Abortionists lie to advance their cause? Yes, really.

NARAL (National Abortion Rights Action League) is beloved by the “Christian” Left and hates Crisis Pregnancy Centers.  Not surprisingly, people who kill unwanted children for a living do not mind lying to advance their cause.  Via Debunking NARAL’s lies about crisis pregnancy centers: Part 1 | Live Action News.  Read it all, and remember that the “Christian” Left explicitly supports abortions up to the child’s first breath*.

While most pro-aborts hate crisis pregnancy centers for giving women an alternative path and demonstrating the culture of life’s true spirit (plus putting a dent in Big Choice’s bottom line), the National Abortion Rights Action League’s CPC derangement syndrome is in a class by itself. In their ongoing smear campaign against CPCs, NARAL has stooped to censorship, fraudulent Yelp reviews, and cheap knock-offs of Live Action’s abortion industry exposés that purport to catch CPCs in similar acts of deceit.

Their latest effort: a nationwide report entitled, creatively enough, “Crisis Pregnancy Centers Lie: The Insidious Threat to Reproductive Freedom.” Is the three-thousandth time the charm?

Sin : CPCs are “cagey and deceitful” about their aims even as “their umbrella organizations are quite clear about their ideological agenda.”

Citing quotes from various pro-life sites and CPC networks openly stating their desire to end abortion, the report complains:

The alarming fact remains that women who go to CPCs have no way of knowing that what looks like a typical women’s clinic is in fact operated by anti-choice ideologues intent on convincing them not to choose abortion (or use contraception) through deceit and coercion.

These fake clinics do not willingly disclose their true nature to their “clients,” and it’s not hard to see why: If women knew that CPCs existed only to scare them out of considering their full range of reproductive health-care options, particularly abortion, they would avoid them entirely.

How considerate of NARAL to open with a succinct demonstration of the bias through which their findings will be filtered. To them, opposing abortion makes CPCs inherently untrustworthy—as if championing abortion isn’t ideological (to say nothing of the abortion industry’s profit motive). This is a classic expression of the arrogant liberal notion that they alone embody a clear-eyed devotion to the common good while everyone else is driven by prejudice and self-interest.

As for the idea that CPCs hide their views, NARAL claims:

Seventy-five percent of CPCs surveyed in New York City do not identify themselves as anti-abortion on their websites. While 37.5% explicitly state they do not refer women for abortion services, they still claim to be unbiased and provide accurate information. In California, 69% of the CPCs investigated advertise their counseling as unbiased.

You may have noticed that 75 plus 37.5 does not equal 100, which means that “do not identify themselves as anti-abortion” refers to something other than misrepresenting their services. Turns out that it only means 25% of the NY locations use the label “pro-life” on their websites. Because apparently women can’t be trusted to figure out that a website talking about alternatives to abortion and helping them with parenthood or adoption probably isn’t wild about the practice. (Oddly, NARAL doesn’t call out Planned Parenthood for pretending to be neutral “healthcare” providers One guess what word doesn’t appear on PP’s “Who We Are” page.)

To see how widespread this really is, let’s do a little experiment. Google “crisis pregnancy centers,” and share what you find in the comments. If this is such a prevalent tactic, surely examples will be abundant. Your results will vary depending on location, but here’s the first handful of centers that showed up for me:

Capitol Hill Pregnancy Center, Metro Women’s Care, The Pregnancy Centers of Central Virginia, Pregnancy Support Center of Southside Virginia, Mosaic Virginia, and Nova Pregnancy Help Centers all explicitly state that they neither provide nor refer for abortion. Assist Pregnancy Center and Crisis Pregnancy Center of Tidewater state up front that they “exis[t] to promote life through Christ to those vulnerable to abortion,” and support “Life for her precious pre-born child and life for her.”

At Blue Ridge Women’s Center, the fact that they offer parenting classes but their only abortion-related service is post-abortive healing consultations should be a tip-off. If not, they clarify that “our medical clinic neither provides nor refers for abortion.” And Bedford Pregnancy Center gives a straightforward list of services. Abortion isn’t there, and the Bible studies, teen abstinence education, and post-abortion healing support that are make clear why.

None of these organizations are trying to give the impression that they offer abortions. Further, the idea that abortion is such a routine staple of comprehensive care that the average person should expect it is another manifestation of NARAL substituting their bias for real medicine. The truth is that only 0.2% of physicians in the entire country are willing to provide abortions, making it anything but normal.

*”According to the bible, a fetus is not a living person with a soul until after drawing its first breath.”


20 thoughts on “Abortionists lie to advance their cause? Yes, really.”

  1. Hi. It’s Mark, from the Patheos comments. I’ve been doing some additional study, and have learned that up until 20 – 24 weeks, the brain of a developing fetus is functioning at the same level as that of a person whom medical science would consider “brain dead.” You put out a pot load of information in Mark Sandlin’s “least of these” blog about science supporting a fertilized egg = a human life, but I don’t find that to be the case.

    One could argue that human life begins with the man’s ejaculation, if the woman is at the right time to receive and process it. Biblically, that’s what got Onan into trouble – he refused to implant his “seed” into his brother’s wife’s planter box.


    1. Hi Mark — thanks for visiting and commenting.

      have learned that up until 20 – 24 weeks, the brain of a developing fetus is functioning at the same level as that of a person whom medical science would consider “brain dead.” You put out a pot load of information in Mark Sandlin’s “least of these” blog about science supporting a fertilized egg = a human life, but I don’t find that to be the case.

      I don’t follow that reasoning. Yes, I provided a “pot load” of information from mainstream embryology textbooks completely supporting my contention that a new human being is created at fertilization. For new readers, see http://www.abort73.com/abortion/medical_testimony/

      I find your observation about human development (i.e., we don’t get a fully developed 8 lb., 6 oz. baby at fertilization) to be unremarkable and not impactful to the question of whether abortion kills a living human being. Your problem is where you confuse the development of a human being with the question of whether it is, in fact, a human being.

      If you kill a baby you aren’t killing a toddler, but you are killing a human being. In the same way, if you kill a fetus, you aren’t killing a toddler, but you are still killing a human being. And that is morally wrong.

      One could argue that human life begins with the man’s ejaculation, if the woman is at the right time to receive and process it.

      One can make all kinds of arguments, of course. The question is whether they are sound. A man’s ejaculation does not create a new human being by itself, so that is not where a new human life begins. At least that’s what all those pesky science textbooks say ;-). I’m too pro-science to be pro-choice.

      Biblically, that’s what got Onan into trouble – he refused to implant his “seed” into his brother’s wife’s planter box.

      Yes, there was a unique story about Onan, who was in Jesus’ line. Not sure of the relevance. You don’t believe the Bible is the word of God, and even if you did, that argument would be more supportive of my argument (abortion is wrong) than your argument.

      All the best, and hope you come back!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I should have included that your information from the modern teaching texts nowhere claimed that the embryo is the same as a human life. They all talk about the “beginning of human development”, “the beginning of a new human,” etc. I would argue that “the beginning” is not the same as “a human being.”

        One way medical science looks to make this distinction is in brain activity. Until somewhere after about 20 weeks gestation, there is no brainwave activity in the developing fetus. Fetal brain activity is consistent with the brain activity of an adult whom doctors would consider “brain dead” and would recommend removing life support from.

        Finally, you’ve accused me of twisting the meaning of bible scripture to suit my beliefs. I submit that everyone interprets the Bible, and that is why there are 30,000 Christian denominations. It looks to me like you use science when it supports your beliefs on abortion, and dismiss it when others – like the Supreme Court – use it to help determine the ethics on abortion.


      2. “I should have included that your information from the modern teaching texts nowhere claimed that the embryo is the same as a human life. They all talk about the “beginning of human development”, “the beginning of a new human,” etc. I would argue that “the beginning” is not the same as “a human being.””

        It is sad when you have to refer pro-aborts to the good folks at Dictionary.com for the definition of simple words like “being.” Human embryo ==> human fetus ==> human baby ==> human toddler ==> etc. Same human being at different stages of development.

        So she is a human being at the beginning, middle and end of her life.

        “One way medical science looks to make this distinction is in brain activity.”

        Yeah, because the end of life is exactly the same as the beginning /sarcasm. Oh, and using your reasoning, you and all the other pro-aborts would oppose abortions at that stage. Oddly, you don’t.

        Also, you are wrong about the 20 week mark. Oops, you killed too many children because of your error!

        “Fetal brain activity is consistent with the brain activity of an adult whom doctors would consider “brain dead” and would recommend removing life support from.”

        As uber-pro-lifer Bridget has pointed out before, “To legally remove someone from life support who is not conscious:

        – You need to demonstrate that you are acting in that person’s best interests, as they would so act if they were conscious

        – That there is little or no hope of recovery.”

        Abortion fails on both counts.

        And note the silliness of your argument: Your claim is that the unborn aren’t living human beings, but your justification on people outside of the womb concedes that they are living human beings. You want to remove LIFE support so you make them stop living. Did you catch that? “Life support” means you are “supporting” them to stay alive.

        “Finally, you’ve accused me of twisting the meaning of bible scripture to suit my beliefs. I submit that everyone interprets the Bible, and that is why there are 30,000 Christian denominations. It looks to me like you use science when it supports your beliefs on abortion, and dismiss it when others – like the Supreme Court – use it to help determine the ethics on abortion.”

        Yawn. We’ve addressed the # of denominations before. If you hold to the essentials you are a Christian. Most of those consider other denominations to be Christians, they just have different worship preferences that they adhere to as a matter of conscience.

        And consider this: you are a pro-abort, and other pro-aborts have slightly different views – but you are all still pro-aborts.


    2. The argument that Onan’s sin was ejaculating outside a woman is a Catholic idea that is not consistent with the rest of the Biblical text or an understanding of Bible times. Furthermore, this is one of the ideas that has put ammo in the hands of pro-choicers to claim that Christians think sperm are human beings and shouldn’t be “killed.” The idea seems to be to ridicule Christians and try to throw out life at conception arguments. It’s a very bad argument, but I hear it all the time – usually in the form of “But what about masturbation? Are you killing children if you do that? Or are there children on used tampons?”

      Onan’s sin was marrying a woman and then flat out refusing to provide for her. The problem wasn’t that he “spilled his seed on the ground,” but that he didn’t ever plan to get her pregnant at all. Onan only married Tamar, his dead brother’s wife, because it was his duty to provide an heir for his brother and a child to care for Tamar in her old age. Refusing to give her a child meant that Onan would inherit more (his brother would have no heir to get a share of the family inheritance), so he planned never to get her pregnant, even though that would mean Tamar would be left alone with no child one day.

      Given that the sin of Onan was serious enough to cause God to strike him dead, one would think it would be clearly spelled out elsewhere in Scripture. If the sin was putting sperm somewhere besides a woman’s vagina, there is no mention anywhere else in Scripture that this is forbidden. On the other hand, if the sin was refusing to provide a child to his wife and thus to fail to provide for her old age as well, there is other Scripture that is consistent with this. The Bible tells us that a man who fails to provide for his family is worse than an infidel (i.e. unbeliever). So, apparently, God does consider it a grave sin for a man to fail to provide for His family.

      This interpretation makes much more sense of the Bible as a whole, as well as the science involved in human reproduction in which sperm die naturally every day. Sperm die and are reabsorbed in the male reproductive tracts if they aren’t ejaculated. Sometimes sperm are released during nocturnal emissions (i.e. “wet dreams”), which is perfectly natural. Of the millions of sperm that are ejaculated at any one time, the vast majority never even reach the egg (assuming there is even an egg there), and of those who do, only one (at most) will actually fertilize it.

      Plus, we know from science that only after a sperm and egg fuse is there a separate human being. Sperm and eggs by themselves are just cells – no different than a skin cell or blood cell in that regard. They’re part of the body they came from, but broken off, as it were. And their death is not the death of a human individual.

      So the design of the human reproductive system doesn’t seem to indicate any principle that sperm are anything more than cells or that the death of a sperm cell is cause for alarm or that sperm must be conserved and only released during sex inside a woman. Neither does the Bible indicate any such thing.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Also notice that God gave Onan a several chances to do his duty, because the passage says: “whenever he lay with his brother’s wife” — i.e., he did it more than once. If it was just the one time and that was wrong, then God would have struck him down the first time, doncha think?


      2. Yes, indeed. The wording is vague in the King James and could mean either one time or many times (although I still think the phrase “and it came to pass” indicates some time going by). But most translations have wording that indicates an on-going trend.


      3. “Plus, we know from science that only after a sperm and egg fuse is there a separate human being. Sperm and eggs by themselves are just cells – no different than a skin cell or blood cell in that regard.”

        Actually, gametes only have half the normal number of chromosomes. 🙂 ever heard of a human with only 23 unpaired chromosomes?


      4. Bridget, you are wrong (maybe it isn’t only the Abortionists who are the liars). Planned Parenthood offers a wide variety of services, including (but not limited to): birth control, pregnancy counseling (stages of pregnancy, avoiding pregnancy, pre-pregnancy health) general health care (flu vaccines, physical exams, cholesterol testing, diabetes screenings, etc. You should learn more about PP before you make blanket and unfounded statements.


      5. Hopefully Bridget will have time to come by and address that, but I’ll state the obvious that she was referring to what PP offers to PREGNANT WOMEN. I think you’ll find that she knows a “little” about how the pro-aborts work.

        And you should learn more, too. In addition to those services, you forgot to mention that they aggressively and systematically hide sex criminals (rapists, sex traffickers) and so much more.

        Planned Parenthood kills babies for a living, they systematically hide rape, incest and sex trafficking, they encourage kids to have all sorts of out-of-wedlock sex and pretend that it can be done without risks, they would rather destroy a breast cancer charity than part ways amicably, they commit Medicaid fraud, they teach kids the joys of BDSM, and so much more. Their leaders and abortionists get rich off of death and misery, aided by your taxes. They use some of that money to fund propaganda telling women that if they aren’t willing to kill their children that they can’t be equal in value to men. https://1eternitymatters.wordpress.com/2011/04/08/planned-parenthood-overview/

        Liked by 1 person

      6. Mark, you lie.

        Please learn about PP before making inaccurate statements about their services.


      7. I received my information from Planned Parenthood’s national website: http://www.plannedparenthood.org/ The non-abortion services I mentioned are clearly listed on the website. I may be mistaken in assuming they are correctly communicating the services they offer, but I an not lying about it. Look it up.

        I also checked one of the local centers, to see if, indeed, they are providing services mentioned by the national office. Planned Parenthood’s Downtown Austin, TX Center provides the following services:

        Birth Control
        HIV Testing
        Men’s Health Care
        Morning-After Pill (Emergency Contraception)
        Pregnancy Testing & Services
        STD Testing, Treatment & Vaccines
        Women’s Health Care

        Because of current Texas law, the PP Downtown Austin Center, like ALL Planned Parenthood facilities in the state, are unable to provide the one service – abortion – which you claim is the only service they offer. Please refer to this link to see the services provided by PP in the state of Texas: http://www.plannedparenthood.org/health-center/TX


      8. Mark, how does any of that relate to the implied subject matter, i.e. what to do with a crisis pregnancy? Cholesterol screenings aren’t exactly a baby shower to help a woman have a child that she is otherwise unprepared to have.

        You implicitly conceded my point by refusing to point to A SINGLE SOLITARY SERVICE offered to pregnant women except for (a) abortion or (b) “counseling” on foetal development.

        And I don’t know if you know this, but there are a lot of Planned Parenthood clinics outside of Texas, and they are the biggest abortion provider in the nation.

        Nice try. Please play again, bringing logic and facts, and leaving the “cholesterol screening” crap at home.


      9. You stated, “Planned Parenthood only offers abortion services.” You didn’t state “in conjunction with pregnancy,” so I stand by my response. However, their national cite states “If you are pregnant, you have three options to think about — abortion, adoption, and parenting.” and “Family planning clinics, like your local Planned Parenthood health center, have specially trained staff who can talk with you about all of your options.” So even when we are talking about pregnancy, I still maintain it is you who are mistaken.


      10. Planned Parenthood really on offers one choice – abortion.

        Don’t let the ant-life activists fool you. Abortion is a lucrative business, not a compassionate service. In 2012 America’s abortion giant Planned Parenthood raked in $542 million of your hard-earned taxpayer dollars. With your money they performed 327,000 abortions. The Susan B. Anthony List, a national pro-life organization, published an analysis of Planned Parenthood’s annual report, which revealed abortion accounted for 93 percent of their supposed “family-planning” services. Meanwhile, adoption referrals accounted for only 0.6 percent of their total services.

        Chelsen Vicari, “Distortion: How the New Christian Left is Twisting the Gospel & Damaging the Faith, p.113 (2014)

        You might take a look at this article:



  2. Th fascinating thing us that NARAL never tells anyone that Planned Parenthood only offers abortion services. No parenting or adoption services; no discussions of how to haul the baby daddy into court for child support; just an abortion. No post abortion support services. Just abortion. Nothing but abortion.

    A woman who walks into Planned Parenthood will not be given scientifically accurate information on foetal development, information on how to parent her child, resources for new parents, or help applying for Medicaid. She will be given one “choice:” abortion.


    1. Outstanding points. The “baby daddy” one was particularly interesting. If they really had the best interest of the woman at heart you’d think that would be at the top of their list.


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