
We need more of this.  A CAIR spokesman trying to embarrass Congressman Allen West’s statements about Islam gets schooled in what the Koran really says.

From Jill Stanek, more about the core evil of Planned Parenthood:

Live Action reveals Planned Parenthood’s 2005 cover-up of the rape of an 11-year-old girl who didn’t want her parents to know. The girl’s letter was posted as a “testimonial” to PP’s help in a time of need, but was removed due to negative publicity. LA has the archive and screen shot.

PP is so thoroughly depraved that they didn’t see anything wrong with posting this on their website.

Bad news for PP (emphasis added):

Some have asked, are there real cases of this happening as well? The answer is yes. This post highlights the first of many real cases that we will be highlighting on the coming days.

More evil from the “we just want to help children (who are outside the womb)” pro-abort crowd: Kansas abortionists failed to report 398 potential cases of child rape: Phill Kline trial.  Oh, and that is 398 out of 400.  PP & Co. are trying to destroy Phill Kline for daring to investigate them, but this may come back to bite them.

Left-wing media silent on Afghan Christian’s impending execution

A terrible drama is unfolding in Afghanistan: There are reports that Said Musa, whose situation I described at Christmas, will soon be executed for the ‘crime’ of choosing to become a Christian. (For background, see here.)

. . .

It’s instructive to consider the types of victims that the left wing-media covers. There were thousands of stories about Matthew Sheppard and Rodney King. But almost no stories at all about Said Musa. I wonder why that is?

Is the White House Helping to Orchestrate a National Union Uprising? You be the Judge

Last week, we learned that the Democrat National Committees’s Organizing for America has been orchestrating and mobilizing the protests going on in Wisconsin. This week,unions across the country are marching on state capitols to show their “solidarity.”

Today, we learn that top AFL-CIO boss Richard Trumka is visiting the White House two to three times per week and speaking with someone in the White House everyday.

Follow the Money: What the Wisconsin Education Association Isn’t Talking About – it isn’t just the union dues they are fighting to protect, but insurance fees as well.  These union monopolies need to go.

The Last Refuge Of The Progressives – Civility: Still a one-way street.

One of the first people who should take up sabbatical there would be Democrat Representative Michael Capuano from The Peoples Democracy of Massachusetts. He spoke in front of a group of striking workers in Wisconsin. These were the people carrying pictures claiming the new governor and Hitler were separated at birth. The same people carried signs showing Scott Walker’s head in the crosshairs. The same people carrying signs claiming that they were here to gang-bang Fox News anchors – the way Lara Logan got handled in Egypt. These are same workers who are making death threats against Ann Althouse for covering their activities in Madison, WI. Here’s the wit and wisdom that the Congressman had to offer.

“Every once and awhile you need to get out on the streets and get a little bloody when necessary.”

Remind Me Again Why We Need Domestic Oil Production? The Democrats are so short-sighted in caving to the Green movement.  There are many things we could have done years ago to have more domestic production now.  The next best time to drill more here would be today.

When gas prices spiked in 2005-2006 there were calls from around the country to “Drill Here, Drill Now.” Unfortunately when prices dropped so did the will of the American people to push Congress and their state politicians to follow through on the promises of domestic oil production. Luckily, one “benefit” of the recession was a drop in demand for oil and oil products around the world. The poor economy, and lack of demand around the world are really the only reasons we have been paying relatively consistent and fairly reasonable gas prices over the past couple of years.

Now, as we wind our way through the delicate beginnings of a very timid economic recovery we are again faced with rising crude oil prices – at one of the worst possible times. As China and the rest of the developing world continue to grow their economies the demand for oil will certainly increase. Europe seems to be recovering in some ways and many areas of South America never stopped growing. Any of these factors alone contribute to the demand for oil and increasing prices at the pump. Instead of just one reason for increasing prices we have multiple factors all contributing to what may cause another huge economic dip.

Now, two years into this administration, at a time when we were supposed to be generating green power, driving electric vehicles, and generally fulfilling the environmentalists’ dreams, we are stuck. We have wasted almost four years that could have been put toward developing our own domestic energy supplies. Not only did we fail to increase domestic oil production but due to Obama Administration policies – we have been refusing to issue drilling permits and shutting down existing production in other areas.


2 thoughts on “Roundup”

  1. Re: “the last refuge”

    The democrat party has become increasingly overtly Satanic. Evil makes peace only as long as those who surrender to it’s designs buy into its dogma that violence is no way to resist; the same dogma it abandons at the first hint of lost ground. Nothing will demonstrate this more than the day, should God ever grant it to us out of his undeserved mercy and grace, the outlaw of America’s Holocaust: abortion.


  2. Regarding domestic oil production:

    I received a trailer for a film called “Iranium” which is about Iran, I guess, and the oil cartels and how and when they raise or lower the cost of oil, or when they increase or decrease drilling.

    Anyway, one of the things the lady in the trailer was saying was that should we begin increasing domestic production, the cost of foreign oil will rise until we stop. I don’t know if it really works that way (I wouldn’t doubt it), but if so, so what? Let ’em. If the end result is that we supply ourselves with oil, it would be worth the short term hike at the pump, even if it went up to twice today’s prices. I’d really, really hate that, but I hate giving our money to foreigners with questionable affection for the USA.


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