Weekly roundup

The “fat gene” is not an excuse – it turns out that exercise can overcome it.  Leave it to the Amish to prove it.

Forget the national polls, you want to check out the electoral vote status – this has shifted back and forth between McCain and Obama depending on the close states.

Yes, Barack Obama does support sex-ed for kindergarteners.  Here’s a video of him defending it, folks, and some documentation of his lies about it just being to warn them of predators. 

AIDS: The statistics don’t lie – read it all

Are we saying that no one but gay men get HIV? No, not at all. But in the face of sustained lies that AIDS is “an equal opportunity disease”, statistics show that’s a half truth at best and manipulation at worst

“The male-to-male sexual contact transmission category represented 72 percent of new infections among males, including 81 percent of new infections among whites, 63 percent among blacks, and 72 percent among Hispanics,” the report said.

Billions of dollars have been dumped into bottomless hole of ”research” and “safe sex” messages, but that hasn’t and won’t stop it. You can’t stop it with condoms or cute “prevention” messages.

Camille Paglia on the frontier feminist – a surprising look at Palin and a critique of the judgmental intolerance and dogma of current liberalism by the libertarian social critic, feminist, atheist and Barack Obama supporter, Camille Paglia. 

6 thoughts on “Weekly roundup”

  1. The male-to-male sexual contact transmission category represented 72 percent of new infections among males…

    I thought it was Reagan’s fault? Isn’t that all we heard during the 80’s and 90’s? That somehow Ronald Reagan was responsible for cooking up the virus and infecting gay men.

    Er, something……


  2. You do realize that more gay men die from cancer and heart disease than AIDS?

    “Billions of dollars have been dumped into bottomless hole of ”research” and “safe sex” messages, but that hasn’t and won’t stop it.”

    Huh? The death rate for HIV has gone down more than 90% since the mid 1990s due to advances in pharmaceutical research.


  3. I had not seen that Obama support sex-ed for kindergarteners video, and I’m pretty up to speed on him, so thanks.

    I’m guessing you all probably know about Obama’s support for letting fully born babies die outside the womb (not partial birth abortion, but fully born babies), but maybe you didn’t hear that Obama came out w/an ad attacking such a now grown survivor who exposed Obama on this. Anyway, over at YouTube, even the Obama supporters are refusing to believe this, that’s how unconscionable it is, yet by voting against calling these fully born creatures “persons” who thus qualify for “protection,” he did support infanticide. So far I haven’t heard McCain’s people say anything about this, seems pretty huge to me. Here’s the lates ad where Obama calls the young lady’s truthful ad despicable lies, but it was all true. Read the comment thread, no one can believe Obama actually supported this, but he did.


  4. Neil, if Obama wins the election, his administration will be one of floccinaucinihilipilification.

    LOL! Let’s all watch Geoffrey run to his dictionary to find the meaning of that word!


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