When your opponents’ arguments are this bad . . .

. . . it actually gives you hope.

One Troubling Chart Shows How Many Times Politicians Regulated Men and Women’s Bodies in 2014 tries the typical emotional “anti-women” pro-abortion arguments, but they are worse than usual.

We’re only halfway through 2014, and state legislators have already introduced a whopping 468 restrictions intended to limit, control or otherwise regulate women’s reproductive rights.

How many comparable bills have been introduced to regulate men’s reproductive health care during this period? Zero.

Something’s very wrong with this picture.


The main thing that is wrong is that the baby-killing industry conflates birth control with killing innocent human beings.  Those are two very different things.

“Reproductive rights/health/etc.” are false, Orwellian terms.  They apply to birth control, not abortion, because abortion destroys a human being who has already been reproduced. That is a scientific fact confirmed by any mainstream embryology textbook and basic logic.  It is a deadly and evil phrase.  Yes, they have a right to reproduce, but no, they shouldn’t have the right to kill human beings who have already been reproduced.   Like most pro-abortion arguments, this post ignores the body killed during the procedure.

 The benefits of family planning are undeniably far-reaching

Abortion isn’t family planning, it is killing an existing member of the family.

Thousands of children are deprived of birth in this state every year because of the lack of state regulation over vasectomies.

I’m actually encouraged when pro-aborts use such horrible logic.  Vasectomies don’t kill human beings.

“Force men to see a sex therapist before getting a prescription for erectile dysfunction

That’s the best they’ve got?  As if mainstream people can’t see the difference between birth control vs. killing an existing human being.

Hat tip: Mike

3 thoughts on “When your opponents’ arguments are this bad . . .”

  1. “Force men to see a sex therapist before getting a prescription for erectile dysfunction”??? Really??? They’re comparing a man’s inability to procreate with a woman’s desire to kill someone already procreated? How about comparing it to a woman’s infertility, which is apples to apples?

    I heard an idiot call in to a radio show, trying to act intellectually superior and condescending toward supporters of the Hobby Lobby decision. He pretends that the right denies women birth control while defending a man’s right to have irresponsible sex via vasectomies,which he said is generally covered by health insurance plans, I didn’t understand how the hosts could have missed the obvious stupidity here, that the female counterpart to this procedure would be tubal litigation and not contraceptives. (For the record, I oppose insurance coverage for either of these procedures if they are elective and not needed to correct or prevent an actual medical problem.)


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