

When a brother or sister in the Lord passes away, there should be grief and rejoicing. They both have a place. We grieve for what is lost and rejoice at what is gained. That is a good Christian theology of Christian death.

Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus — Apologetics matter.  Note how the conversion began when a friend was able to handle some common yet simple objections about Christianity.

Nabeel chose to attend Old Dominion University in Norfolk, Virginia, simply because it was close to his home and he could continue to live with his parents. It was here that he met David Wood, a young man who was as passionate for Jesus as Qureshi was for Allah.
Qureshi’s maternal grandfather and great-grandfather had been Muslim missionaries and he saw himself in that light – as a missionary with the job of converting others to Islam. The logical place to start was with Wood. He began by asking why his new friend would believe what the New Testament said about Jesus given that it had been altered and re-written so many times.
Wood was ready for the challenge and explained why the Christian could rightly accept the reliability of Scripture. But he did one thing more. He challenged Qureshi to consider the Quran’s dubious history. Taught that it was a perfect book, dictated by God through the Archangel Gabriel to Muhammad and never changed at any point in history, Nabeel discovered that it had been altered time and time again, until finally someone decided to standardize one version of it and have the many other variations destroyed to bring unity to bickering Muslims (228).
Qureshi notes that his parents had always encouraged him to examine his beliefs, but that “examination” consisted only of learning how to defend them because it was an unchallengeable given that they were true (107). At school, he was taught to do the opposite, using reason to critically assess what he believed. While Islam dictated that he should never question authority, Western culture insisted that he should question everybody and everything to reach the truth. And that’s exactly what Wood was asking of him, too. Thus, the ball was set in motion, and Qureshi’s journey to Jesus began.

The VA scandal should be front page news until Obamacare is repealed, but it won’t happen.  It couldn’t be more obvious: Unions + socialized medicine = the VA debacle = Obamacare.

Huzzah: Minnesota legislature’s “unsession” repeals 1,200 nonsensical laws and red tape – This good news.  All government entities and even businesses should do this regularly.

Science illiteracy on the liberal left: PZ Myers and Amanda Marcotte can’t face the facts of life – If it weren’t literally a matter of life and death, it would be funny to watch allegedly pro-science pro-aborts deny basic scientific facts.

Bipartisan Corruption in the Texas Legislature the Media Mostly Ignores | RedState — This is the first I’ve heard of this.

It all began when Wallace Hall dared to do the unthinkable — his job. He began asking questions about enrollment practices in the University of Texas system. In particular, he wanted to know about the University of Texas law school. Within weeks of his investigation beginning, he had identified members of the Texas legislature applying pressure to the UT system for their friends and families’ benefit. Two weeks later those same legislators began impeachment proceedings against him. Now the legislators also want him carted off to jail for uncovering the corruption.

The Decision That Changed My Life: Keeping My Baby by Maya Angelou – I hope some pro-choicers hear about this.  (Yes, I know she was an extreme Leftist who supported Planned Parenthood.)

Love Porn? Then Don’t Watch This. Because This Guy Is About To Convince You To Delete Your Porn Stash – Even secular people can see the truth. Any consumption kills your soul, is addictive, encourages sex trafficking and more.

Epic: It Took Just 3 Minutes For Trey Gowdy To Shame An Entire Room Of Journalists Into Silence – Sweet. Hard not to like that guy.

Get ‘Em While They’re Young: ‘Gay’ Clubs for Kids in Middle Schools – These creepy perverts should be in jail for this.

My only objections to this meme are that he wasn’t necessarily sick, just a depraved sinner.  And he also used his car as a weapon.  No calls to ban cars or knives just yet, but of course the gun-grabbing ghouls latched onto this before the bodies were cold.  And while obviously not an excuse, it was interesting that the kid was so impacted by his parents’ divorce and his early exposure to porn.


25 Images Show That Climate ‘Changes’ – Whether or Not Man Does Anything About It – Here’s a bonus image.  Not as technical as those in the attachment, but just as true.


5 thoughts on “Roundup”

  1. RE Growdy Speech on his ending remarks. He’s not surprised by a lot, nor am I. But I am surprised that he was surprised about how many people bought it. But I’m not entirely sure that that many people did buy it, for to buy it one must first know and care. I’m convinced, after watching the average man-on-the-street interviews, that a sizable number of Americans neither know or care about what happened in Benghazi.


  2. Re: “Gay” clubs in middle schools. I have to admit that I am having a difficult time maintaining a Christian response to these types of stories and the people pushing these types of programs. I’m not feeling a whole lot of love for those who are so obsessed with their dysfunction that they demand the rest of us quietly go along. I’m feeling more like this is war. That they would be so determined to involve our young infuriates me to no end. They have no shame, no remorse and no guilt for their actions and intentions. They provide me with no reason to act respectfully toward them. They are sick bastards and they are eager to put our young at risk. They’ve crossed the line.


    1. Yep. I’m disappointed when Christians can’t see that. They are so consumed with not offending gays – whether for good reasons or bad – that they forget to protect the weak.


    2. We Christians have been so eager to refute the “God hates fags” crowd that we tend to overlook that fags hate God. That must be factored in how we respond to them.


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