Man, are they stupid. Here’s more proof.

Can you believe that anyone takes Sarah Palin or Michele Bachmann seriously?

Oops, I meant Obama and Biden.

The problem isn’t Obama, it is media bias.  Did you see those clips played endlessly on the news or on SNL?  This video should be required viewing to be able to vote.  It exposes the viciousness and bias of the Leftist mainstream media.  Don’t be suckers.  Broaden your media horizons and get informed.  Vote based on real experience, what kind of judges candidates would select, etc.  Don’t let the media put up strawmen about who is smart and who isn’t.

Hat tip: Hot Air

7 thoughts on “Man, are they stupid. Here’s more proof.”

  1. ” This video be required viewing to be able to vote.”

    I just gotta know … is that pirate speak? “Arrr! This video be required viewing.”


  2. I hope I am just a pessimist, but I think there are too many people out there who wouldn’t see anything wrong with Obama in this video.

    It is not like it was a big secret before the last election, too many people are either too lazy or too stupid to figure it out.

    I guess I could say the same thing about Christianity, too many people are either too lazy or too stupid to figure it out.


  3. What’s funny is after a minute and a half I got the point and didn’t want to sit through the whole thing. But I couldn’t help myself, I had to finish watching because it is just so distressing to know how much this President is protected by the people who are suposed to be giving us the straight scoop.

    It’s not like Obama’s gaffa are all that important, but rather, conservatives gaffs are blown so highly out of proportion. I mean, if Bush or Palin referred to the “57 states” they would be the punchline for 2 weeks and everyone would be calling for a resignation because they were so incompetant that they can’t be trusted in office.


  4. Poor Obama!! and to think he’s got 5 more years!!! Ms. Palin will do well in continue her bus tour! She’ll redefining marketing strategy.


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