
ROUNDUP TIMEA handy feature of iOS 8 is that when you use voice recognition it shows the words as you speak them instead of waiting until you click “Done.”


Lay Aside the Weight of Irritability | Desiring God — Love is not irritable (1 Cor. 13) but I can be.  Great article on what to do about irritability.

Signs of Spiritual Awakening in Japan — This is encouraging.  I go there annually on business and it is extremely secular.

What are the historical arguments for the empty tomb story? — We have plenty of facts and logic to point to for our foundational belief that Jesus rose from the dead.

Stephen C. Meyer And Marcus lecture on the Cambrian explosion — Facts and logic you won’t get in public schools.

Demands grow to end secrecy – and robbery – at Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac — One more reason you don’t want or need Big Government.

This week a new coalition of public policy groups has pressed a key congressional committee to open up the books on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and put an end to secretive policies which they claim are essentially robbing private investors. And the way the two lending giants are currently being managed will likely come as a shock to those who haven’t been paying attention.

. . . The thumbnail version of this rather complicated story is fairly basic. After the financial collapse of 2007 – 2008, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were essentially collapsing under the weight of all those bad mortgages. They wound up being bailed out, but needed investments from the private sector to move forward. The investors were assured that once the two entities became profitable again they would see a return on investment in the form of part of the profits. Well, the two GSEs turned the corner in 2012, but the ROI for the investors isn’t happening. The original deal would have seen 10% of the profits going to Treasury with some portion of the rest being available to pay back investors. But the amendment to the conservatorship referenced above results in all of the profits being swept up by the government. This means that are no effective profits left on the table, so nothing goes to the investors who helped bail them out.

With ISIS arrests, Australians wishing they had guns — They have had a lot of negative consequences since the gun-grabbers won out.  ISIS can and probably will try the same in the U.S., but their consequences will be higher.  Yea for the 2nd Amendment!

LGBT movement working to mandate “gay history” in schools across America — And of course, no criticisms of LGBTQX people or behaviors are allowed. They won’t be hearing about Gays have 40+ times higher rates of Syphilis and HIV, partly because 62% of men who know they are HIV-positive have unprotected sex with men.  Meditate on that for a moment.

Whistleblower cop in Scott Walker accusations paying a heavy price — This is sad.  These Union Leftists hate Scott Walker so much that they will make all sorts of ethical violations and try to destroy a good man who exposed their evils.

A longtime Chisholm subordinate reveals for the first time in this article that the district attorney may have had personal motivations for his investigation. Chisholm told him and others that Chisholm’s wife, Colleen, a teacher’s union shop steward at St. Francis high school, a public school near Milwaukee, had been repeatedly moved to tears by Walker’s anti-union policies in 2011, according to the former staff prosecutor in Chisholm’s office. Chisholm said in the presence of the former prosecutor that his wife “frequently cried when discussing the topic of the union disbanding and the effect it would have on the people involved … She took it personally.”

The Bullies of Banned Books Week — Don’t believe the hype.  This is faux outrage designed to allow more filth in schools.

During the week of September 21 to 27 this year, the ALA (joined by obscene profiteers) will moan about the “freedom to read” while many libraries systematically purge collections of Christian and conservative material, deluding themselves that this is admirable and in no way hypocritical.

In reality, there’s no “banning” happening, in the sense of government removal of material from circulation. What does happen is that certain library or school material at the local level is sometimes openly questioned by parents. This infuriates liberals, who demand the right to quietly make decisions behind the scenes. They choose books/videos that predictably advocate abortion, any-faith-but-Christianity, homosexuality, anti-Americanism, evolution, neo-paganism, atheism, Marxism, and they reject others.

In other words, they practice censorship. But when a wise leftist does it in the privacy of her office, it’s called “choice.”

Savvy parents will question the underlying premise that there’s a huge problem in America with “book banning.” This non-problem is phony, phony, phony. “Parents, leave us alone!” is the real dilemma for librarians or curriculum committees in schools, who want to prescribe for other people’s children a “freedom to read” any kind of jaw-dropping bilge that exists.

Research Shows Zero-Calorie Sweeteners Can Raise Blood Sugar – WSJ

300 Articles You Have to Read to Understand What Is Meant by the Term “Homofascism” — Three. Hundred.  That’s a lot.  Keep that link.

Politics of man who sought to firebomb black congressman’s office won’t surprise you — He’s a Leftist, so nothing to see here, folks!  If he was a Conservative we’d be hearing about this 24×7 for years.

The Huffington Post, for example, crated a “Tea Party Violence” tag to link all the posts they expected would be categorized as such in 2011. They came up with a grand total of three posts, only one of which contained any accounts of violence – and it was an unrelated scuffle between two participants in the same tea party rally in Florida.

Compare this, as many have done, with the epidemic of violence which followed the outbreak of the Occupy Wall Street movement; nearly 7,000 arrested across the country; tens of millions of dollars in property damage, rampant sexual violence, theft and indecent exposure – all of which became a virtual way of life for the thousands who participated in those protests.

Where’s the “Occupy Violence” tag, Huffington Post? Only the Oakland branch of the protests merited such a tag, a group which organized the seizure of an entire shipyard. But so, too, did the police who responded to that anarchism.


marxPeople who think that Communism will work if we just try it again remind me of Homer and his barbecue’d pig.


This is great!


7 thoughts on “Roundup”

  1. You might notice I shared the stories on the Australians wishing they had their guns, and the need to abandon public schools or have your children indoctrinated in homofacism.

    Loved the Homer example compared to continued trying for Communism.

    And, yes, your last video was great!


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