Matthew Vines, “Christian” Left wolf

Matthew Vines is just another wolf who appeals to low-information people who deeply desire to conform to the world and who know little about the Bible. He and his movement try to infiltrate and/or bully real churches. Please share this free booklet by Al Mohler with anyone spouting his nonsense.  It is thorough yet easy to follow.  Samples:
When he begins his book, Vines argues that experience should not drive our interpretation of the Bible. But it is his experience of what he calls a gay sexual orientation that drives every word of this book. It is this experiential issue that drives him to relativize text after text and to argue that the Bible really doesn’t speak directly to his sexual identity at all, since the inspired human authors of Scripture were ignorant of the modern gay experience. Of what else were they ignorant? Vines
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But we have to give Vines credit for seeing this wedge issue better than most egalitarians have seen it. He knows 21 R. ALBERT MOHLER JR. that the denial of gender complementarity is a huge step toward denying sexual complementarity. The evangelicals who have committed themselves to an egalitarian understanding of gender roles as revealed in the Bible are those who are most vulnerable to his argument. In effect, they must resist his argument more by force of will than by force of logic.
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Finally, the actual language of Romans 1, specifically dealing with male same-sex desire, speaks of “men consumed with passion for one another” (Romans 1:27). This directly contradicts Vines’s claim that only oppressive, pederastic or socially mixed same-sex acts are condemned. Paul describes men consumed with passion for one another — not merely the abuse of the powerless by the powerful. In other words, in Romans 1:26-27 Paul condemns same-sex acts by both men and women, and he condemns the sexual desires described as unnatural passions as well.
Vines personally responded to comments I made on a Facebook post about an article he posted. As he requested, I specifically dealt with what he wrote in that piece. But he had no responses other than, “Have you read my book? It doesn’t sound like it.”
My response to him: Hi Matthew, I read your link and responded to it, quoting you directly. That is amusing that your only response was to plug your book and pretend that you gave a legitimate response to my point-by-point refutation of your link. I read plenty of “Christian” Left heresies online for free, thanks, so I don’t plan on paying for it.Thanks for the concession speech :-).
As a bonus, one of Vines’ self-proclaimed Christian supporters insisted that Jesus had gay sex with the apostle John. She also just married an atheist. And so on. This is the “Christian” Left.
Do not be taken in by these lies.

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