Bad news for Houston Mayor: Even Leftist false teachers say she’s wrong!

I was encouraged to see this by false teacher Chuck “Jesus is not the only way but He sure is a bigot” Currie: Houston, We Have A Religious Freedom Problem

@AnniseParker As a pro-#LGBT rights pastor, I see your actions as violating basic religious freedoms & playing into hands of LGBT opponents.

Stunning #Huston demanding copies of sermons. The political issue is irrelevant. Separation of church & state, folks.

That’s pretty bad for Mayor Parker when an extremist like Currie calls her out, but kudos to him for doing so.  What he doesn’t realize is that Parker et al can’t help themselves.  The blind men — and women — of Sodom will continue to grope for the door, so to speak, regardless of the circumstances.  It is their job description.  If they could get away with it they’d arrest us all right now.

Genesis 19:11 And they struck with blindness the men who were at the entrance of the house, both small and great, so that they wore themselves out groping for the door.

I loved this from Danny in comments section:

A few things:

  1. I’d be really bummed if I were a Houston pastor and she didn’t ask for MY sermon notes.
  2. There IS a problem with politics in the pulpit, it can be found in any leftist church on any Sunday morning as the Democrat talking points are preached religiously.
  3. This is a foretaste of what is sure to come. China has its state approved churches too.
  4. I don’t think the tax exempt status will ever go away. It is way too effective. Why un-muzzle the ox?
  5. Currie probably has enough sense to know that such shenanigans will wake up a sleeping giant. I’m sure he likes having his politics exemption and doesn’t want it messed with. He knows that it’s there for the conservatives and when the conservatives cast it off there will be no reason to extend it to him… cause everybody knows he’s gonna preach the talking points without fear of enforcement regardless.
  6. I can’t wait to see the name of the new Orwellian organization that will back this mayor… something like Texans for the Integrity of the Pulpit (TIP) or something like that. Dems will pile on… of course. We know integrity is a great concern of theirs.
  7. God laughs at their antics:

Ps 2:1-4 (slightly revised by me)
Why is this mayor of Houston devising a vain thing?
The magistrates of the earth take their stand, and the rulers take counsel together against the Lord and against His Anointed, saying, “Let us tear their fetters apart and cast away their cords from us!”

He who sits in the heavens laughs…

13 thoughts on “Bad news for Houston Mayor: Even Leftist false teachers say she’s wrong!”

  1. I wouldn’t say it was the job description, but basic fallen nature. Their depravity blinds them from seeing things normally. I’m glad to see people standing up against the Sodomites.


  2. I was wondering when you’d weigh in on the shenanigans going on in your city.

    I was wondering, though, about the 501(C)(3) question. Churches that operate under that tax exempt status (which includes nearly all of them) are, according to the IRS, “restricted in how much political and legislative (lobbying) activities they may conduct”. (If you were to research the origins of the tax-exemption-for-charitable-and-religious-organizations concept, you’d find it was started by LBJ for the express purpose of shutting up these organizations.) If churches agree to this regulation and then fail to abide by it, it could be classified as illegal.

    I think it’s nuts and I wonder about why churches agree to keep their mouths shut on important issues like this, but I’m not entirely sure we can argue that it’s religious persecution. (Note, also, that the mayor said she didn’t know and is backpedaling on it.)


    1. Yeah, she’s trying to talk it back now.

      It won’t be long until we don’t have tax exemptions.

      The worst part of these laws is that people actually think that the church shouldn’t talk about “political issues.” The Left uses that to their advantage by classifying almost everything they care about as political. But as Christians we should scoff at that – as if there is anything in the universe that isn’t under God’s domain and acceptable for us to discuss!


  3. A few things:

    I’d be really bummed if I were a Houston pastor and she didn’t ask for MY sermon notes.
    There IS a problem with politics in the pulpit, it can be found in any leftist church on any Sunday morning as the Democrat talking points are preached religiously.
    This is a foretaste of what is sure to come. China has its state approved churches too.
    I don’t think the tax exempt status will ever go away. It is way too effective. Why un-muzzle the ox?
    Currie probably has enough sense to know that such shenanigans will wake up a sleeping giant. I’m sure he likes having his politics exemption and doesn’t want it messed with. He knows that it’s there for the conservatives and when the conservatives cast it off there will be no reason to extend it to him… cause everybody knows he’s gonna preach the talking points without fear of enforcement regardless.
    I can’t wait to see the name of the new Orwellian organization that will back this mayor… something like Texans for the Integrity of the Pulpit (TIP) or something like that. Dems will pile on… of course. We know integrity is a great concern of theirs.
    God laughs at their antics:

    Ps 2:1-4 (slightly revised by me)
    Why is this mayor of Houston devising a vain thing?
    The magistrates of the earth take their stand, and the rulers take counsel together against the Lord and against His Anointed, saying, “Let us tear their fetters apart and cast away their cords from us!”

    He who sits in the heavens laughs…


    1. Well, it boils down to the following opposing viewpoints:

      “There can be a conflict between
      religious liberty and sexual liberty,
      but in almost all cases the
      sexual liberty should win…”
      Commissioner, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)

      “A time is coming when the government will
      demand that churches accept and promote
      an understanding of sexuality and gender
      that directly opposes God’s Word.”
      Lead Pastor at Skyline Church, La Mesa, CA

      The key words in Dr. Garlow’s statement are “government will demand.”

      When the leftist government entities side with the homosexual activist agenda, they allow “special” rights to trump Constitutionally protected genuine rights (given to us by God first) which are in our founding documents. No wonder the leftists hate our Constitution and continually ignore what is written in it and live their pathetic lives attempting to destroy it!


  4. Hi Neil – how have you been? Hope you and your family are well.

    A firestorm of protest has erupted because of this lesbian mayor’s obvious governmental abuse of power! Have you seen ADF’s new pamphlet that will help pastors and Christian business owners to avoid the lawsuits being pushed on them (and then decided against them) because the courts are pro-homosexual SPECIAL rights rather than for the rights guaranteed for freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and freedom of association by the U.S. Constitution? Wrote about it here:

    ADF: Protecting Your Ministry From Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Lawsuits


      1. You’re welcome! BTW, I think that you still have my former Talk Wisdom blog in your links sidebar. My Word press blog is the one that I use now, but I still refer to writings from the bl00ger one if applicable to my new posts.

        I switched over back in Dec. 2012 because g00gle changed the rules for blog admins that I could not agree with.


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