in witchcraft,” I thought you were implying that Palin endorsed witchcraft.

    You are making a couple errors in your analysis of the video, either of which negates your argument.

    The first is that even if what the man said was wrong, he said it and not Palin.

    Second, there is nothing wrong with noting the existence of witchcraft.

    “I will not comment on the teleological argument because you are way behind modern philosophy in this matter., although it has never really convinced diligent thinkers at any time.”

    I’m behind? Indeed. Do a little research and find how many prominent atheists concede the problem of fine tuning. Nice attempt at a dodge, though. I can imagine how you would immediately change your views if I said something equally profound such as, “The notions of the universe coming into existestence from nothing, life coming from non-life and evolving to every species we see today has never really convinced diligent thinkers at any time. Therefore, I won’t comment on your views.”

    Would that lead to effective dialogue? Doubtful. So please feel free to start over on another post, provided you are willing to engage in a reasoned, on topic dialogue.


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